Will there be a Harris - Trump debate? Popcorn!

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No cackling. That absolutely must be a debate ground rule. My God, hasn't the man's ear sustained enough abuse already?

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Au contraire! She needs to cackle a lot to convey to anyone who doesn't know how utterly obnoxious, shallow and annoying she is.

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This was all planned. And Biden and Harris are being directed by someone else. The reason they wait so late is so people will not know how disconnected she is. I saw this in the info way back when Biden picked her. When DA in LA she intentionally left men incarcerated after their release date. She hates men. - her dad told her to stop saying she is African black. She is Indian from India and Irish. Direct descent of a slave owner. I hope Trump lets her talk. She will expose herself.

He helped Biden during their debate. He really should let het hang herself and be a gentleman about it.

Thank God he is alive. Did you read Tierneys substack - Jill Biden had a event same time, same area as Trump. It was only announced the day or 2 days before.

Just thinking and typing

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I feel this was a plan as well, & appreciate your information, thank you. I have always felt Biden was a puppet for evil people & their negative agenda for our country, as well as the world. We have a messy four months ahead of us, & I pray more American citizens wake up from their sleep, & realize what has been going on the past 4 years!

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There is no way I believe he came down with COVID. He came down with "I need a break so I can exit without having to address the people" sickness. These are the people that keep repeating that Trump is a threat to democracy and that he is a dictator. Whose the threat to democracy now? The Democrat party who decided they were going to place the candidate they wanted in there and to hell with what the people wanted. THEY are going to tell you who THEY will put as candidate. THEY are dictating who is best for the Democrat party. But here's the problem. Most of the voters who support this party/agenda are so clueless to how a real government runs, they would vote for Sam Brinton if he was running.

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P.S. - can you imagine what the rest of the world is thinking!

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97/23/24: I'm convinced that their convention will not go as currently projected by the wave of the "Sieg Heil" KH endorsements by the supine Democratic 2nd lieutenants. Quite the opposite.

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Don't forget to add multiple Venn diagrams.

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"In a flurry of pre-debate activity, the Harris Campaign immediately began taking steps to preemptively ward off anticipated criticisms during a prospective debate with Trump, including a battery of tests administered by independent medical evaluators. Leaked assessment results place Harris' cognitive ability above that of granite, but less than quartz. The assessment was confirmed in practice when Harris challenged a decorative desk-mounted conch shell to a game of chess, and lost."

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Being that Kamala is an admitted "pot-head", and that she "cackles" incessantly all the time and everywhere sure seems to indicate she is addicted to "the weed".

NOT exactly what our nation needs to have access to the ever present -"nuclear button"!

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WOW! This is something new- to me that is! Makes sense about her actions & wacky comments! LOL!

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I have heard/read she is a pot head, going way back.

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She's a Californian, after all. Pot central.

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!!!!!!!!! (NB cackling? Good luck with that. It would be like trying to keep an elephant from breaking wind!)

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I was looking more forward to a Vance/Harris debate.

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Biden Stepped Down. Here Are The 8 Things That Happen Next

Jill Biden will propose to Kamala Harris: The First Lady isn't giving up that easy.

(Babylon Bee)

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Remember what Gabbard did to her in that debate? Doubt Trump would be as polite

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"I really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence, and I don't think he knows what he said either."


I look for this to be a recyclable line for the upcoming debate, and a repeat one at that.

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That will definitely go down in history -best ever! He said what many of us were probably screaming at the television screen lol

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Makes for a commercial worth watching in my book! LOL...

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Unfortunately as she is a woman “of color” albeit Indian and likely the descendant of slave owners, not African, President Trump will have to be polite, but I have confidence he can handle it. Have no fear though I doubt there will be any competition for the Presidential candidate’s slot as this is a losing proposition, but I heard a clip by Peter Schweitzer who assured the audience that his organization has PLENTY on heels up Kamala!

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Indian and Jamaican. Not US citizens when Kamala was born, raised in Canada. Shouldn't be able to run, yet neither should have Obama who made sure his records were sealed.

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She is an anchor baby. We need to end the "any foal dropped on U.S. soil is a citizen," nonsense, but that's how it's been and is.

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I don’t care one whit about her race. Trump should be Trump and treat her the same way as he’s done the others imo. Hopefully he’s even harder on her. Lord knows there’s enough material with her abysmal political career to use against her.

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Double batch and throw in a drink or two! Lol

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I will host a party with my happy hour friends!

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Just imagine what can be, unburdened by what has been.

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I hope Trump plays that Harris speech along with so many others! 😆

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Jul 21
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Hillary is a COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS member - sez it all!

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D'ya think Hillary will endorse Kamala?

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Ha, ha, ha .....!

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Jul 21Edited
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Has Oprah Winfrey spoken?

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Oprah and Moochelle will determine Kamalama Ding Dong’s fate. I don’t think we’re running against a person, we’re running against a Marxist Machine. We need to hammer home the Democrat’s failed policies, no matter who they select to go against Trump.

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Oh, I guess “ding-dong” has another name: Big Mike!

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She can't talk yet. She has to wait till the angry human souls of the 10,000 murdered Maui citizens have stopped bothering her since she had them killed, and stole their land

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Her and others like her.

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The Clintons just endorsed her. Question is, will that help or hurt her chances??

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That's just for the public consumption. Behind the scenes, the Wicked Witch of Westchester must be doing everything she can to undermine Kamala.

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Biden Stepped Down. Here Are The 8 Things That Happen Next

Jill Biden will propose to Kamala Harris: The First Lady isn't giving up that easy.

(Babylon Bee)

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Or the question might be, Who will commit "suicide " during this race as to not allow the truth of Kackle H to be told?

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I think you might mean 'Arkancide', no?

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She and Bill kill just did

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She and Bill already did! The game is on.

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07/21/24: No. Trump will humiliate her by sending Vance in his place. "A vice president should debate the other party's vice-president." And he'd be right. But listen, first wait and see what HAY ZEUS! trouble Kamala gets into on July 25, 2024, four days from now!

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She would have to be the nominee, right? I'm baffled as to how anyone could remotely consider her able to be president. Her presidential performance would be like Biden's, totally incompetent. It would look like the fiasco of the security around and on the rally stage last Saturday. How could anyone have a debate with a person who speaks with incoherent word salads and laughs uncomfortably? Devolving right on time, eh.

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I'm sure they'd provide her with better and more balanced 'medication'. Pfizer is working on a giggle-stopping drug, I think.

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I would like to believe that former President Trump would win the election. The opposition he has faced is unbelievably corrupt and cunning and backed with 5.62 rounds. With millions of warm bodies to generate ballots and the sophistication of the cheating in the last election, I would really hesitate to safely call the election a done. I'm rather surprised you did.

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Never happen, because she would not do it.

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Would Trump even bother to debate the cackling border czar?

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07/21/24: Biden Stepped Down. Here Are The 8 Things That Happen Next

No. 3 Jill Biden will propose to Kamala Harris: The First Lady isn't giving up that easy.

(Babylon Bee)

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You better wait until the ballots are counted before you predict a landslide. It certainly should be.. And note I didn't say "votes" - I said "ballots." Who KNOWS what is being set up to try to take this election. I'm guessing millions of illegals "accidentally registered" to vote, but it could be anything...the ends justify the means...

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another glitsh from the internet? the machines all of a sudden running tilt? Russia invading? LOL

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Yesterday's internet glitch could have been some sort of warmup for voting machine failure. Another reason why Republicans absolutely must get their votes in early, and not the "day of voting".

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Maybe another "lethal virus"...

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donkey fever!

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Not donkeys but mules. Thousands of mules.

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Nothing has really been done about ballots and counting. Remember 2020 when republicans had hundreds of lawyers in place to guard against cheating? How'd that work out. If Biden can win from his basement then Harris can certainly win.

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Not trying to start an argument. My recollection is they didn't ANY provisions in place to guard against cheating. That was a big part of the problem.

I'll agree with you, I don't get a warm-fuzzy they're any better prepared.

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They had lots of promises and wishes. I think they're going further this time with changes in many laws to help, as well as a LOT of critical watchers. It isn't fuzzy yet, but it's a little warmer than it was.

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Every complaint and approach through the courts will wind up being dismissed. Either lack of standing, it's too early or it's too late.

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One would guess the exact SAME voter fraud scheme Biden said was IN PLACE BEFORE the 2020 election.

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You are so right. I do think the RNC is more prepared to combat fraud than they were in 2020. We all need to ensure that we vote and decorate at least 5 others.

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I doubt it

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Is there any reason for us to believe that on the three most important policies the RNC holds near and dear (open borders, free trade, and endless wars), they agree to support the candidate who opposes them all?

I don't think the RNC wants to support DJT today anymore than it did four years ago.

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I hate to think what would happen if they cheated again. Just as it would have been a flashpoint if "they" had managed to kill Trump, I think that level of cheating would lead to catastrophic events.

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They either cheat or take Trump out.

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We can’t get overly confident but praying President Trump will have a BIG VICTORY and America will be GREAT again! #MAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Right. Fraud is their way. The MIC controls the computers. “Dominion”. What a thing to name what are voting tally systems, mmhhhmmm?

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We must ALL vote as if we are losing substantially. No complacency!

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No Democrat Primary For You! We get to pick the next candidate for President - says the WEF-billionaire class.

No wonder they stuffed Bobby's candidacy. He would have crushed the Cackler for sure.

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Bobby would have been the nominee if he was allowed into the primary races.

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He is doing a presser at the Kennedy stronghold at 5:00 eastern time today per TET.

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I keep getting those mixed up. A 'stronghold' is for the friendlies and a 'compound' is for the adversaries? <wink>

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It was a popup on my pc from Epoch. When I went to post it, could not remember the word used as to place - took a guess! I've never use either term before.

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The IT failure this week is likely to happen again on election night. They had to play this one to make the upcoming one seem legit. Seriously, that is the first thing that occurred to me. Sounds like a conspiracy theory which is even scarier. Please God Bless this Nation to be Great Again.

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I think it was a test run

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I still don't see many people discussing the automatic updates they have set up on their networking equipment. Most of the updates come from somewhere in China.

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I've always used a Mac, but even so have never allowed automatic updates.

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That's very smart. Though, also check your home router/wifi devices. Most of them ship configured with auto-updates, and almost always source those updates from the manufacturer - Made in China.

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I agree, Mike. I use Microsoft for my network and it scares the hell out of me.

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What about your router or gateway? What about the equipment your ISP uses to deliver the 'net to your neighborhood and city? There are lots of pieces to the bigger puzzle and almost all of them were purchased in part due to lower costs.

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Yes, you are preaching to the choir here. I worry since I work remotely for clients in other states, one being Illinois. The city of Chicago's health care system has been plagued with Ransomware to several key hospitals, creating a lot of havoc. I am pretty small fry, but I depend upon the internet to work.

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Oops, I do not think for a second that Trump will win by a landslide. Millions of illegals have been registered to vote and while I don't think they'll vote, their ballots will be harvested or deposited into drop boxes in closely contested areas all over the country. This is well known and that's why I don't think they are as worried as we think they are. While we are busy doing our premature victory dance, they will also do the same for the house and senate votes. It's not just the presidential race that's important.

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Keep the eye on the hidden ball that can bounce its way to a Dem win, in Congress too.

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IF Trump wins, I would NOT be surprised if the so-called Democrats take BOTH the Senate (and) the House (with a veto-proof majority)- which will nullify at least 75% of anything Trump tries to do - such as closing the border, unleashing our energy potential, cutting regulations and taxes and shitcanning much of the un-elected out-of-control bureaucracy AND unconstitutional agencies, bureaus and departments.

THAT is how the Council on Foreign Relations works (and) by RETAINING as many "CFR" (establishment appointed) moles embedded in key positions in a Trump (or Vance) - or ANY administration.

Until the "CFR" is outlawed from becoming federal government employees and appointed to key positions within - NOTHING will change for the better - and the march to One World Order will continue to 2030 AD..the date that WILL live in INFAMY IF successful.

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The American public needs to know more...to know anything at all about the Council on Foreign Relations!

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CMCM?? Maybe you have missed the in-depth exposure of "CFR" members - by NAME - I have posted for the past couple of years via the Malone's Substack?

IF you like to read - and want to personally educate yourself - so that YOU can guide other interested Americans about the "CFR" - from its inception in 1921 HOW it imperils the USA and the American people, THE PRESIDENT MAKERS - "How Billionaires Control U.S. and Foreign Policy" by Don Fotheringham - it is available via AMAZON.

"TPM" is in soft-cover format for easy reading and is profusely illustrated with names, dates , places and events - is by far the only book I know of that contains such a COMPLETE disclosure of the Council on Foreign Relations reason for being - BEYOND that which "they" claim as their goal. HINT: It AIN'T

the sovereignty of the USA, NOR the sovereignty of the American citizens.

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I know about it, but most people I've casually mentioned it to have no idea at all about it. That's a fact.

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So, CMCM, if you "know" about the "Council on Foreign Relations" - and the continuing efforts by "CFR" MEMBERS - such as Joe Biden, Susan Rice, Antony Blinken, John Kerry, Alejandro Mayorkas, Janet Yellen, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Hillary, Bill and Chelsea Clinton, Dick Cheney - and their ilk - to SUBVERT the United States of America; nullify its National Sovereignty (and) the sovereignty of Americans- to become PERMANENTLY subjugated to and under the rule of UN-ELECTED One-World-"Government" (INTERNATIONAL) BUREAUCRATS; and make Americans "citizens of the world" - like Barrack Hussein Obama - do you tell them where they can get information to EDUCATE them to the ABSOLUTE danger they and their CHILDREN are in and are unaware of?

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Jul 21Edited

Many more boxes of "late-delivered ballots" will be "discovered" during the months of voting this time than before.

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Rental trucks from New York to Pennsylvania are already being reserved.

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This is really going to take prayer and fasting.

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Commie kammy or bust!!!

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There are only a few things standing between Trump and the White House; unfortunately they’re all unthinkable, unspeakable, and deal-breakers with regard to going forward as free men and women.

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But never give up on the GOP.

They've got a long history of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

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So true.

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