The Cabal is not slowing down! They have the money; the power and they control the narrative being pushed to create a one world government! Fear rules! Does Virus X exist? China claims it killed all the humanized mice! 100%. Time to shut down all the bio warfare labs around the global. They will undue evolution and the existence of man if we continue down this path! Inevitable. Reject NATO and take NIH down to the studs!

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An obvious lie. If China had virus X their proven incompetence guarantees that their entire population would already have been extinguished

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I wonder if there was ever dissent within the CCP about allowing Fauci and Daszak to run their mad scientist gain of function research in Wuhan. China allowing it in their backyard seems even more insane than the US paying for it.

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To paraphrase, incompetence loves company

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Crazy theory I have: this is just a distraction to have us scared and confused:


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For the CCP, it was win-win. Assuming the research was academic/unclassified, it cost them nothing, and they stood to gain from any discoveries of "dual purpose" nature, that is research or potential biowarfare. Any spin-off of potential military use would be secret for obvious reasons. Of course, the same suspicion applies to our side too. I freely admit I haven't checked, but I suspect that our cloak & dagger germ warfare research post-WW II was never published in the open literature. I make the assumption that other nations would be similarly reticent.

As is nearly always the case, the cynic must assume that a portion of the funding personally enriched selected government cronies.

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Money talks. I wonder how much we paid China to create cov2? And how much the DOD is paying them for X?

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Ralph Baric created it. Or at least most of it.

The US and Fauci deserve a lot more blame than China for everything related to covid.

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Yes that why I wondered how much DOD paid for X you may have missed that

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deletedJan 19
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Hopefully you are correct, and then that means they are also in on the fear agenda or was the report disinformation by Big Pharma and gang that wants to keep injecting ad nauseum!

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Looks like we all need to get on the phones again and voice our opinions on this bill. And this time tell them you want the congressperson to contact you. I hear if you require that contact you it makes them think twice about crossing the American people. Now I don’t know if that’s true but it was a congresswoman that told us that.

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They refined the business model. Award the crony contracts BEFORE causing the next pandemic. It’s only evil. It’s not personal.

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Without question, Thomas, within the U.S.A., the "head" of the "cabal" you cite is none other than the innocuous sounding So-called "NGO" ("Non-Governmental Organization'), known as the "COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS" - whose "members" are embedded in EVERY agency, bureau and department within the U.S. federal government - including JOE-BIDEN,

Anthony Blinken, John Kerry, Alejandro Mayorkas, Michael Morrell and Janet Yellen - just for openers; and with only a few exceptions the "CFR" "elite" members own or control Big Banking, BIG INDUSTRY, BIG PHARMA, and almost the ENTIRETY of the FAKE NEWS MEDIA TV& PRINT - including Hollyweird.

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Is it an arm of the CIA. Intelligent gathering operation? I know people who joined and visited different countries around the world. I thought it was just a tourist setup for travel. Little did I know when I ignored the letter inviting me to join many many years ago.

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No. The "CFR" began as a so-called "NGO" in 1921 - with John Foster Dulles being a co-founder. Dulles younger brother - Alan Dulles - was appointed Director of the CIA by Dwight Eisenhower - this when John Foster Dulles was "Ike's" secretary of state.

Ostensibly, the "CFR" is for an "end to war" and "global peace and prosperity"...laudable goals indeed, but attainable only if and when the U.S.A. relinquishes its national sovereignty - and concomitantly, the American people their individual sovereignty. PERMANENTLY, to UN-elected and UN-accountable (international) apparatchiks and nomenklatura who will "administer" the sought after "One-World-Order" the members of the CFR are dedicated to - in the name of the "common good" of course...same "One-World- Order" CFR member George H. W. Bush spoke of in his State of the Union speech to the Congress.

An excellent soft-cover book - The PRESIDENT MAKERS - by Don Fotheringham - (first printed in 2014), traces the history of the "CFR" from prior to its 'formal' inception - up through the Obama administration; and contains copious visual references accompanying eye-opening text - available via AMAZON. You can read my review (of)"TPM" from several years ago.

Don - is a truly amazing 96 year old youngster; and is also a decorated Marine vet (who survived the battles at Iwo-Jima and the Marshall Islands Campaigns during WWII in the Pacific Theatre), and is also a Constitutional scholar who after MANY years of research wrote this extraordinary account of explicitly WHO is behind the ongoing chaos - from within - the U.S.A.

Don is also a dear friend who I am truly honored to know.

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We have become a stormy nation of literally COVERT OPERATIONS.

Hiding behind clever "soft as a kitten" names are monster gnarly machines

dedicated to grinding up old policy for new controlled tyranny.

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And Dulles is honored with his name on the DC Airport!

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Certainly, Thomas, he was an "honorable" American citizen.

BTW, his younger brother - Alan Dulles - was also a "CFR" member (that I did not include in that initial 'comment'.)

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I'm searching for this and is a difficult-to-find book, at a reasonable price. Any suggestions?

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I hope I can post this. Apparently $30 at https://www.amazon.com/President-Makers-Billionaires-Control-Foreign/dp/0981616127. Or here, if this is still live: P.O. Box 59 Glendale, UT 84729 US, donfothz@scinternet.net. Curious, how the JBS keeps whispering in our ears.

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Tourist setup or tourist trap. I'm happy for you, missing that opportunity to live with remorse or a seared conscience, and I'm glad you're here.

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Does Virus X exist?, or do viruses exist, or this just an idea that opens the gate for massive vaccinations, aka a gene therapy, or a bio-weapon to fight a bio warfare?

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I read an article last night advising that "Disease X" is a place holder designation, waiting for a suitable disease. I read another article earlier saying some lab in England was developing a vaccine for it. So - is it psyops or are they developing their next assault on our wellbeing?

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The latter. That’s how they work beginning with the fear factor until they create another flu with a 99.9x% fatality so they can give us another bio weapon.

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They also continue sounding their alarms re the rapidly increasing Covid/Flu cases. No let ups allowed.

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Ok! Good Question! Let's ask the expert. Dr. Malone do viruses exist and are they deadly?

I do know that 90% of the American Blackbirds disappeared because they became infected with a virus. Can someone confirm?

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Jan 17·edited Jan 17Author

Yes, viruses exist and yes, they can be deadly. Crows were dropping out of the sky in the early days of West Nile.

It was horrific.


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My husband and I were two of the first people in our Western Colorado town to contract West Nile Virus. We were so unbelievably ill, much worse than when I had Covid in 2021. What was our treatment? An antibiotic! Then go home and rest. We never knew anything else except I believe we never truly recovered from it. I’d actually like to know where it really came from, since the Covid fiasco. Our treating doctors just told us it wasn’t serious, just a “virus”, like a flu virus. What did we know back then?

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My physician friend who was a pathologist claims it escaped from a US Biowarfare lab on an isle off the East Coast. Can't remember the name of the island. He also said the swine flu came from Cuba and the Bird flu from China! All I know is we are headed towards the destruction of the human race if we continue to play with "gain of function".

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Jan 18·edited Jan 18

Baal Gates will be soooooo happy if that happens. Then he can play "God of the world" from his underground bunker. He has been pushing this genocide idea for decades, so if something "escapes" aka "is released," that is potent enough, that will just make his day

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My father died from the complications of West Nile, in Mn. 30 some years ago.

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I am so sorry! I still believe I have some health issues caused by it!

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I'd like the comment but I don't because I had dead black birds. One was laying on its back in my barn blinking its eyes and my neighbor walked in and crunched it with his boot.

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There are many deadly pathogens - how can we be sure that is was a virus, which seems to be never isolated using true scientific methods, e.g. Koch Postulates?

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If you read the reference Dr M provided, it confirms WNV in crows and mosquitos using a pretty detailed study protocol

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Has been many times beginning I believe with Pasteur and rabies. Did the best one could over a century before electronmicroscopes

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Isn't it a matter of interpretation what is seen under the microscope? The Emperor Has No Clothes - we all know this story. Another one is the Philadelphia Experiment.

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My cousin was bitten by a rabid squirrel. He survived but only some of his brain matter. That was before they had an antidote.

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So...what killed the crows?

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A collective suicide, no?

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As I understand it, "Disease X" is, if you like, a placeholder given to signal whatever They imagine the next potential threat disease is. So when They clamor that "We must fight Disease X," it really means, "Give us loads of funding so that we can research candidate pathogens and try to make vaccines against them." Other potential uses, of course would be to expand their regulatory powers.

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Scaring everyone with a pandemic was war-gamed before COVID19 was publicly known to have appeared.

It is now established that people can be scared to death, and be made to do immoral things by using a virus which is fairly nasty but not truly all that deadly.

The architects of social manipulation are not likely to use a virus which is likely to kill themselves.

In general, these social manipulations are going to happen until the architects of misery can't escape what they have wrought.

Somehow the misery should be brought home to them sooner rather than later.

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I'm sure my variation is not original, but as time goes by, I think that Covid-19 was deliberately started by an unknown group (or even individual) with the primary goals to expand Deep State powers and also to profit hugely by selling vaccines and other emergency treatments. If you wanted to sow the seeds of panic, what better type "pandemic" than that caused by SARS-Cov-2? Highly transmissible, not worse than flu to nearly everybody yet takes enough victims to sensationalize the "danger" in the mass media. As you say, "fairly nasty but not all that deadly." As a side bonus, to specialists it would have been obvious from the outset the virus was of artificial origin, so that aspect could be manipulated to Deep State benefit as well, for example, blame WIV "accident" when the virus might have been from some other lab and deliberately released in Wuhan. What better scapegoat?

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There are some who believe the virus was deliberately allowed to seed throughout the world in its earliest form in order to maximize the impact. Early on, the thought of limiting travel from China was called racist. It is entirely possible that your idea is generally correct. At the very least, some central planners have decided not to let a lab “accident” go to waste.

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"The list of who they own or have bought off is almost endless."

And, they have done it with our money. ( taxes and fines, unjust profits on products, differential interest rate skimming, racketeering, Central Bank money access w/Cantillon Effect, nepotism financial enrichment, ...)

It's time to Fight. Time to Blockade. Time to Take Back. Time to Cleanse. Time to Recover.

From where we are, it's naive to think we'll do that from a flower garden, or someone else will do it for us.

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Unfortunately, we have a docile population in the USA.

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Docile doesn't equate with ignorance, or self-disinterest.

Without all the social baggage attached, docile equates to efficiency - least energy to get what one thinks is sufficient for their needs.

The problem isn't the people, it is the enduring propaganda that has made people think they "made it" by making it to the limits imposed by the propogandist (Read 'elites', colonizers [territorial, economic, mental], cabal, etc.. ).

Change the expectation of what is possible for a docile person and their loved ones, and you'll see just how quickly docile can transform to assertive and unruly.

To move docility there needs to be truthful communication, clear self-interest understood, and an invocation that in the circumstances safety is secondary to action. After that, nature finds its paths for expression.

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You nailed it! Creating the transition is the nut!

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It's already started.

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Many mothers of indoctrinated school children are good examples. Fearsome.

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Plus vaxxed have lost some mental capacity.

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deletedJan 17
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I agree with your points ... but how?

How do we destroy their evil construct? This question keeps me awake at night.

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Firstly, read reply to Thomas A Braun RPh.

Money and Docility is the fuel to their Machiavellian and malevolent power.

Consider taking local action as a start. Boycott, Blockade, and Bitching, gives people with little power, more. Handled with reverence, that power will expand and expand.

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Jan 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for the heads up when friends and family are anxious about Disease X. The World is addicted to fear, this is the fresh supply. Thank you also for revealing all the ownership and influence back to WEF. You were the one who taught me about the Trusted News Initiative so I always consider the source. Thank you for being an honest and vast source of truthful information and data.

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A superb deep dive and piece of analysis. But, I also think many, many people intuitively recognize what they are doing and are primed to vote no against the process planned and avoid any vaccines or other healthcare actions in the future as highly suspect.

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Maybe. But I don't think the WEF is not planning to submit the Disease X protocol to a vote.

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Thank you Robert for this vital information and your informed perspective! People need to realise that the machinery of a vast totalitarian regime is being designed and constructed by the globalists right now. When that machinery is turned on, it will be too late. NOW is the time to take a stand.

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Jan 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Good post Robert. The movie Groundhog Day comes to mind. We have seen this before.....yawn.

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If we are to withstand this globalist attack the US has to return to its federalist roots where its true strength lies. For that to happen the individual states need to wake up and take remedial action. I am e-mailing my state representatives calling on them to respond. Sent one already recommending separation of state public health from fed and referenced this looming WHO “treaty”. Am working on another suggesting all outside money be banned from all our elections. This will neutralize globalist billionaires interference in our state. These upcoming primary elections may be our last chance so we should get busy.

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Jan 18Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My worry is a dangerous pathogen will be released. I no longer believe the "lab leak" hypothesis because of the billions of dollars that were made as result of the COVID crisis and the way society has been and is being permanently reshaped by it. The patents and machinations described by David E. Martin militate against a credible notion of a "by chance" occurrence. The Japanese researcher who recently found evidence that the genetic makeup of variants show evidence of genetic modification, that revelation is changing my thinking. I also think if the WEF collapsed tomorrow the ONE HEALTH and related agendas would go on, because of the the WHO, Big Pharma, the military industrial complex, and related interests.

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I'm paying attention to what Dr. Malone "likes" as a pointer to what might really happen. Yours, Jerry, is one of the few...

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Jan 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What the difference between disease x and the Boogieman? We teach our children they don't need to fear the Boogieman.

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Jan 17·edited Jan 17

If they want to actually kill the maximum amount of people (this is an assumption, of course), this would be the perfect time to release some horrible bio-weapon because many people would not believe them. The public is weary of CV19, and it is probable that a significant percentage of the public would not take them seriously or simply would not trust them anywhere near their own bodies. Didn’t Gates say something to the effect of: 'the the first virus won’t get people's attention, but the second one will.’? I think I’d rather just take my chances and not be beholden to known liars and sociopaths.

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Jan 17·edited Jan 17

Imagine reintroducing Small Pox… some of us old farts still have protection from the actual vaccine we had as children. I don’t remember when they stopped giving them, but I know our adult children did not receive them.

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From RFK Jr's latest book: "The last human to die from smallpox was Janet Parker, a Birmingham photographer who had the bad luck in 1978 to work above the same Birmingham lab from which the virus again absconded.45 Despite being fully vaccinated, she died two weeks later.46 "

Here’s the citations:

45Monica Rimmer, “How Smallpox Claimed Its Final Victim,”  BBC News, Aug. 10, 2018, https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-birmingham-45101091.

46“Report of the Investigation into the Cause of the 1978 Birmingham Smallpox Occurrence,”  The House of Commons, Jul. 22, 1980, 1, https://www.nlm.nih.gov/nichsr/esmallpox/report_1978_london.pdf.

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There are repositories that still have these diseases in a ‘secured’ situation, is what I have heard.

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Look it seems as though any and all people in science and elsewhere who can be corrupted are or will be. The people sold their souls for what I do not know, but we are talking about a mass extinction even if they have it their way. This shows how all of humanity can be taken advantage of by the few who strategically controlled media and agencies through the help of minions. The fact that they have no concern for all of humanity makes this so shocking. The FOURTH REICH has risen and it is in our faces. And they are so brash about it that they walk around strutting like peacocks above the law.

They need a dose of humilty real fast.

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Jan 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If I were the WEF, looking at their conclave as a simple-minded peasant, I would be more concerned with contracting an STD than with trying to continue with the genocide agenda.

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Jan 17·edited Jan 18Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great essay! Thank you!

I'm reading the WEF is very concerned about our Nov. election

It sounds like they are racing ahead to get their WHO strategy in place to stop it. ET has had several enlightening articles this week. One on particular covering the gatekeeping plans. Absolutely we need to support countermeasures that arise.


Listened to part of the Supreme Court arguments on behalf of the Fishermen's case (and as it relates to the Chevron matter to be heard at a later date). The O B Lady judges questioning and comment implied a support for Chevron. One interesting takeaway. As the legislators develope legislation, when they come to an impasse (rather than be primaryed) they leave the issue open for the Bureaucracy to do as it wishes.

Again Much Appreciation! Hard to believe how much is going on.

Bestest PLUS ♡♡♡

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Also a case before the 5th that may also attack the chevron nonsense. Hope they kill it.

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Step One: Stoke fear 😨 😟 😱!

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The WEF and the WHO have overplayed their hand. They are still however (like a cornered varmint) very dangerous.

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According to Alex Krainer, George Soros, in a WEF talk, if memory serves, said vee vill get our reset or destroy the virld.

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Jan 17·edited Jan 17

LOL Murder - Suicide. Like any deranged cult fanatic that is precisely their plan.

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And in an interview, Bill looked at Melinda and said aloud, “ If they think this pandemic was bad, wait until the next one.” She laughed.

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I'm skipping the Tedros video. However, I would watch if he described Disease-X as the accumulative work and effort of the WEF/USAID/NIH/UN & its affiliates like the WHO.

It has been through the sciences that what ails humans can be mitigated with clean quarters, clean water and air and ample food. Oops - discovered right away that good environment promotes health which promotes longevity, 2-6 replacement children per couple living to adulthood - the yellow warning light started to flash in the 1960s.

Perhaps now Defcon is creeping up to '1' as they ready X for invasion. No boo gotcha this go-round. Covid is so passe. Me thinks the bubble they live in is running out of oxygen as the hot air builds.

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COVID and the jabs were the greatest genocide in the history of the world.

The new China virus reportedly has a 100% kill rate. It is past time for Nuremberg 2.0. Fauci would be a good place to start!!!

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