Aug 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You point out the issue ... the degeneration, the weary, indifferent, nihilistic fatigue so well. When the Covid debacle hit and the world went insane practically overnight, I descended from my ivory tower spirituality bubble, looked around and asked the question: "What the BLEEP is really going on?" After two years of research, I've finally come to the shocking, yet unsurprising, conclusion that our world is in the grip of a powerful, intelligent, anti-life Force—an unseen influence that has been involved in the deliberate programming and degeneration of humanity for thousands of years.

Priests and shamans, philosophers and mystics of every culture in the world have described this hostile, inhuman Presence and named it. For the ancient Greeks it was the Archons—the Powerful Evil Ones. In Christian literature it's Beelzebub, the devil, Satan, and Shaitan. For the Hebrews it’s Abaddon. In Islam it’s Iblis or AshShaytān. To Native Americans it's wetiko and windingo. To the Hawaiian kahunas it's e'epa.

Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung called this deceiving force “antimimos, the imitator and evil principle” and equated it with the Antichrist. The Russian mystic philosopher George Gurdjieff called it “the machine.” Sri Aurobindo, an Indian philosopher and guru, termed it the Hostile Forces. Hollywood portrays these entities as physical vampires. Modern-day philosophers and science fiction writers often refer to this Presence as the mind parasites.

Despite world-wide recognition of the reality of this insidious "other," humanity has not yet caught on to this presence. Why? Because over the millennia these advanced yet apparently soulless beings have created a thought matrix of lies—a false reality for us to live in that keeps us fundamentally blind to their presence and cooperative with their ultimate agenda.

By nature, humans are spirit beings of pure love. And yet media, education, spirituality, religion and politics have been skillfully infiltrated and subtly programmed to hold up an altogether different mirror.

Religious concepts such as original sin, scientific theories such as "the survival of the fittest," and the relentless violence in news, TV shows, movies and games have successfully convinced us that competition, self-destruction, aggression and corruption are our true nature. Which means we don't spend any time searching for outside influences driving our spiritual, moral and social malaise.

Educated to believe that unseen realities and the devil are superstitious nonsense (never mind the exploding popularity of evil/supernatural storylines in the entertainment industry), we are also trained to laugh at conspiracy theories. And yet many global financial leaders, corporate media conglomerates and NGOs such as the World Economic Forum and IMF are notoriously aligned with this dark Force, implementing its agendas. Materialism, hierarchy, wars, drugs, porn, AI, The Great Reset, Covid—components of the matrix all—are fearful drivers purposefully designed to accomplish one thing: To keep us divided and at each other's throats, forgetting our unified spiritual nature and our ability to set ourselves free by tapping into the unfathomable power of pure love that lies within us. Not a namby-pamby, romanticized, castrated, "nice" version of love, but LOVE—the force of nature itself that builds, and yes, destroys, worlds.

Zombies are indeed amongst us .... people who have allowed themselves to become divorced from their own true nature and "know not what they do" or what they are becoming. Fortunately, not all of us have fallen under wetiko's spell.

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Because if you do not have God, or a connection to the Light, the Source of All Life, you can not BEAR to see this darkness. You simply can NOT. And we have never lived in a more faith-less world as we are right now. So we are in very dangerous territory indeed. I fear from my teenage boys....truly. Deeply.

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As the Teacher said in Ecclesiastes we are meant to live under the Heavens, not under the Sun. There is a very stark contrast between Theism and Nihilism

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Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom.

Proverbs 9:10

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Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest, who have no hope. 1st Thessalonians 13.

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This is spot on. No connection to a higher being, no desire to be moral and live your potential.

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It is 100% correct that satan is real. Paul Harvey said the greatest trick the the devil ever played was to convince people he didn't exist. The Bible says in Psalms 51:5 "I was conceived in sin." Dennis Prager said it this way. "If you think humans are born good, then why does it take 18 years to teach them manners, to teach them to share, be nice, don't bully, say please, say thank you and a 1000 other things that make them into functioning adults?" Humans are not born good. The Bible tells us that through one man (Adam) sin entered the world, and only through one man (Jesus Christ) can sin be defeated. Accepting the perfect sacrifice of Jesus is the only way to be restored to the original relationship God intended for humanity to have with Him :-)

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Amen! And we must accept the fact that The Creator of All, Our Father, created all in LOVE - love does not destroy, ever - God loves EVERYONE, no exception. This is hard to imagine and accept - with all of our flaws, base behavior, hatred, envy, you name it - we can't accept everyone unconditionally so we can't imagine how God can. We creatures chose to deny, ignore, and defy God and His laws...that is, we choose Heaven or Hell. He will not direct/control our choices. That is why He became Man 2,,000 years ago -- to teach us the Way, the Truth and the Life. He WILL work with whatever we do and turn it to His Will. We, and the entire universe, are held in existence by His Divine Will. God has already won the battle of Good and Evil - we are born to live in this moment and be part of the end of the age and the beginning of a new one.

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Yes. WE choose heaven or hell. we CHOOSE heaven or hell. The Bible says that hell was created for the devil and his angels. Hell was not created for people. Hell is the place where people go that hate love, people that don't want to be in heaven. They have embraced selfishness. They hate love, and since God is love, they hate God. satan, the god of this world is also known as King over the Children of Pride. It is unfathomable that people could believe they could be good without God. Footnote: Karl Marx was not an atheist in the true sense. If you read his writings, you soon discover that in fact, Karl Marx hated God because he couldn't be God! So just like satan, he attempted to build his own kingdom. When you look at all the torture, suffering, starvation, murder and death that are the hallmarks of communism, its not hard to understand it is from satan himself.

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I have been listening to Father Stephen De Young, a priest from Lafayette. He speaks plainly and directly about all these issues. You can hear him on You Tube or on Ancient Faith Radio. I pray for everyone, including Fauci and hope he repents before he reseives his just rewards. I heard today that Rand Paul is pushing for indictment. We shall see.

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I meant receives. I have lots of typos....sorry about that!

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Your cite that Karl Marx hated God not because he didn't believe in God, but because he couldn't be a God-. is a very moving insight. I fear that the hubris of today: we can control gender, the weather and have not just the ability to do so, but the authority to proclaim this our province, mocks God,

Bad things happen when mankind tries that.

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Hi Robertn. hope all is well. Thanks for your comment. I learned this about Karl Marx from this book series. The Specter of Communism is Ruling Our World.


You can also watch it on Youtube. It is an amazing exposure of the evil of communism


Blessings to you.

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Over 2,000 years have gone by since the one man you believe can take away all the sins of man was here. In all that time, with all the millions of believers why have things gotten worse? Man has to take responsibility for his actions & do what is right, that is the only way to please G-d.

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Wow. What a brilliant response! SO right on target.

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In simple terms we have amoral humans who are deciding on the future of humanity for their benefit!

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Aug 9, 2023·edited Aug 9, 2023

Enhanced by technology, but ultimately the result of embracing that we are no more than an accident of time and chance, evolved from a swamp to which we are destined to return, with no ultimate purpose or accountability beyond temporary and eternally vain pursuits.

It's no wonder people become nihilists when nihilism represents the most accurate and realistic philosophy of a world "freed" from God. Without Him, we are no more than a poinltess blip on a pointless continuum, leading to a pointless non-existence and despair.

And seeking the benefits of God by a return to Judeo-Christian values will not achieve anything without rerturning to the God who is their source, and that through faith in Christ. Give me Your blessings but keep Your Messiah is a cure as bad as the disease.

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Cate, you and I (and many others reading this message) resonate on the same wavelength! I could not have said this better myself. You hit on all the topics that I have been writing about in my upcoming book (https://www.unorthodoxtruth.com/)

I've written so much on the topics that you mention, but the one piece that ties into all this is my work called "The Religious Tenets of Scientims" (behind a paywall). It shows how all this came to being and why we don't even see what's occuring (https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-religious-tenants-of-scientism)

Thank you Dr. Malone for this post, which ultimately led to Cate's response, (who I will now be following). I gained valuable insights, made a new connection, and now have taken one positive step towards a brighter future.

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Yes, what you and Dr. Malone point out is true. But I feel badly for these children of God. I would not call them zombies. The renowned neo-Darwinist, atheist materialists quoted below, and many others, have convinced untold numbers of individuals, particularly college students who then go on to be scientists or philosophers themselves, that they should not seek to develop their spiritual nature because they have none. So why wouldn't they be depressed, not care for themselves and seek escapism staring at illuminated screens on antidepressants or whatever else dulls their minds? They were and are led to believe they have no value nor future spiritually, and due to current circumstances, as physical beings either.

Marvin Minsky (1927 - 2016) co-founder of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's AI laboratory, and author of several texts concerning AI and philosophy stated  that "Everything, including that which happens in our brains, depends on these ond only on these: A set of fixed, deterministic laws. A purely random set of accidents" and "The human mind is a computer made out of meat."

Richard Dawkins, British evolutionary biologist and author: "The universe exhibits precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design ... no purpose ... nothing but blind pitiless indifference."

Daniel Dennett an influential American philosopher : "Darwin's dangerous idea" is the best idea anyone ever had, because it firmly grounds life in materialism and humans are "big fancy robots." 

Steven Pinker, the Canadian author, psychologist and psycholinguist (Time Magazine Jan. 19, 2007), "Neuroscientists agree on many features ... and the feature they find least controversial is the one that many people outside the field find the most shocking. Francis Crick called it "the astonishing hypothesis" - the idea that our thoughts, sensations, joys and aches consist entirely of physiological activity in the tissues of the brain. Consciousness does not reside in an ethereal soul that uses the brain like a PDA [personal digital assistant]; consciousness is the activity of the brain."

Yuval Harari, WEF historian and guru: (I'll spare us and mention but a few his horrific views of life and humanity). "There is no God in the sky above, only the Google and MS Clouds," "...free will, that's over," "As far as we know humans have no purpose" and "Humans are hackable animals."

Some famous atheist materialist, neo Darwinist, scientists and philosophers  NY times best selling books:" Richard Dawkins "The God Delusion," Victor Stenger "God: The Failed Hypothesis - How Sciences Shows that God Does Not Exist,"  Daniel Dennett, "Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon," Christopher Hitchens "God Is Not Great," Sam Harris "The End of Faith." 

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Aug 10, 2023·edited Aug 10, 2023

Freud called it the death wish. He saw it in Europe during the First World War when that continent committed cultural suicide. I saw it in Portland in 2020 when BLM/Antifa zombies sacked and burned that once-beautiful city as much of the population cheered them on. It is a weird suicide where seemingly normal people masochistically embrace their own brutal destruction.

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Well said, but “ the force of nature” you speak of ie Love, is God . His Son , the Word made flesh epitomizes ; is Love Incarnate . Ridiculed, denied, crucified by the world. God made us in His image with a free will to Love or not.

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And with that written, please tell me you released the Dragons under your control My Queen!

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Cate, Dr Malone and others, I hear your reasoned arguments against the nihilistic world we live in but do not believe you grasp that only religion can bring us out of this. Unless you can give yourself over, worship and pray to help your heart / soul, you are forever lost in reason.

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All was foretold long ago. It is written why we are here, in this human earth block of time inside these earthen bodies. The Reason is HIS Mercy for what took place prior to The Katabole The Destruction That Made the earth then void long before The Garden. The wicked one, his loyal associates, and yes, his DNA kids along with their bought and paid for stooges are useful tools.

All written. All warned about. All available "to those that will." BUT not from modern versions.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have found the best way to get out of your own depressive loneliness is to go help others. What have you been gifted with? Are you physically strong? Are you a good listener? Do you have disposable wealth? Can you play the piano? Sing? Draw or paint? Are you good with your hands? Are you are writer? Are you a prayer warrior? Look up and down your street, who might need their lawn mowed? Is there a widow or widower you could check on? Share some of the bounty of your garden with? How about that single mom? What about that food pantry that is always short on both items and help? (Trust me, they are desperate.) Maybe you could read to seniors at a nursing home? Start with your friends and family. Your place of worship. If you haven’t been to church in a long time, go back. If you don’t like your former church, find a new one that is ALIVE. The surest way to drive away the enemy is to FILL UP on the Lord. Read your bible with intention. Sing along with some hymns or worship songs... youtube is good for some things. Go for a nice walk, talk to God along the way.

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All excellent points except the YouTube reference.

Best to delete this nihilistic scourge entirely from your life .

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Once Rumble fills up its music repertoire, I probably will.

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Great post !

Love it. I try a lot of what you suggested, every day. Have done so for years.

Ever pay for someones lunch, sitting in a cafe, and not tell them? Its amazing the diifernt variations of reactions you get.

I especially like to do that to single elderly, who dont have their damn cell phone out. Occasionally they find out it was me, and i tell them to pay it forward.

Imagine if every single person in the world paid it forward? Way better than Klaus Anal Schwabs utopia.

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I know people make fun of them, but the late 19th/early 20th century anti-booze activists who went around smashing bottles and eventually got prohibition passed really were reacting out of love for their family members they saw succumbing to alcohol’s dangers. Again, regardless of what you think of them, similar feelings motivated those who fought in the 80s/90s to really eradicate smoking from society.

And going back further, the Victorian era activists who had such success fighting child prostitution, the slave trade, child labor, and more were highly motivated to save their families/communities from sin and dissipation.

Today, we have the scourge of teen smartphones, omnipresent pornography, fentanyl, Ritalin, I could go on… yet getting parents/communities to care is such an uphill battle.

What changed? Where have all the activists gone?

I wonder if at least part of the climate change scam is that it gets all potential activists/busybodies fully invested in something stupid and pointless so they don’t have time to fight the real enemy…

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Interesting that you mention climate change because to me it points out the underlying cause of all this social disarray...greed. A 1/2 million acre wind farm is proposed to be built off Galveston Island. Will it provide the amount of energy required to replace coal and oil? Probably not. But the persons who build these monstrosities will roll around in bunches of money. So too will the persons who peddle them and the politicians and agency personnel who are richly bribed to adopt this criminal offer ing. Greed across the board and you can apply that metric widely. It goes hand in glove with the diminishing of our Judeo-Christian ethic but was that not necessary simply to accommodate all this greed?

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Without question you are correct. Show me one environmental elitist living by the standards they spew to the masses; there are none. These people are filled with the lust of greed & power.

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I disagree, we in California are fighting mightily against all those things that you have mentioned and more. We have furious parents all up and down the state getting rid of school boards so are pushing transgenderism and porn in the school curriculum. We are fighting our idiot GOVERNOR NEWSOM on all of this & for parents rights. As well as the integrity of our voting system. We are going to get the electronic voting machines out of California before the 2024 election. And we are going to create a new 51st State. New California. Our website is www.newcaliforniastate.com, it is very informative and there are at least 5 other states starting to do the same thing. We will be first because we are the template. We started in 2018 when we declared Independence from California. We now have a Constitution, a working government & temporary officers. We have Representatives that have been in Washington DC in talks with the Congress. This is not a joke. We are based in the United States Constitution Article 4, Sections 3 & 4. W. Virginia became a state in the same way. California is a state in Constitutional and Financial Default. And BTW millennials are becoming Conservative in amazing numbers. So don’t give up yet.

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Absolutely 💗 your post .

Please Keep it up .

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Aug 9, 2023·edited Aug 9, 2023

It took us tens of thousands of years to climb up out of living in caves and sleeping in trees to become civilized. There was a lot of trial and error, and wrong paths taken but learned from, to get us to where we are (were?).

I was born in 1956. Parents, with few exceptions, raised their children. Now they outsource the raising of their children to the teachers' unions.

We're going backwards.

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They went back to work.

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Well said.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow, Folks! If I wasn't such a hopeful man, after reading these dark passages, I'd go and bury my head in the sand somewhere while waiting for the walking dead. You dark thinkers should go into competition for the Edgar Alan Poe first place trophy.

I'm married to a Filipina, Jonamarie. She is a Registered Nurse working in a rehab & skilled nursing facility. It's hard work. She doesn't understand such dark thinking. She is pleasantly humane and liked by her patients & coworkers alike. Her husband loves & likes her, too.

Recently, Jona's mother celebrated her 65th birthday. It was celebrated by about 100 family members & friends & neighbors. There was much singing & laughter & genuine celebration with food & cakes & karaoke & guitar playing and mutual love & respect. And, this celebration of life goes on on a regular basis. Her Mom's birthday was just an excuse.

And, in my experiences traveling in my Wife's hometown of Davao City,Philippines, I have witnessed this pleasantness & friendliness & politeness everywhere I've traveled. It's contagious.

And, Jona's family does not have a lot of money or material things. And, the Filipinos I've encountered there reflects a nation of people without much money or material wealth, but are filled with a great richness of spiritual wealth. We Americans label the Philippines as a 3rd-world nation. I guess it all depends on how people are measured.

I guess the point I'm getting at is maybe, just maybe, our days ahead are not that dark. Or, at least in the places of the Philippines I've been to.

And, when I read about the awesome work Dr. Malone and others are doing for our humanity, my hope for our future is even more positive.

So, keep fighting that great fight, Dr. Malone. You have believers in your honest efforts to educate We the People about the corruption of BIG PHARMA & BIG GOVERNMENT. It's great champions like yourself who will prevent the zombie apocalypse!

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Aug 9, 2023·edited Aug 9, 2023

...and the Philippines are known to be very religious.

You can not have a movement that includes genital mutilation in any nation under any religion I know of.

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Obvious except to the woke and dei community

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Or that evil, fake pope they installed a while back

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Aug 9, 2023·edited Aug 9, 2023

You underestimate us, Michael.

I have no doubt that when we are as poor as Jona and her family are, we will go back to the basics and the intangibles, and we will all remember laughter.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So many do not want to see this...they do not want to believe it. As they sit in their privileged and very educated towns and cities (the Northeast in particular) they deny what is happening before their very eyes. I was worried in the 1990s that machines were replacing human interaction and that something terrible would happen in the decades to come. Then with the advent of the "SMART" phone, which I thought was anything but, and screens everywhere we turned, threatened to steal children's childhoods and I KNEW we were on a very dangerous path. A path in which our humanity would literally be forgotten. Little did I know that the covid debacle was actually ushering in the most dehumanized chapter in human history in which people were forbidden to hold the hands of loved ones in hospitals, visit elderly relatives in the last months or years of their lives, a time in which singing in church was forbidden, and we were encouraged to fear one another even in houses of worship that purported to preach "FEAR NOT." I have lost my 25 year marriage as a result of all this insanity....because I am the bearer of bad news that he could not comprehend nor handle and therefore, I ruined his life. Even my own family does not understand me nor heed the dangers that await those who succumb to the lies of Big Pharma. I have gone from having a connected, vibrant and full life to a life of profound loneliness that must be rebuilt from the ground up in my 5th decade of life. But build I will because what is the alternative?? I am an artist and I have something to say. Stay tuned.....I have yet to even begin.

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KE if you lived near me, I would be thrilled to be one of the new friends in your rebuilt life .

Never give up ; never give in ; never surrender .

And always stay positive .

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I read the UnHerd this morning (east coast time) and noted the same best line...

“…the approaching death by senescence of the American experiment in ordered liberty. “

A quiet natural death - normal senescence. Not catastrophic, not cataclysmic, not with a bang but a whimper.

Are we really going to go down like that?

I ain’t doin that. Let’s fight.

Thanks Robert Malone!

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Thank you Robert & Jill for your perseverance in the fight. If we go down, let’s go down fighting.

As alluded, our problems are theological in nature. We need a return to a solid, strongly academic and Bible believing theology. (The Lewis, Chesterton, Tim Keller…kind).

Those who believe we can change our gender, affect the weather by limiting our cows and cars, and postulate that life on earth was started by aliens from other galaxies, should not be allowed to mock those who believe Jesus walked on the water and rose from the dead. There’s never been anyone like Him.

The fear of the Lord is still the beginning of wisdom.

Again, thanks for staying in the fray when you could be at play.

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Douglas, I beg to differ that there has never been anyone like Jesus. His "missing years" were spent traveling to learning centers. (Egypt and Greece etc.) The Buddah and Zoroaster certainly were forerunners to the Christ. And I love the man Jesus.

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I’m sorry for the confusion DD, I was referring to the “only begotten son of God” Jesus. The one who claimed to be the “Bread of Life” and the “Resurrection.” The Alpha and Omega. The Word (Logos) of God who took on human flesh (via virgin birth!) and dwelt among us. Immanuel (aka: God with us). I’m referring to the Jesus, who if we humble ourselves before Him, might give our zombie nation a better future than our current trajectory!

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Douglas, what do you suppose it means."via virgin birth" do you suppose the Spirit infused itself into the birth process? It was called a miracle if there was no penetration by a male. Mary's mother Anne was also a virgin, how did that happen? You'll never read this in a modern Bible...

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How do you know where Jesus spent his "missing years?"

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What do you suppose he was doing, as the education of this Being was paramount. Do you really think he came into this life with such super powers that he couldn't offset his crucifixion? Imagine the world he lived in. Crude and superstitious beyond belief.

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Oh how you all forget conveniently that Jesus was born a Jew, grew up a Jew & lived as a Jew. And died as a Jew.

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And he learned all the morality that he passed down from his upbringing .

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You didn't answer my question.

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The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Levi.

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No, you didn't....

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IMO We are shredding the fabric of life with technology! The iphone is becoming the tool of the devil. We are not focused on human societal values, but on what massages our ego and self pleasure.

Reality and Fantasy is merging and this is making it easier for mind control. The Unibomber manifesto addressed this. He was mentally deranged by the LSD that he was given as a paid volunteer at Harvard.

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Hate to tell you this Thomas, but chances are he was deranged already and the LSD just enhanced it. For two years, every Sat. night , a small group ingested 1500 mics. each (Ten tabs) and meditated and listened to Dylan, Donovan and Baez. It was enough of a change in our vibrational frequency to be able to see the air molecule. This was purely an experiment in consciousness. It does take a solid sense of self, but no-one in all that time flipped out.

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Seeing air molecules? More like seeing your retinal cells.

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I saw a lot more than that, but to get into that would be tedious to most people. Mostly my eyes were shut.

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My perspective is technologies can be used for good, hedonistic disengagements or evil. We do need to know the perversions, half truths and lies it may offer. The CHATS in particular can be very dangerous. On the other hand, it let's us follow/access valuable information. It provides an avenue to share/disseminate valuable information.

It provides us a way to keep in contact with family, friends and work associates across the nation and beyond.

Goods and evils in our hands.

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Unfortunately, that is not what is transpiring for good, but for the evil! The Covid crisis clearly points points this out!

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But that is the choice each of us elect to pursue isn't it?

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Would you be here without it?

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Taking advantage of the opportunity to be here and to focus on hopefully meaningful support and contributions? Definity, my choice for pursuit.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And then, the next generation🤔. I see mom’s in the store with kiddos in the shopping cart-2 yr, 3yr, 4yr olds, sitting comfortably entranced on an IPad. A family friend, (divorced parent) phoned his 10 yr old daughter--it was his allotted time to be with her. But that never happened because “she would rather spend her time on her computer”. This will be the next stupefied group of adults. No common sense being taught to them. No boundaries set for them. No foundation for critical thought being set. No questions about life around them--just follow the masses......and this is precisely and exactly what the “planners” for the Great Reset are salivating about.

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Couple that sad reality with the state of public education today and the future of "this experiment in liberty" is dire indeed. One way or another, we are in for a hard landing. The question is, what will emerge out of the ashes? My vote is for repentance and revival, Great Awakening style.

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Sadly yes, not much educating going on in the "education" system these days.

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I was horrified at parents of years ago who used the tv to babysit or entertain their children. Same parents who read Marshal McLuhan cover to cover. Who evolved into parents that babysat with vcrs and tapes, who...Been going on as long as there were screens to watch, hopefully this latest bunch of kids will come out alright too.

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Yes, we see that as well. There are, however, outliers who are currently engaged in child rearing, vs the idiocy you speak of. Not enough of them, unfortunately

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The future does not belong to us. We try to fight 'Smart Cities' but it might be exactly what the next generation deserves. Having visiting family around the table with everyone's phone just inches away from their hands. There have been occasions when I left the room with no-one noticing.

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I used to work part time at Moffit Field while I went to college back in the mid 70s. I could have had a comfortable, uninspiring career there if I could kill 8 hours a day of bureaucratic BS. My intro to gubment work was terrible. It probably has more alphabet workers or visitors now at the hotel but still gubment jobs. ugh.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"in our own private caves", "watching flickering images in the darkness"? Make that "flickering shadows on the wall". TIME TO WAKE FREAKING UP! RRRRRRRRIIIIIIINNNNNNGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!

From what "we" profess to know - circa 2023 AD, the entire universe is comprised of Positive and Negative forces of nature - aka, Plus/Minus, Good/Evil, Ying/Yang - that are immutable. If this is absolutely true, THAT alone does NOT portend for ANY extended periods of calm, serenity and 'happy times' for humanity 'living' on planet earth.

There is NO question that NOW in this century, the NEGATIVE force has permeated so-called 'mankind' on earth - who has "evolved" to the point of absolute annihilation of the Homo-Spiens species via "scientific" means; while (evolutionally) speaking virtually NOTHING has changed since the BEGINNING - in that "civilization" is VERY thin veneer over absolute anarchy; and ENVY, GREED, AVARICE and LUST for POWER to CONTROL others has NOT changed one iota since day ONE!

Indeed, it is MUCH easier to DESTROY than it is to BUILD.

This old dog's DAILY prayer is for the 2nd Coming to BEGIN!

I bailed out of California - Also my birth state - some 13 years (after) the Malones - but then I have ALWAYS been a slow learner - who at least, became smart enough to just say NO to the 'jab'; DITTO to hand held 'thingies'.

And I truly enjoy my little (5) acres on the outskirts of a (still) small town.

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I empathize strongly with you summary. I am an engineer that has spent my life and career building things and engaging in constructive activities-influenced no doubt by Marcus Aurelius as a teenager and my religion. Many thanks for your efforts to clarify "current events".

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It is important to remember you are in California …..

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You have no idea what’s happening in California. It’s a revolution. Stay tuned.

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Fervently Hope So .

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I'm in California and I don't see anything changing. Some are still wearing masks

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Yes, there are some fearful brainwashed people everywhere, however that doesn’t diminish the work that we who are unafraid are doing. The one’s wearing masks are a tiny minority. Some people will take longer to wake up & un brainwash.

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Who or where is this work we are doing happening. I don't see any of it. My "friends" are mostly virtual these days but almost nobody in my circles are admitting, apologizing or even asking questions. Can I help the cause?

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www.newcaliforniastate.com go there check it out and call and see who in your county is involved and get involved.

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Thanks. I will check it out

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Aug 9, 2023·edited Aug 9, 2023

08-08-23: True.

And from what Dr. Malone describes, nothing has changed there since 1974 when I spent six months in the Bay area. Same zombie behavior, only on a lesser scale. Practice makes perfect!

And I then witnessed "perfect" in 2012 when I found myself in the same exact area that the Malones were lodged (might even have been the same hotel). These people were HORRIFYING.

At any rate, about 30 years ago, I realized that vile/violent rap music was a symptom of political and moral nihilism. It's amazed me that until now I've never seen anyone else use the word "nihilism" in reference to this madness.

Later on, cell-phone zombie-ism --- encountering absolutely no resistance from human beings anywhere in America --- formed an evil and steadfast union with the above nihilism.

Mother Nature is ruthless when it comes to eliminating the people that Malone describes. They'll be gone much sooner than they think.

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Silicon Valley is the last place to judge the rest of California by. California is a huge state. It is mostly rural except for LA, SF, Sacramento, Silicon Valley & a strip of the coastline. The rest of the state is a red state that has been tortured long enough by these social Justice warriors with all their money and cheating in elections to control the rest of us. They have captured the government in California & haven’t spent one penny on infrastructure in 20 years. They have run the state into the ground, but that’s going to change.

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Aug 9, 2023·edited Aug 12, 2023

08-09-23: Please do not regard this as a derisive comment, but I'll believe it when I see it. And it's nationwide. About five years ago my wife and I drove up to rural [Maine; omitted by mistake] via [Route 2 west to east from] Gorham NH. Beautiful morning, about 7 am. Stopped at a local deli. Went up the door, opened the door, and there at the counter were four identical blobs all staring intently at their cellphones, each oblivious to each other and the real world. No one behind the counter. Dead silence. I was stunned. If this is what can happen here... good luck getting your state back. Prayers might help.

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We don't need good luck, we need people to get off their asses and do the work.

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Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023

"And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war....And out of his mouth Goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations..." Revelation 19:11&15 KJV. Not Yeats "slouching beast, rather our avenging savior on a white horse.

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The social justice cult is the reverse of Christianity. GK Chesterton warned that the day America abandoned its Christian creed, it would implode in chaotic immorality. And here we are....

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Which Chesterton quote was that in? I don’t believe America had a Christian creed as much as a Deist one.

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He made the remark after a trip here a century ago based on what he saw then. What I saw in America." I'm not sure there is a distinction, as he was quite specifically referring to the Constitution, whether deist or (as he ascribed) Christian. But the Western ideas of individual worth arise from a Judeo-Christian tradition, not a destination one, no?

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Yes, agreed. There are others who seem to have a sanctified view of the Founders, however. I will happily try and find that quote from Chesterton. Anything he said is worth pursuing!

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It's in his book.... On my fb page somewhere back in time, with the page # and exact quote. He is fun!

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