If you need to coerce us, cajole us, insult us, bribe us, isolate and divide us - perhaps it's not really in our best interest?

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I saw this on a protest sign in Ottawa : Imagine a vaccine so safe and effective that you have to be threatened to take it for a disease so deadly that you have to get tested to know you have it.

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Wow! Great protest sign! Thank you for sharing.

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The Nuremberg Code focused on abolishing the use force or coercion to compel people to submit to medical treatments, experimental or other, the pandemic has opened up a new area of medical ethical violation: the use of seduction, bribery, and enticements to influence people's decisions to get medical treatment. When it was first revealed to me that various states were partnering with business to offer cash, Krispy Kreme doughnuts, lottery tickets, baseball game tickets, and even lap-dances amongst other "rewards" for getting the vaxx, I was horrified. This is supposed to be a product that is good for your health. Imagine going to your doctor for cancer treatment and being told, "There's a new chemotherapeutic agent that might help to shrink your tumor, and I'll give you a lap dance if you'll agree to it." You'd report the doctor for breach of medical ethics, sure as can be. You'd also think the doctor was nuts. Yet this was calmly accepted by many in our population as normal and wise policy. It needs to be outlawed as a horrible breach of medical ethics, IMHO.

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The United Nations and the WHO should be dissolved unless they both incorporate the Nuremberg Code into their Constitutions. The USA should boot them both from our country unless this happens in the next year.

The United States of America should add the Nuremberg Code to the Amendments.

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Thanks once again for the comprehensive references. These help back up the sometimes self-defeating tendencies I have to reduce everything to the simplest terms - whether math or philosophy. If I simplify so I can get it, lol, I’m always hoping others will. Believe this results from many years as a Mom, now Grandma, in working to communicate with our kids.

So my perhaps unhelpful take is to respond with borrowed, over used, sayings such as “Give Me liberty or Give me death” or “Don’t tread on me”. Direct and simple as these are I believe they transmit a certain power which the attempt to negotiate with our would be oppressors using their own complex justifications simply won’t. The truth about our abusers is they just don’t give a damn. They are shameless psychopathic egomaniacs.

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Exactly. You can and should only reason with people who are reasonable. You cannot reason with psychopaths.

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Reminds me of how we can’t possibly learn anything except rank brutality from the new Homeland “Security” Bureau of Mis-Dis- information. The accurate name is the Federal Bureau OF indoctrination.

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Ironically, A political party has used honorable free speech to denounce free speech. And if unchecked on the chessboard is catastrophic for us all!

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Any next president should run a platform to dissolve that Department.

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The morals of sacrificing a few for the common good are beautifully argued here. However, the current situation seems to be harming and sacrificing many for no discernible good.

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It is clear now COVID was the NWO weapon and the jab was the bullet.

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Every day with this administration we are facing a never ending stream of divisive issues that are ripping our country apart. Some, like the covid clot shots and the Ukraine proxy war are self inflicted wounds by Brandon's puppet masters. Others, like the latest Supreme Court abortion decision, were artificially leaked to cause the most hate and discontent during an election year and will soon lead to mass riots. Is there anyone that could possibly believe that this is incompetence, rather than a well thought out plan to destroy the spirit and moral fabric of our country from the inside?

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We don’t know that they will lead to mass riots.

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Very well said.

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The now obvious cull of people with moral and religious beliefs from government run institutions through mandating injections and then denying religious exemptions is a very concerning situation.

It has been happening in large corporations for years, people who disagree on moral or ethical grounds to decisions and strategies have no options but to leave. I am sure there are still some who stay but the numbers are inevitably reduced and then the culture changes accordingly.

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Your comment was posted four times, did you know?

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May 3, 2022·edited May 3, 2022

No I didn't thank you! It came up as not posted. I only just realised it had been posted when I saw notifications. I have deleted the others

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Yes, I know that my doc retired early back in the early 2000's hating the corporate world he had been forced into. I hated the forced diversity programs at my large corporation and talked back, but retired on time. We are nearing the end, if not there, of the wave of Boomers in corporate America-- last bastion it appears of Judeo Christian morality. I believe the later generations, so acceptable of these anything goes, accept any perversion, philosophies and group think, accelerated these issues in order to bring the corporate world into snyc with other societal formations through the HR departments.

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It frustrates me that the only opposition to vaccination that is permitted is religious. It seems to be intentional, for those in power to narrow the debate and limit opposition, and the Christians go along with it because it satisfies their needs.

I'm not particularly religious, but I do hold strong philosophical beliefs in individualism and personal sovereignty. I should not have to apply for "religious" exemption.

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You may hold strong philosophical beliefs in this regard but, believe me, your own belief does not make US Christians incapable of the same, ie they are not exclusive to YOU.

You also appear to project the concept that Christians are somehow enabled here to "go along" since it somehow satisfies some "need." This seems preposterous to me. On the contrary, if you read the tome above in detail, it is pointed out how Christians, especially Catholics, are taught that one's conscience should lead them to do what is "right" and moral. This flies in the face of those perpetrating this garbage upon us all.

Do not be frustrated that a demographic you fail to understand completely offers even you an "out".

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No one should have to request an exemption.

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If you can't say "NO", then saying "YES" doesn't mean anything.

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We've been indoctrinated with a bias to agreement. It's the core of political correctness, and the driver for the safe space neurosis. "When I Say No I Feel Guilty" was a self help book from 1975 that recognized the trend to groupthink and tried to teach assertiveness. Apparently it didn't work.

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Dear Robert. I am professor of anthropology at Strasbourg University France and I happen to be bilingual. I would like to translate your book into French. Would you agree to this? By the way thank you very much for sharing this great paper and also for all your work. All the best. Matthieu Smyth

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Throughout human history, lack of body autonomy was always the sign of slavery, slaves don't own their bodies. Such repugnant and egregious practice keeps coming up in our troubled but brilliant species.

Forced vaccinations is a sign the State considers it owns our bodies in a way, a very bad precedent we need to oppose vigorously.

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yeah, reminds one of Brandon last week saying: "They are OUR children."

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This very in depth look at the governments attempted control of the vaccine status of our children can also be applied to several other issues, such as education, gender assignment, entertainment, etc. etc. etc. Did parents at some point relinquish their parental rights to said government? Or did said government purloin these parental rights unknowingly? In my humble opinion, the government does not, constitutionally, have the power to limit our children's education based on their vaccination status.

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not a lawyer, but I believe in some states, it does.

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Show me please...

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Well, Deb, ya' got me there! I must be wrong and that is your way of gently saying so.

If so, I am glad to be.

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May 3, 2022·edited May 3, 2022

Excellent piece, thank you for sharing it. My only point of contention with the author is her misunderstanding of Luther's 95 Theses, "After the Protestant Reformation led by Martin Luther, when individual responsibility began to be considered more important than obedience to religious doctrine" ... Luther was concerned about the extra-biblical rules and teaching the church had laid upon the people, much like the Pharisees had. He did not teach 'individual responsibility' is more important than obedience to scripture. 'Religious doctrine' is an ambiguous phrase.

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Should long understood ethics, continue unresolved, and the futuristic medical landscape becomes the 1984 digital nightmare that dissolves the past. You will know what your "pay grade" and your spot on the "totem pole" is when it knocks on your door with a syringe in its hand.

Is it really accurate that a great many @ CDC are unvaxxed?? I sure as heck would love to know!

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I’ve seen reference to a couple of hundred unvaxxed at the CDC. If central government can be relied upon for anything anymore, it’s hypocrisy.

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Here you go.

21st Century Wire have an article on it and refer to Zachary Stieber from Epoch Times report which states:

Nearly 400 employees at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) haven’t received a COVID-19 vaccine, according to data obtained exclusively by The Epoch Times.

A total of 382 workers at the CDC are unvaccinated, Roger Andoh, a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) officer at the agency, told The Epoch Times.

Another nine employees have just had one dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, meaning they also don’t qualify as ‘fully vaccinated’ per the CDC’s guidelines.

Collectively, the number is 3.2 percent of the CDC’s workforce.

It is unclear what date this is up to but it looks like Dec 21.

I wonder whether the unjabbed have had exemptions or have been sacked or might there be one rule for them ...?

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Hah...if indeed accurate, very cool!! Shiver me timbers mates...the Cap has led us all astray.

Break out ye best rum you rapscallions, the mutiny on the good ship CDC a weighs at midnight. Cap takes the long walk off a short plank and we set sail for new lands. Argh.... The tattoos are on me when we reach dockside port!!

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A wise, humane and moral commentary that conflicts with the modus operandi of our world’s “leaders,” most of whom are ignorant, inhumane and immoral. I should add self-serving and greedy to excess. The rights of their fellow men and women mean nothing to them. The only rights that matter are their rights to profit and dictate to others, regardless of the death and destruction they cause along the way.

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Add to this cocktail Standard of Care dynamics, 1 size fits all (spoiler alert: it absolutely doesn't!) Doctors who won't even think a situation through themselves, because it is the safest route (for them legally) to stick to the play book. And of course, during Covid, we watched at how much the play book can get tinkered with! This is all a dangerous slippery slope

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