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A Global Proclamation

from Doctors Around the World

 We got home from the Austrian Resilience tour late last night. Our luggage didn’t make it home with us (Thanks - Swiss Air). Hopefully, the suitcases will eventually find their way back to us, as they contain a lot of video recording equipment and our nice clothes.

The "Global Covid Summit goes Europe" / "Resilience on tour" shone a light on truth, facts, and emotion through music and humor. The event was mostly organized by Maria Hubmer-Mogg and it rocked. People had fun, got inspired, they took ideas and enthusiasm back to their own communities. The group has plans to do more of these great events - Spring 2023!

The whole idea was an empowering pre-Christmas Event with short motivating impulse speeches and a focus on music from musicians who deliver important information in their own special way.

A doctor’s proclamation was written that combined important data points with a big message of hope, freedom and love. This proclamation was live-streamed in many languages and these videos will be available soon. I cut a version with Brad of Five Times August at our rented apartment in Vienna; this is the video above.

Creating this proclamation was a collaborative project among many of the doctors who were at the event, which included myself and Jill.

A Global Proclamation from Doctors Around the World

We, the citizens of the world, loyal to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, have come together here in Austria to proclaim the following:

  1. That each human life is sacred, invaluable and should be both respected and honored 

  2. Our children are our most valuable treasure, and their childhood and future should be protected by providing safe haven, education, arts and other resources to guarantee they will flourish in any endeavor they may choose

  3. Our children are also our future, and must be cherished and protected.  They should not be used as battlefield objects for cultural warfare.

  4. We need to protect the most vulnerable in our society by supporting wellness and respecting human dignity.

  5. Public debate is profoundly important. It is unacceptable for public health professionals, officials or governments to censor, silence or intimidate the public, doctors, medical professionals or journalists. 

  6. Trust cannot be enforced. Public health recommendations should present facts as the basis for guidance, and never employ fear or shame to manipulate or force people. 

  7. Trust in public health must be earned not assumed.  Integrity and transparency are essential.

  8. Freedom of assembly and speech are fundamental human rights.  Disrespecting these rights is an affront to human dignity.

  9. Use of psychological operations and mandate strategies and tactics to coerce and compel acceptance of medical products and procedures is a fundamental breach of well-established medical ethics.

  10. Our bodies, our families, our choice. No medical mandates.

During this season of hope and renewal, we stand here in support of good will, family and  shared community.  We are all connected with these universal truths; the importance of human dignity, integrity, personal sovereignty, and the fundamental rights to assemble, speak freely, and to protect future generations.

This important declaration is only the start. All of medicine must be re-imagined.

While brainstorming ideas for the declaration, Jill and I, as well as others in our group had some important discussions around how public health has gone so very wrong. We came to some startling conclusions that just might surprise everyone. Stay tuned- these insights will be brought forth soon.

Below is my tribute video to the people - doctors, scientists, musicians, artists, organizers, volunteers, donors and activists who made this proclamation and Resilience tour possible. Thank you everyone - for being involved, for caring and for continuing this fight for our freedoms.

Finally, this tour is only the first! I don’t know where yet, but we will be doing more in 2023 - so get ready!


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Who is Robert Malone
Robert W Malone MD, MS