<In response to our recent inquiry concerning what our paid subscribers would like to see more of in 2024, a number of replies indicated that they would like to read more from Justine Isernhinke concerning her research into the latest from the UAP community. Her latest installment in this series follows below, which she has been working on a piece for a number of weeks now. The Malone Institute is a federally registered 501c3 non-profit organization, and will gratefully accept donations to support the work of Justine and our other associates and fellows - Robert>
Behind Enemy Lines
By Justine Isernhinke
Head of Geopolitics and UAP Research, The Malone Institute www.maloneinstitute.org
In the film Behind Enemy Lines, Owen Wilson plays Lt. Chris Burnett who is stranded behind enemy lines in the former Yugoslavia when his fighter is shot out of the sky. Rear Admiral Leslie Regart - aka Gene Hackman - defies orders to rescue Lt. Burnett from hostile territory. The film was released in 2001 but we’ve come to expect Hollywood to produces a plethora of movies about covert operations in enemy territory. It’s an accepted part of our social melieu that our government, through the CIA, runs such operations. It’s totally normal. Right?
But let’s put a spin on that. Say, the CIA did that, but instead of rescuing downed pilots or US hostages, it was to retrieve crashed alien craft, and perhaps dead aliens?
Well, a claim alleging that very thing hit the digital newsstands on November 28, 2023. The DailyMail published an article [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12796167/CIA-secret-office-UFO-retrieval-missions-whistleblowers.html] saying that the CIA’s Office of Global Access, a wing of the CIA’s Science and Technology Directorate, has played a central role since 2003 in orchestrating the collection of craft of non-human origin.
The 3 sources, who spoke to the DailyMail journalists on condition of anonymity to avoid reprisals, have all been brief by individuals involved in those alleged UAP retrieval missions.
From David Grusch’s under-oath testimony to Congress, we heard that the government has a crash retrieval program and a reverse engineering program. We also learnt in June 2023, from Canadian MP Larry Maguire, that there is a level of global coordination within the Five Eyes intelligence alliance on such a program.
“There’s at least nine vehicles. There were different circumstances for different ones. It has to do with the physical condition they’re in. If it crashes, there is a lot of damage done. Others, two of them, are completely intact.” ~ Anonymous Source to the DailyMail.
If you’ll recall, Grusch told us that the US had quite a few craft in its possession. Michael Shellenberger wrote back on June 7, 2023 that we had at least 12 or more alien space craft. And when I met Shellenberger a few months later at the Sol Foundation conference in November last year, he said he has heard that there are about 30 space craft in our possession.
The DailyMail article explained that if the non-human craft land, crash or are brought down to earth, special military units are sent to salvage the wreckage. Without going through the State Department, the OGA either directly coordinates with allies to enter their territory to gain access to these craft, or enables the US military to secretly access areas around the world where they would usually be “denied” i.e. behind enemy lines. No country is safe from the USA.
“[The OGA is] basically a facilitator for people to get in and out of countries. They are very clever at being able to get anywhere in the world they want to.”
“The CIA is the portfolio manager or owner of the UAP crash retrieval operation.” ~ A source who has shared their information with Congress.
Most of the OGA’s operations involve more conventional retrieval missions, such as stray nuclear weapons, downed satellites or adversaries’ technology. However, the OGA also retrieves UFOs.
“The task at hand is simply to get it into custody and protect the secrecy of it. The actual physical retrieval is by the military. But it’s not kept under military control, because they have to keep too many records. So they start moving it out fairly quickly into private hands.”
The OGA is one of the 56 offices in the CIA, with its chief and deputy making up two of a total of 286 director-level officials in the spy agency. An unclassified org chart published by the CIA (photo below and a chart from 2011 [https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB438/docs/doc_63.pdf ]) lists the OGA among nine offices in the “Science and Technology” wing of the agency.
Ross Coulthart (who interviewed David Grusch in June 2023 on NewsNation) confirmed that the Office of Global Access was the program that he has heard of and that the entire operation was run out of this program, but that he knows the US has far more than nine craft.
Created in 2003
Late CIA expert Jeffrey Richelson, in his 2018 book "The U.S. Intelligence Community” [https://t.co/FTBK7uYZqH], describes the purpose of the Office of Global Access is to “attack the most difficult technical collection challenges worldwide”.
Douglas Wolfe helped create the OGA in 2003 and served as its deputy director. He managed “unwarned access programs that deliver intelligence from the most challenging denied areas” according to a short biography published by a conference he attended in 2017.[https://www.womeninaerospace.org/forms/events/conf2017/Douglas-Wolfe.pdf]
Another illuminating biography of Mr Douglas Wolfe appears on Beacon Global Strategies: [https://bgsdc.com/team/doug-wolfe/]
“A recognized federal government leader, Mr. Wolfe served 33 years with the CIA, his last position being Deputy Director of the Science and Technology Directorate. Prior to that role, he served as Chief Information Officer (CIO) at the CIA from 2013 to 2016, in charge of Agency Information Technology (IT) vision and strategic direction, along with advising the Intelligence Community (IC). Throughout his career, Mr. Wolfe held multiple CIA positions, among them were Deputy Director for Acquisition, Technology, and Facilities at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI); Deputy Director of the Office of Global Access (OGA), and program manager overseeing the end-to-end system acquisition of an innovative new source and method for the Intelligence Community.”
Mark Moynihan, another employee with the OGA populated his LinkedIn profile with the following:
The OGA coordinates with Special Operations Forces such as SEAL teams or Delta Force under the Pentagon’s Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), or, although this was disputed by one source, nuclear weapons experts such as a Nuclear Emergency Support Team (NEST), to collect the crashed or landed craft.
The three journalists who wrote this article did a podcast together which gives more insight into the work that went behind pulling this information together and is worth a listen.
(See 1.12.16 to 1.13.25)
DailyMail was told by a former SEAL that they had been on operations coordinated by the CIA to retrieve high-value stray enemy weapons, and that they knew of colleagues who had been on similar operations where they recovered technology that appeared highly advanced - though not necessarily non-human. Matt Ford alleges as well that the OGA helped coordinate the Bin Laden raid some years back.
One source said that the Air Force Special Operations Command’s 24th Special Tactics Squadron, based at Pope Field Army Airbase in North Carolina, has also been involved in security areas for UFO crash retrievals.
The CIA Office of Global Access then often hands over the wreckage or material to private aerospace contractors for analysis, where it is not subject to rigorous government audits and can be shielded with protections for trade secrets. This protection may well be why the CIA prevented the transfer of Lockheed’s material to back to the government under BAAS/AAWSAP, and why the “eminent domain” provision of the UAP Disclosure Act never made it into the final NDAA signed into law at the end of this year.
The aerospace-defense industry contractors specifically do not handle any recovered radioisotopes, but they handle the other non-radioactive material – and intact craft.
The Department of Energy (DoE) national labs are the go-to materials analysis contractors whenever recovered radioisotopes are involved - but not always just radioisotope materials. Through loosely-written language that you could drive a fusion bomb through, Section 161 of Atomic Energy Act gives the DoE authority to establish "by rule, regulation, or order, such standards and instructions to govern the possession and use of special nuclear material, source material, and byproduct materials as the [NRC] may deem necessary or desirable to promote the common defense and security or to protect health or to minimize danger to life or property.” As I’ve covered previously, the DoE appears to have a direct link to UAP crash retrievals.
Multiple sources said that many of the people involved in these programs may not even realize they are dealing with non-human craft, due to the intense security and compartmentalization of information in such top secret programs.
David Grusch gave an example to podcaster Joe Rogan of the engineers in the Manhattan Project of the 1940s not realizing they were working on fuses for the atom bomb that would eventually be dropped on Japan. Many employees at the OakRidge laboratories didn’t even know what the person next to them was working on.
The compartmentalization and secrecy of the Manhattan Project was overlaid onto the UFO crash retrieval and reverse engineering program. It made sense at the time. Roswell happened in 1947 in New Mexico. It was the Cold War. No one wanted the Soviets to know that we could not protect our airspace. They didn’t want the Soviets to take advantage of the confusion around UFOs to actually launch an attack on the USA. And, potentially, such recovered exotic technology could help the US win the Arms Race with the USSR.
When the DailyMail journalists called up JSOC for their comment, they received a blunt response - “We have nothing for you on this.” I guess this beats the typical bureaucratic doublespeak.
A few weeks after this article came out, Chris Sharp, one of the journalists on the Dailymail OGA article, recently told Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp, that the OGA which was under the Directorate of Science and Technology, has now been moved around since the article came out to hide it further within the intelligence organization. In addition, he has experienced what he considers to be a backlash where some strange things have happened to him since the story was released, which indicates to Chris that they’ve hit a nerve within the CIA.
(see 35.05 to 37.30)
IMO, just another PSYOP to keep us distracted. The average Joe would surely have found wreckage and reported it. Aliens do not decide to crash only in secret places where only the Feds can retrieve it. I call BS on this.
Is this not another example of being a citizen living under the haze of the American government. ANOTHER rogue, under cover operated government department. As we just witnessed our secretary of defense, Lloyd Austin, while we are on the brink of wars, disappears supposedly with no one noticing him gone. You have to really wonder who the hell is running our government? Have you noticed the White House daily briefs with K J P yield zero answers to every question asked of her. Every question is diverted to someone else. It confirms my thought that there has been a silent coup in America and our government has been captured by a global deep state or something. We have become aliens in our own country. In many ways I think we the people are trapped behind enemy lines. https://tuckercarlson.com/the-tucker-carlson-encounter-bret-weinstein/ J.Goodrich