Around the Farm - Emus, bush hogging, colts and kicks
Umph... Getting kicked hurts. Plus more hate from Business Insider.
The dog days of summer are starting to kick in. We are still getting some rain and terrible thunder storms are predicted for tonight. But the humidity and the heat have overtaken the garden and pastures. We can’t keep up with the mowing, bush hogging, weeding and the green that just seems to never stop growing. This year, we did our vegetables and herbs in pots only - using old stock tanks, mixed in with flowers in our nice pots and then the plastic pots that our fruit trees have come in over the years were planted with basil seeds. This has been a great success. Particularly for Max the emu, who has found that he has a taste for basil micro-greens. It is nice to know that someone appreciates all our efforts at organic gardening.

On our farm, some things go right and sometimes, somethings go sideways. We used to know an old draft horse farmer, who liked to say, “what happens in the barn, stays in the barn”. Which is why I probably shouldn’t write about when things go sideways - as they usually involve some stupid on my part. But there it is, things happen.
This morning we pulled out one of the colts, Skye -the one who was born on Christmas day- and his dam to take some video. He is about to be weaned and we need video of him, so that we can start to advertise him for sale.
For those that don’t remember, this was Skye when he was born. Here is what he looked like:

Back to getting good video. This involved me walking and trotting Maggie on the nice bermuda grass patch that I carefully tend for just such events, while the Skye colt runs behind. Jill then shoots video to upload onto our horse sales page (which is why we cannot post political stuff on youtube - we need to be able to sell horses and post horse videos). Somehow in all of this, mostly having to do with the fact that I don’t run as fast as I used to, Maggie throws out a little bucky-cow kick, as she is one excitable big girl. Her foot catches me in the thigh and down I go. Luckily, one huge bruise later - I am fine (mostly). But Jill ended up finishing the run, while I filmed.
Horses - I can’t seem to live without them, but man - can they ever do a body some damage!
Jill has already got the colt video up on various internet sites. So, without further ado, here is Skye seven months later.
On other news -
Twitter the emu has finally graduated to spending the day outdoors with Max. Although Max still thinks both her dead eye and her good eye look very shiny - he is leaving them alone. She is very much enjoying her time outside, although having to adjust to one eye on the side of the head is tough for an emu. Unlike us, with our two eyes in the front of our heads, emus don’t have depth perception with only one eye, and she literally doesn’t see one half of the world. When going fast, this can be a problem. She will walk around any thing she hasn’t seen yet multiple times, and seems to map out where all the yard items are. Given that it is a 50 acre farm, this could take a while…. Unlike Max, she is a bit more wary of us humans, as we have had to hold, medicate, carry and in her view, we have helped make her uncomfortable or in pain for most of her short life.
To recap: Twitter had her eye infected when she was a week old from other babies pecking at her. We cured that. Then Max pecked her same eye - and this time, the eye itself was damaged. It swelled up like a marble and ended up having to be deadened. This required Jill to spend a lot of time caring for her - encouraging to eat and drink, etc. Of course, this meant Max and Twitter could no longer live together.
At three weeks old, she was healing when all of the sudden she couldn’t hold her head up, would walk backwards and twist her neck under her belly. In the process, stepping all over her head and her still healing, dead eye. It was horrible to watch. The avian vet hadn’t seen anything like it. Finally, Jill found information on a facebook group. This condition is called “wry neck”, and is mostly likely caused by a vitamin B and maybe selenium deficiency. Next came trying to figure out dosing, as the vets didn’t have a clue. Jill did her magic, but at the risk of ODing, she titrated the vitamins carefully. Back to more intensive care. Lots of intensive care.
Jill literally had to pick up her head to get her to eat and drink for a month. Then slowly, slowly - she began to improve. Finally, Jill was able to stop feeding her and she could actually lower her head to eat - without curling up into a ball.
This is Twitter - when she was on the mend, and allowed to go outside for brief periods of time. Still clearly not right.
This is Twitter today.
Kind of a miracle.
The best part about the last two months has been the time staying home. Up until last week, we have been home continuously for two months. Heaven.
Completely off the topic - but here goes…
But last week, we hit the road again and were in Memphis.
Which brings me to the latest attack piece about me by Business Insider (which according to the bitcoin world, should be renamed Business Outsider, because they have very little to do with businesses).
I wrote here about all my troubles getting home from freedom Fest in Memphis last week, but I don’t think I shared the post I wrote on Twitter about the T-shirt that Maj Toure of Black Guns Matter gave me. On the shirt is the message, “Media - most effective devil in America.” Seems like a pretty straight-up message to me!
So, as things tend to go sideways - Business insider decided to weaponize my Twitter post. To use this twitter post against RFK, Jr. Yep, they actually wrote an article about it!
Too weird… you would think that there might be more important news stories in the world.
But maybe to some, smearing Robert F. Kennedy is the most important news story to get out into the world.
Why not?
Here is the photo in the Business Insider article:
A Twitter spokesperson, when asked to comment, auto-replied with a poop emoji. Kennedy's campaign did not respond to a request for comment.The tweets come from right-wing and anti-vaccine activists whose accounts have been penalized by other social media platforms. They include the anti-vaccine activist Del Bigtree, who previously sued YouTube and Facebook for suspending his accounts from their platforms; Dr. Robert Malone, who rose to prominence discrediting the COVID vaccine; and Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, who was suspended by a Houston hospital for spreading vaccine misinformation to her patients and online, including tweets promoting the use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19.
Bigtree and Malone did not respond to requests for comment.
BTW - I was not asked for a comment.
But to conclude, is the government or the DNC directing our USSR/CCP-Styled media to go after Robert Kennedy non-stop? What is the point? Who is directing these directed media attacks? Is it the CIA? Is it more of the HHS/NIH/CDC cabal? It is clearly coordinated, which kind of implies the CIA/FBI or the Five Eyes alliance could also be involved. Or is it just the pull of the DNC, acting on behalf of the Biden campaign?
Seems like another investigation by Congress is in order.
"...who was suspended by a (globalist) hospital for spreading vaccine misinformation to her patients and online, including tweets promoting the use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19", is a resume she can take anywhere in my world for a meal and a cup of coffee, and admiration/appreciation/love.
What greater honor than to be numbered among the brave?
Robert, what a beautiful colt. Her gait is fantastic. Much better than yours. Hope she brings a pretty penny. Don't think much of Business Insider either.