Jul 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You and Ed Dowd are grounded in reality with impeccable indisputable expertise in your respective fields to help us see the Big Picture. I am so blessed and thankful to have found you and then your introduction of Ed Dowd. I check both of your posts daily so I know the truth. You both provide accurate and priceless information and work tirelessly, profoundly grateful for you both.

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On the recommendation of one of my viewers, I saw Greg Hunter's interview of Ed. It was very enlightening, and this adds to my understanding. To continue the analysis, 94% of money in the US is created through mortgage debt but that only creates the principle, not the interest. To keep enough money in the economy to pay the debt, the interest rate needed to keep dropping because more money can be borrowed at the same amount of repayment with a lower interest rate. But in 2008 it reached zero for the Fed funds rate. First time borrower incentives were exhausted, no interest, no downpayment starting rates had been used. The meltdown was inevitable and allowed Blackrock, among other hedge funds, to skim off those foreclosed homes in the thousands, like a whale guzzles plankton.

We're at that point again where there's not enough money in circulation to pay the debts and there's no way to generate more by creating more debt. That's why the facade of home ownership is being dropped and the Great Reset is 'you'll own nothing.' In truth, we owned nothing before because most houses were never paid off or only briefly. But now all the interest paid by our parents and grandparents can buy up the houses directly and we'll all be renters.

I don't think Covid is all about covering up the crisis of capitalism. Besides dispossession, their other agenda is depopulation. They're both their intent.



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Jul 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Over the past several months I have been following Ed Dowd and in my opinion, he is today's EF Hutton. "When Ed Dowd talks, people listen."

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"When Ed Dowd talks, people listen."

Yes, the whole 1% of a 1%...

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Jul 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Who needs news organizations when one man can communicate big-picture goings on so succinctly? This post earned a subscription from me.

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thank you, Stacey.

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Great article. Thank you.

I would like to see Dr. Malone take charge of all the US government health agencies to rebuild the trust and structure. You are the perfect fit since you have worked for most of the agencies, and many staff in those organizations would trust you.

To Malone subscribers, please ask him about it, too.

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Jul 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If I had a vote...an emphatic YES!!

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Dr. Robert Malone to head and restructure the entire HHS, Dr. Peter McCullough for President and RFK Jr. as an active vice president, Dr. Kory to lead and reform the NIH and to escort Dr. Fauci and his wife out the door. Dr. Paul Marik on Special Projects for Dr. Kory. Dr. Joseph Ladapo as a really engaged charismatic Surgeon General like the old Everett Koop who will lead the country on a campaign to wellness and functional medicine using the knowledge of non captured medical professionals. Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Richard Urso and others running NIH institutes in their specialties. Brett Weinstein and Heather Heying in special positions with empowered task force to dismantle and retire the Department of Education and leave that to parents and states. Del Bigtree and Dr. Naomi Wolf as co-press secretaries. Maybe Edward Dowd for the FTC? Steve Kirsch on special projects like working with the vaccine injured. I have a dream team government in mind in my fantasy revision of a repaired world. Please join in with nominations. There are many of us here former high level GS federal employees in the HHS and otherwise who would stand ready to return for temporary positions and special assistants to help newcomers navigate, maneuver around and simplify the bureaucracy. Dr. David Martin leading the patents office. Chime in with additions and revisions to this working model.

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Jul 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you so much for this!! I appreciate Ed‘s work very much!! He gave eye-opening insights to data from a field not many have access to very soon in this debacle. As regards Ernst Wolff, for me he is a kind of pioneer in uncovering the connections and roots of Klaus Schwab and WEF. It seems he made it his destiny to wake people up and fight the WEF. Probably because he is German, I follow him quite a time now and find one of his latest presentation very interesting. I only have it in German though https://rumble.com/v1cdql9-the-great-reset-gibt-es-einen-ausweg-vortrag-von-ernst-wolff.html

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I have German, and more, it helped me compare what was being said in Germany, Austria, Italy, France and Spain as well as in English-speaking countries. Amazing: they all said exactly same thing. Must have been translated for them by WEF/WHO/CDC...to make sure nobody gets it wrong. Noticed that Africa and India did not sing from same hymn-book, at least not all the time.

I've seen some of Ernst Wolff on YT but hadn't seen this last one. Danke!

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Jul 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hi Dr. Malone: Because I spent my entire career in the Financial Services arena I can relate to this.

I think it was because of my working background that I was a covid sceptic right off the bat.

When explaining risk to clients I would always say the #1 Risk was Government. I am looking forward to getting your book ( assuming Amazon does not have any unexpected issues. haha )

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Jul 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And it's too true...Gov't is the greatest risk to all our lives. Stupid, greedy, unskilled, lazy, opportunistic dumbasses who don't know much of anything about anything.

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And, they will never admit to being wrong.

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And they’re in charge of our lives by the ability to bring all hell upon each one of us.

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Piggy back the underutilized VAERS reporting system which accounts for about only 10% of the adverse events happening in the US and anyone would agree we don't need injections that reprogram cellular function irrationally because IT IS NOT CONTROLABLE and TARGETED, but RANDOM! VAERS reports 30,000 deaths and it is easily 10 times that number! These facts and the astute anaylsis by Ed Dowd should be sufficient for any astute leadership to stop the carnage and this mass crime against humanity. I wish President Trump had the humility to speak up on this issue and explain how he was cornered by the medical mafia! We will wait in the wind for Biden to change his view which is feed to him on the teleprompter!

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Trump was more concerned with re-election than he was with pharma cabal around him. He hasn't said much about the topic covered in this article, so that means he isn't bright enough to work through the information or he doesn't want to be implicated. I voted for him twice.

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Evaluating voter validation superceds all other scenarios.

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i wonder if any progress is being made... this was on EpochTV today...

Trump Schedules ‘Major’ Announcement; News Outlets Warn of ‘Radical Plan’ to ‘Drain the Swamp’ https://link.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/trump-schedules-major-announcement-news-outlets-warn-of-radical-plan-to-drain-the-swamp_4621371.html

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Jul 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Brilliant breathtaking analysis. Thank you!

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Jul 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What great work you guys are doing! Please don’t falter! The truth will win out when all is said and done; I pray that those who created and continue to perpetuate this human tragedy will be held accountable.

It is evidence like Ed Dowd’s et.al., analysis that will be of great value if and when the accountability trials are undertaken!

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Jul 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Sending this to a long list of legislators & AG’s. Just when I think you couldn’t possibly outdo do your previous dissections of the corrupt alphabets running healthcare, you step it up to another level of excellence. Mentoring Ed, seeing his gift for inquisitiveness, expanding the network of people with the restoration of integrity as their basis for being, brought tears. I was kidding several comments ago that you should run for President. It’s not your baliwick, however, it is that inner begging for persons of your capability and, yes, integrity, we seek in governance. Dr. Malone, you are a King among the jesters like Tedros & Fauci who claw their way into power & wealth.

With thanks.

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"Pfizer’s defense is that its ok that they engaged in fraud because the US government was aware of it. Why this is not the largest mainstream media story is testament to the corruption of the press by government money."

At this stage, few of us are still naive enough to expect the MSM to upset the apple-cart but now that Pfizer's blatant position is officially out in the open, why is it that none of the jellyfish in Congress say a single solitary word? Who else should be expected to defend the public interest against such malfeasance?

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"why is it that none of the jellyfish in Congress say a single solitary word?"

Sen Ron Johnson has been out in front of this holding hearings for over a year. Here's the second one https://rumble.com/vt62y6-covid-19-a-second-opinion.html

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I know about the valiant Sen. Johnson's exposure of the vaccine damaged (which should now become increasingly hard to deny by any but the 3 monkeys) but that's not quite the same as exposing the blatant criminality of Pfizer openly and nonchalantly admitting the enormity of not just THEIR guilt but that the Government was in on it too. Surely at least half of Congress (and you know which half) should be bellowing about this and then it would undoubtedly be impossible for the MSM to continue ignoring.

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I agree with everything but the idea one side of the aisle in Congress is different from the other. They all voted to send billions to Ukraine to arm Nazis after walking away from trillions of weapons in Afghanistan, left in the hands of former greatest threat the Taliban.

Where they divide is by corporate welfare sector which is why 25% USDA subsidy dollars go to TEN Congressional Districts. 10/435 taking most of the funding are MoC on the Ag Committee.. and so it goes by sector patron lobbyists and Members paired.. not by party but by personal power and profit prospects.


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Agreed. Few politicians today distinguish themselves via their principles, whichever party they represent. The thought simply occurred to me that the current Opposition might seek to use the Pfizer info opportunistically for electioneering purposes, not because their innate sense of integrity or criminality was offended.

Wrt Ukraine, the almost unanimous rush by Congress to defend the 'innocent' Ukraine whilst ignoring the history that led to this situation, points in part to their need to be favorably associated in the public's mind with Russia's victims, never mind the tacit support for the US munitions business.

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almost all DC politicians are on the take from Pharma. They are not going to bite the hand that feeds them.

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deletedJul 26, 2022·edited Jul 26, 2022
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The U.S. gov’t leadership is on board with anything which furthers the WEF/globalist agenda of destroying the country’s strength medically, socially, scientifically, morally, religiously, culturally, militarily, financially, educationally, economically - you name it - they’re for it so long as it weakens us. If you are not contributing to this agenda - there is no defense for you.

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Jul 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


Carry On!!

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Jul 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The first part of this is a perfect description of the various FED-induced financial bubbles we've had since the mid 90's.

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Jul 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Besides, I think Ed's right about Covid being used to distract attention from the credit bubble debt. Half of my admittedly small circle, including my financial advisor, was talking about an impending market crash in summer of '19. We thought this was going to happen in '20. But, instead, something else did.

I also think this is how Trump got played by the likes of Birz and Fauci. Trump, with his titanic sized ego, was obsessed with being re-elected in '20 and absolutely did not want a stock market crash and recession to screw it up for him. Reagan faced the inevitable recession early in his first term (Volchar wiping out the stagflation of the 70's) with the Reagan economic boom starting in '83. Trump faced the recession near the END of his term, thus threatening his chances of being re-elected. I think Birx, Fauci, and Co. played on Trump's ego to get him to go along with all of the lockdown crap (on the state level, there never was any federal level lockdown) as well as Operation Warp Speed (the phrase "warp speed" will go down in history as one of the worse expressions). You know that Trump is still pushing these vaccines. Incredible!

Well, the attempt to use covid to mask the popping of the credit bubble has certainly failed. It will take a few years to play out. But I think the blowback will prove to be epic.

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Jul 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Outstanding! The “Malone Team” has to feel vindicated. The “Monroe Doctrine” simply must become the future of our institutions. There’s very little that can be added to this outstanding expose than the equally outstanding commenter’s haven’t already stated, except perhaps a sincere thank you for acknowledging Naomi Wolf’s work along with her team of volunteers. Bravo.

Having little financial expertise and less government operations knowledge, but a nursing vocation that evolved into a corporate medical work career did not necessarily give me the insight to instinctively knowing that everything about the Covid response was way beyond wrong... for one, never in the history of western medicine has a healthy population ever been quarantined for a pathogen under such unconstitutional (prison terminology) lockdowns with no actual evidence initially of a true pandemic.

Many of us don’t have the years of medical education and licenses that represent the solid science based expertise that Robert and Jill Malone have, and the many brave doctors (and nurses) who stepped forward at great peril to refute the unreasonable often unconscionable official narratives. There are many of us that simply “knew” none of the Covid protocols made any sense, with or without a medical degree, certainly not illegal mandates forcing an experimental never before tried on a human population injection. Mandates are not laws. That said, I don’t agree with the statement “the unwitting Doctors who pushed this vaccine program.” What and how exactly does a medical doctor trained in biology, microbiology, histology and human pathology just to name the higher education basics NOT get about experimental!? NO! Every doctor pushing the “not a vaccine” mRNA program is an accomplice to every death and disability they caused for NOT using their training, intelligence and critically thinking diagnostic skills!

Lives have been lost and ruined by these licensed participants in this ever growing democide! All participants in this 1929 on steroids greatest financial destruction ever in history about to be upon us globally... and each and every player in the Covid coverup from Presidents to medical practitioners should be held liable, convicted ~ tried~ and fried as Stew Peters states daily.

A thousand thank you’s for validating what so many of us knew March 11 2020 post Event 201 2019.

Thank you!

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Correction “Malone Doctrine”

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"The US government is guilty of democide with their forced mandates, and countless corporations and government agencies are also likely liable for forcing employees to accept injections of experimental vaccines which employ novel gene therapy-based technology."


p.s. i refused to get/ give the jabs!

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Jul 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well Dr. Malone, you did it again! What an incredible journey you are on. How different does this feel from "the good old days" of yore. I never thought in a million years that I would be reading all of the various takes of the inner workings of this time. I'm getting my higher education for free, but not without cost to my psyche, my livelihood, my friends and acquaintances. No matter, it is worth it to me. Thank you.

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D D - I could not agree more.

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