I tried to pick up some of that Pfreedom at my local pharmacy and they called the cops. Thankfully my local sheriff is a constitutional conservative and refused to arrest me on drug charges. I’ll probably have to drive all the way to Florida to get my Pfreedom prescription filled. Love you Drs Malone.

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How much is the co-pay for pFreedom these days?

edit: and is that for a 30-day or 90-day supply?

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Feb 10, 2023·edited Feb 10, 2023

Just make sure you don't drive too far south. It's a different world down there.

edit: (no pun intended !)

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You mean like all the way to Venezuela. lol

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That, too! ( I was thinking Orlando or Miami, though :)

It's strange having cities that are in an east coast state that are so far Left.

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Great Bud ad. Wolf great, too.

Thanks for sharing, as usual.

Danny Huckabee

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Well, you did it again, I got all choked up watching the horse-human love. Thanks a lot (both ways).

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Wow. The one with the superheroes is savage. Accurate as hell, but savage.

Keep 'em coming...

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I have a fond memory of sneaking close and petting a Budweiser horse (and picked up his huge hoof to see his huge shoe) while the attendant was distracted. I was with my dad who was elderly and I an adult but I felt like a little kid again for a moment. Horses do awesome things for your heart.

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Should I say it?? " ....great balls of fire! " For those 2 young to know the missing lyrics.

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I think that was sarcasm. At least I hope so.

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See I'm likely wrong. Liked a lot of songs at that time. Never seemed to remember who was doing them, with the exception of Johnny Cash.

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It referred to the jerry lee lewis cartoon

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Just in case I needed a reason for a good cry...thanks for sharing that video, Dr. Malone!

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99% of the sheeple quietly watched them kill Epstein to keep him from talking about their heroes.

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Not attacking you, but NONE of Epstein's clients are heroes of mine, and I'm pretty sure they aren't most peoples' heroes, either. That said, people are quiet because the Rule of Law has been eliminated.

Without the Rule of Law, you have people like Epstein killed before trial, McAfee killed before he could be extradited, Julian Assange imprisoned for journalism, people who marched on DC held in indefinite solitary confinement without trial, Trump raided for classified material and Biden given a giant pass for much worse, and you have the FBI and DHS targeting average parents as "domestic terrorists" for trying to prevent their children being shown pornography and sexually groomed in public schools.

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Sadly we have let lawyers define for us the rule of law and they have entirely discarded the concept of justice in the process. Got in their way I guess

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Thanks Doc. Tired too, but we know that the Truth prevails in the end. And we know his name: Jesus. (And I don’t think it’s baskets in football. I’m pretty sure it’s runs.)

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I just hope it doesn't take until the end for Truth to prevail!

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Feb 10, 2023·edited Feb 10, 2023

It should never. We've received gifts and instructions with plenty of examples that we're supposed to use to ensure it doesn't have to take that long.

edit: (never - as in never take to the end. It sounded clear in my head. You shoulda heard it! :)

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Hard to believe the Brotherhood Budweiser commercial is only ten years old. It's like its from a completely different planet. Because it actually is....

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Must confess, got totally distracted with the Clydesdales. Leads to thoughts of your handsome Percherons and on to your current crop of handsome foals and Mom's. But from there Snowden certainly has a point. And the the wolf.

Great selection! Brightens the day! You folks are terrific! So appreciated! Very, very Bestest plus!⁸

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Feb 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love the Pfreedom piece by JP! Thanks for sharing, Dr. Malone.

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Feb 10, 2023·edited Feb 10, 2023

The Bud commercial conveys love. Unfortunately, we have the military/industrilized complex pushing hate and creating biowarfare mass extinction programs. If you have not read the Forbes article on the reconstitution of the Spanish Flu..here it is. https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevensalzberg/2022/08/15/scientists-have-re-created-the-deadly-1918-flu-virus-why/?sh=6eaf4ea13190

There is no mention of who is funding this research. Shut down all these labs now before we create the extinction of man! Fauci knows who.

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RE: Great Balls of Fire

I had that once. Thank God for penicillin. A drug that actually works as advertised.

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