Nov 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Your tireless work is much appreciated, Dr. Malone.

Every time I walk past the Walmart pharmacy counter and see obviously unhealthy people lining up to get the latest jab or sitting in the waiting area after their jab, I wish I could distill your knowledge and warnings into a single brief phrase that could wake up those poor souls.

"Don't do it! It's poison!" is what I want to say, but that would just confuse them.

Alas, I can only pray. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

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I don't think there's much COVID jab uptake among Walmartians of my region. They might be selling flu or tetanus jabs. Health care agencies are still forcing the flu jabs on their employees, with November deadline, (though they don't seem to be very effective).

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Nov 11, 2023ยทedited Nov 11, 2023

I wouldn't be surprised if ALL jabs were tainted with MRNA venom tech these days.. Apparently they've even got it into Dental Anesthetic now, which is horrifying, especially since I need some dental work soon.

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So well said and my sentiments exactly! Tragic! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is hard stuff we are dealing with here. I am able to see no difference in what the Germans did under Hitler and what has happened to the world the last four years. I hold every administrator and every medical professional who chose to participate in murder fully responsible for their actions. In November of 2020 my 92 year old mother contracted COVID. We were still very afraid of the virus but had learned that early treatment was the key. The NP my mother saw sent her home with four vitamins and instructions to go to the emergency room when sick enough. We were able to obtain a Z-pack and we used that along with Budesonide and Tylenol. We avoided the emergency room, remdesivir and the ventilator. Mom will be 95 soon. The NP may as well have used a revolver and put a bullet in my mothers brain. Only our refusal to follow medical directions saved moms life. How is it that professional people who would never think of using a revolver on someone would prescribe treatment that was almost certain to kill. What class in med school taught that NP to send a patient home to get sicker? We are either civilized people following strict moral and ethical guidelines or we are not. There is no room for equivocation. God help those who did not have the courage to resist the command to kill. Perhaps it is not to late to redeem yourself. The Nuremberg trials were used to exact justice on those who made that decision under Hitler. Hopefully, there will be a Nuremberg 2.0 in our future. You could still choose to stand on the side of human dignity and justice. If you still cannot summon the courage history will not smile kindly on you. Thank God for those who chose to stand for the truth early on. You saved my motherโ€™s life and, no doubt, many others. These are strong words, but how could they possibly be otherwise.

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When governments are willing and able to deploy modern psywar capabilities on their citizens, then election integrity becomes completely moot, and we are all at risk of becoming functionally lobotomized indentured servants rather than independent individuals empowered to pursue our own destiny...

The reference to election integrity is spot on as, first, our elections are [s]elections and, second, even if they were fair, it sure seems to me that most folks still seem to think we live in the 1950's and vote accordingly.

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Everything you say is the reason we must work to change hearts and minds. Perhaps we will fail. Then again, relatively few truly took up the war of independence, same with the civil war. A few good men/ women can make a difference. The need has never been greater.

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Powerful words, well said, Tony! Some people are holding Nuremberg 2.0 hearings, in Costa Rica! โš–๏ธ

11/9/23 Court ORDERED Nuremberg Hearing! It's NOT A Vaccine! It IS An EXPERIMENT! Stop The Shots!ย Costa Rica scandalously lied to the nation that the investigational products called covid [non] vaccines are NOT experimental and are really vaccines. Can we prove itโ€™s an experiment & stop the shots? (Post offers bullet list of evidence and more details.): https://interestofjustice.substack.com/p/tomorrow-is-court-ordered-nuremberg

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I donโ€™t want to be disrespectful but you sound pretty fanatical to me, Tony. I think the overwhelming majority of doctors who gave your mother the advice her doctor did were simply following not orders to kill, as in WW2, but the health-agency advice being given out, which they truly believed in, and the same is true with regard to doctors recommending the vaccines. Doctors simply need to be made aware that our health agencies, and the medical establishment in general, are being unduly influenced by considerations other than good medical science and ethics, and they need to question who they trust and become open to the changes being proposed by Dr. Malone and his colleagues. Some people have been dishonest in their messaging and should be held accountable, imo, but I think most medical professionals have simply been overwhelmed by the uncertainties and stress of the pandemic and have been doing their best to provide the best medical care they can.

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Perhaps you are correct. How is it that I had it figured out in time to avoid the โ€œshotโ€ and to provide early treatment for my mother. I have no background in the medical field. Here we are three years later and many medical professionals are still encouraging the gene therapy and ignoring the awful damage that has been done. Can Docs really claim ignorance or confusion? I did say that it may not be to late to redeem themselves. I would suggest time is running out. I would also suggest this colossal failure points to widespread problems in our medical schools and medical systems. A very good friend of mine, a young man in his 40โ€™s listened to the medical advice. He is no longer with us. I, with no medical training, could have saved him. What do you say to him and the other 499,00O we are being told lost their lives. Excuses will not help them or those who will be the victims next time. It is true, I am not feeling very magnanimous.

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I agree with you Tony that 4 years later that the medical profession should know the truth by now. I also feel many people are now close to soul less which results in little to no empathy and a general listlessness & robot like approach to life instead of taking awe in the gift and grace of every single day of life.

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We certainly can say that much of the empathy one would expect to find in the medical field has evaporated. I suspect it has been missing for a while, the COVID crisis revealed the problem to us.

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Money and power!! The motives of those who would subjugate and/or murder us are that simple.

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Absolutely true. I would suggest that evil is involved in the kind of things we have witnessed over the last few years. Not just evil, as in bad behavior, but evil as in the supernatural kind. In my view we see the cosmic battle between good and evil being played out before our eyes. Of course, it has been there all along.

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Thanks for your thoughtful response. I think many medical professionals do suspect, at least, that the vaccines have caused more injury than is being acknowledged by the health agencies, but they also believe that the vaccines saved millions of lives and so, on balance, they have done much more good than harm. If you read the CIDRAP website they are continually reporting on studies which purport to confirm the vaccines have been generally safe and effective. I think there needs to be a website which is as credible to doctors as the CIDRAP site is, which systematically reviews those studies from the point of view of Dr. Malone and his colleagues. I could be wrong but I think the great majority of doctors who continue to recommend the vaccines to their patients are taking them themselves and recommending them to their family and friends.

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I would guess you are right Jon. It is a complex question we struggle with. Our problems are much larger than the medical question we are discussing. In fact, I would say this medical question is a symptom of the larger problems this nation faces.

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Yup. What I feel less than magnanimous about is Biden ordering companies to mandate the shots to their employees. If that isnโ€™t unconstitutional, it sure as hell should be imo.

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we need to just stop with the being so timid Jon. we need to face the fact that after seeing 245 years of what the old US Constitution has been turned into, it's gotten obvious that the thing simply means what human people force it to mean! isn't it about time for us all to stop following the illogical and immoral orders, and start saying loud and clear how a good many things have to be changed starting right about now?

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This is all true. How do we stop this? Well. We can't tall on their whole communication infrastructure to beat them so.... we just talk

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No. We do more than talk. We no longer see the NP who treated my mother. We found someone with more courage and ethical substance. Everyone should do their best to ditch those who chose personal welfare over patient care. With no patients they can do no harm. We support people like Drs. Malone and state our opinions for all to see. We report FLCCC information on our social media accounts as well as information from others such as โ€œthe midwestern doctorโ€. We fight back in every way we can. We did not get the โ€œshotโ€. We did not close our business. We do not fall on our sword just to show how righteous we are, one can be a little bit smart. Summon your courage.

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I love that. It should be a T shirt: "With no patients, doctors can do no harm"

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So well said! We stay strong and we fight! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป

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oh yes -- but then learning exactly how to fight is the ticket. sorry i don't know all that much, but i have learned that much about it. ....plus i know optimism and overconfidence are 2 of the worst problems in such an effort.

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There is no excuse for the gaslighting from the so called medical community.

Tony figured it out from the beginning; why did not the N.P ? The specific answer(s) to the โ€œ why did not โ€œ question is less important than the fact that he/ she did not.

Therefore IMO do not trust any medical information given by most if not all of these people.

They are not your friend ! Itโ€™s sad but itโ€™s true .

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absolutely T andJ! this is a strange strange, sad sad and stupid stupid world we've fallen into here. we really just need to realize it and accept it and get to work to start dealing the best we can with it now.

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Yea Verily Tony -- all of this and much more is what we need to do now! it's like we've been totally forgeting about having a government BY the people(instead of by the corporations/banks and the entire ruling class) for the last 150 years or so. let's start a good long list of the many specific ways we can all do our little parts in improoving things. ay?

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Laboratory engineered for enhanced human infectivity and disease, development of which was funded by the US Government and performed in the US medical-industrial complex working in cooperation with the Chinese Communist Party." BOOM! Put that in your pipe and smoke it, don Fauci.

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The top-down, centralized approach to public health has been a disaster yet some people still support the use of AI to control medical decision-making. AI is a reasonable medical tool (like a microscope or MRI machine) but using it to make or implement treatment decisions is madness. AI software would be controlled by drug companies who would use it to pharm patients like cattle. AI would eliminate dissident physicians, such as those who fought back against the system during Covid. The problem with medicine is that is is already too algorithmic, substituting recipes for clinical judgement. Those treatment algorithms have been supplied by drug companies in search of profit. Sadly too many physicians have joined in the pharmaceutical crusade against their patients, undercutting the argument against replacing them with AI.

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes and Amen Dr Malone!

You are one of the Truth Sayers of our generation. I reference your honesty and intellectual integrity as often as possible... to those who are Lions from the Pride of Truth. It is not my job to wake up the sheep.

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Thank you for answering a burning question for me, Dr. Trainer! I did not take the jab. I have friends and relatives who opted not to, also. But I also have friends and relatives who continue their march for more boosters. I had been wondering how to talk some sense to them, but indeed, my job, along with yours, is not to wake up the sheep! You have just set me free! I no longer need to have "guilt", because the sheep have a choice. Yep, not my job!

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deletedNov 11, 2023ยทedited Nov 14, 2023
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I did the same a while back (sorry, I couldnโ€™t see your card). Hereโ€™s my version of a person-to-person low-tech approach: "Worried About Covid?" business cards (created with VistaPrint templates: https://www.vistaprint.com/).

These could help people wearing masks and others who appear fearful of Covid-19 take control over their lives and health.

They are non-political, simple, safe and (one hopes) effective.

Hundreds of great resources were omitted, of course, in attempts to keep the cards clear and easy-to-use. For anyone who wishes to use or adapt this idea, here ya go:

~~~~ Front of card ~~~~

! Worried About COVID?

* Prevention

* Early Treatment

* Masks & Lockdowns

* Vaccines

You can prevent and beat COVID-19. Turn card over for more details.

~~~~ Back of card ~~~~

Helpful Websites Prevention/Treatment: flccc.net/treatment-protocols

Medical Providers: flccc.net/providers

Masks/Lockdowns: brownstone.org/?s=masks

Vaccines: openvaers.com & anecdotalsmovie.com

Feel free to substitute your own best websites.

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deletedNov 11, 2023ยทedited Nov 11, 2023
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Thank you for the compliment and back at you, TerriLoverofHills! I must confess that it takes great courage to share the card, so I haven't been as consistent as I should be.

I just had a heartbreaking conversation with a wonderful conservative neighbor whom I love to pieces. He and his wife are in their 80s. They just had boosters two weeks ago at Costco. His wife has dementia, though I don't know when it began since we've only known them a short time. Did their first set of shots start the ball rolling for her? I don't know. The doctor blamed it on sleep apnea.

My neighbor had not heard about ANY of the jab dangers that we all know about (even though he subscribes to my Substack). Fortunately (but probably too late) he listened to my little spiel with an open mind and now will do his homework.

I'm so angry that people -- GOOD PEOPLE -- have been deceived so horrifically!

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Nov 11, 2023ยทedited Nov 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If you look at the fact that the performers in the Covid Magic Show have been able to complete a heist at the scale never seen in history, itโ€™s hard for me to look at this from their perspective as an abysmal failure. These magicians have pulled off the greatest show in the history of the earth. As we all have been forced to buy tickets to the show we as subscribers have been the skeptics of their act. Millions however, who want to believe the illusion, continue to allow their mind and body to be used in this performance. Many unaware and many that just overlook the obvious sickness that has been caused. I many times have had deep conversations with good friends about the dangers tell me they have taken additional shots. They then say they havenโ€™t felt the same. Yesterday my good friend (my electrician) told me heโ€™s taken 3 shots and has had a terrible cough since the first shot. Heโ€™s also had Covid along with his family 3 times. As we see, the creators of this show insist, the show must go on. J.Goodrich

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It is a rough โ€œthingโ€ seeing what I have seen. Best ๐Ÿคฌ, Stay Safe, Ed

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Take heart that you've been sharing your knowledge. Sharing knowledge has delivered heartening progress. When we see that only 7% of adults and 2% of children have gotten boosters, there is hope. The psychiatrists/psychologists tell us 20% of our fellows are easy to deeply influence. So far these Dr's aren't coming up with ways to bring these folks out of their spell. However, as our good Dr's advise, we can continue to be there for folks we care for ready to support them when and should opportunities arise.

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Jean, I have two siblings left, from a family of six which included my parents. My sister (59) took 2 or 3 shots. She now has lymphoma which had metastasized into a lung, this was successfully removed. She has since been operated on 3 times having a cancer removed from a very problematic place. The lymphoma is in remission but is still in her blood. My brother (60) has been off and on sick for over a year and a half, in and out of the doctors office for weight loss for unknown reasons. At one point he started giving me things to make sure I received them. Nausea and trouble eating has been happening since his 2 shots. My sister especially was very disappointed when I refused to be โ€œvaccinatedโ€. They both have promised me no more shots. My sister has had PET scans and a recent colonoscopy but nothing wrong showed up. She has been having similar problems with nausea when she eats. They are both super intelligent successful people. As much as I fight to be positive sometimes itโ€™s difficult for me not to think the world is falling apart.

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The Summit had a bunch of big hitters. So grateful for people who come to share their knowledge.

I had a yearly check up this week. I needed to renew my prescription. My Dr didnโ€™t ask about any of the vaccine. Didnโ€™t even mention them. He was interested about no plaque in my heart and what supplements I was taking. My blood pressure was 117 /73. So thankful for Drs Malone for speaking out so that I could get informed truth about these vaccines.

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I understand. My Mother suffered 2 strokes leaving her to exist for 8+ yes as a perceptive blinded silenced fully paralized existence. The bedsores were awful and her leg was broken twice. She was in the best facility I could find. Perhaps their care was the best one could expect.

The best we can do, is everything we can do to love and support them. Knowing someone is there and truly cares and are doing their best for you is huge. It isn't easy. Be of better cheer. It is tough. You'll be in my prayers!

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So well said!

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There are the cheaters, and those who want to be cheated.

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dismantling of the wholly corrupted FDA is now mandatory. The agency in no way is looking out for the safety of our citizens, is allied with globalist totalitarian actors who seek our destruction. Time to remove all power from this agency and others like it and for We The People to take it all back.

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Yes! I donโ€™t see this sentiment shared often enough. The FDA is supposed to work for and protect citizens, not big pharma. That agency is just as liable as the murdering big pharma criminals, and more so in my opinion, for setting fire long ago to their duty as it was originally intended.

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Amen! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Those organizing the Plandemic felt so secure in their righteousness and moral duty to save the planet from us, deplorable and stupid resource users. They held global meetings and published their plan in video and books to share the plan with those unable to attend, not caring access included us. They funded extremely dangerous experiments with viruses to allow them infect humans. Knowing the danger and certainty of escape they creating a plan to utilize the impending spread of the virus to test the limits of governments control to further their goal of population reduction. They continue these dangerous experiments without reservation, they continue to plan for food reduction, increased surveillance, medical tyranny, and total control of individual economic activity, CBDC. Austin Powers is frozen and Dr Evil is running amuck. Good thing we have, โ€œThe most interesting man in the worldโ€, Dr Malone on the side of David/us against the Goliath that is the global elite and their band of useful idiots in the MSM. The facts hide in plain sight, the young have been lost through decades of educational indoctrination and too many are too comfortable or chose denial to avoid the pain of accepting the reality we are being led to slaughter.

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They are against God. It's been foretold. Daniel 11:38-Dan 12.

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Yes Doc M is our David vs Goliath! And so interesting! ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Yes. And with untold benefits, our revered, respected and ever resourceful Dr's Malone have made major headways in gathering a veritable army (clearly still growing) to further our causes!

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone. Thank you! I agree with the assessment! We have lost at least 500,000 in the US alone through the Fatal Fauci Protocols. The Question is? IS ANYONE LISTENING THAT CAN STOP THIS ROAD TO A MEDICAL POLICE STATE? The cavalier for profit approach to manipulating the blueprint of life creates great risk of exterminating human life on earth as we know it. I pray that all truth seekers are successful and stay together to accomplish this goal of stopping these lab rat experiments on humanity. There is no sign that Big Pharma is listening! It is full speed ahead with billions and billions being invested. The bio war that has been created has the potential to destroy more lives than what we have seen in the last 100 years.

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Take heart. It was announced today that the (?)7 legislation Dr Malone and Senator Hall have been championing passed! Hopefully the word will get out that it can be used to develop and offer similar legislation in other States.

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deletedNov 11, 2023ยทedited Nov 11, 2023
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Matt Staver and his wife, who have operated Liberty Counsel since 1989, was the next speaker. He is very well know among Christian groups. I get his emails, which cover every topic that is liberty canceling and he includes Congressional bills that are brought forth to fight it issue so we know what to act on.

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Lost a friend in Dec 2022. Took 29 days of hospital treatment to do hm in. That's when ventilators and Remdesivir were working together to kill!

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Thinking of you working in Florida today, Dr Malone. You are in such good company. If you can, please share as much as possible of the seminar titled "Empowering Moms in the Face of Medical Tyranny" for those of us on the other side of the continent. The recent case of Maya Kowalski, just settled in her favor, is a chilling example of medical tyranny.

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for speaking the truth! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’ฏโ™ฅ๏ธ

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Now that I have been personally accused and questioned about my intentions by Sasha L. I have a little better sense of how futile it is to address these invites to violence. Your unwavering ability to go forward under these circumstances is admirable, and not stooping to address the stupid accusations is even more admirable. You are in good company there, may your voices be heard.

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I am a paid subscriber to both Dr. Malone's and Sasha's Substacks and this really troubles me. I really like Dr. Malone and it feels and looks like he is standing right up front for us all in this war with the wicked power structure. Can you link me to anything to help clarify things for me? Thanks.

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Nov 11, 2023ยทedited Nov 11, 2023

It started with the letter from Margaret Alice from yesterday "letter to Robert Malone" and I commented and then Sasha got involved and in her notes responses called me a troll, alluded to me having "handlers" and was nasty in general. It seems like anyone who questions and supports Malone and even Steve Kirsch is asking for trouble. I have never seen such unbridled hatred, conspiracy theories and generally lies promoted before and encouraged. Oct. 23 was the posting I looked at on Sasha's SS. I will never deal with those people again. I was trying to tell both of them that this type of accusing and name calling is dangerous these days and they don't seem to care, esp. Sasha, who mocked Malone and me. If you look at my notes on SubS you can read it for yourself.

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Your reference to the lion made me think of how a pride of female lions works in cooperation to take down their prey which nourishes the group. The summit in Florida = Lion Pride

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

More later. Watching your meet. You and Dr Jill were outstanding! Hoping you will be able to incorporate your valuable insights with you on your next scheduled appearances. Exceptional meet overall.

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone,

I see the 7% uptake for the new "vaccine". However, I'm skeptical of that number for the following reason. On multiple occasions, my partner has received a medicare statement indicating charges for the "vaccine" although she has not received or taken one. I wonder how many of the 7% are claimed based on medicare charges that are for vaccines not actually given.

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So you hypothesize that the number is inflated?

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seems like that might be a valid inference!

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Interesting and wonderful if true.

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Nov 11, 2023ยทedited Nov 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

i now have a T-shirt and a hoodie because of Youโ€ฆ โ€œThe Truth Is Like A Lionโ€; And Yes, I

know the origin now. โ€œPlease Pay Attentionโ€. (My Lovely Bride makes fun of my attireโ€ฆDonโ€™t Care.) Very Best, Ed

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