Great Orwell clip. I always felt if Orwell didn’t live in a free country he never would have had the freedom of thought to be such a genius. As far as England (Europe and America) goes, without people with a brain in their head willing to stand up and push back against the insane, we all will be lost. I’m sure our corrupt executive branch will have no problem stealing and selling off Americas energy, right from under our feet, to countries that realize energy is the life blood of a growing society. The brainwashed young will destroy the future. How can we fight an invasion of ourselves without equal amounts of people willing to stand up and fight back. Obviously our personal worlds haven’t gotten bad enough yet, however they will. J.Goodrich

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We may soon wish to have all that uranium the hag gave to russia (for a bribe of course) when the doddering one shuts down all fossil fuel

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If we had a true president that wasn’t a thief we would just take it back and prosecute the traitors.

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On reflection James maybe we should just that. Read some time ago Texas had enough coal to last it 100 yrs or so. So just do it and tell the e.p.a.to pound sand?????

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we really need to shrink our government to the basics and take away their power and give it back to the states.

They have abused their power WAY TOO MUCH, they are the monarchy they think.

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‘Pound sand.’ is one of my favorite alternative to not cursing…

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Agree but have gotten confused. RFK Jr has advised coal plants poison rivers. So, have to wonder - assuming he's right - whether there isn't a cost effective way to address the problem. Particularly if we are building some new ones?

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Don't phase out natural gas. It's one of the cleanest burning fuels on the planet. Getting rid of natural gas is insanity.

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Before I retired, I worked for the Oregon PUC for 9 years. OR forced PGE to decommission the only coal plant operating in Oregon. During an inspection there was not a hint of coal dust anywhere. It was a clean operation, generating 15% of its electricity. PGE now must forgo getting any power at all from its plant in MT for use in OR. It pays to get electricity from Bonneville hydro plant and all hydro in states like OR are not consider ‘green’ energy. The US will end up like Germany because we are not replacing lost electricity generating capabilities with nuclear.

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The dirtiest thing about coal has been its politics

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Afraid quotes from that clan carry no umph with me. Agree alternative energy sources need to be found certainly better than the wind nonsense we are enriching china with, a china that is building more coal burning units as fast as they can

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Not a believer in Global Warming or the merits of the extra $ that enrich investors in wind and sun. See it as a scam. Texas is maybe the only place wind may have some merit. At this point still support fossil fuels. However, if coal presents an issue - am willing to learn about it and whether there isn't some way to fix it. Definitely want to move beyond "quotes" and learn the truths of the matters asserted.

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This is how many coal plants there are in the world and how many are being built. Turkey has 56 and is building 93 more. The EU has 468 and is building 27 more. South Africa has 79 and is building 24 more. India has 589 and is building 446 more. Philippine has 19 and is building 60 more. S.Korea has 58 and is building 26 more. Japan has 90 and is building 45 more. China has 2363 and is building 1171 more that’s 3534 total. USA has 241 and is building 0. That’s 5615 plants in just 8 countries. And our demoncrats want to shut down the 241 to save the planet. This made me think of our brilliant climate Czar John Forbes Kerry, the gigolo, say the truth out loud, by mistake, if America went to zero carbon emissions it would do nothing to change the climate.

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The only way the socialist inclined tell the truth is by mistake. Lying is default mode for them

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Isn’t that the truth!!

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Dr Malone - I remember, in my much younger days looking at the corruption in our world and feeling so small and alone. One of the great ironies of life is that through this hideous travesty called COVID, we have come to find you and the stellar humans like you, Pierre Kory, Paul Marik, Aseem Malhotra, Tess Laurie, Bonnie Ann Cox, Jessica Rose, A Midwestern Doctor, Bobby Kennedy. I am so inspired by all of you.

A wise man once said, “I truly believe we are at a pivotal time, where the work that each of us puts in can make an immense impact on the future course of this world.” (A Midwestern Doctor, on Substack)

I, for one, am inspired to act upon that advice.

Thank you. I am eternally both grateful and indebted to you folks - for saving me from despair. ☺️

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May 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And the swearing in of Charles as the new King of England will insure that his WEF wrecking crew have laid the New World Order foundation as planned. (recall his exit plan for Lady Diana)

Oh.....there is a plan all righty....a big fat de-pop burger and little pink houses for you and me.

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I now live in the uk. Crapanation is set. (Kid Rock language left out); but, You know what I’m thinking = wef.

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Copy That Ed.

Good to be King Eh? Right up till the moment the massive crowds show up with extremely sharp and pointy "Pitch Forks"!! Want Days of yore do ya Chuck?? We will count to 10......

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King Charles III serves as the head of state of 14 sovereign countries other than his own – making the UK the most prolific among the world’s 17 constitutional monarchies...

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£250m and the ring of steel around Londinium, hypersonics notwithstanding... Singalong...

Thy choicest gifts in store for paedos and warmonger whores,

Long may he reign,

May he avoid our laws, income and inheritance fraud,

Plebs sing with heart and voice,

God save the King!

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Fear not, I have it on good authority that Satan loses the contest. Never could win really.

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Satan needs more storage space for his candidates. Even Limbo is overcrowded.

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Don’t be surprised to see Mellencamp there. The Queen is rolling in her grave.

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I bet her majesty is too. She did all she could to protect Diana from tying that Royal Knot!

She knew full well what men of that caliber were poised for. Nothing good to come of it!

No way to protect her once the gilded cage surrounded her. Another hapless slave to a Throne.

Charles was nearly 34 yrs older than she @19. Robbing cradles and nations Job #1.

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May 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My mood ain’t much better but bless you for fighting! The victory has already been won, so don’t despair!

In case y’all missed it, I think you will like my latest at the federalist on the need to get your kid’s doctor before it’s too late…


Follow-up on that here:


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Great articles. Thanks for sharing

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Brilliantly written. Thank you for sharing that.

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May 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Drs. Robert and Jill, Know that there are more of Us than even You can imagine. Give Jill and those Horses and Dogs a hug from Me Very Best, Ed

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As Friday is humor day thought I'd add this with apologies in advance

The information highway is in such a state

We never are sure just who we should hate

Veritus and Tucker blown off as just nosy

So perhaps it would be good to move into posey

As John Dryden did in political debate

Laid waste to Shadwell and sealed his fate.

A name remembered in literary scorn

Emeritus fame from his brow was shorn.

Why you may ask this odd suposition

To seek rhyme to posit political discussion?

Well a lost and recovered tome of old verse

Penned by a genius of satire of course.

It made comparison of media today

Cnn and all and their acts in the fray

Pale in comparison these last many years

In dealing their offal to sad empty ears.

Lord Byron long had his hackles in flame

By Scottish critics of his compatriots fame.

But when they smeared his beloved Pope

He swore he would give them no reason to hope

For mercy from his thunderous pen

He called the mighty instrument of little men.

An epic poem he made filled with scorn and derision

To punish the Scots who had prompted this mission

Heads rolled in abandon, he showed no quarter

Poor Jeffery he made a literal martyr.

How he and Moore met ten paces apart

Determined to send some lead to the heart.

With pistols they held to render each dead

But neither it seems... contained any lead.

Now that had to leave some faces red

But history cares not, when all is said.

Our eastern west coast shares that dilemma

With an occupant there who is sunk in dementia

Has no ball in play either high or low

To counter indeed any political foe.

Now its time to leave this simple screed

I know its short but there is the need

I only have read a mere twenty pages

Have twenty more to go, could take me ages.

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Love it!

Words in prose

Are like a rose

Put with rhyme

Enter the sublime

Add some rhythm

Double pleasure is given

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Thanks and great response.

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May 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The "Democrat Run City" sign's bullet holes should be from inside the city, not outside.

God Bless and have a good weekend, everyone!

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May 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“There is hope in your future, says the Lord, That your children shall come back to their own border.”

‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭31‬:‭17‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

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While there is no salvation to be found in politics, there is an opportunity to improve the time we spend on this world with politics. RFK/DeSantis or DeSantis/RFK appears to me to be our best shot at the latter.

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Good Morning Dr.'s Malone. Good Funnies today. Trying to come up with a caption for the eagle picture that is not cheesy. Even though, "Look up Tony", comes to mind.

Thank you for doing the work (going to Brussels in this case) to confront the evil we all face. I'll do my part where I am at and encourage others to do the same.

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It reminded of a cartoon from 40 years ago of a baggy panted mouse giving the finger to an eagle occupying the backround with outstretched talons ready to grab the poor mousie.

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I forgot the punchline on the cartoon. "The final defiance"

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May 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

European suicide!

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May 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for the comics. When I'm feeling down I have a nice chat with ChatGPT, the pre-canned woke propaganda that comes back always makes me laugh.

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You might want to check out the blindingly fast advancements AI is making right now, and what that portends for the future. I found the following video both excellent and terrifying:


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Indeed, I work in Microsoft Research :-)

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That Osprey still is awesome. I've spent a lot of time on West coast rivers and lakes and blessed to see them in action. Ospreys are amazingingly skilled fishers. Many times I have watched Ospreys make their catch only to be relentlessly chased by Bald Eagles until they drop their catch. A bit disconcerting that we chose a thieving, scavenging opportunist, as our national symbol.

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Well, that is what is in the white house at this time somaybe the choice was prophetic.

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May 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hello Dr. Malone - I talked to a neighbour of mine yesterday. She is over 60 but had absolutely no idea what is going on in the world. We spent an hour talking before I carried on. I am not sure what she thought but at least she listened. You are so far out front of all this that it must be exhausting.

In this clip, the narrator says "I guess I'm just old". Yup. Old and Wise !! Keep up the good work.


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I must admit that I have days like that too, but the tiny optimist in my head will not let me give up or despair. Together we can overcome these tyrants by working together, being kind to each other, and refusing to comply. I know that sounds trite, but it has worked before and it can work again. When we see them for what they are and refuse their agenda, they lose power over us.

Die on your feet fighting and not on our knees complaining and feeling sorry for ourselves.

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My worry is all the indoctrinated college graduates voting democrat plus all the illegal border crossers who are allowed to vote, not to mention voting by mail

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May 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Pendulum Wave video has a simple explanation:

The lower your balls hang, the slower they swing.

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Aha. I always wondered about the greeting: "How're they hanging".

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May 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Here in Canada, I watch Europe closely. The past few years have shown that what happens there, happens to us 6-12 months later. Try and tell me this isn't all a co-ordinated plot! The only hope I see is that news of Europe will spread and wake North Americans up before it's too late, however all the recent legislation like Bill C-11 in Canada is aimed at making sure we don't hear what's going on in the rest of the world. There is no doubt we are in a tough spot.

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Have said this before. It confounds me how our leading class remains so europhilic. They never seem to remember we left

that bloody continent for good reasons which still abound

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May 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone, I am confident you would be well aware of this, but to some of your Readers/Followers, I confirm that the Australian TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) HAS finally lifted its Nationwide ban on Ivermectin. Effective June 2023. This will allow Doctors across Australia to prescribe Ivermectin specifically for covid-19. To my mind, this is a momentous development (in no small part due to YOUR efforts) because to me, this is the “beginning of the end” for evil and exploitation of Humanity. Victory is before us, but there will be battles and more victories are sought and needed. I hope you don’t mind, but I mention a conversation between General Michael Flynn (USA Retired) and Alex Jones of Info wars. Gen Flynn made the very important point, that “there will be battles ahead”. Gen Flynn, like myself and Billions of others is deeply concerned about the onslaught of WEF & communism and our “medical invasion”, and in that spirit he advised.

“It is OK to experience fear, fear is a reflex, for example, if we hear a loud noise behind us, we jump, it’s a reflex, part of our self survival mechanism”. “But considering what may lie ahead, we need to demonstrate COURAGE”! Gen Flynn explains, “even Heroes can feel fear its natural, its OK, but a Hero then makes the DECISION to demonstrate COURAGE” (as Dr Malone and many others have done). “FEAR is a REFLEX, COURAGE is a DECISION, a decision many of us may well have to make to finally (a) win this battle, and (b) do whatever is required to ensure nothing like this is ever allowed to take place again.

God bless You & Yours, God bless Gen Flynn & his. Victory is before us, GOOD WILL prevail over evil !

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