Thank you for the funnies! Love the rap. The wrestlers are spot on. Have a great weekend. I will my granddaughter is getting married tomorrow to a (boy).

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The video just made my day, its great seeing Dr Malone having some fun!

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow! again all spot on but somehow I do not think that new He/ Him/ whatever Robert student was not quite falling for it LOL!!! and somehow I think a certain "student" named JIll in the back was never going to get her questions answered ! But the reality of what is happening today in so many schools is truly scary and sad.

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for the laughs and the music video. Laughter is still the best medicine for almost everything

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

These are truly the BEST memes on the planet! Brilliant!! Thank you!

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The rap video is amazing.

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I usually change the station when I hear Rap, but I’ve become a believer. That was excellent.

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Best video of the decade!

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

LOVED the video! Thanks for a great start to Friday!

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My husband asked "is that really Dr. Malone" in the Hi-Rez video? Yes, I said. I am hoping that the Health Freedom movement takes off and Health Freedom doctors and politicians identify themselves.

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Can't wait to hear about the conference! I am grateful that you and Jill are abreast of these movements, the average person doesn't know about these gatherings. P.S. Your book is awesome, the introduction says so much!

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The meme about fake epidemics is a huge point. Old folks were much less susceptible to this fake epidemic because we went through several real and serious epidemics in the '50s. Nearly everyone was sick with the '57 flu, and those who weren't sick knew someone who had been sick, or damaged by measles or paralyzed by polio.

The old/young difference is still visible. Old folks never voluntarily muzzled. Only the young and fashionable are STILL voluntarily gagged. Seems like the youngsters would eventually notice that the oldies who were SUPPOSEDLY the most vulnerable are still alive and still breathing freely.

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All of the voting for the speaker of the house is a great example of the exercise of democracy which of course always upsets the fascists it's interesting to see who they are as they reveal themselves.

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200 family members feuding is NOT " chaos" ... 5 M people subsuming our Border IS !

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Thanks Drs. Malone I needed this today, just paid 500 at my vets office for a couple of shots my lab needed😩. Oh well he’s worth it. Thanks for the smiles!!!

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Did he need them? I question all pharma now. Maybe he truly did. But my next dog won’t get all of those shots. Practically every dog I’ve had dies from cancer, and I did everything by the book. No more

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BridgetT I think the same way you do. I think could a Rabbi’s shot be mRNA? Funny I almost asked🥹. I know my masked vet would look at me like a conspiracy theorist (critical thinker). But I payed. We do try to make his visits at least as possible. They are like my kids. I walk them twice a day and wonder who’s walking who?

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When my first female lab got sick,(stomach cancer) she was 14. She would follow me everywhere and lay on my feet when I sat down. Putting her down was the hardest thing I ever did. In my heart I know it was time but I still feel like I betrayed her. My wife was angry at me for waiting to long. I played catch with her the day before and she was a fighter but could no longer hold food and then even water. It broke my heart. She always would run through muddy puddles cause I told her not to. She had such a good heart.

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Lab stories. A funny. Had 2 females who am sure saw snow for first time ever. They were not too certain about the stuff, had to push both out the door into it and then.......they went in and out their doggie door until the stuff (8 inches) finally melted. Had a blast.

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We have a place on a pond in NH. The female is somewhat obsessed with swimming. When she first learned she could only swim in a straight line so she kept going out farther and farther. I don’t think she was paying attention. But got it eventually after kayaking after her😳. She follows me around now like my first female…

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Back when boxers life span averaged 7 yrs we had one who lived 15yrs and hardly ever saw a vet. We then religiously took all of our other dogs to vets for all the shots and never had one survive more than 7 yrs. Two labs and a boxer/ridgeback died from various cancers. One old stray had advanced mental deterioration and another lab died from what I suspect was a mis-diagnosed and treated pituitary problem.

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It’s so hard to lose a dog, but good people have good dogs that live like kings and queens. I’d like to come back as one of my dogs, what a life. I think there democrats, they never work, free food, housing, medical.🙂

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Labs are great! We had 4 of them and each was a prize. Sadly what you just experienced is why we have had to abandon dog ownership after the last old guy passed on--simply cannot afford to take one to the vet anymore. Think animal insurance the cause by requiring vets who use it to charge outrageously for their service.

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When I was a kid we fed our dogs and cats canned food made in the USA. You could smell when you opened it that it was real meat, usually horse. The dried cat food had lots of meat in it back then. It is the vets and pharma that lobby state officials to make laws requiring all the different vaxes for your pets. The vets and pharma get a known stream of revenue this way. The only shot I think worth while is the distemper for kittens and for puppies. I live in an area with possums (which I trap or kill), skunks, raccoons, foxes, coyotes, rabbits, squirrels, deer, and ground hogs. Perhaps rabbi shots as well in this case? Possum dung in a pasture can debilitate horses if ingested. My horses get too many vaxes also. I've quit the fall shots since my four never leave my property and no other horses are near by.

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Those were the two shots I got. We have the same varments at both our places so I keep up with those two shots. Have been forced to give them frontline because the ticks have gotten so bad, though I hate to give it to them.

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Dear James, those distemper shots are for your pets, not you.

Ha, ha ha ha....I'm sorry I just read it that way!

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That’s funny I did notice that when I reread it. Maybe I could use one anyways….😆

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Probably safer than the covid jab.

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This is our 4th lab. He’s a wonderful dog. We had a male and female years ago from a breeder in upper Maine. The male lived 17 years so I called her to get 2 more, she was 85 years old. I did get another male and female (Sandy & Simba). Shortly after Margret Mitchell passed away. She owned Meadowmere Labs. I was lucky to get the two, their wonderful dogs!! She and her husband were wonderful people. I miss her posts.

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Over 2021 read probably 20 plus vet books from around the world. One of their themes was they were spending more on technology to diagnose and treat. Many were competing against managed practices. Further that they were getting a lot less walk in low cost visits, Many of the same ills of trying to practice medicine as an independent these days. Clearly a problem for the Vets and the clientele.

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I’m sure your correct. It seems with the inflation environment everyone has to increase pricing just to maintain. I hope that at some point things turn the other direction at least a little.

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My vet won't come out any more because it takes too long to get here. I found one somewhat closer and ask for teeth floating on two of my horses. Some gal showed up with a power drill with an extension on it she stuck it in their mouths. I was appalled by that plus a bill for over $400. Now both of those horses are dropping feed out of their mouths.

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The Kahn cartoon made me think of the new fav expression of the left--cultural appropriation. We are told how the chinese look at history as a revolving door. Well think about when Marco Polo met the ruler of china he met a mongol totally immersed in the appropriated chinese culture. And that is a repeat of history I suspect they have in mind for us. All those welfare seekers pouring over our southern border, all those scurrilous politicians parasitizing our houses of government are the mongol surrogates that china has prepared for us so as to soon be speaking mandarin as our primary language. Ya think maybe?

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Funny video with you all, especially enjoyed you with your face diaper on your head and JP picking his nose. Humor needed. Thank you for delivering!

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