Rock solid advice Dr. Malone, please thank your friend for me/us!!!

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Dr. Malone, part of this is a thank you letter to people like you who were intellectually courageous during the pandemic. We hope you read it. Thank you.

If half of this is true it is the biggest story of all time.

The Six Degrees of Jeffery Epstein: How Are Bill Gates, FTX, Ivermectin, Harvard and The Entire Pandemic All Connected?


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One could have alternately titled the letter "The Six Degrees of Occam's Razor" as the dots are simply too self-connecting to be anything but coincidental. It's a big story all right, and SAFETY absolutely is the issue. Malevolence at the highest levels yet most, the vast majority I would say, still have no idea and cannot begin to conceive of such either. A recent conversation with someone I considered highly intelligent and certainly objective enough to see the obvious illustrated that in spades :o

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my most important comment is don't let fear rule your life. I live in Mexico and have a year round garden and in our pantry we have a more than 6 month supply of food for 4 people although we are only 2 people. Our power supply is solar as we have 360 days a year of sunshine and our hot water is solar too. We don't have heat or air conditioning as we don't need it and we have perfect year round weather at 4300 feet elevation. We have gold and silver for use in case of banks closing, plus we have dollars and pesos too, and we have bitcoin as the dollar is inflating at about 20% a year according to 1970 CPI figures, the ones they use now got rid of many things so the can say the CPI is 8% which is a lie.We have a stream that runs by our house and bought portable water purifiers that will make stream or lake water drinkable, Amazon sells these to hikers. We don't think the political situation will get to the point of shooting people so we have no guns. And neither of us could bring ourselves to shooting someone. We are natural healers so have all the herbs and natural products we need to stay healthy as our company makes these products. We wish everyone the best in these times of change and our feeling is although there may be some uncertainty, the situation is trending toward the better with each day bringing more light to humanity.

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Boy! You are sitting pretty. But most of the United States population lives in a City, many in very large cities. Few have the ability to grow food all year long. And if you have a stream,....you are especially lucky, because in your area, water is the thing most people don't have access to. You are also looking good for the Grand Solar Minimum, and I'm jealous. We moved to upper Michigan 2 years ago to get away from the Insanity. We have a very limited growing season here and if the grid goes down long term,....I won't be able to grow anything in candle light. One thing we have going for us there though is we have tons of wood (50 acres) and a big Pond plus a Well. Hand pumping ain't fun, but it is doable.

I've been stock piling dried beans, rice, pasta, bread flour, chickpeas, millet, etc plus different thing to use with those for 2 years now. We did grow a bunch of potatoes last summer....and carrots and beets too. So, we'll be ok. One thing people need to remember is that dogs, cats birds etc need food stock piled too.

About the guns and ammo, maybe you live so far away from other people who have not prepared, you'll be ok. But most of us have neighbors and towns near us. I think it's better to be safe rather than sorry.

If I can help others, without taking food from my own family, I will. But if someone is stealing my food from my grand children, you'd better bet I can shoot them! With no hesitation. We practice shooting at our own little range when ever we have time. Even me, a grandma in a wheelchair, am a pretty good shot.

I suggest you get a shotgun,...and shotgun ammo. Just in case! Remember, even animals that are starving because their owners can't feed them can be dangerous. Best Wishes!!

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I live 20 minutes from a city of 500,000 but have some acreage. Won't go solar for several reasons. You can grow your own food all year round--it can be done. A greenhouse is an option, if your HOA for example allows it. Check this out: https://www.amazon.com/Palram-Hybrid-Lean-Greenhouse-Silver/dp/B01MR7O1MQ/ref=sr_1_6?crid=C8SPSGCX0ALM&keywords=greenhouse+attached+to+house&qid=1669093884&sprefix=greenhouse+attached+%2Caps%2C147&sr=8-6

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Robert, when I hear your report and your command of the situation, I SMILE inside because you have taken ACTION and I believe you are a man at peace and you are not panicking or blundering around in the dark wondering what you should do next. I salute you!

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I'm coming your house. :) (Just kidding) But, I have thought about living in Mexico. It seems they have more common sense than Americans, when it comes to health.

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Excellent article I am a widow and have been preparing as much as I can I learned how to shoot and go to the rang regularly, have purchased bulk firearm ammunition, have a stock of food from 4Patriots, and have been researching generators. My problem is how to persuade my adult children that they need to do the same! we live in a different world now and need to face facts and prepare!

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My kids get prepped stuff for Christmas. I have daughter prepared but the others not much. This year the granddaughters are getting emergency kits to put in their cars. The grandsons are getting emergency tools for their car.

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We always look for information to learn more. We agree with everything you said. Been at this since 2011 when it was clear there was almost no intention to save our country, no matter what was said.

Plus, I had a dream in 2007 in which I was told, up close, in my face, "The winter of all winters is coming. Get prepared!" It wasn't about winter so much as timing. I'm thinking it will slam us in 2023 and go for some years. We are still in ramp-up phase. Stay grounded in God everyone.

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Good for you, Heather! Stay strong!

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Serious (but maybe stupid) question: If the electricity goes off for an extended period, what good will a generator do? You need gas/propane to run it, so how much gas do you need to store to run a generator for several weeks, months. or years?

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My question too. Our house is small, no place for a wood stove. If the natural gas is on, we can heat and cook, but without it we freeze. We are in a suburban area, in central New York, and with a dictator installed as governor, there’s no telling what edicts she is considering. In our mid-seventies, moving would be a huge wrench. The South isn’t an option--my northerner, born Canadian husband couldn’t tolerate it, and we would be far, far away from any family. I’m at a loss. Praying for guidance, of course, but despite looking, no decent options for moving in four or five years.

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Stock up on coal and wood pellets while you can get them, Charcoal briquets as well. A simple BBQ Grill can do alot of cooking on small amts of fuel. Rocket stoves for cooking using 1 or 2 briquets of charcoal if it comes to it...look them up, they used to teach people how to make these out of soda cans and steel wool and alcohol, but you can make them out of tin cans too. Or buy a solo stove (same basic idea but costs 65 or more to buy) V. efficient burn, and will even BBQ something at 350 for an hour on minimal fuel (sticks etc).

Tripod for the fire place and a kettle on the hob, as they used to do in Colonial times. Use lots of insulation in the house (triple windows, etc etc). Romans used a hypocaust to heat their water and then slept above it to stay warm. Technology still used today in many places with a climate similar to yours. What's a hypocaust?

A space under the floor of an ancient Roman building where heat from a furnace was accumulated to heat a room or a bath.

In architecture, an arched fire-chamber, from which heat is distributed through earthenware pipes to the rooms above it. The term is also sometimes applied to a fireplace, furnace, or oven.

A furnace, esp. one connected with a series of small chambers and flues of tiles or other masonry through which the heat of a fire was distributed to rooms above. This contrivance, first used in bath, was afterwards adopted in private houses.

Planting hedges to break winds...adding / attaching a green house for growing food to home, not too expensive and can work to help you as well. The solar green house uses geothermal and solar to stay warm enough to grow things like Kale, Potatoes and other cold weather crops, esp if covered in straw...

Don't forget the roof or elevated platform off the ground to run passive solar. Even in your upstate area, you can use a simple hot water coil system to reduce the amt of heat needed to keep water in your water tank hot, AND even use the excesses for hot water piped in heat... when its sunny of course. On the darker days, you'd need additional heating via electric, gas, oil, coal, wood fired stove, etc etc.. (yes, the green movement is insane in the membrane on the realities of heat conversions from different types of energy sources as we all know. They want you Green or Freezing, preferably both!)

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Kerosene heater.

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This is why you buy a water-powered generator and set it up near a stream.

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Lucky you, to have a stream on your property!

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Yup. As soon as we got here 2 years ago in upper MI, we got the biggest woodstove we could afford. This year we are adding 2 more smaller ones in the two Wings of our crazy sprawling ranch home. They are going in today! If we survive this winter, we'll probably get another one for the last Wing of the house too. We do not want a societal meltdown,....but it sure looks like it's coming. When the Electric Grid goes down from lack of fuel,....We want to be ready. We brought our adult kids and their families with us when we moved. I was afraid if they stayed in NJ they'd be killed. So, we are all up here in one big house ready to defend ourselves. Scary times.

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Clan of the Bears?

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Valid question, Dave. I should have mentioned this in the article, but yes it is true you will need some extra fuel cans and BBQ grill size propane tanks on hand in your garage, but here's the good news: when your power goes out and you need to run your generator, you only need to have it on long enough to do a load of laundry, bake a pizza in the oven, brew a pot of coffee, turn on the furnace to let the heat catch back up, etc. When you're done using that particular appliance for that purpose, you can shut the generator off and leave it in that configuration..it does not have to run 24/7, or your right--you would be burning through a heck of a lot of gas and propane.

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In a power outage the most important energy needs you will likely have will be the need to keep your refrigerated food cold or your cell phone or radio charged/on ( unless you have health issues relying on electricity). You can keep your refrigerator or freezer cold enough by just running your generator during the day and keeping the opening of the doors to a minimum. The amount of time you need to run it would of course depend on the surrounding temperature and how much you are opening it. It’s of course best to have other alternative heating options for cooking food. Candles or kerosene lamps for lights. Running a gas generator for heating or cooling your home is not feasible long term.

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It's important to realize that one person or one family is unlikely to prevail against a desperate population who were unprepared for inevitable collapse of civilization. Preparations should focus on preparing the community to cooperate when the unimaginable happens. Civil Defense Manual is a fairly comprehensive tutorial on building prepared teams. Usual outlets or civildefensemanual dot com.

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It's hard though right now to get people to listen to me about what's coming. They just laugh and say I must be joking. Even my family isn't really 100% convinced. My hubby says he thinks it will all be ok again, just like it always is. I hope it is, but don't think it will be. The scariest part is the coming crash of the debt/tax dollar. The Global Banking Cartel is losing control, intentionally I believe.

There are millions who will lose everything if the currency crashes,....and what will we do? We will lose our 401K's and Pensions. Where does society go when the currency is worthless and the banks all close to prevent runs on them? There are plenty of people who believe this will be worse than the Great Depression. Can you even imagine? They will force everyone to get into their Central Bank Digital Currency! That's the reason everything is imploding right now. They know the DEBT SCHEME is crashing, it does it every 50-70 years,...and they don't have a World War to cover it all up as they RESET it. The RESET isn't about the Planet, making it a better place to live, saving it from 'Man Made Global WARMING'. That's just another SCAM. Really, it's an EXTORTION RACKET to steal money from other Countries, like Africa. Al Gore made sure he'd get a huge windfall from 'Carbon Credits' which he made up, just like our FIAT Currency, out of thin air!

In reality we are in the beginnings of a Grand Solar Minimum,....it's a Solar Cycle that reduces Sun Spot activity down very, very low. That affects everything here on Earth. Here is a good article to read to learn a little bit about the different Solar Cycles that we go through all the time. Some of the warm the planet, and some of the cool the planet, then they reverse and do the opposite. Take a look so you know what the weather is doing and why we are seeing such wild swings temperatures. It's actually pretty cool how all 3 cycles inter weave!

It's going to affect the growing seasons a lot! https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2021/04/dark_cold_years_are_coming_so_youd_better_get_ready.html

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Preaching to the choir.

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I second this fully. You need to be in the American Redoubt with those who believe as you do, to survive the collapse that is being engineered of society and all its attendent benefits. I have scant time to prepare, or connect with anyone of like mind, as I am caring for elderly parents in FL. But as I see it, maybe not quite as bad in warmer areas, as food might be more plenteous for the non conformers and the conditions not as harsh. OTH you've probably got more people thinking the same thing, so.. more competition and more mobs and more opportunities for the Gov't to crack down (the Federals AND the States) debanking and demonizing those who will not 'go along'. Where ever you are, I wish everyone who has done thinking and any prepping at all the best. We are all in the lifeboats, we ARE in fact humanities invisible life boat as we are the non-vaxxed, non-gimmies, non indoctrinated to the system by Project Mockingbird, the non slaves to what ever MSM tells us. We are the thinking ones with real printed books (not re written history from the internet). We are the ones with real skills (rocket stoves building small cabins from pallets, renovating old 1900 centaury or older homes etc). We are in a word, the 'civilized Romans' left behind in Britannia when Rome left, keeping civilization afloat behind Hadrian's Wall. (From whence they say we get King Arthur's legend and the Dux Bellorum and only look how inspiring that legend is). We are the monks who lived in the monasteries, keeping knowledge alive of science and technology, in the Scriptoriums for future generations. Bleak I know, but given the current trajectories, quite evidently obvious that is the direction we are being driven in. To think counter to, to act counter to, the 'popular truth' as MSM dictates to us, is now a crime.

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Oona Pilot, I wish you were my neighbor!

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For those struggling financially and can't afford pricey battery generators, I'd recommend battery toppers if you already have battery power tools like Milwaukee, Dewalt, etc.

Can power quite a bit like your phone, laptop, lights and many others. Hope this helps someone.

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George Washington, Jer, and General Patton have provided us with great thoughts for survival and I appreciate Dr. Malone's sharing them with us.

The future shock of realizing that the government, the media, and the educational elites have led us down a blind alley and that the USA is no longer the "good guy" in global politics is enough to make a person want to dig a small hole and bury his/her head in it.

Everything that those of us born in the 20th century were taught has been censored, deleted, and forgotten by our new masters.

To say we are suffering from cognitive dissonance is to minimize the turmoil we are feeling.

We have gone from demanding to know who created COVID-19 to accepting it as part of our world and most have decided to follow the dictates of a hostile and dishonest government by getting life-destroying injections to speed the complete takeover of the world by the WEF.

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Thank you Dr. Malone and thank your wise friend. Also as it relates to needed “equipment” have spares for every component, as 2 is 1 and 1 is none.

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Yes, equipment spares indeed. Good catch!

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We have the food buckets you mention, which are mostly carbohydrates. But I like redundancy. We have canned food (mostly meat), box dinners, lots of sea weed (with iodine), fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi (which will last all winter, like anything else you ferment), bags of microgreen seeds (easy to grow in water), and garden beds, grow bags and large pots for outside vegetables. Citrus plants like Keylime and Meyer's lemon are easy to grow indoors. And if you invest in a freeze-dryer or dehydrator, you can preserve your own harvest (I have both) indefinitely. You can buy bulk powdered whole milk (28 percent fat) at www.webstaurantstore.com, then make yogurt, kefir or cheese with it. I would like to add that if you live in the Virginia region, check out East Coast Preppers in Albemarle County, which has anything and everything you could ever want or need for long-term survival.

This is a difficult road to be on. Half the time you feel foolish and lonely, the other half of the time you are in panic mode. It involves constantly entertaining a rather dystopian view of the future. Prepping involves preparing for a future you really don't want, so the vision, which is the motivator, never really leaves you. It helps to find other like-minded people (and then hope that one of them isn't an FBI agent... see how the paranoia slips in there?)

"God be in my head, and in my understanding / God be in mine eyes, and in my looking / God be in my mouth, and in my speaking / God be in my heart, and in my thinking / God be at mine end, and at my departing"

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The only foolish thing is, to NOT be on this road. When things get bad, it is the people who have THOUGHT about it being bad, who have 'gamed' a plan, considering all their options, who do best at survival. Why you ask? Because mentally, they have taken that step and 'gone there' and made the commitment that *they will survive*. That's why you drill for emergencies and practice things like CPR, so that the automatic responses take over when the brain is overwhelmed. *keeping in mind that the best laid plans o mice and men gang aft agley...

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Thank you Diane, good stuff!

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Well, don't know her, but if she's like me, I'd like to meet her..

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I was thinking she was quoting the Lorica of St. Patrick, but she is not. It may be another Lorica though. In the Irish (Hiberno-Scottish) monastic tradition, a lorica is a prayer recited for protection. It is essentially a 'protection prayer' in which the petitioner invokes all the power of God as a safeguard against evil in its many forms.

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It is from a collection of prayers called Old Sarum. Sarum was short for Salisbury (abbreviated from the Roman name of the town). It goes back to the 16th century, but maybe earlier. It may have been incorporated into the Anglican Book of Common Prayer. It was also set to music by Sir Henry Walford Davies. I think this prayer says it all.

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Salisbury.. it reminds me of Solsbury Hill and Peter Gabriel's great song.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OO2PuGz-H8 So timely for today, but written in the past... "son grab your things, I've come to take you home"

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Just spent the last 40 minutes looking up Peter Gabriel and listening to Solsbury Hill (one on David Letterman, which showed the orchestra). Wow, thanks for that, something new and exciting to learn about. Loved the lyrics, and the comments that came from the video of him singing the song were moving and profound. Thanks for this.

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Great info. A couple of things: 1. if you’re in an urban environment without access to well water, get at least one 55 gallon barrel, fill it with water, a couple drops of bleach, and seal it up. 2 barrels are better than one. 2. Gas generators need gasoline. In bad times, you may not be able to get gas. Storing gasoline in your home is a bad idea. Propane is much better. Keep a half dozen 20 lb tanks. Make sure your generator is dual fuel and keep the necessary connectors on hand. 3. I don’t agree that you need to keep a 50 amp wall oven operational. I’m concerned about keeping my refrigerator working; modern refrigerators use much less power. A small propane generator to keep my fridge working, a few lights, is a good urban minimum. 4. A small power bank with a solar panel will charge up all your phones, tablets, and other usb devices. 5. A decent Lifepo4 battery and 100w solar panel will give you another level of protection.

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We found this one to be helpful during power outages- BLUETTI Portable Power Station AC200P, 2000Wh LiFePO4 Battery Backup w/ 6 2000W AC Outlets (4800W Peak), Solar Generator for Outdoor Camping, RV Travel, Home Use (Solar Panel Not Included)

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This is a very powerful and very expensive power bank. If you can afford it, more power to you (!) 😃

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Got it on sale last year. 😊

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Our society is excessively complicated and nearly completely dependent on electricity. Everything depends on electricity so when your generator runs out of fuel getting more is impossible without electricity from the grid. Anything you have to eat will be the target of those without and many will be desperate to get yours. Having lights on will attract these opportunitsts like moths to a flame. Unfortunately I don't believe any preperation for societies collapse will be successful and at best buy a sthort term window to worry about what's next. Even owning a gun will not protect you from the government bureaucrats and police with military style weapons who will confiscate what you have. We have become so comfortable with our cushy life styles that we assume nothing could go wrong and so avoid any discussion of inconvient corruption by or representatives and their bureaucrats. All electrical transmission is controlled by computers and the internet and are vulnerable to attack. Our politicians do not have any understanding of the threat and are doing nothing to provide a backup incase of attack. This is what happens with a society gets too comfortable, complacent and weak afraid to even stand up to obvious lies from their leaders and the useful idiots who follow them.

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Nov 21, 2022·edited Nov 21, 2022

Hello Dr Malone and Jer in America! We have been prepping for a year+ - I am a gardener and what I didn't grow I kept buying extra from the store and have been dehydrating like there is no tomorrow - I have enough for our family and our neighbours if we get to that point - I have seeds and we have just put in a solar system with generator and have stored gas - it is compact and will do us fine. The house may be a bit cooler (think Yukon) this winter with a heater or 2 to supplement, not being turned on, but our main heat is by wood - and we have lots. We have a good community for backup - we have faith that we are here now for a particular purpose and we think we are okay to the next grow season. We will be fine until some fool comes by and says 'no more wood to heat your home'... then we go to plan X... You did not mention medical supplies or vitamins - extra clothes and an extra pair of winter boots for whenever. Canning jars/lids - I keep trying to think of what companies may close out and how long before someone begins to make (jars) again - Washed plastic bags with Zip closures, things like gorilla tape and couple of extra tarps... a way to go to the bathroom in the house if there is no water - think 'separator composting toilet' . We also have an outhouse, as we are a ways out of town and we also have a creek - there is a man on Youtube 'Goneagain' who shows how to make a water system for about $100. One more is to get some of the 'green' powders available from health food stores, etc - go for reputable, not cheapest brand - these will give you good nutrition by the glass and are very compact, till you hit growing season again. Books on wild herbs, herbal remedies will be helpful. I wish it was true that it makes you feel less stressed!! Oh and don't forget batteries (headlamps) and lightbulbs!

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You mean forbidding wood-burning stoves. Carbon zero laws are probably in the works, the fools are trying to mandate all electric homes saying that's greener.

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Great points! I hope everyone sees this, but here's a great checklist I was going to include in the article but thought I'd save it for later...but what the heck, why wait...here you go: Copy and paste this to a Word doc, format as you desire and print it out for yourselves:

Prepper essentials: 50 Emergency items to stock up on before disaster strikes

Alternative power sources

These alternative power sources will come in handy if the power goes out at night.


If the power goes off, you will need a sturdy flashlight and batteries to navigate home.

You can also keep things hands-free by getting headlamps, while lanterns will also help keep your home lit.


An emergency backup generator can help keep the lights on at home during a power outage. It will also keep your electric appliances working.

Hand-crank radios

A cordless hand-crank radio will be an essential source of weather alerts, power and light after the S**t Hits The Fan (SHTF).


You will need matches, especially waterproof ones, to help start fires in a damp area or light candles.

Spare light bulbs

Keep spare light bulbs at home in case the ones you are using are burned out and it isn’t safe to get new ones after SHTF.

Health and safety supplies

The supplies will help keep your home clean and prevent infections.


Bleach is a versatile ingredient that can be used as a disinfectant to kill bacteria, fungi and viruses.

Essential hygiene items

You need assorted hygiene items to maintain proper hygiene and avoid the spread of disease.

Fire extinguisher

Make sure you have a fire extinguisher at home to help extinguish or control fires.

First aid kit

Your SHTF first aid kit should include the following items:

• Antacid

• Antiseptic wipes

• Bandages (assorted sizes)

• Burn gel

• Cough drops

• Gloves

• Hydrocortisone anti-itch cream

• Hydrogen peroxide

• Laxatives

• Medicines

• Petroleum jelly

• Rubbing alcohol

• Scissors

• Splints

• Thermometers

• Tweezers

Hand warmers

If you lose power in the winter, hand warmers will provide heat. They can also provide soothing heat for muscular or joint aches.


Use insecticides at home in cases of pests and disease outbreaks.

Moist towelettes

If you don’t have hand sanitizers or access to soap and running water, use moist towelettes to sanitize a dirty surface.

Respirator masks and gas masks

When environmental disasters strike, a respirator mask will help protect your family from the contaminated air.

If you find yourself stuck in a pandemic, chemical or biological attack, using a gas mask may be the difference between life and death.

Seeds for medicinal plants

You will want to grow your own medicinal herbs in your home garden when going to the pharmacy isn’t an option.

A shovel

A shovel can be used to dig in your garden, or it can be used as a makeshift weapon for self-defense.

Sanitation and hygiene

These must-have items will keep your home clean and sanitized even after SHTF.

Garbage bags

Get sturdy garbage bags to get rid of waste properly and keep your home clean.

Off-grid laundry

When there is a power outage, you can use five-gallon buckets, a washboard and clothespins to wash and dry clothes even if you can’t use your washing machine.

Portable toilets

If you need portable toilets after SHTF, get a five-gallon bucket that can be emptied at a distance from your homestead.


When the SHTF, you may need these tools for self-defense.

Stun gun

Keep a self-defense weapon like a stun gun at home in case looters try to steal from your property during civil unrest.

Pepper spray

Pepper spray is another non-lethal self-defense item you should keep at home for emergencies. If you prefer something stronger, learn how to use your firearm of choice properly and stock up on extra ammo.

Bedding items

These items will ensure that you get a good night’s rest even after SHTF.

Emergency blanket

Emergency blankets will keep your body warm and prevent your body from losing heat, which can help save your life if you are suffering from hypothermia.

Extra pillows

Make sure you also have extra pillows at home so you can sleep well after disaster strikes.

Spare items

These spare items are useful for charging small devices or miscellaneous needs around the house.

Extra batteries

You’ll need lots of extra batteries for small items like flashlights and headlamps.

Notepad and pen

Use a notepad to stay organized, like keeping track of your food supplies.

If someone gets sick, write down someone’s symptoms and times they occur in case your doctor needs it.

Power bank

With a power bank, you can recharge your cell phone or flashlight.

Spare chargers

Always keep a spare USB and long cable charger for your phone and other rechargeable devices.

Spare glasses or contact lenses

If you or someone else in the family wears eyeglasses, you will need spare glasses or contact lenses in case something happens to your usual pair.

Spare home keys

Keep spare home keys so you can unlock the front door if you lose or can’t find your usual keys.

Food and water supplies

Food and water supplies are crucial if you plan on bugging in or staying at home after SHTF.


Stock up on dry foods that can be stored for a long time like dried fruit or canned food. (Related: Food preservation 101: A step-by-step guide to air-drying fruits.)

Pet food and supplies

If you have pets, you also need to stock up on pet food and supplies so you can provide for their needs in case of emergencies.


Always store clean water for drinking, cooking and sanitation for the whole family.

Water filter

You will need a water filter in case you lose access to clean running water and you have to filter rainwater or water from wild sources.

Vegetable seeds

With vegetable seeds you can grow your own food in a home garden.

User-friendly kitchen items

Use these tools for cooking and food prep when SHTF.

Aluminum foil

Use aluminum foil to store leftover food or for cooking over flames.

Cast iron cookware

Cast iron pans are heavy duty and they can withstand high temperatures. Cast iron cookware is best for cooking over a direct flame on a campfire.

Insulated ice chests

Use insulated ice chests to keep your food cold when the power is out and you can’t use refrigerators.

Propane heater

Use a propane heater at home to heat water, cook and even dry clothes.

Rocket stove

When the power grid goes down, you can use a rocket stove to cook since it doesn’t need electricity.

Seasoned firewood

If you live in a cold climate, you can use seasoned firewood to stay warm.

Important documents and cash

Book of DIY projects

Use a book on DIY projects to help your family get through times of economic crisis, long-term blackouts, riots, hyperinflation, hurricanes, martial law or other unforeseen events that may disrupt your normal way of life.


Always keep emergency cash at home so you can buy supplies if you can’t withdraw money from the bank.

Important documents

Keep your important documents safe at home so you can easily access them if SHTF.

You can also save digital copies of documents like IDs and passports on an encrypted USB flash drive.

Assorted supplies for binding, tying, opening and sewing

Duct tape

If you have duct tape at home, you can use it to seal cracks temporarily. Duct tape can also be used to create a sturdy rope if you don’t have cordage.

Manual can opener

Make sure you have a manual can opener so you can safely open cans of food from your stockpile.


With a good multi-tool, you can do quick repairs.

Plastic sheeting

After SHTF, you can use plastic sheeting to seal your windows, doors or air vents.

Plastic zip ties

Use plastic zip ties to close a garbage bag and avoid contamination.


You’ll need sturdy pliers to cut an electric wire.

Thread and needle

You can use needles and thread to repair clothing or even suture a wound during emergencies.

Waterproof bags

Use waterproof bags to seal valuable items like phones, batteries and flammable materials and keep them dry after SHTF

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Medical supplies are huge. I have a cat with kidney issues, buy saline bags and lines. I keep one extra set with needles at all times .. for? Humans! Just in case I get dehydrated and need fluids. My pet sitter (vet tech) and nurse friend can set those lines up... One day not so distant I may be a personna non grata in a hospital clinic as I don't vax ...I have and have had for a while stash of abx. Using the loopholes to get. Amoxy, Doxy, Penicillin, Sulfa/Trimo, etc etc. Nitrofuramin, etc etc. Even got an anti fungal like Flagyl. Why? Because 90 percent of our drugs come from? CHINA!!! Have a trade war? No more abx or drugs for you, you will have to buy Indian! And theirs's will be in high demand....We already are short on alot of anesthesia drugs, BTW

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Thank you Jer and Dr Malone, this is some great info. I have a book on hydroponic farming. This is getting me motivated. Remember along with food you need water storage. Also a way to filter water. I have a volcano stove just in case I can’t power my stove or generator or barbeque grill. It uses wood , propane , charcoal. Pretty versatile . Check case lot sales. We have stores in town that have case lot sales twice a year. You can also add to your groceries by purchasing 4 in stead of 2 cans. 4 patriots has good deals . Keep check for sales. If you can grow your food do it. Heirloom seed can produce seed for next planting. Remember most people are not going to be prepared. Build your community. Also if you have plenty please share food for the starving. Get extra for them. I couldn’t send a way someone hungry. But I will shoot them if they try to steal it.

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Awesome, Melanie! Kudos! There is power when we take action and put intention and focus into these affairs!

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we live in Cuernavaca Mexico which is about 45 miles south of Mexico City, down the plateau to 4300 feet. Weather is 75-85 every day for 12 months, night time 55-65.

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You should be ok then, even if it gets a little cooler. We are in a Grand Solar Minimum now, and it's going to keep getting a little colder every year for about 7 more years,....then stay there for about 30 years. Then start warming again. It's a Sun Cycle. There are 3 different cycles the Sun has, and they interact with each other to control the weather on Earth. Perfectly normal. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2021/04/dark_cold_years_are_coming_so_youd_better_get_ready.html

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So the fascists will claim that the coming climate change is human caused. And after implementing their totalitarian agenda for 7 years they’ll claim the “improvement” is a result of their agenda. Lovely.

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Thank you. We've been threatening to buy a portable generator for more than a couple of years. This information has proven to be priceless.

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Veritas Now, don't know if you saw my comment to Dave Coleman above, so I'll repeat it here: I think Dave was perhaps assuming if the power goes out, once you fire up the generator, you'd have to have it running 24/7 and go though a ton of gas or propone. Not true! I should have mentioned this in the article, but yes it is true you will need some extra fuel cans and BBQ grill size propane tanks on hand in your garage, but here's the good news: when your power goes out and you need to run your generator, you only need to have it on long enough to do a load of laundry, bake a pizza in the oven, turn your fridge back on to keep the food from spoiling, brew a pot of coffee, turn on the furnace to let the heat catch back up, etc. When you're done using that particular appliance for that purpose, you can shut the generator off and leave it in that configuration....it does not have to run 24/7.

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Thank you for the clarification. Very helpful.

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Costco has a Firman 3200 watt dual fuel generator for $799 in store or $849 online.

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Thank you!!

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