Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The power of the truth telling from his lips and his experience has to be shouted across the globe! Look at the willingness of the elected officials to succumb to the dictatorial rulings during the "plandemic". Not only the officials, but the people at large were willing to give up their freedoms and didn't look past their noses at what that actually meant. That only a few here and there, saw the implications of these mandates is truly frightening. It certainly took me a while to see the picture of the loss of my freedom and what that really means. I've not had that happen in my life before in this same way. I was able to plead an exemption for my son on a vaccination he had "missed" in the 80's. Now? Not so easy. I remember a friend making a comment about liking her passport vaccination card to be able to travel. She didn't have a clue what that really meant. I had to go out of the city to eat at a restaurant for my birthday because of my vaccination status. Then there was the number to call to turn in your neighbor if they broke the rule about going outside. This was from the governor, did anyone notice? We need to hear the implications of these rulings, over and over again; the veil over peoples' eyes is heavy and thick. Just because some of the people have become awake, don't think that the majority have. There is a long way to go .

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It's amazing how easy it is to cause people to do what is clearly wrong. Once this has been done, they're very resistant to correction.

Much of vaccine 'correction' is from the personally experienced adverse events, rather than an understanding that freedom has been lost.

It's heartening to see the common sense arising from Eastern Europe, where they've had enough of tyranny.

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Incredible and needed speech which carries so much weight as we see our world slipping into a totalitarian society. This man is brave and we need millions more to stand up and be counted. I personally struggle with getting involved at my age; however, perhaps it is best that all seniors get involved. Shouldn't we accept some responsibility for this mess? Let this challenge by this patriot from another country be our call to stand up and be counted. Contend for the faith. Dr. B

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The progressives/socialists/communists have concocted a witches brew conflating climate, gender and these jabs in one single package. Sorta simplifies targeting, doesn’t it?

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We are headed for a global medical police state which will open up the twilight zone of human existence. Free will and human rights will be subordinate to humans' new classification as lab rats. For three years I have been connecting the dots and the lies. We need a ground swell of multiple voices across the global to join Christian Terhes who has the courage to speak out on the great harm that has been created by nefarious groups.


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Cant say that enough!!!!

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ABSOLUTELY!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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You nailed it. The simplification of the PLAN-DEMIC. It appears that most of the heads of state around the world are on board with it. I now recognize the parallel between the "invasion" of Europe and the "invasion" of America as another part of that plan.

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Like fish in a barrel to the unsuspecting ones that question nothing, obey anything.

Aquarium style! Sprinkle something to get my attention on top. I can be hooked.

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But my point was that those 3 topics serve as warning signs. Any candidate sniffing around any of them most likely guilty of supporting all 3 and one to be denied office. Simplifies voting.

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Seems to encourage the discourse as well,

and for the good, as for the sake of the many.


This go along to get along non-sense,

in the coming prevailing wind blown fears of changes.

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This is correct. We must be willing to continue our fight to awaken more of the populace, no matter how tired we are of talking to blank walls. This speech should be heard by everyone.

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Yes. Marxism.

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It’s obvious to anyone that works and has to support themselves that as we slip towards totalitarian communism our standard of living has dramatically gone down. Living conditions in America will continue to get worse as the government divisively pits one group against the other “to create equity”. Why do the current democrat communists have to brainwash children? Answer; Because children have no knowledge of history. With no history they can mold generations of good communists which keeps the populace needy. Forced vaccinations are a tentacle of the totalitarian communists show of power and a forced relinquish of freedom. J.Goodrich

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Mission creep James. When I was a kid only 4 or so jabs needed to go to school and now today dozens. Induce tolerance to being jabbed and pretty soon you (they) can jab just about anything you (they) want. Same process progs stole c.d.c. Went from fighting epidemics to fighting bruised knees on playgrounds. Same process.

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If I am not mistaken, by the time a child graduates from high school today, they will have had approximately 70 doses from the numerous vaccines that are either required or promoted. That few question this insanity is beyond tragic.

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About every 80 years or so. to insure there are no living members to tell the real story.

Humans are a forgetful force eh?

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Perfectly said!

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Nov 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

For the last few years, we have been warned time and time again by those who have experienced totalitarian governments. Unfortunately, it seems that our young people have been indoctrinated and our older people are too busy and/or unwilling to confront what is happening. It's difficult to be optimistic about the future. My only sure hope is that Jesus is still sovereign and will bring me through whatever lies ahead. If they kill me, I will be with Him. Meanwhile, I will continue to try to awaken people.

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Nov 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Christian Terhes gave a wonderful speech – and in his second or third language! 💉🦠

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Nov 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Loved it!

No bullshit, "just the facts".

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Nov 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for sharing this exceptional review of a personal experience, a reaction, the response and challenge! Clear and positive. A pressing message for ICS participants and all of us to take to heart. The hour is late and we have a gauntlet to run in the next year.

As my boss lady brought me my part of the delicious Thanksgiving meal she had prepared for her family - she reported on their despair that it would be possible to have an honest election next year. I surely have to agree that's a legitimate worry. Did offer that worries not withstanding, we need to press on and do what/all we can to previal!

Have a good and productive day!

Ever, Bestest Plus♡♡♡

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Nov 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I just listened to the speech, besides reading it. The spoken word is very powerful!

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Nov 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Another truth warrior!!! THANKYOU ❤️🫶🏼

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

“I don’t have the power or the authority to play with anyone’s life. I’m not God and I don’t want to play God.” Terhes wanted the individual to have the facts about the shots and make their own decision.

Bringing this home - we used to have informed consent until the ‘informed’ part was trashed for a long slew of lies followed by accusation of being a walking/talking killer without the jab.

Let us not forget the HHS ‘s Hail Mary pass in November 2021, when too many people were not getting the jab. It skirted normal rule-making and mandated CMS medical facilities nationwide order their employees, volunteers, contractors, and other workers to receive a COVID–19 vaccine. Covered employers must fire noncompliant workers or risk fines and termination of their Medicare and Medicaid provider agreements.

Missouri et al and Louisiana et al filed lawsuits challenging the rule in the 8th and 5th circuit courts. The 5th circuit court found the HHS rule defective on 11/30/21 and the 8th circuit court did also on 12/13/21. Both entered preliminary injunctions against its enforcement. These two suits represented TWENTY FOUR STATES. Think about that.

After almost two years of Covid and several variants, five justices, without any science or medical knowledge reasoned their way into lifting those stays by agreeing with the HHS Secretary, who also has no science or medical knowledge, that the Secretary’s rule falls within the authorities that Congress has conferred upon him. [HHS Secretary issued an interim final rule, rather than through the typical notice-and-comment procedures, after finding “good cause” that it should be made effective immediately. That good cause was, in short, the Secretary’s belief that any “further delay” would endanger patient health and safety given the spread of the Delta variant and the upcoming winter season and, vaccination requirements are a common feature of the provision of healthcare in America.]

In addition, the lawsuits contended the interim rule was arbitrary and capricious as it failed to use testing rather than jabs, recognize natural immunity, departed from its prior approach of merely encouraging jabs, and failed to consider the rule might cause staffing shortages, including in rural areas. [The role of courts in reviewing arbitrary and capricious challenges is to “simply ensure that the agency has acted within a zone of reasonableness.” The two months the agency took to prepare a 73-page rule did not constitute “delay” inconsistent with the Secretary’s finding of good cause. We agree with the Secretary that he was not required to “consult with appropriate State agencies” in advance of issuing the interim rule. We similarly concur with the Secretary that he need not to prepare a regulatory impact analysis discussing a rule’s effect on small rural hospitals when he acts through an interim final rule. The rule does not run afoul of the directive in §1395 that federal officials may not “exercise any supervision or control over the . . . manner in which medical services are provided, or over the selection or tenure . . . of any officer or employee of any facility.]

Order of the Court: the applications for a stay are granted. On January 13, 2022, the Government effectively mandated vaccination for 10 million healthcare workers.

On January 13, 2022 Justice Thomas, with whom Justice Alito, Justice Gorsuch and Justice Barrett join, dissenting. [We expect Congress to speak clearly when authorizing an agency to exercise powers of vast economic and political significance. And we expect Congress to use “exceedingly clear language if it wishes to significantly alter the balance between state and federal power.” Vaccine mandates also fall squarely within a State’s police power, and, until now, only rarely have been a tool of the Federal Government.] These cases are not about the efficacy or importance of COVID–19 vaccines. They are only about whether CMS has the statutory authority to force healthcare workers, by coercing their employers, to undergo a medical procedure they do not want and cannot undo. Because the Government has not made a strong showing that Congress gave CMS that broad authority, I would deny the stays pending appeal. I respectfully dissent.

On January 13, 2022 Justice Alito, with whom Justice Thomas, Justice Gorsuch and Justice Barrett join, dissenting. [Although today’s ruling means only that the Federal Government is likely to be able to show that this departure is lawful, not that it actually is so, this ruling has an importance that extends beyond the confines of these cases. It may have a lasting effect on Executive Branch behavior. CMS claims that the data showing the vital importance of vaccination indicate that it “cannot delay taking this action.” Although CMS argues that an emergency justifies swift action, both District Courts below held that CMS fatally un¬dercut that justification with its own repeated delays. The vaccines that CMS now claims are vital had been widely available 10 months before CMS’s mandate, and millions of healthcare workers had already been vaccinated before the agency took action. This is hardly swift. Because CMS chose to circumvent notice-and-comment, States that run Medicaid facilities, as well as other regulated parties, had no opportunity to present evidence refuting or contradicting CMS’s justifications before the rule bound them. Neither CMS nor the Court articulates a limiting principle for why, after an unexplained and unjustified delay, an agency can regulate first and listen later, and then put more than 10 million healthcare workers to the choice of their jobs or an irreversible medical treatment.]

Missouri suit included Alaska, Arkansas, Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming.

Louisiana suit included Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Montana, Oklahoma, Ohio, South Caroline, Utah and West Virginia.

I’m sorry this post is so long, but I have never gotten over my anguish that unelected officials in HHS and in the Supreme Court have done this.

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Are you sure you're not a lawyer in disguise? Not that I love lawyers, but your recap was excellent, Shelley!

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Thank you. I was trying to expose how corrupt the system is. A federal government established to protect the rights of its citizens protects only its own. Not even the states have a say.

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Maybe because she is not a lawyer.

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It really is happening.... There is no giving in, no compliance possible. Every bit of time and space, all consent, that is granted this illegitimate power, in all its manifestations, only feeds the beast and brings more destruction and death. Our jabbed brothers and sisters, many, are experiencing/will be experiencing this in real time, in their own lives. And all of us are affected, as the horror of our Littles, and our families, the aged, all, are more and more seeming to be mowed down by this poison.

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Thank you for the link, Dr. Malone. I wish his party had more power, if they all think like he does. I don’t know anything about Romanian politics except the fall of Communism we witnessed in the late 1980s. If wiki is to be believed, his party has greatly fallen from grace. Do you have any idea why?

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Never trust Wiki for anything.

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While I think there is much bias, I think we can glean some truth from it…if all we are seeking is some basic knowledge. I miss the days of multi-volume Encyclopedias. I used to sit and just read them as a child.

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From what I hear most kids would need a dictionary to do that today.

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Since many people do not read books of any sort these days, you are most probably correct. I have noticed that the diversity in vocabulary seen in the ‘classics’, compared to modern books, is rather startling.

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Edited by an opposing party maybe? Problem I see with parliamentarian govs is that they are too fragmented making getting anything done like herding cats. All it seems to take is 2 parties joining and they can force the rest over a cliff. Look at the mess that is the UK today.

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Parliamentarian systems don’t seem to do anything other than create theater…ours seems just as inept though, sadly.

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Christian Terhes was on fire. What a powerful speech. So much truth in that speech. We need to teach our children and grandchildren about communism. The history books they have in school have been changed to fit the agenda. It is the younger generation that will have to save us. But we must teach them.

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I am OK with the Lemmings marching to the sea. I'm not OK with their efforts to take me with them. The possibility of mandatory injection conjoined with the loss of bodily autonomy is absurd on it's face. I hope the only salvation from this madness is not the 2nd amendment.

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