What is really wrong with a centralized monopolist/totalitarianism command economy-based model, such as the WEF and its allies so actively promote? <---- # 1 .. they want to kill me. That's all I need to know.
I think a simple way to limit the amount of wealth people can accumulate while others are in need - which I think is the basic problem we are talking about - would be to switch to a taxation system based on assets, rather than income. So if the government needs $X to perform its functions for the coming year (which should include ensuring that everyone has access to basic necessities, imo, the "right to life" of the Declaration of Independence) and the value of your assets is one-millionth the total value of everyone's assets, then you pay one-millionth $X in taxes for the year.
I love this quote: "What we are witnessing today is a classic Starfish vs Spider battle. We the people are the starfish, while the oligarch network group in control is the spider."
Where did you see that Alice? We bet he Recommends it to his small crony friends. Because it teaches us how to use systems for control. Their objective learning about it is likely the exact opposite of ours
After searching for the title on Amazon, I selected the "Look Inside" feature. Klaus's comment in on p.2 in the "Praise for The Starfish and Spider" section. I have no doubt that Klaus is recommending the book in the hopes of projecting a benign persona.
Deborah, you are speaking my language. In my Course in Miracles, I translate The Holy Spirit into the spirit / breath / energy of wholeness, another word for which is healing. That's definitely the journey I feel we're on.
A Course in Miracles is an occult departure from the revelation of God in Scripture given through automatic writing via deceptive spirits. That deception leads to the one world religion that will be opposed to the true Jesus in the last days. I don’t mean any offense. But God warns us that there will be many false Christs presented in the last days and that we can recognize them if we abide in and obey His word.
Hi, Grace. No offense taken. I've been studying it daily for almost 20 years. The primary message, I think, is that we are all One and forgiveness is the way that we recognize that. It very clearly states that it's not a religion but a practice, and that it would be impossible for everyone to have a common religion. What is possible is a common experience of seeing that no one is 'other' or our enemy.
My meditation from it today was 'I am sustained by the Love of God'... not money, medicine, status. I'm traveling back East tomorrow for a long trip and, while I can't say it's helped me be stress-free, it does help. And I find that things do work out in a way that seems too uncanny to be accidental. Experience is a personal thing and it can't convince anyone else. But for me, the evidence comes back daily that we're not in this alone and things--even when they seem bad--are conspiring in our favor.
I wish we could talk about this over tea. I enjoy your upbeat attitude and creative encouraging ideas.
Twenty years is a long time of study.
It was in the ‘70’s when I discovered that I had been led astray by deceptive spirits and my own desires.
As you know every religion can teach spiritual practices that can pretty consistently result in a spiritual or emotional experience.
I thought of an analogy that might be helpful: Yesterday I was listening to Dr Drew and he mentioned that someone has been using his name on Twitter and posing as him and giving medical advice to people. He told his listeners how to recognize the false account by what he would say and wouldn’t say and how his identity is verified.
Jesus did that in the Bible. Right now I am reading in the Gospel of John 6-8 and Jesus was revealing who He is and was interacting with people about who they thought He was. He says that His true disciples believe who He says He is and that they continue in His word and they will know the truth and that the truth will set them free. So that is where we have to stay if we don’t want to stay free and not be deceived by a false account and a false spirit pretending to be Jesus.
This is why I test things with Scripture and not by my experiences.
As I would not want to take medical advice from a person posing as a doctor, I would be in more hot water if I accepted spiritual advice from a false Christ—because that has eternal consequences.
I suppose if someone were to gather all of the false accounts of Jesus in book form there would be enough to fill a library. Even though the distortions have historically been repeated over and over with very little variation of the following:
1. Jesus is not God.
2. God is not personal
3. Mankind is not estranged from God because of his/her sin.
4. The Atonement is not necessary.
5. There is no final Judgement after death.
These are all comforting lies to those who do not want to face their own sinfulness. Who does?
But we need to recognize the cancer to get the correct cure.
We want to hear that all is well and will get better. We can work together to improve things as we should. I am praying that God will grant more mercy and grace to give more people time to get right with Him. But none of us knows for sure how all this corruption will play out.
This is an interesting time to be alive because we are again seeing the natural outworking of the utter depravity of the human heart that is in rebellion against God. Harari comes right out and admits that rebellion. The history of the spiritual acknowledgment of the UN and Lucius Trust are absolutely eery. There are so many things coming together from so many different fronts—it is certainly not just a humanly orchestrated evil event that we see unfolding before our eyes.
There has been a Usurper at work coordinating rebellion in generation after generation of earth’s history.
It is time that we make sure that we are right with the God who created us because serious choices have to be made. The ancient civilizations that found themselves at this state spiritually were wiped out. Now it is on a global scale. According to the Bible the time could be soon for Jesus to return and meet out final Justice. Not nice words to say. But the ancient book says it and it is up to each of us to decide if we will believe the verified account or the false accounts.
This is VERY exciting as the exact problem I've been researching and thinking about for the last decade. When you get around to structuring that decentralized forum, allow me to volunteer some of the foundation questions, i.e. Is the purpose of gov't to provide for people's needs or to enable families to provide for themselves? So many paradigms to knock over like bowling pins!
The next step is building a platform. Not just to talk and share ideas, but to DO things such as make think tanks, enact action plans, have secure voting on ideas, and build trust with other collaborators.
Here is a link to a few articles I wrote about this topic (and we have a BUNCH coming soon we have been working on all month at The Rationalist).
Hi Josh! We've been in touch before. I'm not sure, though, if we agree on the definition of decentralization. In your articles, it seems like you're keeping representative gov't but looking to make it more transparent. You see cryptocurrencies as decentralized even though they're global. I love homeschooling but it still feeds into a centralized university system. Indie journalism has been turned into propaganda through what Margaret Anna Alice calls philanthropaths. And consumer advocacy is another threat to the small producer, who can't afford all the lawyers.
We agree on the goals, I think, and I really respect your integrity and envy your community when you say 'we.' What I'm representing is a way for commonwealths of around 300,000 people to be the default owner of the assets within their borders when they change hands, the way banks are now. By issuing the debt, they can also issue a monthly currency equal to the collective debt to enable what you want to promote. In my model, that would be wellcare, education, food production and home improvements. Because these are distributed equally to every individual and can only be paid to another individual, there's no potential for government or corporate corruption because nothing's centralized. It is, of course, much more complicated. But that's the intent in a nutshell.
Oh thanks Tereza! I do recall this a bit now. Interesting stuff.
I include government systems now because we are under attack right now and need a safe way to get from where we are now to a different world. If done right - and we decentralize - we could create all different types of systems - including the one you suggested - and run them side by side without harming each other.
As for your examples of why media, home schooling, and crypto is bad - I would argue that they are only bad if they lack trust. That is the missing piece. And with transparency and a peer review rating on trustworthiness (like amazon and ebay uses for 5 star vs 1 star sellers) we can overcome this problem.
For example, most of us trust Dr Malone here (I assume). Despite the media's attempts to sink him. Why? because of his intellectual courage.
But I am interested in your concept. Why only 300k?
Thanks for that response, Josh! And the right size for self-governance is a really good question. Above, I answered Grape Soda by looking at different functions at sizes networked smaller and bigger, and I see the whole as an interlocking honeycomb so each neighborhood or commonwealth is linked to the surrounding ones, so there's no border where you're either in or out one street over.
The commonwealth replaces the banks as the issuer of mortgages to be repaid in the community currency I call the caret. If the banks own the houses, they own our labor and we have to borrow from them to do anything for each other. If the commonwealth is the default owner of the houses, by issuing the mortgages and currency to pay them, we own our labor and can use the houses to reward what we want to encourage.
I believe that in a well-designed system, like a well-written contract, no trust is needed. When I hear someone talk about trust in a business relationship, I run. Like solid fences, good systems make trustworthy neighbors, imo.
If your monetary system is too small, it won't work outside your neighborhood. And it will be hard to enforce if you're having to decide whether your neighbor should be evicted. If it's the size of the US when the Federal Reserve Act was passed, giving money creation to the bankers, we know it can be corrupted. You might as well tie a red ribbon around it and hand it to the first totalitarian coup that comes along. ;-)
Josh this is OT but is creating your own substack the only way to get a permalink to something you wrote here? I want to direct someone to my post on this thread but it appears they don't have permalinks to comments. This is my first day here.
As a Protestant grad student in political theory some 25 years ago, I was amazed at the profundity of what was then known as Catholic Social Thought. Building upon the contributions of Aristotle, Aquinas, Rousseau, Hobbes, and Locke, modern Catholics have had a lot to say regarding the subject at hand which they call the principle of "Subsidiarity". "Regulating the movement from marginalization to participation for the sake of the common good is the principle of subsidiarity. This principle warns about the tendency of the state and other large scale institutions to usurp authority to control persons, thereby destroying individual liberty and initiative. The notion of subsidiarity is that activities or functions ought to be accomplished by the most local of smallest grouping possible...Just as it is gravely wrong to take from individuals what they can accomplish by their own initiative and industry and give it to the community, so also it is an injustice and at the same time a grave evil and disturbance of the right order to assign to a greater or higher association what a lesser and subordinate organizations can do." https://socialconcerns.nd.edu/content/introduction-principles-catholic-social-thought
Relatively unknown authors of this ilk that come to mind, whose thought is worthy of a deep plumb: John Courtney Murray: "We Hold These Truths", Francis Canavan: "The Pluralist Game" (as well as essays on Edmund Burke), and John H. Hallowell: "The Moral Foundation of Democracy", a wonderful little book.
Very interesting, 53! I think what they mean by subsidiarity is what I was talking about as federalism in my reply to GS below. I think it also agrees with my rules of thumb that money made from money belongs to the community but money made from labor belongs to the individual.
The Catholic founder of liberation theology, Ivan Illich, talks about welfare as the State taking that which makes us most human--generosity and caring. But first you need a system that individuals and families can support their lives through their own initiative. I appreciate the references!
Have you read the Jesuit Oath Fauci would have taken? And pope Francis? I keep saying this is an attack on America that had it's beginnings with religious liberty. The opposite of the Jesuits. The Bible plainly points to the papacy as the beast power in Revelation who was wounded by the protestant reformation. Pope taken captive in 1798. Now the deadly wound is healed and the beast is taking vengence to get it's power back. I put the Bible above every other book and so did the Christian writer Ellen G. White. She wrote a history book and from the Bible shows where we are heading. It will not be a waste of anyone's time to read it and will put past and current events into sharp focus. Please, check out "Great Controversy" and make up your own mind if what we are witnessing is not what she wrote about.
More than "interesting"! I didn't know that Fauci was Jesuit educated (is there evidence of this?) This might explain a lot more than most of us probably realize!
He claims to be atheist, but was educated at a private, Jesuit liberal arts college in Worchester, MA, College of the Holy Cross, founded in 1843 is the oldest Catholic college in the US.
The number one most important factor for determining quality of life on Earth is this:
What kind of system do you live under?
Think about it. If you tell us what kind of systems you live under - from systems of government, medicine, family, infrastructure, education, community, religion and more - chances are we can predict what kind of life you have.
Let's examine some recent problems: FTX. Voting systems. Medicine. Corruption. War. Homelessness.
It’s our own fault. All of it.
We have embraced the wrong kind of systems that govern over us - centralized ones - and they have become corrupted. It is time to change that. We need to understand and embrace decentralized systems, and fear centralized non transparent ones. And we need to be able to spot the difference.
Can you?
Once we recognize a system has been corrupted, it’s time to bust out the anecdote: TRANSPARENCY and DECENTRALIZATION.
Who wants to be part of a society of problem solvers instead of just complainers? Please, let's talk.
Yes, one can feel it in the air... My Mum and I discussed this earlier today. Only when the time is right, such changes can happen. On the contrary, if time is not right, one can try as hard as possible but nothing happens. I believe it is out of our control when the time is right, there are so many influences natural and supranatural, earthy and galactic. As you recently wrote, a volcano erupts and changes climate, a butterfly just claps with its wing and suddenly changes are born - this time more globally then ever it seems to me...
Decentralization is that idea. I also have had this idea in response to what we’re seeing. Bottom up models are scarce. My suggestion is that any organizing principle take note of Dunbar’s number. A group of around 150 seems to be the limit for having meaningful relationships. I’ve toyed with the idea of self sorting groups no larger than this size interfacing with other groups no larger than this. You can join or leave any given group, but each has to stay under a certain size. You could have coalitions between groups on specific issues. There are likely lots of problems/issues with this, but as you point out, we have to start somewhere.
Hi, GS. You're completely right that size matters. When we talk about a country, it's an arbitrary population that can be over a billion or under a hundred thousand. That makes no sense!
In my book, I talk about the family or household as smallest common denominator of community and the 'block' of a dozen houses being the building block, then the neighborhood of around a dozen blocks. That gets to 144 houses or maybe 300 people. My system gives neighborhoods a budget for improvements and the power of eminent domain to buy and build hubs. I think that's a great size for community.
But I also think that villages of a dozen neighborhoods are a good size for councils looking at collective problems and actions, and districts of a dozen villages, with tens of thousands of people, was the size of the average nation-state when the Declaration of Independence was written--45,000.
The average united state, after the revolution, was 200-300K. If we had that size for our commonwealth economies, there would be 1500 in the US and 38,000 in the world. I use that as my optimal size for resiliency and diversity, with some functions scaling up into Eco-States, federations and trading blocs. But according to the principles of federalism, decisions should be made at the lowest level possible.
And that is exactly what we see happening, very much like the protestant reformation coming out of the dark ages. Independant bright lights in different countries standing up to the papacy that had kept the common people fearful and ignorant. History repeats as we see the climate agenda being touted by Pope Francis and world leaders. Nothing against good Catholics or any other religion.
Dr. Malone, we need to talk! Your essay is one of the most beautifully, eloquent pieces I’ve had the pleasure of reading in a long time. I believe it’s EXACTLY where we need to be focused now. It also mirrors and echoes the work I’ve been doing. Ive been designing the framework of a solution that meets all the criteria you espoused in your essay. It’s quite uncanny to be honest.
Here’s the two main pages that are concerning a decentralized system for We The People to build our own way of life, outside the rule of hierarchical authoritarians. What you’ll see is a summary or overview - something we can utilize to begin building what you described in your essay.
I believe we should have a sit down and discuss our ideas in further detail. What you envisioned is EXACTLY what I’ve been working on. Let’s get together, work together, bring the people together and focus on building the future of our species.
I think you misunderstood me. I’m not building anything. I’ve simply come up with a viable proposal for a solution. We The People would build it (if it’s a solution We The People want to go with).
I’m not sure how sitting in a corner and “waiting” would accomplish anything? And I’m not offering a “service” - I’m offering a solution.
What I was referring to was the impact of consciousness being able to be felt simultaneously. There are many examples of this, inventors and songwriters creating similar pieces at the same time. The idea that we are intricately connected.
It's why we need to keep the gunpowder dry and maintain a communications' system for mutual self defense as well as regional trade. If enough resist we can outlast them.
The number one most important factor for determining quality of life on Earth is this:
What kind of system do you live under?
Think about it. If you tell us what kind of systems you live under - from systems of government, medicine, family, infrastructure, education, community, religion and more - chances are we can predict what kind of life you have.
Let's examine some recent problems: FTX. Voting systems. Medicine. Corruption. War. Homelessness.
It’s our own fault. All of it.
We have embraced the wrong kind of systems that govern over us - centralized ones - and they have become corrupted. It is time to change that. We need to understand and embrace decentralized systems, and fear centralized non transparent ones. And we need to be able to spot the difference.
Can you?
Once we recognize a system has been corrupted, it’s time to bust out the anecdote: TRANSPARENCY and DECENTRALIZATION.
Who wants to be part of a society of problem solvers instead of just complainers? Please, let's talk.
The Founding Fathers answered your question better by far than it has ever been answered in human history, but time has taken its toll: chip, chip, chip. To mention just two examples of degradation among many, the slavery issue was put on hold to ensure ratification of the Constitution and therein lay the problem that would manifest some four score years later ultimately resulting in the decimation of states' rights, a key component of decentralization on the national stage. Fast forward to the 20th century, when freedom suffered a further abuse by the Supreme Court whereby incorporation of the Fourteenth Amendment applying the Bill of Rights to the states has been an unmitigated disaster and another loss for decentralization. In looking at which of my comments to which you were responding, I saw Joshua's note below which has significant merit. His comment, "Decentralization is the natural state of Man and Society" is spot on. The ultimate decentralization is anarchy, which the social contract theorists, notably Rousseau, Hobbes and Locke recognized to be an untenable position since in a state of nature, man's life, quoting Hobbes is ‘solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short’. Organization in society was deemed by these to be superior to anarchy. The Founding Fathers brilliantly conceded man’s propensity for self-indulgence while at the same time recognized man's inherent goodness as creatures created in the likeness and image of God and thus having the potential to do great things. The basis of decentralization relies on the moral rectitude of the individual, so for any plan of decentralization to be successful in the context of freedom, virtue of the individual is the key, an idea as old as Aristotle. I agree with Joshua, that a spiritual revival is a necessary precondition for the political renewal you seek. Your solution, the antidote to what ails us, is transparency and decentralization. Sounds plausible, but who enforces? The president of the neighborhood HOA with a Napoleon complex? Or a renewal modeled after the French Revolution? Have you read The Tale of Two Cities lately? Likewise, any prescription for a theocracy in America is doomed by the same minefields that the Framers avoided. God is not mentioned in the Constitution, but Judeo-Christian principles were employed throughout the document that both honors freedom and presupposes individual piety, while simultaneously acknowledging man’s propensity to screw things up.
Check the IOV proposal above, it is something which does not ask for permission, it will come into being, the same way that Bitcoin is permission-less.
Well they bungled the things so horribly they stand to have nothing left to control & sure they can hide in their bunkers, but eventually they'll have to come out and face the consequences of their actions
Great essay. I think I can boil it down to one sentence, "How do we stop corruption?" Corruption, sin, is at the heart of all that ails the West and the world in general. There have been plenty of decentralized societies in the past that flourished until corrupt men set about working to centralize their power an influence in their nation and the globe. This has happened over and over and over in the recorded history that we know of, and probably over and over and over for much longer. Decentralization is the natural state of Man and Society. Centralization and globalism in unnatural and requires force, and fraud, and lies, to achieve. Centralization requires that men let go of virtue and pursue vice. How do we stop corruption, centralization, and globalism? We teach Men to be Good. How do we teach me to be Good? We point them to Jesus Christ. We need Christian revival, and then we need courageous men to destroy every organization promoting globalism, centralization, and totalitarianism.
How do you stop indolence? Progressives(socialists) have stolen the Democratic party, have stolen our public education system, have stolen pretty well everything they wanted while the US public sat on their butts and watched it happen. In fact this last election showed a majority (?) are willing to abet in all this theft as long as they aren't required to stand up.
Since rhe introduccion of electronic voting machines, generalized mail in ballots like in CA, early vote, late vote, ballot drop boxes, harvesting of ballots, election day that is now two weeks, counting of votes that takes weeks.. elections are almost meaningless.
Agree. We need to decentralize our elections. Return to in person voting at one’s local precinct. Count the ballots at the precinct, by hand. No mass vote by mail, no machines. No black boxes or black holes.
It is voluntary. The people who don't want to join in the "mission" can sit out. This decentralized group is a tool for people to use if they want to. Not something that is forced upon anyone.
don't really see how one can decentralize as long as one is paying taxes...and even to participate in the 'parallel economy' requires some financial interaction with the banks, i.e, withdrawing money to redirect through another payment system....and with international banks formulating 'centralized banks digitalized currency' blockchain for tracking every transaction ...how is it possible to detach and separate?
Understanding decentralization requires some effort. It isn't insanely hard, but it requires true comprehension of the hidden powers, and how they exist. You are asking about a total 100% complete decentralization to be tax free - but there needs to be stages. No reason to look at it as an all or nothing approach. If you don't understand everything in this (see link) please try to start there to see it. The book especially: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/do-you-want-to-know-how-to-stop-the
The number one most important factor for determining quality of life on Earth is this:
What kind of system do you live under?
Think about it. If you tell us what kind of systems you live under - from systems of government, medicine, family, infrastructure, education, community, religion and more - chances are we can predict what kind of life you have.
Let's examine some recent problems: FTX. Voting systems. Medicine. Corruption. War. Homelessness.
It’s our own fault. All of it.
We have embraced the wrong kind of systems that govern over us - centralized ones - and they have become corrupted. It is time to change that. We need to understand and embrace decentralized systems, and fear centralized non transparent ones. And we need to be able to spot the difference.
Can you?
Once we recognize a system has been corrupted, it’s time to bust out the anecdote: TRANSPARENCY and DECENTRALIZATION.
Who wants to be part of a society of problem solvers instead of just complainers? Please, let's talk.
Fully agree. The absolute reliability of the sin nature of man is one of the most convincing proofs that the Bible is true and that we need to return to our Creator--He is the source and standard of what is right and what is good.
We have watched the erosion of morality in the U.S. (and in much of the the western world) when Truth became relative and people wanted to do whatever was right in their own eyes.
The Ten Commandments literally got taken out of our court rooms as a final gesture.
It is very sad, because The Ten Commandments teach us what loving God and loving our neighbor looks like--and point to Jesus who fulfilled them and can transform our hearts so we want to obey them.
I would be very interested in finding out what consensus could be reached about what humanity’s “evolved sense of ethics” would include.
If pointing people to Jesus worked, we wouldn't have the crises we now face. The solution may lie in first ridding us of the control of corrupt entities by insisting on horizontal governance with full transparency and an agreed upon social control that embodies human values.
Also, to find a way to end capitalism the source of corruption.
Finally, to create societies that don't traumatize its citizens, that restore dignity, justice, equality, and freedom. Again, this would be through horizontal, autonomous, possibly with confederated societies.
The reason that we are drowning in corruption is the corruption at the top, imho. and the inequalities inherent in capitalism. If people followed the precepts of Jesus, yes, that would be a solution, but it seems that the majority don't.
Ok, when you live in Sodom, then how should you live? Lot could not find even ten men of character. Then Yahweh destroyed it to the uttermost. Lot escaped and his daughters. His daughters raped him. Sounds like “Only Fans” today. His wife did not survive it. She loved to live in Sodom. She was destroyed. This is what awaits the USA and all of Western society today.
What does "insisting on horizontal governance with full transparency and an agreed upon social control that embodies human values" practically mean? Insist how? By asking loudly? By voting? By striking? How?
The number one most important factor for determining quality of life on Earth is this:
What kind of system do you live under?
Think about it. If you tell us what kind of systems you live under - from systems of government, medicine, family, infrastructure, education, community, religion and more - chances are we can predict what kind of life you have.
Let's examine some recent problems: FTX. Voting systems. Medicine. Corruption. War. Homelessness.
It’s our own fault. All of it.
We have embraced the wrong kind of systems that govern over us - centralized ones - and they have become corrupted. It is time to change that. We need to understand and embrace decentralized systems, and fear centralized non transparent ones. And we need to be able to spot the difference.
Can you?
Once we recognize a system has been corrupted, it’s time to bust out the anecdote: TRANSPARENCY and DECENTRALIZATION.
Who wants to be part of a society of problem solvers instead of just complainers? Please, let's talk.
Good question. Sorry for the lack of clarity. In Ecuador we can do it by stopping everything as has been done before, led by the indigenous and making this demand. Or, once the idea is understood by the general public, a referendum.
Led by which indigenous people, Tom? The Aztecs walked their enemies up,the pyramid, cut out their heart when they were alive, then cut off the heads and rolled them down the steps of the pyramid in Mexico City above the lakebed.
Human beings have evil hearts.
Ok, can we be led by cannibals in the Congo, the Amazon, or New Guinea, who absolutely do kill and eat their captives, just like Jeffrey Dahmer did with his dozens of boys he raped first? Some American indigenous tribes also ate people.
Evil is the normal in human beings. War and slavery have always been the normal in all of human history. Christians stopped, or tried to stop slavery and cannibalism within their spans of control beginning in the 1800’s. Who else even tried to do this impossible mission?
This is everything. You are so right on target here. What do we do in response?
I'll share the idea I posted elsewhere. It's just an idea but it's concrete and to the point.
First caveat- this would have to be a Constitutional Amendment which given it's content would be tough to pass but then again the future may be more plastic than the present in this regard.
Pass an Amendment that specifies that Congressional members and Senators cn serve at most five terms and then are retired for the rest of their lives to live on a government stipend equal to each year's median American income.
They can receive no gifts and do no work of any kind for anyone. They cannot do any of the things they do now in terms of post service employment. They're guaranteed an income for life- the median income of Americans. They get housing dental and health.
There are details to be worked out. How about their immediate family? A lot of graft goes through them ala Clinton and Biden families. Still, it's a start and we can work out the details in the future as the corruption attempts to manifest itself.
Limited terms is a great idea. Fossiles with government power, including the fossils we love, become corrupted.
Senator Grassley was just re-elected. Why? He is a decent man with good ideas of governance. He will be 90 years old shortly. No ninety year old man should have any power. They should be at home waiting for their grandchildren to kiss them, and then also worship Yahweh and learn much more about the beauty and glory of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
Hola Robert, this animation I made in April, 2020, explains horiz. governing in 7 minutes. I am the founder of a mostly latino, artist intentional community in Vilcabamba, Ecuador since 2012 (chambalabamba.org). We use horizontal governing here. Also, in Rojava, Syria 4.5 million people, and the Zapatistas in Chiapas, Mexico.
It also closes the door to "economic hitmen" who surreptitiously subvert, corrupt, and control governments thru their IMF loans and intimidation (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oilxI6Dgoy8&t=5s).
It is so great to read your article today because to make this happen we need to get the idea/option in the heads of the public first. The indigenous of Ecuador generally are horizontal in their communities and like this idea. I am hoping to make Ecuador the first country to do this. However, first the indigenous as a whole need to agree to make this their single demand, then the citizens of Ecuador might then become aware of horiz. governance because the mainstream media will not cover this.
Tom, I'm happy to hear about your work and will be excited to watch your animation and look at your organization. I've been following the horizontal systems of the Zapatistas and the Maoists in India but hadn't read about Syria or Ecuador. Very thrilling stuff!
I talk about the Zapatistas and Maoists, horizontal governance and system change in my book, How to Dismantle an Empire. I'm hopeful that something is emerging from all this where I can contribute the pieces I've ciphered out. Glad to hear about your good work.
Thanks Tereza, I hope that we can share ideas and strategies. Manifesting effective strategies to save us from the totalitarian takeover, which is my passion for now as a long time activist.
And thank you for subscribing to me, Tom! We are certainly reading many of the same people from looking at your list. I'll be looking forward to your thoughts!
Don't I wish! Although my heart is breaking for him now with his husband's health crisis. I've been an admirer of his for so long that almost everyone else I admired at that time has fallen by the woke wayside.
Matt Ehret, who I saw that you read, has gotten a copy of my book and said the intro was 'the best example of Platonic thinking' he'd ever seen ;-) I think you and I might also find common cause in Michael Hudson or Sergei Glazyev.
I would love to read it. I am having a conversation with Matt on Tuesday, the 22nd. One year since our last conversation. I will record and share afterwards.
Interesting videos. This all sounds good (except I hate the name Communalism because it is too close to Communism - which is centralized power and always corrupted). But aesthetics aside, how do you establish trust in these societies?
I think we should be collaborating and working on these things together. It needs to start there. We have written about this topic many times. See if this resonates with you:
I am following you. Are Gates and Fauci heroes or monsters?
It comes down to this. Most people would prefer to believe, heroes. But I would rather not be naive and gullible and therefore believe that they are monsters, due to the tons of evidence that persuades me. It is similar to believing the mainstream news and politicians. Why would anyone believe in them at this point in history?
Why is anyone still supporting the United States with their obscene militarism for one. All the money wasted on militarism that is not used for the good of the nation, like infrastructure, health, housing, social issues, education, etc. After a few years all the weaponry needs to be replaced or updated. They are the world's greatest polluters. We have over 800 foreign bases and bio-labs doing gain of function, creating horrible viruses to be used as bioweapons against enemies and ourselves, not to mention how the military is responsible for death and destruction to millions.
They are openly spying on us, which is unconstitutional.
Elections are a joke. Tweedly Dee or Tweedly Dum? Is that a choice? And there seems to be no way to know if they are fraudulent or not.
The media is centralized and controlled for the purpose of manipulating our minds. It seems quite certain that the daily content is provided by the CIA.
We are being censored!
All of these are forms of tyranny and it can easily get worse with digital IDs and universal digital money, when they can track and control our every move.
Now with Biden playing loose with Russia and arming the Nazis, he is risking nuclear war.
NATO is run by Nazis (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwVZ8k5bvnU) start after 26 minutes to learn about the connection of NATO and Nazis, even though the whole interview is important.
Freedom is directly linked to how much money one has (one of the many problems with capitalism). Ultra billionaires have ultra power. Poor people have few options, hence, little freedom. Freedom should be equal for everyone.
People are traumatized by these brutal and corrupt systems of government, misinformation, and become insane, addicted, and unable to make intelligent choices.
Meanwhile, it is as easy as pie to subvert, corrupt, and control gov'ts. via "economic hitmen" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oilxI6Dgoy8). Restructuring all governments from vertical to horizontal would close the door to economic hitmen once and for all (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wywMhg604W8). But first this option must get into the heads of the general public. Please circulate these 2 short videos with the instructions to continue circulating.
As of now there are only 2 power sources, the unipolarists and the pluripolarists. They are the ones to decide if we face nuclear devastation or not. The public is left out of the equation. This is what needs to be changed asap. We can start using some encrypted apps to connect activists around the globe for the purpose of collaboration and organizing. Contact me, if you wish to be involved (metopia@protonmail.com).
We need real and effective strategies, not more incessant blah, blah. Please contribute your ideas for effective strategies.
Well, there you go, the essence of the human condition. All of it.
Who can you trust, and why should you trust them?
It takes a full lifetime of four score and ten years to understand it.
The Jewish King Solomon finally understood it in his last days on earth. He wrote a book about it a little less than 3000 years ago.
The book of “Ecclesiastes “. It is precisely relevant today.
I spent ten years working almost exclusively with Israelis and I absolutely love them all. But I never met even one of them that even believed in Yahweh. Me, a stupid southern man , a yahoo like me, knew more about their faith, theirf east days, their religion, than they did. I was just just lowly salesman from redneck places. I sent them cards
Sentiment resonates. Decentralization cuts the bullshit, propaganda and insidious behavioural conditioning because people have to face the reality of their own being with that of others in a community interactive/interdependent arrangement.
As Richard Seymour once observed, 'If the village blacksmith is crap - everybody knows about it'. The rawness and honesty of such a reality I like. Imagine the effect if perpetrated worldwide.
This is one of the most thoughtful essays on the challenge we face, globally as well as nationally. I like it’s historical shallow dive as well as the open-ended suggestions for forward movement. And I like that forward movement outside of the darker global “solution” advanced by WEF et al is being considered. I will share this and see what pops out in our teeny community. Thank you.
I wholeheartedly agree. Thank you Dr Malone. We have a concierge doctor who sent us down your path of health and healing, before we ever knew your name. I totally enjoy your articles and after I erase all the begging for money nonsense from politicians, I carefully look at your messages. Thank you. We are vaccine free today.
What is really wrong with a centralized monopolist/totalitarianism command economy-based model, such as the WEF and its allies so actively promote? <---- # 1 .. they want to kill me. That's all I need to know.
The way to take them out PAINLESSLY is to decentralize.
I think a simple way to limit the amount of wealth people can accumulate while others are in need - which I think is the basic problem we are talking about - would be to switch to a taxation system based on assets, rather than income. So if the government needs $X to perform its functions for the coming year (which should include ensuring that everyone has access to basic necessities, imo, the "right to life" of the Declaration of Independence) and the value of your assets is one-millionth the total value of everyone's assets, then you pay one-millionth $X in taxes for the year.
I love this quote: "What we are witnessing today is a classic Starfish vs Spider battle. We the people are the starfish, while the oligarch network group in control is the spider."
Am now reading your substack and will be ordering The Starfish & The Spider. But how ironic that Klaus Schwab himself recommends the book!
Where did you see that Alice? We bet he Recommends it to his small crony friends. Because it teaches us how to use systems for control. Their objective learning about it is likely the exact opposite of ours
After searching for the title on Amazon, I selected the "Look Inside" feature. Klaus's comment in on p.2 in the "Praise for The Starfish and Spider" section. I have no doubt that Klaus is recommending the book in the hopes of projecting a benign persona.
He is using it to learn how to control people. We need to read it to learn how to be free.
We are on the boat and going under!
The life raft is decentralization and transparency - not just for a few people but for everyone. Get in! https://joshketry.substack.com/p/embrace-decentralized-systems-fear
I honestly think we need to start with a town or mayoral office first. Something small to beta test
My husband and I literally JUST said some of these same things this morning!! People are waking up from their stupors.
that is a sign. When the time is right, by some amazing process the ideas arise independently all over the world.
“Some amazing process” is powerful and of the Holy Spirit. It’s happened many times.
Deborah, you are speaking my language. In my Course in Miracles, I translate The Holy Spirit into the spirit / breath / energy of wholeness, another word for which is healing. That's definitely the journey I feel we're on.
A Course in Miracles is an occult departure from the revelation of God in Scripture given through automatic writing via deceptive spirits. That deception leads to the one world religion that will be opposed to the true Jesus in the last days. I don’t mean any offense. But God warns us that there will be many false Christs presented in the last days and that we can recognize them if we abide in and obey His word.
Hi, Grace. No offense taken. I've been studying it daily for almost 20 years. The primary message, I think, is that we are all One and forgiveness is the way that we recognize that. It very clearly states that it's not a religion but a practice, and that it would be impossible for everyone to have a common religion. What is possible is a common experience of seeing that no one is 'other' or our enemy.
My meditation from it today was 'I am sustained by the Love of God'... not money, medicine, status. I'm traveling back East tomorrow for a long trip and, while I can't say it's helped me be stress-free, it does help. And I find that things do work out in a way that seems too uncanny to be accidental. Experience is a personal thing and it can't convince anyone else. But for me, the evidence comes back daily that we're not in this alone and things--even when they seem bad--are conspiring in our favor.
I wish we could talk about this over tea. I enjoy your upbeat attitude and creative encouraging ideas.
Twenty years is a long time of study.
It was in the ‘70’s when I discovered that I had been led astray by deceptive spirits and my own desires.
As you know every religion can teach spiritual practices that can pretty consistently result in a spiritual or emotional experience.
I thought of an analogy that might be helpful: Yesterday I was listening to Dr Drew and he mentioned that someone has been using his name on Twitter and posing as him and giving medical advice to people. He told his listeners how to recognize the false account by what he would say and wouldn’t say and how his identity is verified.
Jesus did that in the Bible. Right now I am reading in the Gospel of John 6-8 and Jesus was revealing who He is and was interacting with people about who they thought He was. He says that His true disciples believe who He says He is and that they continue in His word and they will know the truth and that the truth will set them free. So that is where we have to stay if we don’t want to stay free and not be deceived by a false account and a false spirit pretending to be Jesus.
This is why I test things with Scripture and not by my experiences.
As I would not want to take medical advice from a person posing as a doctor, I would be in more hot water if I accepted spiritual advice from a false Christ—because that has eternal consequences.
I suppose if someone were to gather all of the false accounts of Jesus in book form there would be enough to fill a library. Even though the distortions have historically been repeated over and over with very little variation of the following:
1. Jesus is not God.
2. God is not personal
3. Mankind is not estranged from God because of his/her sin.
4. The Atonement is not necessary.
5. There is no final Judgement after death.
These are all comforting lies to those who do not want to face their own sinfulness. Who does?
But we need to recognize the cancer to get the correct cure.
We want to hear that all is well and will get better. We can work together to improve things as we should. I am praying that God will grant more mercy and grace to give more people time to get right with Him. But none of us knows for sure how all this corruption will play out.
This is an interesting time to be alive because we are again seeing the natural outworking of the utter depravity of the human heart that is in rebellion against God. Harari comes right out and admits that rebellion. The history of the spiritual acknowledgment of the UN and Lucius Trust are absolutely eery. There are so many things coming together from so many different fronts—it is certainly not just a humanly orchestrated evil event that we see unfolding before our eyes.
There has been a Usurper at work coordinating rebellion in generation after generation of earth’s history.
It is time that we make sure that we are right with the God who created us because serious choices have to be made. The ancient civilizations that found themselves at this state spiritually were wiped out. Now it is on a global scale. According to the Bible the time could be soon for Jesus to return and meet out final Justice. Not nice words to say. But the ancient book says it and it is up to each of us to decide if we will believe the verified account or the false accounts.
I am trying to love you as truly as I can.
This is VERY exciting as the exact problem I've been researching and thinking about for the last decade. When you get around to structuring that decentralized forum, allow me to volunteer some of the foundation questions, i.e. Is the purpose of gov't to provide for people's needs or to enable families to provide for themselves? So many paradigms to knock over like bowling pins!
This is exactly right!
The next step is building a platform. Not just to talk and share ideas, but to DO things such as make think tanks, enact action plans, have secure voting on ideas, and build trust with other collaborators.
Here is a link to a few articles I wrote about this topic (and we have a BUNCH coming soon we have been working on all month at The Rationalist).
Also, check out the 8 hour podcast with Balaji and Lex Fridman. Balaji is the leader on this front of decentralization and collaboration:
Much love!
Hi Josh! We've been in touch before. I'm not sure, though, if we agree on the definition of decentralization. In your articles, it seems like you're keeping representative gov't but looking to make it more transparent. You see cryptocurrencies as decentralized even though they're global. I love homeschooling but it still feeds into a centralized university system. Indie journalism has been turned into propaganda through what Margaret Anna Alice calls philanthropaths. And consumer advocacy is another threat to the small producer, who can't afford all the lawyers.
We agree on the goals, I think, and I really respect your integrity and envy your community when you say 'we.' What I'm representing is a way for commonwealths of around 300,000 people to be the default owner of the assets within their borders when they change hands, the way banks are now. By issuing the debt, they can also issue a monthly currency equal to the collective debt to enable what you want to promote. In my model, that would be wellcare, education, food production and home improvements. Because these are distributed equally to every individual and can only be paid to another individual, there's no potential for government or corporate corruption because nothing's centralized. It is, of course, much more complicated. But that's the intent in a nutshell.
Oh thanks Tereza! I do recall this a bit now. Interesting stuff.
I include government systems now because we are under attack right now and need a safe way to get from where we are now to a different world. If done right - and we decentralize - we could create all different types of systems - including the one you suggested - and run them side by side without harming each other.
As for your examples of why media, home schooling, and crypto is bad - I would argue that they are only bad if they lack trust. That is the missing piece. And with transparency and a peer review rating on trustworthiness (like amazon and ebay uses for 5 star vs 1 star sellers) we can overcome this problem.
For example, most of us trust Dr Malone here (I assume). Despite the media's attempts to sink him. Why? because of his intellectual courage.
But I am interested in your concept. Why only 300k?
Thanks for that response, Josh! And the right size for self-governance is a really good question. Above, I answered Grape Soda by looking at different functions at sizes networked smaller and bigger, and I see the whole as an interlocking honeycomb so each neighborhood or commonwealth is linked to the surrounding ones, so there's no border where you're either in or out one street over.
The commonwealth replaces the banks as the issuer of mortgages to be repaid in the community currency I call the caret. If the banks own the houses, they own our labor and we have to borrow from them to do anything for each other. If the commonwealth is the default owner of the houses, by issuing the mortgages and currency to pay them, we own our labor and can use the houses to reward what we want to encourage.
I believe that in a well-designed system, like a well-written contract, no trust is needed. When I hear someone talk about trust in a business relationship, I run. Like solid fences, good systems make trustworthy neighbors, imo.
If your monetary system is too small, it won't work outside your neighborhood. And it will be hard to enforce if you're having to decide whether your neighbor should be evicted. If it's the size of the US when the Federal Reserve Act was passed, giving money creation to the bankers, we know it can be corrupted. You might as well tie a red ribbon around it and hand it to the first totalitarian coup that comes along. ;-)
Josh this is OT but is creating your own substack the only way to get a permalink to something you wrote here? I want to direct someone to my post on this thread but it appears they don't have permalinks to comments. This is my first day here.
I copy/paste and email it.
As a Protestant grad student in political theory some 25 years ago, I was amazed at the profundity of what was then known as Catholic Social Thought. Building upon the contributions of Aristotle, Aquinas, Rousseau, Hobbes, and Locke, modern Catholics have had a lot to say regarding the subject at hand which they call the principle of "Subsidiarity". "Regulating the movement from marginalization to participation for the sake of the common good is the principle of subsidiarity. This principle warns about the tendency of the state and other large scale institutions to usurp authority to control persons, thereby destroying individual liberty and initiative. The notion of subsidiarity is that activities or functions ought to be accomplished by the most local of smallest grouping possible...Just as it is gravely wrong to take from individuals what they can accomplish by their own initiative and industry and give it to the community, so also it is an injustice and at the same time a grave evil and disturbance of the right order to assign to a greater or higher association what a lesser and subordinate organizations can do." https://socialconcerns.nd.edu/content/introduction-principles-catholic-social-thought
Relatively unknown authors of this ilk that come to mind, whose thought is worthy of a deep plumb: John Courtney Murray: "We Hold These Truths", Francis Canavan: "The Pluralist Game" (as well as essays on Edmund Burke), and John H. Hallowell: "The Moral Foundation of Democracy", a wonderful little book.
Very interesting, 53! I think what they mean by subsidiarity is what I was talking about as federalism in my reply to GS below. I think it also agrees with my rules of thumb that money made from money belongs to the community but money made from labor belongs to the individual.
The Catholic founder of liberation theology, Ivan Illich, talks about welfare as the State taking that which makes us most human--generosity and caring. But first you need a system that individuals and families can support their lives through their own initiative. I appreciate the references!
Thanks for the leads on political thought I was not familiar with !!!
Have you read the Jesuit Oath Fauci would have taken? And pope Francis? I keep saying this is an attack on America that had it's beginnings with religious liberty. The opposite of the Jesuits. The Bible plainly points to the papacy as the beast power in Revelation who was wounded by the protestant reformation. Pope taken captive in 1798. Now the deadly wound is healed and the beast is taking vengence to get it's power back. I put the Bible above every other book and so did the Christian writer Ellen G. White. She wrote a history book and from the Bible shows where we are heading. It will not be a waste of anyone's time to read it and will put past and current events into sharp focus. Please, check out "Great Controversy" and make up your own mind if what we are witnessing is not what she wrote about.
Also interesting that both Anthony Fauci and Pope Francis are Jesuits.
...and neither are Christian.....
Quite right!
More than "interesting"! I didn't know that Fauci was Jesuit educated (is there evidence of this?) This might explain a lot more than most of us probably realize!
He claims to be atheist, but was educated at a private, Jesuit liberal arts college in Worchester, MA, College of the Holy Cross, founded in 1843 is the oldest Catholic college in the US.
The number one most important factor for determining quality of life on Earth is this:
What kind of system do you live under?
Think about it. If you tell us what kind of systems you live under - from systems of government, medicine, family, infrastructure, education, community, religion and more - chances are we can predict what kind of life you have.
Let's examine some recent problems: FTX. Voting systems. Medicine. Corruption. War. Homelessness.
It’s our own fault. All of it.
We have embraced the wrong kind of systems that govern over us - centralized ones - and they have become corrupted. It is time to change that. We need to understand and embrace decentralized systems, and fear centralized non transparent ones. And we need to be able to spot the difference.
Can you?
Once we recognize a system has been corrupted, it’s time to bust out the anecdote: TRANSPARENCY and DECENTRALIZATION.
Who wants to be part of a society of problem solvers instead of just complainers? Please, let's talk.
Yes, one can feel it in the air... My Mum and I discussed this earlier today. Only when the time is right, such changes can happen. On the contrary, if time is not right, one can try as hard as possible but nothing happens. I believe it is out of our control when the time is right, there are so many influences natural and supranatural, earthy and galactic. As you recently wrote, a volcano erupts and changes climate, a butterfly just claps with its wing and suddenly changes are born - this time more globally then ever it seems to me...
Bettina, may I quote you on this? I think it's an apt ending to the piece I've been working on during this conversation ...
Dear Tereza, yes, please, feel free! Thank you so much!! This is very kind of you!!
I just posted, here's the link and thank you for subscribing, Bettina!
Decentralization is that idea. I also have had this idea in response to what we’re seeing. Bottom up models are scarce. My suggestion is that any organizing principle take note of Dunbar’s number. A group of around 150 seems to be the limit for having meaningful relationships. I’ve toyed with the idea of self sorting groups no larger than this size interfacing with other groups no larger than this. You can join or leave any given group, but each has to stay under a certain size. You could have coalitions between groups on specific issues. There are likely lots of problems/issues with this, but as you point out, we have to start somewhere.
Hi, GS. You're completely right that size matters. When we talk about a country, it's an arbitrary population that can be over a billion or under a hundred thousand. That makes no sense!
In my book, I talk about the family or household as smallest common denominator of community and the 'block' of a dozen houses being the building block, then the neighborhood of around a dozen blocks. That gets to 144 houses or maybe 300 people. My system gives neighborhoods a budget for improvements and the power of eminent domain to buy and build hubs. I think that's a great size for community.
But I also think that villages of a dozen neighborhoods are a good size for councils looking at collective problems and actions, and districts of a dozen villages, with tens of thousands of people, was the size of the average nation-state when the Declaration of Independence was written--45,000.
The average united state, after the revolution, was 200-300K. If we had that size for our commonwealth economies, there would be 1500 in the US and 38,000 in the world. I use that as my optimal size for resiliency and diversity, with some functions scaling up into Eco-States, federations and trading blocs. But according to the principles of federalism, decisions should be made at the lowest level possible.
And that is exactly what we see happening, very much like the protestant reformation coming out of the dark ages. Independant bright lights in different countries standing up to the papacy that had kept the common people fearful and ignorant. History repeats as we see the climate agenda being touted by Pope Francis and world leaders. Nothing against good Catholics or any other religion.
Dr. Malone, we need to talk! Your essay is one of the most beautifully, eloquent pieces I’ve had the pleasure of reading in a long time. I believe it’s EXACTLY where we need to be focused now. It also mirrors and echoes the work I’ve been doing. Ive been designing the framework of a solution that meets all the criteria you espoused in your essay. It’s quite uncanny to be honest.
Here’s the two main pages that are concerning a decentralized system for We The People to build our own way of life, outside the rule of hierarchical authoritarians. What you’ll see is a summary or overview - something we can utilize to begin building what you described in your essay.
I believe we should have a sit down and discuss our ideas in further detail. What you envisioned is EXACTLY what I’ve been working on. Let’s get together, work together, bring the people together and focus on building the future of our species.
Look forward to hearing back from you!
I think you misunderstood me. I’m not building anything. I’ve simply come up with a viable proposal for a solution. We The People would build it (if it’s a solution We The People want to go with).
I’m not sure how sitting in a corner and “waiting” would accomplish anything? And I’m not offering a “service” - I’m offering a solution.
Dr. Malone, could it be The Hundredth Monkey Effect?
DD- You know that's been disproven, right?
What I was referring to was the impact of consciousness being able to be felt simultaneously. There are many examples of this, inventors and songwriters creating similar pieces at the same time. The idea that we are intricately connected.
The question is whether the globalist totalitarians will tolerate Exit.
Hexit. Exit by Humans.
Love, LOVE portmanteau 's !
It's why we need to keep the gunpowder dry and maintain a communications' system for mutual self defense as well as regional trade. If enough resist we can outlast them.
The number one most important factor for determining quality of life on Earth is this:
What kind of system do you live under?
Think about it. If you tell us what kind of systems you live under - from systems of government, medicine, family, infrastructure, education, community, religion and more - chances are we can predict what kind of life you have.
Let's examine some recent problems: FTX. Voting systems. Medicine. Corruption. War. Homelessness.
It’s our own fault. All of it.
We have embraced the wrong kind of systems that govern over us - centralized ones - and they have become corrupted. It is time to change that. We need to understand and embrace decentralized systems, and fear centralized non transparent ones. And we need to be able to spot the difference.
Can you?
Once we recognize a system has been corrupted, it’s time to bust out the anecdote: TRANSPARENCY and DECENTRALIZATION.
Who wants to be part of a society of problem solvers instead of just complainers? Please, let's talk.
The Founding Fathers answered your question better by far than it has ever been answered in human history, but time has taken its toll: chip, chip, chip. To mention just two examples of degradation among many, the slavery issue was put on hold to ensure ratification of the Constitution and therein lay the problem that would manifest some four score years later ultimately resulting in the decimation of states' rights, a key component of decentralization on the national stage. Fast forward to the 20th century, when freedom suffered a further abuse by the Supreme Court whereby incorporation of the Fourteenth Amendment applying the Bill of Rights to the states has been an unmitigated disaster and another loss for decentralization. In looking at which of my comments to which you were responding, I saw Joshua's note below which has significant merit. His comment, "Decentralization is the natural state of Man and Society" is spot on. The ultimate decentralization is anarchy, which the social contract theorists, notably Rousseau, Hobbes and Locke recognized to be an untenable position since in a state of nature, man's life, quoting Hobbes is ‘solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short’. Organization in society was deemed by these to be superior to anarchy. The Founding Fathers brilliantly conceded man’s propensity for self-indulgence while at the same time recognized man's inherent goodness as creatures created in the likeness and image of God and thus having the potential to do great things. The basis of decentralization relies on the moral rectitude of the individual, so for any plan of decentralization to be successful in the context of freedom, virtue of the individual is the key, an idea as old as Aristotle. I agree with Joshua, that a spiritual revival is a necessary precondition for the political renewal you seek. Your solution, the antidote to what ails us, is transparency and decentralization. Sounds plausible, but who enforces? The president of the neighborhood HOA with a Napoleon complex? Or a renewal modeled after the French Revolution? Have you read The Tale of Two Cities lately? Likewise, any prescription for a theocracy in America is doomed by the same minefields that the Framers avoided. God is not mentioned in the Constitution, but Judeo-Christian principles were employed throughout the document that both honors freedom and presupposes individual piety, while simultaneously acknowledging man’s propensity to screw things up.
Trust can be built between people without religion as the basis. Spirituality of some kind isn't frowned upon though.
There is only one thing that can ultimately withstand the " will" of oppressed Americans :
Kevlar !
They won’t, but they won’t prevail either
Check the IOV proposal above, it is something which does not ask for permission, it will come into being, the same way that Bitcoin is permission-less.
Well they bungled the things so horribly they stand to have nothing left to control & sure they can hide in their bunkers, but eventually they'll have to come out and face the consequences of their actions
They built those bunkers for a reason.
Great essay. I think I can boil it down to one sentence, "How do we stop corruption?" Corruption, sin, is at the heart of all that ails the West and the world in general. There have been plenty of decentralized societies in the past that flourished until corrupt men set about working to centralize their power an influence in their nation and the globe. This has happened over and over and over in the recorded history that we know of, and probably over and over and over for much longer. Decentralization is the natural state of Man and Society. Centralization and globalism in unnatural and requires force, and fraud, and lies, to achieve. Centralization requires that men let go of virtue and pursue vice. How do we stop corruption, centralization, and globalism? We teach Men to be Good. How do we teach me to be Good? We point them to Jesus Christ. We need Christian revival, and then we need courageous men to destroy every organization promoting globalism, centralization, and totalitarianism.
How do you stop indolence? Progressives(socialists) have stolen the Democratic party, have stolen our public education system, have stolen pretty well everything they wanted while the US public sat on their butts and watched it happen. In fact this last election showed a majority (?) are willing to abet in all this theft as long as they aren't required to stand up.
Since rhe introduccion of electronic voting machines, generalized mail in ballots like in CA, early vote, late vote, ballot drop boxes, harvesting of ballots, election day that is now two weeks, counting of votes that takes weeks.. elections are almost meaningless.
Agree. We need to decentralize our elections. Return to in person voting at one’s local precinct. Count the ballots at the precinct, by hand. No mass vote by mail, no machines. No black boxes or black holes.
The same way. Decentralization and Transparency. It is that easy.
How decentralize people who do not want to be decentralized? Not so easy at all.
It is voluntary. The people who don't want to join in the "mission" can sit out. This decentralized group is a tool for people to use if they want to. Not something that is forced upon anyone.
What happens when the State comes and arrests you and takes your stuff?
Or the "wants tos" constitute an unworkable minority. Indolence raising its ugly head.
Then, you do as Cephas , Peter, did in Rome. You preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Same as Saint Steven, or the Apostle Paul.
There is a large group waiting under the alter in heaven. The spirits of the saints, to be released.
don't really see how one can decentralize as long as one is paying taxes...and even to participate in the 'parallel economy' requires some financial interaction with the banks, i.e, withdrawing money to redirect through another payment system....and with international banks formulating 'centralized banks digitalized currency' blockchain for tracking every transaction ...how is it possible to detach and separate?
Understanding decentralization requires some effort. It isn't insanely hard, but it requires true comprehension of the hidden powers, and how they exist. You are asking about a total 100% complete decentralization to be tax free - but there needs to be stages. No reason to look at it as an all or nothing approach. If you don't understand everything in this (see link) please try to start there to see it. The book especially: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/do-you-want-to-know-how-to-stop-the
The number one most important factor for determining quality of life on Earth is this:
What kind of system do you live under?
Think about it. If you tell us what kind of systems you live under - from systems of government, medicine, family, infrastructure, education, community, religion and more - chances are we can predict what kind of life you have.
Let's examine some recent problems: FTX. Voting systems. Medicine. Corruption. War. Homelessness.
It’s our own fault. All of it.
We have embraced the wrong kind of systems that govern over us - centralized ones - and they have become corrupted. It is time to change that. We need to understand and embrace decentralized systems, and fear centralized non transparent ones. And we need to be able to spot the difference.
Can you?
Once we recognize a system has been corrupted, it’s time to bust out the anecdote: TRANSPARENCY and DECENTRALIZATION.
Who wants to be part of a society of problem solvers instead of just complainers? Please, let's talk.
Very well stated!
What media do you trust? For me it is only decentralized media. See?
Fully agree. The absolute reliability of the sin nature of man is one of the most convincing proofs that the Bible is true and that we need to return to our Creator--He is the source and standard of what is right and what is good.
We have watched the erosion of morality in the U.S. (and in much of the the western world) when Truth became relative and people wanted to do whatever was right in their own eyes.
The Ten Commandments literally got taken out of our court rooms as a final gesture.
It is very sad, because The Ten Commandments teach us what loving God and loving our neighbor looks like--and point to Jesus who fulfilled them and can transform our hearts so we want to obey them.
I would be very interested in finding out what consensus could be reached about what humanity’s “evolved sense of ethics” would include.
You get it!! Corruption is the root cause.
We stop corruption with better systems. That means 1) trust 2) transparency 3) decentralization
We wrote about this many times. See if this resonates with you:
The #1 Issue We Face Today is That The Systems That Govern Our Lives Are Completely Corrupted:
Also our upcoming article tackles the trust problem.
If pointing people to Jesus worked, we wouldn't have the crises we now face. The solution may lie in first ridding us of the control of corrupt entities by insisting on horizontal governance with full transparency and an agreed upon social control that embodies human values.
Also, to find a way to end capitalism the source of corruption.
Finally, to create societies that don't traumatize its citizens, that restore dignity, justice, equality, and freedom. Again, this would be through horizontal, autonomous, possibly with confederated societies.
The reason that we are drowning in corruption is the corruption at the top, imho. and the inequalities inherent in capitalism. If people followed the precepts of Jesus, yes, that would be a solution, but it seems that the majority don't.
Ok, when you live in Sodom, then how should you live? Lot could not find even ten men of character. Then Yahweh destroyed it to the uttermost. Lot escaped and his daughters. His daughters raped him. Sounds like “Only Fans” today. His wife did not survive it. She loved to live in Sodom. She was destroyed. This is what awaits the USA and all of Western society today.
Live by the sword, die by the sword.
What does "insisting on horizontal governance with full transparency and an agreed upon social control that embodies human values" practically mean? Insist how? By asking loudly? By voting? By striking? How?
The number one most important factor for determining quality of life on Earth is this:
What kind of system do you live under?
Think about it. If you tell us what kind of systems you live under - from systems of government, medicine, family, infrastructure, education, community, religion and more - chances are we can predict what kind of life you have.
Let's examine some recent problems: FTX. Voting systems. Medicine. Corruption. War. Homelessness.
It’s our own fault. All of it.
We have embraced the wrong kind of systems that govern over us - centralized ones - and they have become corrupted. It is time to change that. We need to understand and embrace decentralized systems, and fear centralized non transparent ones. And we need to be able to spot the difference.
Can you?
Once we recognize a system has been corrupted, it’s time to bust out the anecdote: TRANSPARENCY and DECENTRALIZATION.
Who wants to be part of a society of problem solvers instead of just complainers? Please, let's talk.
Good question. Sorry for the lack of clarity. In Ecuador we can do it by stopping everything as has been done before, led by the indigenous and making this demand. Or, once the idea is understood by the general public, a referendum.
Led by which indigenous people, Tom? The Aztecs walked their enemies up,the pyramid, cut out their heart when they were alive, then cut off the heads and rolled them down the steps of the pyramid in Mexico City above the lakebed.
Human beings have evil hearts.
Ok, can we be led by cannibals in the Congo, the Amazon, or New Guinea, who absolutely do kill and eat their captives, just like Jeffrey Dahmer did with his dozens of boys he raped first? Some American indigenous tribes also ate people.
Evil is the normal in human beings. War and slavery have always been the normal in all of human history. Christians stopped, or tried to stop slavery and cannibalism within their spans of control beginning in the 1800’s. Who else even tried to do this impossible mission?
>Human beings have evil hearts.
This is everything. You are so right on target here. What do we do in response?
I'll share the idea I posted elsewhere. It's just an idea but it's concrete and to the point.
First caveat- this would have to be a Constitutional Amendment which given it's content would be tough to pass but then again the future may be more plastic than the present in this regard.
Pass an Amendment that specifies that Congressional members and Senators cn serve at most five terms and then are retired for the rest of their lives to live on a government stipend equal to each year's median American income.
They can receive no gifts and do no work of any kind for anyone. They cannot do any of the things they do now in terms of post service employment. They're guaranteed an income for life- the median income of Americans. They get housing dental and health.
There are details to be worked out. How about their immediate family? A lot of graft goes through them ala Clinton and Biden families. Still, it's a start and we can work out the details in the future as the corruption attempts to manifest itself.
Limited terms is a great idea. Fossiles with government power, including the fossils we love, become corrupted.
Senator Grassley was just re-elected. Why? He is a decent man with good ideas of governance. He will be 90 years old shortly. No ninety year old man should have any power. They should be at home waiting for their grandchildren to kiss them, and then also worship Yahweh and learn much more about the beauty and glory of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
What is the alternative to capitalism? Everyone shares everything? How are you defining capitalism?
Hola Robert, this animation I made in April, 2020, explains horiz. governing in 7 minutes. I am the founder of a mostly latino, artist intentional community in Vilcabamba, Ecuador since 2012 (chambalabamba.org). We use horizontal governing here. Also, in Rojava, Syria 4.5 million people, and the Zapatistas in Chiapas, Mexico.
It also closes the door to "economic hitmen" who surreptitiously subvert, corrupt, and control governments thru their IMF loans and intimidation (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oilxI6Dgoy8&t=5s).
It is so great to read your article today because to make this happen we need to get the idea/option in the heads of the public first. The indigenous of Ecuador generally are horizontal in their communities and like this idea. I am hoping to make Ecuador the first country to do this. However, first the indigenous as a whole need to agree to make this their single demand, then the citizens of Ecuador might then become aware of horiz. governance because the mainstream media will not cover this.
Link to horizontal governance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wywMhg604W8 mofwoofoo@gmail.com
Tom, I'm happy to hear about your work and will be excited to watch your animation and look at your organization. I've been following the horizontal systems of the Zapatistas and the Maoists in India but hadn't read about Syria or Ecuador. Very thrilling stuff!
I talk about the Zapatistas and Maoists, horizontal governance and system change in my book, How to Dismantle an Empire. I'm hopeful that something is emerging from all this where I can contribute the pieces I've ciphered out. Glad to hear about your good work.
Thanks Tereza, I hope that we can share ideas and strategies. Manifesting effective strategies to save us from the totalitarian takeover, which is my passion for now as a long time activist.
And thank you for subscribing to me, Tom! We are certainly reading many of the same people from looking at your list. I'll be looking forward to your thoughts!
My pleasure. Do you have any connection with Glenn Greenwald? He would be great to champion some of these ideas.
Don't I wish! Although my heart is breaking for him now with his husband's health crisis. I've been an admirer of his for so long that almost everyone else I admired at that time has fallen by the woke wayside.
Matt Ehret, who I saw that you read, has gotten a copy of my book and said the intro was 'the best example of Platonic thinking' he'd ever seen ;-) I think you and I might also find common cause in Michael Hudson or Sergei Glazyev.
I would love to read it. I am having a conversation with Matt on Tuesday, the 22nd. One year since our last conversation. I will record and share afterwards.
Interesting videos. This all sounds good (except I hate the name Communalism because it is too close to Communism - which is centralized power and always corrupted). But aesthetics aside, how do you establish trust in these societies?
I think we should be collaborating and working on these things together. It needs to start there. We have written about this topic many times. See if this resonates with you:
I am following you. Are Gates and Fauci heroes or monsters?
It comes down to this. Most people would prefer to believe, heroes. But I would rather not be naive and gullible and therefore believe that they are monsters, due to the tons of evidence that persuades me. It is similar to believing the mainstream news and politicians. Why would anyone believe in them at this point in history?
Why is anyone still supporting the United States with their obscene militarism for one. All the money wasted on militarism that is not used for the good of the nation, like infrastructure, health, housing, social issues, education, etc. After a few years all the weaponry needs to be replaced or updated. They are the world's greatest polluters. We have over 800 foreign bases and bio-labs doing gain of function, creating horrible viruses to be used as bioweapons against enemies and ourselves, not to mention how the military is responsible for death and destruction to millions.
They are openly spying on us, which is unconstitutional.
Elections are a joke. Tweedly Dee or Tweedly Dum? Is that a choice? And there seems to be no way to know if they are fraudulent or not.
The media is centralized and controlled for the purpose of manipulating our minds. It seems quite certain that the daily content is provided by the CIA.
We are being censored!
All of these are forms of tyranny and it can easily get worse with digital IDs and universal digital money, when they can track and control our every move.
Now with Biden playing loose with Russia and arming the Nazis, he is risking nuclear war.
NATO is run by Nazis (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwVZ8k5bvnU) start after 26 minutes to learn about the connection of NATO and Nazis, even though the whole interview is important.
Freedom is directly linked to how much money one has (one of the many problems with capitalism). Ultra billionaires have ultra power. Poor people have few options, hence, little freedom. Freedom should be equal for everyone.
People are traumatized by these brutal and corrupt systems of government, misinformation, and become insane, addicted, and unable to make intelligent choices.
Megacorporations like IG Farber, IBM, and Siemens to name a few who used slave labor during WWII thrive and never were held accountable (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2663635/Revealed-How-Nazis-helped-German-companies-Bosch-Mercedes-Deutsche-Bank-VW-VERY-rich-using-slave-labor.html). German companies: https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/german-firms-that-used-slave-labor-during-nazi-eraHitler and the Nazis were financed by bankers from the West, JP Morgan, Prescott Bush, Federal Reserve, Bank of England, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/americans-who-funded-hitler-nazis-german-economic-miracle-eger/). Why are Americans so dewy-eyed that they cannot imagine or remember the horrors that corrupt governments can, have, and continue to perpetrate?
Meanwhile, it is as easy as pie to subvert, corrupt, and control gov'ts. via "economic hitmen" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oilxI6Dgoy8). Restructuring all governments from vertical to horizontal would close the door to economic hitmen once and for all (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wywMhg604W8). But first this option must get into the heads of the general public. Please circulate these 2 short videos with the instructions to continue circulating.
As of now there are only 2 power sources, the unipolarists and the pluripolarists. They are the ones to decide if we face nuclear devastation or not. The public is left out of the equation. This is what needs to be changed asap. We can start using some encrypted apps to connect activists around the globe for the purpose of collaboration and organizing. Contact me, if you wish to be involved (metopia@protonmail.com).
We need real and effective strategies, not more incessant blah, blah. Please contribute your ideas for effective strategies.
We agree on all of this. We need to collaborate. Thanks for your perspectives.
We can collaborate and discuss at metopia@protonmail.com
I sent an email, but am weary. Why? Because how do I know I can trust you? We need to fix the trust issue in decentralized entities.
Well, there you go, the essence of the human condition. All of it.
Who can you trust, and why should you trust them?
It takes a full lifetime of four score and ten years to understand it.
The Jewish King Solomon finally understood it in his last days on earth. He wrote a book about it a little less than 3000 years ago.
The book of “Ecclesiastes “. It is precisely relevant today.
I spent ten years working almost exclusively with Israelis and I absolutely love them all. But I never met even one of them that even believed in Yahweh. Me, a stupid southern man , a yahoo like me, knew more about their faith, theirf east days, their religion, than they did. I was just just lowly salesman from redneck places. I sent them cards
I don't see the email. You are right to be weary and visa versa. If you still use FB, you might check out my page.
Sentiment resonates. Decentralization cuts the bullshit, propaganda and insidious behavioural conditioning because people have to face the reality of their own being with that of others in a community interactive/interdependent arrangement.
As Richard Seymour once observed, 'If the village blacksmith is crap - everybody knows about it'. The rawness and honesty of such a reality I like. Imagine the effect if perpetrated worldwide.
That is the aim.
the email was entitled : DECENTRALIZE EVERYTHING I see it in my sent folder
This is one of the most thoughtful essays on the challenge we face, globally as well as nationally. I like it’s historical shallow dive as well as the open-ended suggestions for forward movement. And I like that forward movement outside of the darker global “solution” advanced by WEF et al is being considered. I will share this and see what pops out in our teeny community. Thank you.
I wholeheartedly agree. Thank you Dr Malone. We have a concierge doctor who sent us down your path of health and healing, before we ever knew your name. I totally enjoy your articles and after I erase all the begging for money nonsense from politicians, I carefully look at your messages. Thank you. We are vaccine free today.