Sep 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Fauci must be prosecuted

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Until we have a ground swell of Congressman in DC who demand in unison that the American people and beyond have become lab rats because of consensus science run and manipulated by Fauci and the like, I see no progress! Most of our Congressman have skeletons in the closet that they don't want let out! When it takes millions to be elected, you become compromised. Menendez from NJ is just one of many.

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Absolutely! What also burns my rear end is the 'tell your congressional rep to _________ (fill in the blank).' This is not aimed at Dr Malone or anyone else who suggests this. It's my extreme frustration bubbling up because I live in the 14th district in California. Who's my rep? Swalwell, one of the most corrupt, lying, and nasty human beings (I question whether or not he is human) in Congress. I might as well howl at the moon and hope nobody has me committed. The alphabet agencies can't be trusted, that's been apparent over and over. Their fingerprints are found in the strangest places and has become an ugly pattern. Faucinstein should go to jail. He has been the instigator and main cheerleader of fraud, lies, collusion and the maiming and murder of millions, many of whom were influenced by lamestream media's non stop propaganda machine that lifted him to sainthood. All the cherished paraphernalia that was marketed to the gullible sheep to honor this bum ought to be removed from the face of the earth save a few to be representative of the sheer madness of these times for future generations. That's just a start. I don't think a lot of people really understand how awful this man is. It goes back to the early days of AIDS for example. Not to forget the extreme torture and death of dogs in the name of science. If he's the science, I'm Cleopatra.

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And add the experiments on the orphans in New York....Fauci will not get away with anything. He needs to fear God.

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Appreciate your frustration. Particularly re your representation. Mine aren't as infamous, but they are as committed to OBiden policies and initiatives. Wholly insular.

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It's a ticking time bomb.

Need to retreat now and then in order to regroup and come out fighting again. I still have a hard time wrapping my head around this intense push to change what's good about the nation. I'm 70 now. I may not be around to see the Howard Beale effect. I do know that there are millions out there who are mad as hell and aren't going to take it anymore.

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Hang in there, MyCorgiSentMe! I'm 73, and the thought of literally fighting my way out of a rat hole surely tarnishes my image of the golden years! But with age comes wisdom, so we must lead the charge!

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Well said. Thank you.

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Amen! I'm also fed up with all the corruption in many agencies within this government! Something needs to change, but who can we trust anymore?

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I have your same predicament with Patty Murray in WA state - I often do not waste time on her, but contact senators and reps in states that are on the fence and need nudging. I become a resident if need be...

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Oh dear. Another winner. I was in WA in '81, my mom was at Virginia Mason for a nissen fundoplication. I'd moved to CA just a year earlier but I fell in love with what I saw, Pikes Market sticks in my mind, but also the weather (it drizzled the week I was there) and lots of greenery which made me homesick for my small island in the Western Pacific (Guam) and I decided that if I moved, it would be to WA. Friends felt the same way. It's tragic what has happened to the WC. Safety and common sense are being erased from the English language by absolute morons.

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Forget "Drain the Swamp", it is more accurate to say "Flush the Toilet"...

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Sep 28, 2023·edited Sep 28, 2023

...especially north of the 49th where the turd continues to stink out the joint; not even worth naming a wastewater treatment plant after. The USA needs TERM LIMITS. Trump ran on 5 years off the hill after being a politician...that never made the news

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Fauci has always been a lying minion. He did not blow this worldwide. Who, or WHO, put him up to this? And probably need to untangle that even further. As Dr Malone stated some time ago, they are throwing Fauci under the bus.

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He is just part of the Criminal Conspiracy. No, I would not offer him immunity from prosecution to roll over on the rest of the evil cabal.

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So many questions. In regard to the veracity of Fauci, watch the videos of the inventor of the PCR test, Nobel Laureate Kary Mullis.



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And maybe an exorcism.

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Yes exorcise him to hell or at least to a PRC prison.

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We're paying for that weasel's security detail and RFKjr can't get a SS detail? Nuff said.

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Exactly what I was thinking. He's running for president and has his family history and Biden won't give him security, yet we are paying for this traitor's security.

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At the risk of repeating a line from today's article:

Is there anything that little shitweasel didn't lie about? (Or anybody he didn’t whore himself out to?)

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Maybe what he eats for breakfast? 🙈🙉🙊

Maybe that. 🤔

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Lord Fauci should be indicted. And yes, his security detail needs to cease and be reimbursed because his further crimes are being unfolded like a scroll. Finally!!!!!

Thanks, doc - and Matt, Alex and Michael.

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Anthony Fauci has publicly claimed he has saved millions with his decision making. If this was true, then I would believe that NIH and all its branches would be publishing all the medical data on what has transpired over the last 3 years, since there is no reason to hide the data. Instead, they are stone walling all the truth seekers looking for the truth. We instead have a LOCKED block chain of bad actors all involved in continuing to push the RNA injections. It's reported that Pfizer tested their latest RNA injection on 10 mice and found the injections to be SAFE! IMO, if the truth was known, the majority of deaths from the Covid crisis can be contributed to the WRONG financial incentivized medical protocols, lack of early treatment with known medical protocols that work, and the direct fatal reactions from the injections. They have stopped adding to the VAERS system that has reported the tip of the fatal RNA iceberg at around 32,000. Instead, the Biden administration is 100% behind pushing the need for more RNA injections! https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/my-blood-boils

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Remember 95% of the iceberg is under water!

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You hit that one right on the screws!

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Zero Hedge implies COVID was a CIA operation. Was this for increasing their impact on goverment and population control? The coincidences are adding up to this being planned from the start with many hands gaining from this episode,

"A CIA Front Organization": Revisiting EcoHealth COVID-19 Claims After Fauci 'Influence' Campaign Bombshell



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Sep 27, 2023·edited Sep 27, 2023Author

I have been saying and writing about the CIA for months and months (well, for over 1.5 years - to be exact) - yes...

Including a lot of primary reporting from various informants.

I was on Bannon reporting on this a couple of months ago.

and here:


and here:


and here:


And on about 20 other podcasts.

Including in February, 2022 - where I was the first person to interview Andrew Huff about this.


So, yes I agree with Zerohedge's assessment that they made today... It is a little disappointing that they didn't bother to give credit where credit is due. But such is life.

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Brother! Maybe in some backward way, not getting acknowledged is safer for you.

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You have covered so much in your essays it's easy to miss things you already covered. Would you consider categorizing whatever you deem big and important themes and link supporting essays like you did in that post? Or highlight essays you think are critically important but seem to still get insufficient attention? Perhaps something like a substack post of links you could sticky on your homepage?

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Excellent idea!

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If indexing your substack articles is something you or someone else could tackle, I'm sure most of us would be grateful. I know I would be willing to make a donation to hire someone for the task. In fact, I was just thinking today how I wished I could locate important information that I read earlier from you that I could reference!

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Wait, why take on more work. I open all of your SSs and determine myself what is important as in ground breaking, news worthy, additional new facts or details. You already supply us with other SS of importance.

I don't give credit for anything I say that I read in a history book, or on another SS or website I no longer have the link to.

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The CIA is a very sad situation by very disturbed individuals. Truly sociopathic. There is nothing that can be corrected there in my estimation. They cannot simply be disbanded. They must be hunted down and brought to justice much like Nuremberg.

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We know and appreciate your efforts on behalf of humanity and justice.

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hang in Dr. Malone -- we desperately NEED YOU ... and your wife also.

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So very much need truth.

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Congress, especially the 'leadership' is 100% complicit.

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The only thing that appears missing is Chapel Hill, North Carolina. These people are Evil. I wouldn’t mind if they found fauci in a ditch...camping, of course. Ed

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Ed, be careful what you wish for, remember the Japanese proverb in Malone's SS? Consequences of Government Weaponization, "If you call down a curse on anyone, look out for two graves" Oops

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Wise Words…I did a lot of “camping” in extreme conditions. Ed

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Sep 27, 2023·edited Sep 27, 2023

I did too, high elevation, winter camping in Aspen. My first camping trip ever. The guy I was visiting lived there for a while. Tent, heater (I should say stove) and cold in the morning. We would chop a hole in the ice for water. What a blast!

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-45 degrees F wind chill in wall tent.😁. Ed

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Yes, sounds lovely, but how can we trust an “independent” prosecutor during this current occupation?

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I can only hope that the crack that allows the light in (Leonard Cohen) is big enough to start the ball rolling. These agencies are sharp-shooters when it comes to covering up their tracks. But even serial killers usually leave some little piece uncovered, it's just that it takes perseverance, money and strategy.

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I keep wishing for another asteroid, but apparently I've been wishing so much that the asteroid providers are confused about where I want them to land. So many targets, so few asteroids.

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Try asteroids.com, or rent-an-asteroid! We wish.... :-)

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Carry on Doc, you're doing just fine. Not to worry, we have ex-friends and colleagues too, as well as alienated family. You'll get used to not being able to reach them. The good news is that they respect you and even fear you. Their doom is on their own dull heads. As for Fauci et al, I pity them because obviously they are now living in fear, they've been discovered, and now depend on men with guns to protect them from what is coming. The bad news for them is that the tax payer funded (armed) men protecting them have been vaccinated too...oh, darn. Oh yes, did I mention that the unvaccinated generally are well acquainted with fighting for and supporting the 2nd? Is it true the vaccine injured are joining with the NR.A. in droves? 80-250,000,000 deplorables. Should be an interesting contest.

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Keep writing any time you see or hear of anything about this little orc and his sociopathic mechanizations. I can image what he's said about you behind close doors, all lies and slanders, so share whatever you have, no matter how small.

Danny Huckabee

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"Hang'em High"

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Good rope is expensive. Surely there's a better way.

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What passes for scientific thought today puts a wholly different and unwanted interpretation to the initials b.s. many of us have attached to our name. I for one do not like it at all because I never engaged in b.s.ing in my working career.

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