It was a beautiful day in Virginia. In fact, as days go - they don’t get much better. After the traumatic non-eclipse event here, we weren’t sure we were going to recover to see another day. But as media hype ruled the day, it turned out that the fears of panicked dogs, crazed insects and birds falling from the sky never materialized. Nor did earthquakes, tidal waves, mass hysteria or car crashes. Pretty much - it was normal. Funny, how MSM didn’t cover that aspect of the story.
Anyway, today we let the 25 young chickens in with the laying hens. Which of course, was horrific for them, as each one had to be caught, put in a carrying box and moved to the big pen. As the hawks decimated our chickens about a month ago - by flying into the horse barn and plucking our hens right out of a horse stall, we are glad to be building up our flock again. Luckily, we had hatched those 60+ eggs a while back!

While the girls were moving the baby chicks, I got to get a good look at the barn rebuilding. We have hired a crew to pretty much rebuild the very old barn, which happens to house both our main electrical panel, our water pressure tank and well pump switch. The old barn was built on a solid 25x60 foot concrete foundation, with a septic system. That alone was worth saving. Not to mention the aesthetics of keeping the remaining original 125 year old barn on the property. A great crew was recommended to us by a friend and they have been hard at work. First they built us a greenhouse and did a lot of finish work on another project, now they have turned to the barn rebuild.
The view from the barn’s upstairs window is truly spectacular and worth preserving. One day that will be my wood working shop.
For me, I did a little fence repair - with a little help from my friends.

Then we got to play “stick”, while Gonzo the goose and Gizmo the emu tried their hand at wading.

and then… Gizmo’s day took a turn for the worse.
Other than having some very big feelings about “almost” drowning, Gizmo was no worse for the wear. Although he now looks like someone needs to throw him into a bath tub or give him a hosing down. Neither one of which he would appreciate much.
Plus, the all important game of stick had just begun!
Then everyone settled by the water, for a little R&R.
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It was a good day.
I can’t stress enough the impact to the neighbors and community when a property like yours is turned into a rebuilt working property. It uplifts the community. The neighbors benefit from increased property values. Local businesses like lumberyards, hardware stores, supply companies, local contractors even sub shops and restaurants benefit. This is just some of the positive results when good people with good hearts and good intentions move in to the neighborhood. I haven’t even touched on the wonderful lives you both provide for your pets and animals. Great example of the benefits of dedication and hard work, congratulations!!!
looks like the dog was on the ready to save the emu in case of an almost drowning! animals are wonderful.