Be More Afraid of Government's Response to an Emerging Pathogen
than the pathogen itself...Stay healthy my friends.
A recent paper published in JAMA periodically analyzed survey respondents in the US from the beginning of the COVIDcrisis to early this year. The treatise also documents a general distrust of medicine and vaccines in particular, at the start of the pandemic.
The data reveals a significant decline in trust in physicians and hospitals, dropping from 71.5 percent in April 2020 to 40.1 percent by January 2024. That is an over 30 percent drop, revealing that most Americans no longer trust doctors and medicine. This trust, or lack thereof, was strongly correlated to decreasing numbers of people choosing to get vaccinated.
Rather than focus on why people distrust physicians and medicine, the conclusions of the paper end with:
Despite these caveats, this multiwave nationally representative survey identifies a substantial decrease in trust in physicians and hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic and demonstrates associations between trust and health-related behavior after accounting for a host of potential confounding variables. Whether interventions to restore trust could increase compliance with vaccination and other positive health behaviors merits further investigation. In particular, our analyses of open-ended results suggest that factors associated with mistrust are heterogeneous, which may require more targeted interventions.
The absurdity of this statement should be apparent to all.
There is a lack of trust in physicians and medicine because distrust is warranted. That distrust has been earned. To get that trust back, physicians must heal themselves and their profession. Government must work to fix our broken healthcare system. It isn’t about interventions, it is about poor medical outcomes, bad public health policies, and mandating medical treatments against people’s will. It is about an experimental product that most of us were forced to take, for which informed consent was never given, as the risks were not ever revealed to us. People aren’t stupid. They know.
The government can throw money at more interventions, which include censorship and propaganda on MSM, social media platforms, and via search engine manipulations, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), nudging public health messaging, and more governmental controls on free speech. The government can continue to direct funding to pay for pro-westernized medicine and vaccine hesitancy papers to spit out of the grist mill of mediocre scientific establishments.
These are the facts:

As an example, Pubmed, the government’s scientific search engine for papers related to medicine document that there have been 5,686 papers papers published relating to COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and 8,197 papers published relating to vaccine hesitancy in general (see the image above). These “studies” are then prioritized for publication in pharma-bought “peer-reviewed journals.” But all of this hand-wringing about vaccine hesitancy and studies on how to make people comply, will only increase distrust.
Of course, as most of these studies were paid for by governmental or globalist organizations (such as HHS and the WHO), these papers are biased in the extreme. Most start with the premise that more government intervention is needed to stop vaccine hesitancy.
The administrative state believes that if only the government could have more oversight over our personal sovereignty, they could stop vaccine hesitancy! Those interventions include more censorship, propaganda, NLP, advertising, mandates, educational mandates, vaccination without parental permission, and removing informed consent, etc.
Truth be told,
The statement above pretty much sums up why SIXTY PERCENT of Americans no longer trust physicians and medicine.
The government is not to be trusted.
What is needed is a true revolution in public health and medicine.
That includes a complete overhaul of the insurance-based, managerial-run insurance networks, hospitals, and corporate-controlled doc-in-the-boxes. An administrator should not be deciding what healthcare is allowed to be administered. The physician-patient relationship is special. Corporate hacks and government officials need to be removed from the examination room.
The revolution in medicine might begin by getting the government to support independent physicians on a massive scale. Congress' intervention in the administrative state is the only way to achieve this.
Congress must step in and stop all advertising of drugs. Congress passed a bill in the 1980s that allowed for drug advertising, and it has been a huge failure. Congress must also remove pathways for financial conflicts of interest from physician specialty boards and peer-reviewed journals. This would mean a complete overhaul of the existing credentialing system.
The revolving door between HHS and industry must be closed. The budgets for public health pandemic responses must be slashed.
DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) must be removed from our medical schools' admission requirements and training.
The federal vaccination program needs a complete overhaul. The childhood vaccine schedule is bloated and mostly benefits big pharma, not the public. Congress's liability shield for vaccine companies has become a nightmare for those injured. This includes vaccine injuries in general and for COVID-19 vaccination injuries in particular.
The Defender magazine recently documented that only fourteen COVID-19 vaccine injury claims have been approved by the government’s Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP), out of a total of 13,356 COVID-19 claims filed. This is a shockingly low number of settlements, years after the vaccine injuries. And the academics wonder why people have lost trust in medicine?
The lack of training in medical schools on a basic understanding of nutrition, not to mention the skewing of nutritional data to fit certain narratives, like the climate change agenda is sickening. Medical school training needs a complete overhaul, with an emphasis on creating healthy human beings.
The biotech and pharma lobbying industry is now significantly pushing to restrict the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA). The placement of articles written by ghostwriters and others in MSM is one way the industry is working to control the sales of nutriceuticals and supplements by changing federal legislation. This Act has allowed a non-westernized approach to supplementation to flourish in the USA and now, it is in danger of being taken away.
A thorough medical literature search revealed no papers whereby a link to daily supplement use resulted in deaths; in fact, the opposite was true. A 2019 paper titled “Association Among Dietary Supplement Use, Nutrient Intake, and Mortality Among U.S. Adults: A Cohort Study” published in the Ann Intern Med., documents that in over 30,000 people,
Harvard managed to document a “tragic loss of life” of 14 individuals over the course of a decade from supplement use. Most of these unfortunate people died from overdosing, rather than the supplement itself. But one has to wonder, who paid for that analysis to be performed?
Yet still, they persist.
Senator Durbin is once again pushing reforms and even new Acts to “control” the supplement market. To read more about why they want this Act reformed, please read my substack titled “Wellbeing: Dietary Supplements.”
But basically, if supplements are more regulated by the federal government in a way that required clinical trials showing benefit, then most of the companies would go out of business and allow pharma to step into the market space.
Unfortunately, until the lobbying money is removed from Congress, none of this is likely to happen. In 2023, four billion dollars went to lobbying federal legislators, and pharma paid out more funds than any other industry.
In 2020, Stat documented
that seventy-two senators and 302 members of the House of Representatives cashed a check from the pharmaceutical industry ahead of the 2020 election — representing more than two-thirds of Congress, according to a new STAT analysis of records for the full election cycle.
Pfizer’s political action committee alone contributed to 228 lawmakers
Pfizer also wrote checks to 1,048 individual candidates in state legislative races.
Lobbying is worse than legalized bribery, it is legalized corruption.
Lobbying by the pharmaceutical industry must be ended if medicine is to regain the people's trust.
Taking back our medical freedom.
How can the system be changed? Our best defense is alternative social media platforms, interacting with Congresspeople and Senators, and continuing to advocate for parallel systems.
On the individual level, the best thing people can do is to take back personal health.
It starts with eating healthy, restricting calories, getting outside, and getting plenty of exercise.
Read about nutrition, healthy eating, and intermittent fasting. Figure out what works for your age, body type, and good mental hygiene. Staying healthy and building a strong immune system is the best way to avoid expensive medical care and drug regimes. That probably means taking vitamin D3, A, K2, zinc, and magnesium.
Listen to your body. We all age and things wear out but be aware of the many indications of cancer and other chronic diseases, including weight loss, changes in stool or urination, fatigue, changes in mood, changes in skin color, new lesions, or itchiness, headaches, internal pain, coughing, any lumps in tissue and of course, any changes in heart function. If you are older, investing in a blood pressure cuff, an EKG monitor and a pulse oximeter are worthwhile.
One might consider learning about supplements and nutriceuticals. Jill and I take a fair share of them and in our mid-sixties, neither of us has immune dysfunction, arthritis or other chronic diseases (other than my vaccine injuries, which have significantly improved).
Keep your medicine cabinet well-stocked in case of an emergency and consider buying one of the excellent books on emergency medicine. Sometimes a hospital or doctor just isn’t available or an ambulance just can’t get to there fast enough. Also, consider learning some basic emergency medicine techniques, such as CPR and what to do in case of a trauma.
Western medicine tends to work great for acute conditions but not so good for chronic ones.
Find an independent doctor who supports your beliefs and your body. These doctors are often found in niches such as integrated medicine, DOs, and even general practitioners. Educate yourself on alternative treatments for chronic conditions. But also use critical thinking skills when analyzing such information.
The American Association of Physicians and Scientists has a list of independent physicians; the physicians on this list will accept payment directly from their patients without the involvement of the insurance company or government. Consider going to a physician who is not placing your personal information on a national, cloud-based platform. All of these physicians have placed their name on the list voluntarily and the AAPS is supplying the list for informational purposes only, each physician has not been verified.
Insurance and Medicare won’t always pay for these individualized approaches. However, one acute visit to the hospital can wipe out an entire savings account, even with insurance. Investing in our health is a great way to not only stay healthy and live longer but also save some money - even if we have to pay out more in the short term.
Take care of the people in your life and yourself, the rewards will last a lifetime
COVID and the jabs were the worst genocide in the history of the world. It is past time for Nuremberg 2.0.
Short ropes and long drops.
Fauci should go first. Gates can be next.
God Bless America.
My greatest fear is to be sucked into being admitted into a hospital and be diagnosed as having a viral infection that is highly contagious. The treatment protocols that are codify are highly questionable. Remdesivir, Tamiflu, come to mind. Staying isolated when the next pseudo viral crisis emerges may be the only way to survive. Thirty day food supply needs to be on hand.