
"Biden Allows Pentagon to Tap Reservists for European Mission amid Ukraine War"

(Here is a bit more info).


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I bet they need to replace the dying and sickened service men with reservists.

Jabbo killing our military ?

Bill and Klaus will be celebrating tonight.

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Two poor excuses of mankind.

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Both, being spawn of Satan, technically aren't part of "mankind"

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To me, this makes no sense at all. Putin couldn't even take Bakhmut without Wagner...and the front line has scarcely changed for months now. So not sure what the perceived threat to NATO is, given Putin is stalled completely in eastern Ukraine and has zero aims of moving on to NATO territory. Given the behavior of this administration in other matters the past couple of years, whatever is going on, the narrative when it happens will be a blatant lie. That much we can count on.

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Not one thing Biteme has said or done make sense.

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I'm stealing that

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Hmmm...”Brandon Biteme”. It’s got a ring to it. A hollow ring.

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My names for Fauci is Falsi.

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Billy (from the) Gates (of hell) is my nick name for … somebody.

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I use Fauxci

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Flim Flam Fauchi

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Sounds like a "cock"tail drink.

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Let's not forger "Pedo Satan Biden"

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Well perhaps letting over a million just walk into the country had a plan. He's going to draft them. Lol

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Or arm them, and use them against American citizens

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Putin 'stalled?" And the vaunted "Ukrainian counter-offensive?" Given the exultation of our media, shouldn't all the Russian troops have been rolled up by now?

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The administration and the press are both schizophrenic on Ukraine and Putin. "The Russian economy has collapsed", "Putin is weak and about to be ousted", "Russia has over 200,000 casualties". Yet out of their mouths also comes "Putin is grave threat to 'democracy' (whatever that's defined to mean these days)", "Putin threatens NATO", and so forth. Total schizoids.

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"Grave threat to democracy"

Fwiw, the enitre Biden administration thinks that if you have a penis attached to your torso, betwwen your legs intersecting, that your penis is "a grave threat to democracy" as well.

Maybe this is why the military will pay for soldiers to chop them off if they feel threatened

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Follow Patrick Lancaster on YouTube and Twitter and you will get a completely different view of the war. Patrick is an American living in Ukraine since at least 2014. He has covers regional wars there. He has been on the frontlines from day one. He interviews civilians regularly and films in the middle of fighting. Some of the video is difficult to watch, but it gives you an up close spot on the ground. Everything he has shown from Day one is eventually confirmed by the Western media - even though they initially report otherwise. Check him out.

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That’s what we used to call JOURNALISM, back before the powers that be just started emailing the Main Stream Misleadia, telling them

what to say.

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Agree 100%

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Putin isn't "stalled." He stopped, because his aim is to protect the people of Donbass. He isn't like our crazy military leaders, who just keep on rolling over the opposition even though they have attained their objective.

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Putin never wanted to destroy Ukraine. He has had to do more damage than he ever wanted.

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Jul 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And they (Congressional Democrats) were worried about Donald J Trump having access to nuclear codes‼️

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Biden can barely read his teleprompter or stand where they tell him. He doesn't have the codes. It's people like Jake Sullivan and Antony Blinken we need to worry about.

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It's not worry, it's jealousy.

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We took in the Russians in the 1990's. Tough people. Putins ego will not let him lose. I pray nothing comes of this.

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"A war with Russia could very well go nuclear."


We have just the idiots in charge to do it, too.

Yet another "lucky break" for China..........

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It's no "lucky break". This another phase of the well organized, well coordinated, and well financed plan to destroy American and subjugate the world population..

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Exactly why it's in quotes.

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My family lived through 2 World Wars. I wonder how our young drop outs from society and employment would handle being bombed nightly. They have an anxiety attack over losing the charger for their cell phone.

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Good one. I say you win the internet today Margaret!

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If we need the weekend warriors to fight a war with Russia, we've already lost. (which is NOT intended as a slight in any way to any National Guardsman).

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We're a million miles out of my ballpark here, but is it possible these troops would take the place of more regular soldiers who are transferred to the front lines?

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During Desert Storm reserves took the place of active duty in some places depending on what they do. Most nurses and docs rotated in and out of the field. Many of my friends went all over but in my specialty, High Risk Maternal and Neonatal I stayed State side.

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Look at the MOSs of the individuals being called up. That will tell you exactly what's going on.

My last MOS for instance was 88M Motor Transport/Combat Driver.

11B Infantry and so on.

Here is a website that breaks down

the MOS system more completely.


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Actually we probably do. The other option is “troop tranny”.

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Jul 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Where did this come from and why is it not on ANY news site? I mean -- pretty big news, right?

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Alternative news has a way of making this kind of news come out into the open. I bet mainstream media will pick it up later tonight or tomorrow.

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Mockingbird media awaits the PR experts telling them how to pitch it as a good thing.

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I'm looking at all the alt news I usually look at and nothing... I haven't watched/read mainstream in a decade but I even checked them, too

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It’s all over Twitter. Post millenial just published it

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All over twitter

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Maybe Dr Malone picture up an AI spin? That's my WISH anyway.

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Friday 12 noon NY time. Still waiting. Epoch covered it.

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Nothing on WSJ either.

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Thank you. There will be a high demand for Xanax.

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The Hollywood writer's strike is the top story in the nation.

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That or the cocaine baggie at the White House.

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Nah, that's old news now that the SS claims there were no fingerprints or DNA to be found on the baggie, only the initials "H.B.". The investigation was filed away in the same circular bin as last year's SCOTUS ruling leak.

Democracy Dies in Darkness, and boy oh boy are we being kept in the dark.

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I don't care about the small bag of cocaine. Read years ago all the drug dealers look forward to the Friday those working in the Whitehouse get paid.

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I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if there were more coke heads in the west wing than on Wall St.

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I mean, we Dzo need to get to the bottom of the Hollywood writers thing… ⚖️⚖️⚖️ Its at least of equal import…

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Well if it removes some of the porn from our "entertainment" I would support it. I often turn films etc off when they show graphic sex scenes. Our poor kids know too much before they turn 13.

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And the guy behind Yellow Stone is griping that he will not hire any script writers because he writes his own scripts. I wonder if the strike is a way to get certain scripts written that otherwise wouldn't be.

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Doesn't explain Fox. If Dr. Malone knows, shouldn't they?

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It's been said that Malone knows people who are on the "inside" which I think is great. I love that we (normal folk) have patriots in our midst. I'm so thankful that I get to experience alternate media in my lifetime.

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Jul 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Fuck you peodo Joe. And fuck everyone who supports him and his evil criminal tribe. If he truly recieved 81 million votes then at least half of them are of military age. Shouldn't be a problem finding volunteer's 😎

To the rest of the criminal politicians;

Send your children and grand children you can't have me or mine. I served in your garbage Iraq war covering your crimes I'm not up for this criminal war covering more of your criminal enterprises.

I love and will defend my country always and my government when they deserve it.

They don't deserve it now.

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Tell us how you really feel, Steve.

And I agree with you 100% FWIW.

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My youngest is almost 17 and they can't have him. He can fight and help others here especially his mama😍

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"Better is a poor but wise child than an old but stupid king, who no longer has enough sense to heed a warning." - Ecclesiastes 4:13

I have nothing more to say.

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Your screen name might say it all..........

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Perfect Bible verse, for these unsettling times.

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Jul 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is insane. The escalations in the past year are maddening. I would like if we had a draft that called up the offspring of warmongering politicians and admin chiefs. Sure we would have a different outcome.

What a contrast with the administration of President Trump.

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I slept very well from the 2016 election until that stupid, bullshit planned-demic was thrust upon us. Now I sleep, go to the store, sit in my house, and do whatever I need to with my trusty little friend clipped to my pants. A couple times a month to the target range, to keep sharp.

You can call me paranoid, but I'm telling you if the proverbial feces hits the wind generation machine, I'm ready to defend my family.

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This is a direct result of mandating RNA injections for all military. Between those that refused, and those dismissed from the military, and those that have been incapacitated by taking the injections, the military is now deficient in troops! A sad commentary on how we are addressing social issues and medical issues in this country!

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My niece is a marine. She took a “clot shot” and within hours, had quarter sized WEEPING, pus filled, itchy rashes all

over her body, went BLIND in one eye and her appendix ruptured!!! Her eyesight eventually recovered except for no peripheral vision. They tried to make her get another clot shot! She was like, I’ll be AWOL if you do. She’s 26, married and has a toddler! Her brother, also a marine, got the clot shot and got all

kinda of maladies as well. He’s 24. It’s crazy.

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I would appreciate a non involved investigation into the Covid vaccine. We deserve the truth. My kids all had the vaccines at birth to 2. No adverse reaction. However they should be analysed and determined if some are affected negatively. They have a 3% possible morbidity rate. That's acknowledged. Howrver I think we need to have the numbers and the facts .

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There are hundreds of really GOOD books and documentaries out there about the childhood

v a c c i n e s. Loads of doctors who are NOT giving them. Loads of vets not giving them, either.

A Shot in the Dark by Candace Owen— also a book by that name…



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I agree with you in principle. Unfortunately, there are often many impediments to reaching accuracy. I can't offer you the truth, but I can offer you a fascinating alternative. I can't lay claim to it, and probably neither can Nietzsche, who wrote extensively of this in his famous Beyond Good and Evil (and in his other books). Essentially, the exercise is to "psycholanalyze" a person, a group of any size. Nietzsche makes the extremely important point that rarely, if ever, can one really find "The Truth," and that we should be suspicious of anyone, however learned and sincere he may be, who claims to have done so (e.g. a philosopher.) Rather than ask "Is X true?" the skeptic should inquire "Why does he (me, you, they, etc.) NEED TO BELIEVE that X is true?" What instincts, motivies, drives may be shaping such a desire? Sometimes these are plausible motives (e.g. a deliberate deception, perhaps for evil ends or perhaps something as (relatively) innocent as to save face. But the behavior may be driven by impulses below the person's conscious thought, too.

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My son a reader of Nietzche. I agree with you.

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Yeah, that, and trying to appeal to patriotic (or at least unemployed) youth to sign up for the "tantalizing" drag queen shows.

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Da Ja Vue! I was recalled to service in 1961 when the CIA wanted JFK to invade Cuba and he said NO! Down hill since then!

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You old fart! You're probably Dr. Nash's age. With age comes wisdom although it skipped Biteme.

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Dr. Nash is in her early 70s . Braun has to be at least 10 years older.

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Sorry, I was referring to Micheal Nash who posts on here. He is 81. I call him Dr.

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Likely so.

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You forgot those undergoing sex transformation. Requires 9 months recuperation.

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Has the Mad Hatter taken control! God help us!

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Well if I wanted to be a man I would join the military. Very expensive surgery and hormone changing meds.

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Oh Thomas you meant to say how 'we' meaning them are causing...

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We are complicit for allowing the clowns to rule us!

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Still keeping our pistol in the night stand drawer waiting for the opportunity to take our country back.

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My husband has an arsenal. Told my kids, no surprise visits in the middle of the night. He was raised on Chicagos South side.

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Depends on who one voted. Dem for 55 years. Loyal to the party. I voted Trump. I put the USA ahead of party loyalty.

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Jul 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Very scary. Thank you for sharing.

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Jul 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Terrible news

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Biden is distracting our attention from his and his son's problems by sending our American Citizens into war. He needs to be thrown out of office immediately.

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He's going to get us all killed. What an evil bastard.

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Biden won't care---I understand the underground bunker is stocked to the gills with his favorite ice cream.

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And childrens hair to smell. He better get Eva Longoria over there fast, as he'll want to grab some boob while hes in the bunker

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His daughters.diary was most upsetting. Naked showers with her as a child. Where was Jill?

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He’ll barely notice. He’s oblivious. “Whaaaa…?”

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Yes he will. In this case I stand with Russia, anyone that has gone with the Ukraine side to fight, deserves what they get. I am sure Putin will not make a point to make sure the Amerikans are not targeted. It is war get them all. They have no business being there to start. I will never forget what US/Nato did to the former Jugoslavia. It angered me a bit that when the serbs caught three American pilots they shot down, then caught, they let them go, due to that fake scumbag Jesse Jackson begging and praying with President Milosevic. The American's went on Larry King at the time and bad mouthed the way the serbs treated them. Hey you guys deserved a bullet to the head, no business being there to start then instead of being gracious, nope nasty creeps. Now if Americans end up in Ukraine, Putin just keep fighting, whoever gets hit so sad to bad. I am sorry, but fed up with America that has destroyed and killed many all around the globe in wars none of their fkn business. God Bless Putin and Russia.

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Yes. I was kicked off social media for saying Iraq......Ukraine...what is the difference?

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Indeed, you are right. they don't want others to know that.

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I was kicked of FB for mentioning that every Ukrainian I know in Chicago. Is a Jew who escaped Ukrainian Anti Semetism.

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He is a sock puppet agent of the Devil, every day pushing us deeper into an Inferno, and weakening every facet of America that makes us strong. People need to wake the f up to this now. Charge this asshole with treason before he starts WW3. Do it now. Our time is running out. He is sprinting now for that goal line.

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That he is.. That brought a laugh... Biteme sprinting. although, if there was a 12 year old girl a distance away he may be able to do to get that whiff in - if he can still recognized a girl.

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Jul 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The French government has just passed a bill that would allow it to requisition people to join their army and private and commercial property to be ceased to the government “in case that it is needed for the safety of the nation” (or something like that). They are obviously preparing for some conflict -be it in Ukraine or within the European borders (a civil war in France?). This is not looking good...

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I could not help reading that with Biden's enlarged tongue slopping all over the words and have to say these words could be the end of the world as we know it, read off by a half brain dead political hack with invisible whispers in his ears.

America needs to pull itself off of the brink here. The world is already pulling away from us, we look like a horrible thug and people are not afraid anymore to call us out on it, or at least act on it.

This will be the checkpoint.

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Jul 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Horrible news!

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