Jun 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

While the one about Biden and viagra made me laugh, the one with the wolves devouring the lamb made me weep.

We MUST stay steadfast in speaking truth. Not “our truth” but THE truth. No more self-censoring.

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Psssst - trustworthy people apologize when we get it wrong. Humility before God and all. Pass it on.

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Great comment. The viagra one reminded me of the Kingston Trio number with the "lyric"--I learned your language at u.c.r.a.

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Yes, weep and hot steam at the same time.

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Jun 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks! Today’s were super funny!!

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They are also powerful. They all deal with abuse of power, power over others, the basis of all crime. Does Power corrupt? An excellent question to ask. A surprising answer, always free, not a news feed...


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Robin Williams played in a movie called The Final Cut. After one’s death he would make a movie of a persons life by recorded memories, good and bad, edit and produce it, so that the family would forever have a filmed history of their loved one. As people grow old their time left on this earth grows short. We in many instances could produce a movie of people in the public view. People that we see in depth, their character. As I have watched many relatives grow old, some grow closer to God, some are satisfied with their life, and some continue on the same path with no regard to what may come after this life. We are today all witnesses to a person who is nearing the end. Time is very short. He has enriched himself, not by producing a history of human positives, but in many cases the misery of so many. He seems to continue on the path of no regard. My question is, what good is all of the wealth if what you leave behind is coverups and misery? What will his Final Cut show? J.Goodrich

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Jun 23, 2023·edited Jun 23, 2023

The truth is not something that goes away. I studied delayed remorse a bit, and like Jordan Peterson stated, that harm inflicted on others may be forgotten or ignored, but over time gains momentum then hits home. He added that it is terribly tragic to see. The ones I studied said that they thought nothing of their crimes at the time of committing them or during the investigations and trial, and for as much as a decade later. Then memories started creeping back into their minds, during their dream state even, vividly detailed and things that they hadn't even noticed at the time of the crime. This recall occurred increasingly so over the years. A few mentioned during their interviews that they they wake up every morning with a new detail about the horrible events and that they had days when that's all that was on their minds. I felt deeply sorry for them, for they were hounded by their horrible deeds and seemingly suffering more than their victims did. No drugs, alcohol or anti depressants even, provide much of an escape. These inebriants, when not under the influence, can make the truth even more unbearable to face. Many near death experiencers describe a life review and the pain they felt during these in depth reviews; their own and others very detailed, including internal emotional, experiences and how their thoughtless acts extended beyond the individuals directly involved. Mostly these were decent people reviewing their relatively minor unkind deeds and statements throughout their entire lives. It's not judgmental, they claim, but an emotionally painful learning experience as they judge themselves. As well, they experienced the wonderful effects of their kindness, even small and seemingly insignificant gestures. Now we are all being confronted with the atrocities of the callous intellect, its perverted psychology, its machines, accrued wealth and power. Yet, these many NDEs seem to say the same thing, bring back the same important yet simple message, it's love that matters and all that matters. Their return with their testimonies are the grace of God at this critical time.

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Dr.Malone, a sincere thank you, from me, for your response to my post yesterday. The only way to change the current political conditions in our country is with truth and courage, you consistently show both.

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After yesterday's column about the furries and today's funnies, I'm going to take a chance and tell the truth as I see it.

We are living through the decline and fall not only of the American empire but also of Western civilization as we've known it. If you look at history, empires decline when decadence takes over, unnecessary wars are fought, and dictators rule.

We also need to pay close attention to the U.K. and the reports from their national health service. Almost 100,000 people have died from heart problems in the past 3 years. At first they blamed it on Covid, but finally someone is telling the truth and saying that can no longer be the cause. And, of course, no one is even mentioning the vaccines.

The U.K. is also seeing unprecedented numbers of people developing cancer and lacks the medicos and facilities to treat them all. They're blaming this on the lockdowns and people's inability to get regular care. Once again, no one is even mentioning the vaccines.

And ambulance waits can be as long as 90 minutes.

American hospitals are having greater and greater nursing shortages and rural hospitals have been closing down. We don't have the same access to numbers as the U.K. because they have a national system and ours is spread out.

We need to remember what Dr. Malone wrote awhile ago about developing intentional communities. Right now we have one here on his Substack, but we're going to have to find ways to rebuild communities on the ground as well. From what I've read in history, and from what I've dealt with in my life, I've learned that the only way to move forward in the midst of chaos is to focus on what we want and do whatever we can to create it.

The conventional and traditional no longer work. As one of the funnies said, "Our biggest problem is that we're still trying to play by the rules...They have no rules!"

So let's make up our own! If you don't like the way Twitter operates, leave. Same for Facebook and any other social media. And switch from Google to duckduckgo.com because they don't track or censor.

Sock away as much money as you can to give yourself flexibility. Create checking accounts and relationships with people at two banks, so if one fails, you'll still be able to pay your bills. (FDIC insures the money, but if a bank crashes, so do the accounts.) Ignore the msm. If you have kids in school, be very careful about how they're indoctrinated and be prepared to pull them out if necessary. And limit their exposure to the poison online.

The teacher in me has come out--you can take the teacher out of the classroom, but you can't take the classroom out of the teacher!

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Amen Cindy. God bless you.

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So so many good ones and a few absolutely LOL!!! My fave is NOBODY IS BETTER THAN BIDEN! Seriously we would be better off with nobody as president! And the DUI one with Biden/Fedderman speak. Thanks Doc for the chuckle this am! 😀❣️

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Bidenopoly, the rigged game of government is my favorite. I think the treatment of Hunter is two-fold. It lets him off the hook and it is meant to flaunt the double standard to agitate the other side.

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What it is doing is pointing out how we are under control of what can only be called crime families. They obviously have reached a degree of certitude of their in inviolability that they break our laws with impunity. And have been for decades

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Peter Schweizer has had much to say about that. I bought his Extortion in 2013 (How Politicians extract your money, buy votes, and line their own pockets), Clinton Cash in 2015 (The untold story of how and why foreign governments and businesses made Bill and Hillary rich) and Secret Empires in 2018 (How the American political class hides corruption and enriches family and friends). He has many more books. I believe his latest one is Red Handed which is about our politicians and China.

The Left has expended much energy and effort to debunk his Clinton Cash rendering.

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That's one family. There are at least two others

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Peter has never been aligned politically. He's outed McConnell, Biden, Obama with his smash and grab business dealings for his friends, Biden/Kerry sons, and a slew of GOP congressmen via the lobbying arm of family enrichment. Bush 43's uncle Prescott, Kushner and Ivanka and the list goes on.

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And then there are the kennedys who go back further

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Some funny stuff. Unfortunately, the problem goes way beyond Biden. If an election could end the Great Reset and the assault on humanity that would be grand. Dream on.

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I agree with the way beyond Biden. I happen to think that his incompetency made him the perfect fall guy to implement the policy they wanted.

And yes, history is reflective that every culture eventually fails. Yet honest elections are a choice verses revolution, worthy to consider. And civil disobedience as well.

Trump was making a big difference. (manufacturing coming home. rational nationalism in dozens of nations, India and easter europe, and asia, , many bi and tri lateral trade deals, growing anti indiscriminate immigration, etc, the WEF plans were being destroyed) Tumps economic restucturing the world around rational nationalism was working very well. He also eliminated thousands of laws.

This alone was killing the WEF goals.

In his desperation to not let this new global economy be destroyed, he trusted the medical community. This was a tragic mistake in a remarkable few years of achievement against overwhelming odds. The global economy he was enginneering was destroyed, and tyranny was put in place, and 81 million votes my ass, is a number one hit.

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Gems 💎 all! The writer, the comics, and the readers of this Substack.

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Mark Steyn still makes fun of the feds over Capone… vicious, murderous gangster and you can’t get him for anything except taxes? But that is a great cartoon!

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Friday funnies sure hit the nail on the head...I really wonder how people have the chutzpah to keep on proclaiming all the safe and effective lies about CV-19 vaccines, while mortality statistics by insurance companies are stating deaths are up 40%.

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I’m having a hard time picking my favorite. The wolves devouring the lamb is so terribly truthful it makes me sick. The video was hilarious. The Biden viagra hit my funny bone. When I was in Japan several years ago , I was at a museum. A couple of signs in the museum said “No Smorking “ and “Histrorically “. Hunter Biden getting a slap on the wrist is a sure sign of how deep the corruption is. I can only hope it wakes more people up to our demise.

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Funny Japan story. Guy a boss of mine knew had a meal there and complimented the server on their tea--loved it. Asked what is was called. Rijipon he was told. Where could he buy some he asked. The waiter graciously gifted him with a box of...you guessed I bet...Lipton tea.

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That is hilarious

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Hard to choose today but going with Kevin Sorbo.

Canadian Constitution Foundation: Dr. Jordan Peterson - Court summary


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I always enjoy Dr Malone’s Funnies. Humor is an extension of self-expression in a democracy of true freedom. May it never change.

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A series of truths. The video tops it. Accidently caught the Rogan Dore ivermectin that followed. Both BIG smiles. Perfect starts for a rainy (much needed) weekend. Do appreciate your 'funnies'!

Have many pleasures and satisfactions! Very Bestest ♡

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