The immediate goal should be to stop the vaccines. However, the "big picture" goal is to drain the swamp, to purge all of the corrupt, woke, radical and obtuse "leaders" who are leading our country over a cliff. Probably the only way this might happen is if, by some miracle, we actually had some kind of Nuremberg Tribunal that once and for all provided overwhelming evidence of the rotten leaders who are ruling our world. Of course, the last thing the Powers that Be want to happen is for such a tribunal to take place. Plus, our "rulers behind the curtain" have a lot of unfinished agendas, which they of course will not be able to implement if they are disgraced or even imprisoned. This is the subject I try to develop in my Substack article today.

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That's not going to be much help if another bioweapon is released on the world. Job one is taking out those people who are creating these lab monsters.

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Putin and Donald's military is taking care of that by cleansing the labs world wide.

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Stage left- enter Boston University.

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Stating that the SARS2-CoV19 was not a "lab leak" may well be disingenuous double-speak for covering up an intentional release.

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The preponderance of the evidence does support exactly what you say.

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If it was a bio weapon release, what would be the second step?

Create the solution, the binary toxin kill shot, as the cure all and solution. Create the problem, create the solution, profit.

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Those conspiracy theorists, don't listen to them, they are dangerous. Take these fauci meds instead, they are safe and effective ; )

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Was just reviewing more material a couple of days ago on the grim historical "safe and effective " AZT.... Yep....

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The website, https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ reports 6,583,273 deaths from Covid-19, more than the holocaust. We need the same kind of Nuremberg Trials for these mass murderers that we had for those that gave us the holocaust.

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I strongly suspect that number just based on the many reported cases of "death with" as opposed to "death from". Suspect US deaths only 10-20% of reported. But yes, there needs to be a tribunal investigating this frarce. But as I asked earlier, by whom exactly and chosen by whom

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Good question. In my opinion, calling for a tribunal at this point is more wish than call to action. The ruling elites have too much money, power, and control over the processes of democratic governance. The only thing they wouldn't have total control over would be a sudden rush of people into the streets, by the hundreds of thousands, all participating in sustained demonstrations of nonviolent civil disobedience, calling for the return of at least some semblance of representative democracy. Surely the 10% of us who are neither captured nor intimidated by the current mass formation should be enough to supply an initial "army" of front-line activists willing to withstand harsh government resistance (pepper spray, water cannons, jailing, etc) and still maintain a nonviolent stance. After all, it's becoming a matter of life and death.

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January 6 might serve as a response to your call for non violence. The dems have turned the d.c. jail into a gulag

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It seems to me that people will be jailed regardless of whether a rebellion is violent or nonviolent. One advantage of nonviolent is that some people who are hesitant to join the cause may actually do so if they see others peacefully risking their freedom to stand firm on basic rights.

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Yes! Exactly right. Could someone please get the ball rolling? Who will step up?

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There are about 5 parts viewable for free there and on rumble, for Jason SHurka's channel.

Whether you take it as Babylon 5 fiction or more serious, know this. THe situation is strategically too complicated to resolve using protests or even minor military action guerilla style. I and others have been working on the root problems with human nature for some time now. We finally saw the fruits after 2020, the mass great awakening.

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Thanks for the reference. I'm 76, retired, and too grounded in reality to go chasing after extraterrestrial help and supernatural abilities. Have a great day.

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That's what people said about my warnings in 2019, about the apocalypse and world ending.

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deletedOct 24, 2022·edited Oct 24, 2022
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Thus a legal and binding court order has begun to remedy how the deviant ones copy pages from previous scams for profits on humanity into COV 19 play.

My hope is the recipe/prescription that all is falling in place will reveal just that.

My recipe would include a large metal kettle, filled with room temp water, place the "I am the Science" frog gently within and set on stove to medium high.

Let us witness again the real Dr. Phony Tony Fauci lie his way out one more time.

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They lied about the AIDS virus on COD as cases indicating Death with vs Death from!

Tony is the best scam artist ever to roam the library halls of medical injustices.

Same old shit...different decades!

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When New Hampshire changed hospitalization reporting from hospitalized with Covid to hospitalized for Covid the numbers went down between 66%-75%. That should give you an approximation for the deaths data. But, since most of the deaths happened early on, there might not be that much of a difference.

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Didn't the gov't pay the hospitals a lot more money for a "Covid death"?

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Maybe. Had a cop tell me a traffic fatality he investigated was reported as a covid death. Point is the data has been so corrupted we can never know the real numbers--any of them

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I think the problem initially was there was no standard and there were a lot of deaths among the elderly due to it being novel. Plus pressure to call it Covid when it was multi-factorial. Deaths among the elderly are rarely from one cause and usually multi-organ failure.

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Even "death with" is related to the Scamdemic and these corrupt global leaders. This has been an attack on the world by China, worked out so superbly by the CCP, that our own government ended up paying for the attack, providing the viral components and the gain of function research; and the United States should be held responsible by the Global World for all the deaths and economic losses accrued. This military operation is not over and the second half, and the far more deadly part is yet to come, through the deaths the vaccines will cause. I am afraid justice will never be served in the courts. We are now officially a "third world nation" and therefore the rules have changed and the only justice we will see, will be at the hands of mercenaries hired to "do the job" just like we see in Venezuela, Columbia...

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Oct 24, 2022·edited Oct 24, 2022

Sigh. Come on people! How many times must we assure you that it was a naturally occurring yet novel strain, released via a wet market?

Pay no attention to the fact that the world's leading virology research is being done several blocks away with funding for GoF from the USA.

Pay no attention to the frantic efforts to redefine GoF to help cover Fauci's tracks and create kinder, gentler optics. Rand Paul is the enemy. Robert Malone is the enemy. Steve Kirsch is the enemy. Karen Kingston is the enemy. Pierre Kory is the enemy. Kelly Victory is the enemy. Peter McCullough is the enemy. Robert F. Kenndy Jr. is the enemy. Many of these people are on QuackWatch and that's all you need to know - insolent Plebs. Know thy place!

Pay no attention to the tell-tale evidence of splicing.

Pay no attention to the timing.

Pay no attention to the defectors that have confirmed it was not only a lab leak, but perhaps even an intentionally engineered bioweapon and not just the pursuit of knowledge.

These are ALL irrelevant distractions. Keep your eye on the ball. The alternative is near-extinction level mortality rates across all age brackets and risk profiles from a deadly virus. Your saviors would never harm you, never exaggerate, never conceal important facts or context, and never lie to you.

Obey - don't think. Five masks are better than one. Because science.

-- The Establishment®

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Very cute! And mostly true!!

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they love u so much. they would never lie to you.

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Follow the "Yellow Brick Road" .....repeat with vim and vigor in a colorful whimsey song!

(Albeit this version is a pipeline of mucho Green Fed Res Bank USD)

And for heavens sake...pay no attention to the men behind the Curtains!

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I want a front row seat and I’ll kick they chair out from under every single one of them!

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Deace listener?

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My latest Substack article is on the probability a Nuremberg-type tribunal will actually be convened to prosecute Covid "crimes against humanity." Alas, I quickly concluded the possibility this will happen is about zero (about the same probability as a healthy child drying from Covid). I hope I'm wrong on this prediction though.


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The first rule of manifestation is to believe. Without it, a goal cannot come into reality. The second rule is to discover. Probe. Learn. The third rule: make it happen at all costs. Failing isn’t an option. My god, our little colonists defeated the biggest military in the world. How? Passion for their cause.

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Oct 24, 2022·edited Oct 24, 2022

I would tend to agree with you. I've also seen a sea change that was unexpected in other areas. In chaos theory this is called a phase shift. Progress is sometimes linear, but sometimes not. I'm hoping for a phase shift in the direction of cleaning this mess up and people being held accountable.

I think people may be starting to wake up. Too many loved ones are still dying. I'm praying for the unexpected in a benign direction. Reality is starting to show through.

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You have many allies, like me and other secret societies.


You just never saw us except perhaps as crazy conspiRACISTS.

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and a different technique in fighting the professional army they faced

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I agree. Near zero probability.

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So what do you suggest then?

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Problem is who qualifies to serve and who picks who serves.

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Alas, there are many reasons such a "swamp-draining" tribunal will not take place. For starters, it would take real and brave political leaders to call for such a tribunal or even a major Congressional hearing. Do we really have any true enlightened leaders serving in Congress?

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unfortunately, not more than a few who are not beholden to the swamp.

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While it is not zero, one must understand that Operation Paperclip, Natostan, and CIA protected the 3rd Reich Nazis from Nuremburg prosecution. You have to get rid of these 3rd reich 4th reich nazis first.

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Much worse than that, so much manifested in last 30 months -- I can see why Snowden went to Russia. It may be a 1 party system, but, compared to our banker headed oligarchy, followed by goose-stepping big biz, big pharma, mainstream media as a mouthpiece, and politicians to make it seem legal, it may well be better.

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Russia is not what the West portrays it as. Snowden is sitting pretty. Those in DC gulag, not so much.


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You are totally correct! In fact, we would probably have a better description if we accepted the opposite of the west's description of Russia.

I used to be proud of America, but, revelations of victims of the many "wars" the US has been involved in, from LBJ instantly reversing JFK's direction in Vietnam, talking to both Viet vets and "boat people" who escaped "by the skin of their teeth", Chile, Angola, Iraq, etc. The subject is too big for this post.!

American ideals are good -- but a lot has to be done to reclaim them and make them operational.

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the 4th reich is the DS controlling USA

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Bigger than 4th Reich... those who create and change money, totally non-transparently worldwide, in league with biz, pharma, military, kept secret by mainstream media's total ignorance of what's important, kept legal by being in league with politicians...

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If there is to be a Nuremberg-type tribunal, it needs grass-roots action from substantial numbers of people. However, the powers that control this = have unlimited money and (therefore) power, unless that is changed. Think of the oligarchs who might be at the top of the totem pole that benefit from all this.

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The Nuremburg trial was horribly slow and tedious. Only the best and brightest must be called upon to apply great evidence as pressure. This time will be no different. Patience.

Justice is a snail. Not an Indy 500.

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I believe this was intentional (or the cover-up, suppression of truth, and propaganda were).

We need tribunals for:

1. Origins of virus and those responsible.

2. Suppression of early treatment.

3. Every aspect of the "vaccine," including mandates, passports, and damage.

4. Every collusion between government, big media, big tech.

5. Destruction of life, liberty, property, constitutional rights worldwide.


The destruction of humanity must not go without charges, trials, convictions, and the harshest of punishment.

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Many of those can be addressed through the US courts for US victims, and some cases are already in the courts, others being prepared. We need more attorneys willing to prosecute the cases, knowing that some states have threatened the licenses of attorneys who bring cases they don't like.

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Yes! This is what we need, and there is plenty of documentation supporting the lab-origin theory (no longer a hypothesis with this amount of evidence).

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It's time we clean house at the CDC. Time to have a 1,000,000 Americans who have been permanently harmed by the mRNA injections protest at the CDC in DC to stop this madness.


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You've linked to a private page so the error message says.

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Raise your hand if you said "YEP!" after reading this and wished there was a way to punch that heart button on the bottom until your fingers bled if it would draw attention to the thing that MUST be done.

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Fauci and his gang conduct themselves as though they are untouchable. Thanks to Dr Malone we have some insight into the regulatory capture and corruption that makes them untouchable. Don’t hold your breath waiting for justice.

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We give them permission to remain untouchable. There are more of us than them.

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It is a total sin that so much time, money and effort has been wasted, when it could have been used for the good of the world. It is absolutely disgusting that the dregs of humanity have perpetrted this scam on the world. I hope that people are waking up and will never permit something like this to ever happen again. ...and that those who have unleased this vile holocaust on the entire wrorld will get exactly what is coming to them.

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If all these efforts were just focused on normal, regular human pursuits, evolving organically, without a deep state or a breakaway civilization of rulers, imagine what a great world this could have been. Whatever it is they are planning for us won't work in the end, but too much destruction will have occurred on the way to certain failure.

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Amen Betsy , we must place ourselves in that picture.

Higher Thoughts become those things.

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Agreed! Give them a taste of their own medicne! There has to be a way that they can be harrassed! Your right...send the rats back into the sewers they live in.

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"A taste of their medicine" is often fatal, as we saw during Fauci's handling of AIDS and other medicinal events he orchestrated. I think the rule of law needs to be upheld.

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Katie, I meant activists should call these deviants pushing very harmful methodologies on human beings names like "murderer", when they go anywhere in public. Let them know how vile, we think they are! This is what people like them have done and far worse, to many good men and women who were dining out or simply out in public. The Law today seems to overlook the nasty behavior of people on the Left and others. At one time people that have done the things they have done...would be imprisoned! Today, as soon as, even murderers are booked, they are released! Tell me! Where is the Law upheld?

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Oct 25, 2022·edited Oct 25, 2022

Oh, I was agreeing with you. I was thinking that "a taste of medicine" is the poison that he gave to the AIDS patients and the vaccines/poison he manipulated into mandates, or the withholding of treatment till people died. A tribunal like Nuremburg would be the rule of law. I believe the murderers were executed. We used to call people "criminally insane" though now we use the sterilized term "psychopath."

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Are you aware of what is going on with the WEF and the UN? These organizations make their own laws...and are part of the Global Depopulation. The Law? Look at our Supreme Court...it has made a number of bad decisions. I am afraid that all the toxins in the food and environment have affected the ability of their minds to make good decisons. In my opinion the following is ulta important... the law of LOVE. Matthew 22:35-40...A lawyer asked this question? What is the most important commandment (law)? The answer was on Two Comandments hung ALL THE LAW... (1) Love the One who created you and (2) Love all other creations of the One who made you. If people lived by these TWO LAWS - we would not need all the hundreds of thousands of laws that are on the books.

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I would prefer confirmation of the existence of Covid done the old fashioned way--not involving any kind of computer sequencing. Dr. Sam Bailey and others have proposed a large traditional study questioning mainstream virologists' claims. Check out Settling the Virus Debate. https://drsambailey.com/resources/settling-the-virus-debate/

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Wow thank you for this information! Thank you Dr Malone and Dr Jill for your tireless work. Everyone send this to your state and US legislators. This needs to get out. Dr Malone what else can we do to help in this area? They needs to be held an accountable for these crimes!

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Thank you for explaining and rooting this Covid-mess to it's core. Last two paragraphs and questions - Just Wow. Evil is real, people love delusion and darkness following the stubbornness of their own evil hearts... may God protect us from the evil one and wake up and save more and more people, He is truly our only hope.

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Hi Dr. Malone - trying to get to the truth is trying indeed. I think it will take years and years as it usually does. We have to keep supporting those in the thick of it. That would be you and many others. The Democracy Fund, along with the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) and the Freedom Corp, request to have the CEO of the CBC testify.


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