A quarter of Americans Say Someone They Know Died from COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects
and other related news
It has been a busy and productive week, with a lot of air travel.
As we have been driving back and forth to the airport, I have been listening to the audible version of K$h Patel’s book “Government Gangsters: The Deep State, the Truth, & the Battle for Our Democracy.” It is simultaneously one of the most damming and one of the best exposés of the deep state I have ever read or heard. His writing is compelling, logical and engrossing. So, I highly recommend!
“A brilliant roadmap highlighting every corrupt actor, to ultimately return our agencies and departments to work for the American People...we will use this blueprint to help us take back the White House and remove these Gangsters from all of Government!” (Donald J. Trump)
Jill and I are now sitting in the United Lounge in the San Diego Airport waiting for our flight. We are both frantically writing and working - trying to get our “chores” done before we board.
So, today I am going to share a few of the interesting stories and tidbits that have been brewing this week.
The big story that just came my way today is from Rasmussen reports. They report that polling released today shows that 24% say that they know someone who died from the COVID-19 vaccine.
"Nearly a quarter of Americans believe someone they know died from COVID-19 vaccine side effects, and even more say they might be willing to become plaintiffs in a class-action lawsuit against vaccine makers."
Strong stuff!
The article goes on:
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 24% of American Adults say they know someone personally who died from side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine. Sixty-nine percent (69%) don’t know anyone who died from being vaccinated against the virus. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Forty-two percent (42%) say that, if there was a major class-action lawsuit against pharmaceutical companies for vaccine side effects, they would be likely to join the lawsuit, including 24% who say it’s Very Likely they’d join such a lawsuit. Forty-seven percent (47%) aren’t likely to join a class-action lawsuit against vaccine makers, including 25% who say it’s Not At All Likely. Another 11% are not sure.
But here is another important fact that this poll highlights, beyond the absolute tragedy that we are witnessing.
There are almost no political differences on these questions. For example, 25% of Republicans say they know someone personally who died from side effects of COVID-19 vaccine, as do 24% of Democrats and those not affiliated with either major party.
People from all walks of life, from both sides of the aisle are waking up. The damage done to people from these vaccines can no longer be hidden and swept under the rug by government officials and scientists who garner funding through USG grants and contracts, with often repeated non-specific assurances of “safe and effective”.
What people are increasingly able to discern is also being documented by independent sources. This week, there was an article in a trade magazine for the life insurance industry called, Insurance Newsnet titled ‘Excess mortality’ continuing surge causes concerns”. The article cites industry and health authorities who are concerned about the excess mortality rates for 2022 and 2023, which rose during the initial COVID-19 wave, haven’t significantly diminished as COVID infection rates have declined.
Particularly worrying were statistics from the CDC that showed mortality rates are still rising. For example, younger adult mortality rates are up more than 20% in 2023.

It is clear that the general public is well aware of the unusual rate of excess mortality, as they have witnessed it in their daily lives. They can readily correlate date of vaccine uptake with adverse reactions and death of people who know. People aren’t stupid.
In other news, I got an email from Michael Kane, who is one of the plaintiffs in the NYC court case regarding the fired teachers, who are still fighting for reinstatement and backpay. He has a disappointing but not surprising update on the status of the case . Below is a quote from the update in the Defender in an article titled, “Fired Unvaccinated New York City Teachers Still Fighting for Reinstatement and Back Pay After Supreme Court Win”:
New York City appealed last month’s state Supreme Court ruling reinstating 10 teachers fired for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine on religious grounds. Despite confusion on social media, the appeal means the teachers have not returned to work or received back pay.
In a precedent-setting victory last month, a New York State Supreme Court judge ruled that 10 New York City school teachers fired for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine on religious grounds must be reinstated with back pay, benefits, seniority and attorney fees.
But the city immediately appealed the decision, so none of those teachers have returned to their jobs or received any payments.
“These workers absolutely did win reinstatement and back-pay,” Sujata Gibson, the teachers’ attorney told The Defender. “Unfortunately, in New York State courts, the government is entitled to an ‘automatic stay’ of any such relief pending resolution of the appeal.”…
Thousands of workers were subjected to the very same processes the judge ruled were “arbitrary and capricious,” and they could sue individually based on that precedent, if it is upheld by the appeals court, Gibson said.
Michael Kane, one of the plaintiffs and a member of Teachers For Choice, told The Defender that after filing the appeal, the city has six months to take the next step in the case — so even though they won with the last ruling, the fired teachers will have to continue to fight for their rights and the relief they are entitled to
As these stories highlight, we have to keep up the great work exposing the deep state’s lies and cover-ups in manipulating public opinion. As people reading this substack are on the frontlines in this battle, we all have to work to bring real data and developing news to people who might not otherwise know that there is alternative news available which is not “fringe” or radical.
This is why I urge all my readers to please share this substack with other people via forwarding the email or via a weblink on social media or email. As most of you know, the “Googlenet” censors my work, elevates articles that defame and seek to assassinate my character, and does not place my substack essays on their “front page". Therefore, I have to rely on you, my readers to get the word out.
Thank you.
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And then there is this, just in:
EXCLUSIVE: Some Scientists, Journals Pose 'Potential Threats to Vaccine Confidence': CDC
Scientists and journals that conduct and publish certain research pose a problem for the federal government's vaccination campaigns that should be addressed, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials wrote in newly reviewed emails.
Colin Bernatzky, a public health analyst with the CDC's Immunization Services Division, in one of the missives flagged a paper from scientists in the United States and several other countries that analyzed the effects of repeated COVID-19 vaccination.
Vladimir Uversky, a molecular medicine expert in Florida, and his co-authors noted that experiments have found multiple doses of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines lead to higher levels of antibodies called IgG4, making the immune system more susceptible.
CDC official who decried Epoch Times article on peer-reviewed paper admitted he did not know if research was 'legitimate.'
"COVID-19 epidemiological studies cited in our work plus the failure of HIV, Malaria, and Pertussis vaccines constitute irrefutable evidence demonstrating that an increase in IgG4 levels impairs immune responses," Alberto Rubio Casillas, one of the co-authors, told The Epoch Times.
The paper was published following peer-review by Vaccines.
Mr. Bernatzky took issue with the paper and The Epoch Times' coverage of it despite acknowledging he wasn't sure about its veracity.
"At the very least, it seems like there's some editorial recklessness going on, especially since the net result is that this research is being viewed as legitimate and is circulating widely. (And if the research is in fact legitimate, it should be on CDC's radar)," he wrote.
About a week later, on July 7, Mr. Bernatzky provided colleagues with more information on what he described as "potential threats to vaccine confidence posed by select scientific journals and publishers."
The paper from Mr. Uversky and Mr. Casillas "has been accumulating a massive amount of attention," Mr. Bernatzky said, with a high attention score that was "undoubtedly driven" mostly by The Epoch Times article.
"Unfortunately, the Uversky paper is part of a wider pattern of academic journals conferring legitimacy to anti-vaccine claims through their willingness to publish low-quality work (e.g., reviews with lots of conjecture rather than original research) as well as their apparant reluctance to issue retractions or disclaimers when these issues are called to their attention," he added.
The email was circulated widely within the CDC, according to other missives obtained by The Epoch Times, with officials focusing on the paper by Mr. Uversky and Mr. Casillas and its conclusions.
"Apparently it's gone viral," Sarah Meyer, another CDC official, said while sharing the email with a colleague. She said she also sent the concerns to the CDC's Coronavirus and Other Respiratory Viruses Division.
Karen Broder, the colleague, forwarded the email to Drs. Tom Shimabukuro and John Su, two top CDC vaccine safety officials.
None of the CDC officials, including Mr. Bernatzky, responded to inquiries. A CDC spokesman declined to comment.
Mr. Bernatzky has sociology degrees and has written that the "anti-vaccine movement is arguably one of the more concerning social movements to have surfaced during the first two decades of the current century." He has also alleged that support for former President Donald Trump is linked to "hate material."
The CDC regularly publishes and promotes papers that have not been peer-reviewed in its quasi-journal, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. In the full set of emails, which were obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, officials on multiple occasions used those papers to craft guidance to the public on COVID-19 vaccine safety.
In. other words, the CDC clearly believes that it should be the sole arbiter of what should or should not be published concerning the vaccine industry and vaccine-related science.
Dissenters will not be tolerated. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.
I am 100% confident that the two jabs I got, gave me HPV Cancer in my neck and throat. I have family history of cancer, but never this type of cancer. The timing was too perfect and it destroyed at least 1 year of my life. I am still in the healing process, after completing Chemo and Rad treatments ending in July23', lost 30 lbs and am still struggling consuming enough food to keep from "disappearing" into a bag of bones. I will never get a shot again, I only did because my wife, who is an OT, was forced by her employer to get the shot because she works with elderly and immuno-compromised patients. I did because we obviously are close and I did not want to give Covid to her. We both got it anyway.
We personally know 3 people who died not long after getting the Jab.
You two are amazing and I'm guessing sleep-deprived? Thank you for this and sharing widely. Each week, more people are "hearing" what they previously denied or ignored. Yet, they're learning it's at their own peril, and that of freedom. Such a huge word: FREEDOM!