This is the first time I've heard the term "sealioning." It sounds like what my brother did to me for years and years and years. Ask the same questions over and over, demanding an answer every time. Declare that the answer given is nonsense. If I refused to answer ten or twelve emails in one day, I was said to be refusing to talk to him. Once he started questioning my husband and my husband told him, what's the point in answering; you already know what I'm thinking, as well as my motives.

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Had someone in here doing that to me just a couple days ago. I didn't know it was called "sealioning" either I just called it a PITA.

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Me too

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Mar 15·edited Mar 15

The feds are always years ahead of anything we know about. The Sea Lion program was an early attempt under DNI that has since been improved upon. Obviously, there are issues with Sea lion navigation among human populations; they are too large for most forms of transport, leave a trail of slime and bits of fish wherever they go. Rumor is that the feds are now training African Grey Parrots in interrogation and assassination techniques. These simply fly to the targets' home and work addresses and rotely repeat questions. If right answers from the target are not offered in reply, the parrots fall back on their license to kill, and peck the targets to death.

Word is that there are a few legislators who, when notified of the program in a SCIF, had principled objections. But these were in a voting minority.

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Good thing I decided recently to learn to use a gun. 😁🦜

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God created man, Sam Colt helped make them equal!

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Awesome ! You and my wife can hit the range together. She brings printed photos of Nancy Piglosi, and uses them well.

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I actually know real African Grey Parrots and most are a lot smarter than most Feds I have known through the years. One friendly African Grey, who likes me recognizes my voice on the telephone across a room and has even after I haven’t called for over a year!

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That parrot reminds me of a woman I know. Mean and unforgiving as a tar covered roof in 100* weather.

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I encountered it many times on the redstate comment page years ago. Been around a while

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I have many sealioning family and friends. Usually I won’t engage with them knowing that it will go nowhere, but when I do it always ends up them telling me to stop they don’t want to hear the truth any more. In Robert Hur’s report it was discovered that while having discussions with his ghost writer Joe Biden had gone to retrieve top secret documents and read them directly to his ghost writer. Jim Jordan pressed Hur on this and it came out that Joe Biden received 8 million dollars from his book deal which included the top secret information. Also the ghost writer deleted files from his computer destroying evidence, no charges!!!! How these Democrats can go in front of a camera and say Joe was completely exonerated of all charges shows what disgusting filthy horrible stinking disgraceful liars they are. That’s the disgusting scum that’s running our country. J.Goodrich

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James, they don't only lie, they talk over anyone who is telling the truth. That despicable Congresswoman Jayapal talked over Hur when he was saying that he didn't exonerate him!

She wanted no part of that!

She shut him up by saying: It’s my time!!! Despicable!

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I did hear that clip yesterday really disgraceful!!

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I saw that. I wanted to reach into the screen and slap her! Lol

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Democrats seem to think we are all dumb stumps and that lying in front of their fawning press is convincing.

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Let's face it, James.

If there wasn't such pervasive collusion on the right side of the aisle, the problems you're stating could not continue

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Somehow and sadly so, our President makes the perfect representative for fewer chips in the bag.

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Mar 15Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Some time ago I commented wrt to the federal government's handling of Fauci vs. RFK Jr. That is, Fauci enjoys a security detail while RFK Jr's request for the same was reportedly rejected by DHS Sec'y Mayorkas. But I realized later that there was a difference here: Fauci's security detail is from the US Marshals Service rather than the Secret Service. And I think this means that Mayorkas was not in the authorization loop for Fauci's security team.

The US Marshals Service is under the jurisdiction of the DOJ. So what are the chances that a DOJ intent on protecting Fauci from any unpleasantness will ever hold him accountable for what he's done?

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Mar 15Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The only thing I noticed missing in the pill picture was 2mg Xanax. 🤣 Ed

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I wanted to post a story I heard a long time ago and happened to come across it recently, it’s about undeserved favor (Gods Grace). Many of you may know this story but I hope you will appreciate it. There was an old man that went into a hospital in the foothills of the Sierra mountains in California, he was close to death. It was a very stormy night in December with flooding rains. The nurse there called her pastor to come and give the man his last rights, it was a little after midnight. The priest said I’ll get there as soon as I can. Well a 30 minute ride turned into nearly 3 hours. When he got there the nurse said the man had no family or friends that visited and he seemed kind of mean and quiet. Father Omalley went to the man’s room and said hi sir I was passing by and thought I’d come in and see how you’re doing. The man said it’s 3 in the morning and you know I’m dying. The father asked if there was anything in your life you need to make right. The man wouldn’t say a word. So father Omalley began to talk about the storm and football and other sports and eventually the man began to engage with father Omalley. 3 hours went by and daybreak began. The man said father there’s one thing that has bothered me my whole life. I never told anyone this I’ve lived with the guilt and shame for over 31 years. Two days before Christmas 31 years ago I was working at the railroad station where I worked my whole life. There was a bad storm raging like tonight. The crew and I were drinking heavily and I volunteered to go out and hit a button to allow a freight train to go by heading north. I mistakingly hit the wrong button and the freight train slammed into a passenger car killing a husband and wife and their two daughters. The man said I never had the courage to tell the family how sorry I was and no one ever knew what really happened that night. Silence fell in the room for minutes. Father Omalley took the man by the hand and said that was my mother and father and my two sisters. If I can forgive you Tom I’m sure God will as well. Doesn’t it seem today in this country the people that run our government lack basic Grace which as a servant of the people should be a basic principle? J.Goodrich

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AS long as the bureaucrats continue to ignore the law and the reason and logic that it is based on, this country is lost. There is no more America except to say it only exists in the memories of those that practiced self governance and what it once entailed when rules were followed and rational thinking wasn't racist. Sadly I look forward to the eminent collapse because half this country deserves the chaos they refuse to acknowledge they caused by their fence sitting and going along to get along mentality(dysfunction)

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A HUGE part of the problem is that We The PeopleTM took our eye off the football ⚽️ 🙄!

We became Fat, Dumb and stupidly Happy!

Now we need to feverishly work to get the ball back from these terrorists if we hope to save our country 🙏!

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You are missing the crucial element to this 'work' that needs to be done. The terrorists don't want to play football anymore nor pretend that they do. They have made it clear they are fighting to defend a democracy that neve existed, so let them keep fighting for Democracy while the rest of us ignore them and refuse to play their game anymore. Simply do not comply with nonsense and criminality they wish to impose. Just say NO! Eventually the sh*t is going to hit the fan and just be prepared to live modestly going forward. the self culling of Leftists will take care of the problem like iit always has in the past. Just stay out of the wake left behind. Move out from blue cities and states. And keep upping the charge of your services to pay for the insanity they unleashed.

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Mike, whether you call it a football or the driver's seat 💺, we don’t have either and if we want to save our country, we need to get on the offensive and get an organized plan to win 🏆!

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Organized to win what? Validation from Marxists that deny science? What will voting win even if they don't succeed in stealing the election again? The GOP is captured by global interests in Ukraine and China, and the human trafficking cabal to the good ol USA so they can herd them here and dole our their favors to those who comply. The Leftism will collapse upon itself like it always has in history because it denies the natural state of nature and science in general. My advice is to learn now how to avoid needing anything the Left sells or tries to give away to 'save' you from your rightwingedness. Stay local and trade for services to live modestly and kindly, until they show us the 'whites of their eyes'...then all bets are off.

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Like that stay local. Keep reminding we are a republic made up of 50 components that have the bulk of the power of governance residing within their borders if only they resolve to use it.

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Organize to win all of what you mentioned. 1. Our elections. 2. Our schools 3. Our families 4. Our children 5. Our churches ⛪️ 6. Our representatives 7. Our sanity 8. Our constitution 9. Our Healthcare 10. Our food supply. 10. Our legal system.

I have always believed that a STITCH in TIME SAVES 9 and even though time has escaped us, Our country isn't totally torn apart and we CAN and MUST salvage what is left!

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I love your optimism, but do you read Chris Bray? Every institution save the family is upside down. Healthcare is corrupt. Just this morning he posted this


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The problem being that the mostly rational, mostly patriotic, in the center of America, America is surrounded by the mostly irrational, ¿patriotism?⁉️, mostly fence sitting US continent, squeezed between a Marxist hat to the north and an anarchic hellhole to the south — this is a recipe for societal implosion that will drag everyone down.

This election is gonna be one for the history books: if the lying senile 💩 💩 head, lowest approval rating in modern history, basement campaigning, constitution burning, republic rending doesn’t have to pack up a busted ass U-Haul for the trip back to the fenced in, China funded palace on the shore - the economic engine of America may come to an unscheduled rapid disassembly (to quote SpaceX). How many more waves of invaders can people tolerate and support, how many college educated burger flippers can those who are not can afford to pay off "educational" loans that are not theirs, how much more inflation can be tolerated…

But what might actually burn our collective bagels would be the firestorm that would result from President Donald John Trump attempting to take the Oath of Office for the 2nd time. If it gets that far. How many of the Marxist mob in the House, in the Senate will do ANYTHING to prevent the Electoral College results to be rightfully and officially entered? You think feloniously pulling fire alarms was bad - I can see SWATTING of Congress, SWATTING of Reps at home, riots on the House floor; and IF President DJT does take the Oath of Office, the "Summer of Love" will seem like a garden party.

There’s a reason why the 💩 💩 in chief has opened the borders, allowed millions of military aged men in, permitted the importation of nasty narcotics— our military may not take up arms against the civilian citizen populace, but Biden’s militia will have no qualms.

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"a Marxist hat to the north and an anarchic hellhole to the south"...you aint lying...but down here in the South, the only anarchists are poor white folks that don't give a f*ck...so down here whatever happens won't be quick, trust me, "fast" isn't in their vocabulary.

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Well, as a dislocated hillbilly, still in the "hills" tho, you made me laugh. I’m just thinking about some of the good ol’ boys I’ve known and movin’ out of the way when they’ve spotted a plate of fried chicken.

Well, the clowder heard the National Anthem (end of Chris Plante) and they’re making it clear that it’s lunchtime - or 2nd b’fast as it’s only 10am here 😆.

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'lunch time' ?? I haven't heard it called that since I moved here, they just call it first dinner. LOL

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Born north of the finger lakes, raised up&down the east coast, bi-coastal in where I’ve called home (the only time I accept being called "bi"), a hillbilly by inclination and nurture — I no longer worry about what I call my meals - well, except breakfast, that’s pretty much universal. Sort’a. But the one that’s always been confusing is - is it "supper" or "dinner?" Are they interchangeable, is one the main and the other 2nd, is it a time of day and which is which? And if I get it right out here on the left slope, does that hold when/if I ever make it back to Maggie Valley - MV being my placeholder for Appalachia.

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I think dinner is middle of day and supper is night time? ....I just recently Escaped from NY (in the Finger Lakes -Consesus to be exact)) to climate change in Western NC. in the foothills of MV. Its great scenery but getting used to the slow nature of things is challenging to say the least. But many micro breweries and disc golf courses to choose from makes it worth the move. Bring on the apocalypse, my fridge is stocked and I have more plastic than I'll ever be able to throw in one lifetime.

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And then there is “tea”.

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Somewhat off subject but….

Spent 2 1/2 hrs yesterday at a dealership to have 45’ worth of work. Noticed something interesting that fit with what my wife found reviewing recent comments re that dealership. The bulk of the negatives were folks unhappy with the sales force and it was that group that I had noticed there. My stepdad was a salesman and knew a bunch who like him could sell double dips to lactose intolerant eskimos. Because like medicine, and any of the other arts, selling takes a particular aptitude. You have it or you don’t. But today aptitude is a dirty word. That of course was the problem with the soviets. The next 5 yr plan needed engineers,then all the new hi school grads became engineers, even if a slide rule was dangerous in their hands. Aptitude played no role in work deployment and incompetence reigned. We are moving that way now ourselves.

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Jesse Jackson saying from the 80s "it is not their aptitude but their attitude that will determine their altitude.” Shame he did not say aptitude plus attitude ...

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Great point 👉 Shelley!

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Think Haiti - DEI country; capital: Port au Potty.

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Total corruption just like Ukraine.

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ha ha ha!!! YouTwitFace!!!!! TGIF

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Yep! The Friday Funnies are always the best way to start the weekend! So glad you take the time to make us laugh. There is so much sad news these days.

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Well, Mister (MISTER!) Mulvaney’s back. His "Days of Girlhood…" video, starring hisself and a few other sexually confused/deranged "dancers" parading hither&yon was fun to watch. With a caveat. As all of his body of work attests to, he seems to have a very disturbing view of women - his latest video was a knockoff, a parody of Barbie, I guess, as viewed through the lens of "girl-face." It made me laugh, uneasily, not at the girl-face antics and lyrics, but at what this says about him, an emaciated pathetic twink, frolicking with similars. What’s more horrifying is seeing an icon of modern female success ( 🤔) , "Lady" Gaga, cavorting with and uplifting this cartoon character and his view of what it means to be female.

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My favs this Friday

DOJ! Interested to hear the J6 bomb situation included the CIA. Bongino advised that was illegal.

The Rematch - too true

Sealioning - Have never to my knowledge engaged in it. My 'questioning' is mainly in response to head on attacks generally about how stupid I or my takes are. Rarely, if someone has taken a position with another that I consider destructive for that other I'll question their advice. Debating and incessant questioning aren't tools in my kit. The incessant questioningin paticular is a waste of time and I don't recommend it. My Mother's questioning was designed to draw blood, using the tactic to expose fatal deficiencies. She succeeded in getting a very poor choice for the manager of the operation she worked in fired and a better choice hired. When one is or cast as an underdog, focused questioning can avoid defeat and kinetics. I do agree, sealioning is disgusting and wholly inappropriate.

In the meantime, gather you're having some rain but a bright weekend is on the way. Hope it will be a smashingly enjoyable weekend.

Looking forward to Fallout tonight!

Bestest PLUS! ♡♡♡

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Lady Liberty is Crying!

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It's not our country anymore!!

Where is the justice? Where is the equal justice under the law?

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How about a republic under siege? Man the boiling oil!

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Under siege? I beg to differ, its lost. Every 'news' channel and politician refer to America as a Democracy as if it were written in the Constitution somewhere. I'm more upset that the GOP never even put up a fight in the siege. When Trump won in 2016 and it was clear the swamp was the Uniparty, I feared then it was too late. Had Pence done his job and not been a traitor all along by flushing out Flynn, we might have stood a chance. Now, the only way this ship turns around is when blood shed starts because good people will only stand so much bullsh*it before we get angry and say HELL NO. The other side ignores truth reason and logic. there is no compromise possible with Leftist idiots. Only incarceration will work once they are arrested and jailed or better, exiled to some other Leftist country that likes central control, like they threatened to do if Trump won. Did I mention they are liars too.

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It is over when it is over. Right now we disagree on the definition of..over.

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I agree 👍.

It's not over until they kill our spirit.

We need to work very hard to PROTECT OUR SPIRIT!

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I don't like it and it's no fun, but I'm afraid it's true.

How do you go along to get along with outright communists? Unless you're completely clueless, you don't.

Sometimes I think we might as well start the shooting part now because it's coming to that anyway.

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Dr. Robert and Dr. JM,

This is One of Your Very Best!!! Rollercoaster of Life. You made Me laugh!!! Thank You, Ed

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Thank you for the reality check!

For some time I have thought that I invented Sealioning when I was four, to be exact. I have been calling it passive-aggressive behaviors.

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