JP Sears: The Travel Mask Mandate is Over! (on Rumble)
For those that want more - not as funny, but always entertaining… and enlightening.
Russell Brand: Klaus Schwab and the WEF tout their work in saving the world using environmental metrics called ESGs. But if companies that have good scores are actually the worst environmental violators, could it be that what the WEF are really working towards is a social credit scoring system?
The "I'm not ready" mask one is especially timely as I just had a conversation with a young man employee at our frequented restaurant who is the only one still wearing a cloth face diaper. He greeted me as I walked in and I said, "Adrian, when do I get to see your face again?" He pulled down his mask, smiled, put it back on and said, "I'm just doing it to protect everyone." I said, "I'm sorry, but it doesn't protect anyone." He said, "I know but it's hard to give up." I said, "Give up the fear dear, that's all it is." So sad and I'm sure he's doing it to hide behind. I'll keep encouraging him to give it up!
We are fighting a trillion dollar propaganda machine with memes and the astounding part about that is in the end, we win. Think of what it actually takes to keep humans down. Damn, we're impressive. Thanks - always look forward to Friday Funnies.