As a kid I saw pictures of beautiful Roman cathedral buildings in ruins and wondered how such a great society could allow their country to collapse? I’m sure at that time many Romans said we are loosing our country or I can’t believe how fast this is happening. I’m sure many feared for their safety. On the reverse many Romans probably lived their lives unaware of the danger that faced their country and kept voting in the corrupt incumbent candidates. The three major reasons for Romes collapse were corruption, the division of the empire, and the invasion of Germanic tribes often instigated by traitors from within. Oddly I have never read that the Roman government poisoned their citizens with dangerous experimental drugs. Or that they salted their own fields where they grew crops to feed the population as they did to places they invaded to expand the empire. America, from what I see, has as much if not more corruption, more out of touch evil intentioned politicians, intentionally allowing an invasion at our borders to not only lower our standard of living but to allow in bad acting enemies to physically destroy parts of our country to create fear. Will future societies look back at the American capital in ruins, that was modeled after Roman Architecture, and wonder how could that great society have allowed their country to collapse. J.Goodrich

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They did one thing we are doing…letting our military go to hell in a hand basket. They became almost totally dependent on mercenaries. Which probably a lot better than the woke battalions we are putting together

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THAT reality scares the hell outta me, Michael.

War "fought" with "high-tech" (electrical) based weapons is one thing, but mano-a-mano battle confrontation is quite another. Should Hi-TECH war become short circuited, I fear "we" will get our asses absolutely kicked.

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But it will be diverse and alphabet soup indoctrinated asses...what could go wrong?

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DEI in life... and in death ....

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I live, right now,, in the uk. I have a picture of My Dad in front of an F4U WWII fighter pilot. Along with other “obscene” pictures in my office. And, “they” call me crazy…Well, maybe a little.💥🏴‍☠️🤣, Ed

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Nero coated Christians in pitch and lit them on fire to light his ‘parties’.

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Would politicians suffice as replacements for the christians?

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No, it is a barbaric torture. Trials for 'high crimes and misdemeanors' by honest Prosecutors, juries and judges would suffice.

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Party pooper !


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Or the traditional way - tar, feathers and a rail.

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I thought he fiddled in more important flames of history

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Lighting people on fire is not ‘important' enough for you? He blamed Christians for the fires as well.

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Quite the opposite, he was the worst of the worst of Rome. The words fiddled while Rome burned is still an odd metaphor today.

When we fiddle with things , we may actually be playing with fire ourselves. So to speak. 🔥🤔👍

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Are cash and trinket paid Mercenaries not permitted to file for US Veteran's benefits?

Asking for a friend....ok perhaps not friend....how about casual acquaintance?

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Good question, did they get the jab?

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When the new one world order is complete perhaps those around at a later date will have no sources to look back on.

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If I have to buy a sailboat and come across the Atlantic, I will be back when/if necessary. Ed

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A good fiction on what happens when our fragile techno complex society collapses. Second Sleep by Robert Harris.

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It's a cycle. As far as civilizations go, the U.S. lasted pretty long. But once the virtue is gone, Flush!!!!

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Yeah but the bottle of Forever Sins says rinse/lather/repeat!

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The "Fall of Rome" and "Fall of the United States" analogy has been around for some decades and becomes more and more apparent day by day that it IS happening.

The USA will follow the UK and other (former) empires that become shadows of their former selves but will not disappear completely as it is melded into the final "consolidation" of nations under the UN's AGENDA-2030 and the advent of the "new" one-world-order.

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Rome survived 1000 years. Of coarse today things tend to happen much faster. I’d be surprised if in 750 years from today DC wasn’t a glassed over former swamp Tom…

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Very well could be, James.

What our Founders feared would happen HAS happened. Our former REPUBLIC ( as stipulated in Article IV., Section 4. of the US constitution ) has become a "Democracy" - a word (either small d or big D) that is nowhere to be found in the US Constitution.

Those much maligned "dead white males" were smart enough to know - from HISTORY - that ALL so-called "democratic" forms of government collapsed after about (two) centuries of existence - because they morphed into "mobocracies" at which point the USA has recently passed and too which we have become...with the mobs hell bent on CANCELING and destroying the history, culture traditions, folkways and mores of "America".

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The pace of communication in Rome moved at a snails pace and took hundreds of years to disintegrate. Our pace of communication is instantaneous and the speed of our collapse over the past 7 years is happening at light speed. Maybe you meant 75 years or 7.5?

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😔 😟 🙁 😥

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Another collection of “right ons”. Particularly empathize with the recruiting poster as running a floor buffer probably the most useful thing I learned in basic training

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It taught me I could do more than I thought physically. It also taught me to grow up and get serious about my studies because this was NOT going to be my career.

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I basically repeated my 2 yrs of college r.o.t.c. That did not include floor buffering. And after my one day on the range with an m16 was not a serious threat to any of our nation’s enemies.

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Mike, ya' just gotta' hold your breath and squeeze slowly! Ha!

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My prob was shot right handed but being left handed was left eye dominant. Not too bad snap shooting a scatter gun but pretty worthless aiming a rifle. Only learned about that problem yrs later

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Ha!!! I am left eye dominant; but, right handed…figured that out when I was 12 YO. Skeet, 12 gauge modified, Dad’s duck gun. Model 12. One 25/25, tournament at 17 YO. Liked to shoot doubles all the way around. 🔥, Ed

Edit - used to be good to 600 yards. Aging sucks…only good now to 300.

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How is your hearing Ed?

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Need to practice with a patch over one eye for a year then you'll be a better shot or just keep both eyes open, or practice shooting a bow that will make you a better shot with a long iron. Aim small, miss small.

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Had retinal tear in left eye took laser to steam all water from. Can only correct to 20/40 in that eye so switched dominance. However arthritis so bad now do not know if I can even pill a trigger so ….

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Yeah, THAT is a real problem. Probably safe to say the army does not bother offering Left handed rifles! My son is a leftie, like his grandpa'. . . unique needs.

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Back when I was growing up there was not much of anything for left handlers particularly kids of cops who then on lower pay rung of civil servants. So we pretty well learned to modify and develop a fairly good degree of ambidexterity. Got knuckles rapped by nuns for writing left handed…but persisted anyway. They did retrain may mom tho. Talk about intolerance…….

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I left mine to the fate of the approved 1971 Bingo style Lottery balls from 1 thru 366 of Army Draft. (Leap years??) The first year was 325 the second was about the same. If I recall they required 1-80 to physicals 1-40 on second year Draft #.So not drafted.

My entire male family history has served USA forces starting as child immigrants from Austria circa 1909. My grandfather of age served in Spanish American war. The remaining in all following skirmishes and brutal wars away from homes. And when I asked each if it what I should do, follows footsteps into, all said HELL NO!

Even 25 yr Marine Mstr. Gunnery Sargent Zechmann said, I wouldn't if I were you.

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The nam draft decided for me. Before lottery. Passed physical. Join the air force of feed mosquitoes.

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A friend of mine just shared a Pearl Harbor Remembrance article he wrote about his father’s WWII experiences. His Dad fought in the Pacific during WWII, surviving battle wounds, malaria, and the Bataan Death March. The article ended by asking the question "Will it take another Day of Infamy to create the willingness of our military-aged youth to sacrifice and to resurrect the indomitable spirit of World War II?"

I sent him that recruiting poster comic along with these points:

* Woke military, enforced shots, and miserable treatment of soldiers is a deterrent to service.

* For reasons above, I've heard that long-time military families are now discouraging their sons and daughters from enlisting.

* Kids today are in such bad shape both physically and mentally. Most couldn't even pass a dumbed down physical or mental fitness test.

He intends to revise the article to incorporate these current issues.

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Excellent Big E. I would add that all wars are inventions of the banking families and serve multiple purposes other than making them even richer. I concluded some years ago that sending our youth to foreign lands to 'keep us safe' is a canard. We’ve been brainwashed. I’m glad during a spotting mission in the Pacific my father lived through the three Jap Zeros shooting down his plane and then him and the pilot after they bailed. It was a formation of F6F Hellcats, led by Lt. Commander “Butch” O’Hare, that swooped in and shot the Zeroes down. They were both picked up by a U.S. destroyer while taking fire from Japanese shore batteries on Wake Island.

A nephew did r.o.t.c and has spent 15 years stationed in San Diego where he flies a Navy helicopter. His dad is hoping he changes his mind about this being a full career. He has three children now and our military is not in capable hands any more. Hasn’t been since Obama scrubbed it of over 150 of its best officers.

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Great points, Shelley.

We lived in both San Diego and Tucson, military towns at the time. Well, how times have changes, sadly.

I caution all military flyers forced to take the Covid jab (or who fly with those who did take it) to re-think their careers.


Pilot Warns of Airline Industry Disaster Due to COVID-19 Vaccines. Squawk7700 alerts are up a staggering 386% in 2023. Vigilant News (11/16/23): https://vigilantnews.com/post/pilot-warns-of-airline-industry-disaster-due-to-covid-19-vaccines

FLCCC Webinar - mRNA Vaccines and the Military. (video 1hr 22 min). Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Paul Marik, LTC Theresa M. Long and Doc Pete Chambers discuss how mRNA Vaccines have affected the military, including pilots (11/15/23): https://covid19criticalcare.com/mrna-vaccines-and-the-military/

The Highwire: EPISODE 306: DANGER IN THE SKIES (full episode, 2/9/23): Watch and EPISODE 268: W.H.O. IS IN CHARGE? (full episode, 5/19/22): https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/w-h-o-is-in-charge/ Includes episode segments.

Learn more about the serious challenges for pilots and the flying public at the US Freedom Flyers website: https://usfreedomflyers.org. Their resources page links to related organizations.

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Thank you for these links. I will pass them on to my brother.

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Also closing down bases willynilly. Am really disgusted with the military being obsessed with changing names of bases to expunge politically incorrect names. They really do have bigger things to worry about.

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Indeed. Remember when Obama had the Army I think it was walking in high heels? He also wanted to redesign sailor's caps and the armies also. Got rid of don't ask don't tell and them B/O incorporates trans........ Men in dresses

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Dec 9, 2023·edited Dec 9, 2023

Pregnant pilots suits, was a moment I recall

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I’m with you Rose!!!

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Big E, I know for sure that my husband no longer encourages anyone to join our country's military.

That is scary 😨 because I fear that they will start recruiting the Ill-eagles so that they can meet their quotas!!!

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Crackpot Durbin is proposing just that now.

Another reason the left opened the borders.

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Durbin is the same jackass preventing the flight lists of Epstchine island.

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"Kids today are in such bad shape both physically and mentally. Most couldn't even pass a dumbed down physical or mental fitness test."

I think the reverse is true. The mil branches have dumbed down the tests so they can entice some of the previously rejected. No different than a lot of the higher ed institutions.

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Dec 9, 2023·edited Dec 9, 2023

The governor of NJ Phil Poodlehead Murphy signed a new law allowing the new teachers are no longer required to take OR PASS the basic skills test. This way, sub par humanoids as teachers, continues the agenda of dumbing down the children.

Bad enough weed being legal and its devastating effects on developing minds was already in place

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When they are not allowed to play because jungle gyms are too dangerous, boys can't be boys, and the dozens of vaccines they must get . . . I even saw that in my nephew at age 30, 5'11'' 180lbs in 2012. He could not even pull back the string on my 35 pound bow. I was being helped yesterday in electronics by a young, thin, pale male who had painted little black dots on his fingernails. The other young male employee was much larger, but both displayed feminine qualities. Disheartening.

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Thank c.d.c. For the demise of jungle Jim’s. They are into playground safety now and obviously no better at that than in combating epidemics

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Wow Nice catch and diversion

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At first, that damn floor buffer was like a bucking bronco - due to my ham fisted attempts to control it - with practice and patience, I was able to glide that monster around the barracks floors with one hand.

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I remember my father, a radioman sailor, mentioning the constant scrubbing the deck. It did not sound like a job with a power tool other than physical manpower.

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I was Naval Air, - but never aboard a carrier - so "duty" in my Airman Recruit and Airman days included 'polishing' barracks floors, cleaning toilets and (worst of all) peeling potatoes in the stinking, wet "spud locker" - and occasional EARLY AM guard duty on the flight line.

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In the early 60's while on a weekend retreat in a convent, the nun's kitchen was equipped with a machine that peeled large amounts of potatoes at one time. Surely the military could afford to have these conveniences also.

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Making "duty" easy - including in the early 60s - was NOT the US NAVY way of doing things.

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I believe they used buckets and hand brushes. Often a form of punishment for misbehavior.

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My prankster dad misbehaving?

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Agreed. Although leading close order drill was not only a lot of fun, it was my first foray into leadership skills.

At least running a buffer, and calling cadence, were once, a much more marketable skill than getting pronouns correct and providing safe spaces.

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm not happy about:

1. Bidenomics

2. Funding endless wars

3. Funding abortions

4. Funding ill-eagles

5. Funding transgender surgeries

6. Funding Ch-eye-na

7. The loss of our constitutional rights

8. Funding the corrupt FBI

9. Funding the corrupt DOJ

10. Funding countries who hate us

11. Funding incompetent public schools

12. Funding climate change projects

13. Funding WOKE- DEI policies

14. Funding NGOs

I'm just not happy about many things!

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Give every citizen taxpayer a list LIKE THIS every year with every tax return and a YES box and a NO box and let US, citizen taxpayers say what should and should NOT get our money. Let those that want to fund endless wars, DO IT with THEIR tax dollars BUT not mine. I suggest that a simple amendment to the constitution that enshrined this would result in the immediate restoration of America, the collapse of corruption and the pay down of the national debt (I mean what else are they going to do with all that tax money that does NOT get assigned to any of the stuff on the list!)

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That might be a good thing if they would even look at our list!

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Great list Ana.

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Making my day with Jeff Foxworthy

So hilarious. Weird rules in our country Now..

imagine a ticket for fishing w no license!

BUT, no paperwork needed for our walk over our Open Borders to all these young men.!

And Mel Gibson with IRS - need AR—15

Happy weekend to Malone family!

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occasionaly I will select one of the those channels glorifying the DNR in various southern states-- picking up red-necks and illegals for keeping the WRONG fish.

This has to be something orchestrated along with the rest of the progressive policies and propaganda to sow fear of doing something so BARELY illegal, so BARELY harming to others in order to control the mostly benign masses. Those same basically, law-abiding folks who own guns for protection. . . while not imprisoning, not prosecuting mass-shoplifting across America and outright felons!

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Imagine illegally entering any other country what would happen. The US government hates its citizens. While we remove elderly citizens from shelters to place illegal aliens in a warm place to be fed and housed this winter, let’s hope this is Obama’s last term.

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I loved the Miss Piggy 🐷 rendition of Liz Chen-ey!!! Too funny 😁 😂 😀 🤣

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Man struggling to feed his family is happy to fund the war with his tax money....wars or genocides; GoF, vaccines, Ukraine, Gaza,....

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hahahaha exercise is far right extremism 🤣😂

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I could believe that. Have considered it a 4 letter word since adolescence.

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hi Dr. Ma-Lion/ess! Coal for Christmas is now a good thing!

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Right on the money! I think I been to that doctor in the video. Except I put the tape over his mouth and walked out.

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Always go to your Friday Funnies first thing to start my weekend. Thank you.

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The red head guy got it right! Big Pharma needs to hook the patient for life! Overheard a Big Pharma guy explain to a physician that when a patient comes in with a health complaint you must validate the visit by prescribing a drug. Telling the patient to change his lifestyle loses a patient!

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The were all so on point. Miss Piggy's outfit is so Cheney! Run Nikki run just reminded me I wasted a couple of hours Wednesday evening. Megan discussed with Glenn the next day. Both agreed that Nikki just collapsed on stage and Christy’s jumping in to ‘save’ her just made her look even worse. Vivek is one wrecking ball that keeps on giving. Pretty soon he will wreck himself out of the running. Who ever played that doc was really good.

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Nikki, now there’s a piece of work. She attacked Vivek so many times in the first debates, I began calling her “mean girl”, like the girls in Middle or High School that treat the studious, less popular girls like crap. I didn’t bother to watch this last slugfest, but honestly maybe it was time Vivek threw a few punches back. Like him or not, he makes some points I find intriguing. I just wish he’d quit impersonating BHO in style.

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OMG, this just isn't fair. I cannot pick a favorite one from this exceptional bunch. Dumb and Dumber is the perfect name for this collection.

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumber meet Keystone Cops.

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Dec 8, 2023·edited Dec 8, 2023

These are excellent, Dr. Malone. Some of them made me laugh. Some pissed me off. Mission accomplished. P.S. So… I watched Tucker’s interview with Alex Jones last night. I had always assumed the guy was part of the IC…

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I watched it also. Do you still assume that after watching? My sons started listening to his radio program in the early 90s. The knowledge they gained was immense and eventually got me looking at every aspect of our politics in a new light. Truth is mostly hidden behind a veil rhetoric, propaganda and outright lies. Nothing is as it seems.

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Dec 8, 2023·edited Dec 8, 2023

I don’t know, Shelley, maybe. It’s possible he is just really good at connecting the dots. I think, ultimately, they went after him because he supported Trump.

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The comment he made late in the interview is one we all need to heed. They are coming for Rural America Next.

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Don’t live in fear, keep your mind and body free.

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I am way too old to spend my last days in fear. We just need to be aware and heed the warning.

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There is that place of tension… that balance of being aware and yet, knowing this is not our calling. The Lord has had me focusing on the Beattitudes… but I know some days I get too caught up, then I miss the things He actually wants me to be doing because of the bright and shiny object distractions the enemy puts out like candy. Almost to the 2nd Sunday in Advent… ‘Hope’.

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I am half way through that interview. It is very compelling and telling.

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Yes, however… his style is geared towards people who are likely to believe ‘conspiracy theories’. This always sends a little red flag up for me. From what Jones intimated, He and Tucker come from similar family backgrounds. Tucker’s father was involved in propaganda for the US. The old adage of the ‘apple not falling too far from the tree’ may be at play.

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Ergo there was no TV set in the Carlson home so says Tucker, and he still doesn't have one. Must have a great understanding of how propaganda is delivered.

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Ron White - nailed it long ago

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You hit the nail on the head, "You can't fix stupid". We need an intense crash course on Intelligence 101!

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It used to be called survival of the fittest.

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The crash course... was survived by the fittest. The rest got eaten or wandered off a cliff.

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