By weaponizing the fear of being labeled a Nazi, the currently governing German government is going further down the dark path of censorship and, even worse, is moving towards an outright banning of political leaders of the AFD (Alliance for Deutschland) party as well as the AFD party itself. To provide context, the center-right populist AFD party is leading in current German polling ahead of the upcoming election of delegates to the European Union. The elites don’t want people to actually have a democratically elected representative European Union or German government. The German elites want to choose the available leaders people are allowed to vote for. That is not democracy. That is a form of totalitarian oligarchy, one which is dependent on a variety of “public-private partnerships” involving very large and often transnational corporations. One version of modern corporatism.
One recent example:
The debate about a possible ban on the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) never really went away, but it is once again getting louder. That's because the Münster Higher Administrative Court (OVG) has on Monday rejected a complaint by the party against its classification by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) as a suspected right-wing extremist case. The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution is the domestic intelligence service.
On Tuesday, a court ruled against Thuringian AfD leader Björn Höcke for allegedly using a slogan from the paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party, the Storm Troopers (Sturmabteilung). The graduate historian and former history teacher denies knowing the origin of the banned slogan "Alles für Deutschland" (Everything for Germany).
Höcke was fined €13,000 ($14,060) which is to go to a grassroots anti-extremism program.
In his closing statement, Höcke complained about the far-reaching restrictions on freedom of opinion in Germany. "I have the feeling of being a politically persecuted person," he said.
Höcke is the top candidate for state elections in Thuringia later this year and is leading in the polls.
One of the defining characteristics of fascism is that it opposes a democratic government.
In democracies, people must be able to vote for whom they wish. This is how it works. When they can only vote for a subset of the choices that they wish to vote for, this is no longer a democracy.
In another chilling move, the AFD party is now publicly suspected of “extremism” by the German courts.
The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party is officially suspected of extremism, a German court has ruled.
The move, which upholds a lower-court ruling the party had challenged, means intelligence services can continue to monitor AfD activities and communications.
In related news, military leadership in Germany is considering re-instating the draft. Of course, it is all about Ukraine…
Defense Minister Boris Pistorius told an audience at Johns Hopkins University in the United States last week, calling the decision by former Chancellor Angela Merkel to end conscription a "mistake."
"Times have changed,” he said…
Pistorius' team has spent weeks drafting proposals for how such a system could work, and officials say he plans to kick-start a public debate on the topic before the summer parliamentary recess.
The question is, why is German military leadership traveling to the USA to discuss this? One can speculate that this makes total sense if one believes that the USA might actually be behind Germany’s military strategy. But that might be a conspiracy theory, so best not to go there…
But not so fast. Is Germany nothing more than a client state of the USA? Journalist Udo Ulfkotte thought so.
Who was Udo Ulfkotte?
Udo Ulfkotte (1960 – 2017) was a German journalist and political scientist, renowned as a security and intelligence services expert, as well as a critic of Islam.
He was an editor for one of Germany's main daily newspapers, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) for many, many years.
He then went on to write a number of books about the collusion between the US CIA and German intelligence, his experiences as a collaborator, as well as the growing threat of Islamism in Europe.
Ulfkotte was for a time the editor of the well-known German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), where he was convinced first hand that the CIA and the German BND intelligence service bribe journalists to write anti-Russian and extremely pro-Western and pro-NATO articles.
In his book "Journalists for hire" (“Gekaufte Journalisten” in German), Ulfkotte explained in great detail how the propaganda campaign of the USA and NATO works.
He then stated that he published under his name texts written by agents of various intelligence services, including the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
Before his death, Ulfkotte gave an interview to the Russian television RT, in which he stated that he was "very afraid of a new war in Europe, and that the German and U.S. media want to push Europe into war and provoke war on Russian territory". "Looking at how the German and American media are bringing war to Europe, I speak up to say that what I did in the past, manipulated people, participated in anti-Russian propaganda is wrong. The war with Russia is a point of no return. What my colleagues do is wrong. I have written a book because I am very afraid of a new war in Europe. War never comes of its own accord, there are always people who stand up for it and it's not just politicians, but also journalists. We betrayed our readers, just to push the war. I don't want this anymore, I'm tired of this propaganda. We live in a banana republic, not a democratic country where we have freedom the press", Ulfkotte said at the time.
He claimed that the CIA had corrupted journalists and major news outlets so much that it had become a routine thing, accepted and widespread in the Western media, and that journalists who did not adhere to it could not get a job or their careers were interrupted. The book is still not available in English, but in it, the former editor of Germany’s Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper claims that he was a part of a program where the CIA hired American and European journalists to plant false stories in the mainstream media to further a disinformation agenda. Ulfkotte claimed to have worked with the CIA and German foreign intelligence to spin the news “in a way that was positive for the United States and bad for its opponents.”
The German journalist made no attempt to cover-up that he accepted bribes from the CIA throughout his career and that he would lose his job if he did not comply. "They paid all my expenses and introduced me to Americans I would like to meet," Ulfkotte told RT, stating that he became an honorary citizen of the state of Oklahoma because he wrote pro-American articles, and had the support of the CIA. He also said on one occasion:
"I have survived three heart attacks, I no longer have children who need my support, and day by day I watch Americans on the news as they fuel the next war. This time it takes place in Ukraine against Russia, but the game is the same".
Written by: Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil @ivan_8848
This interview is from 2017, just shortly before his death.
When we were in Romania last week, there were two young German gentlemen from the AFD party. It was critically important to them not to be identified as such, as they were afraid they would be arrested upon re-entry into Germany for declaring themselves as AFD members.
People in the AFD party are scared of the German government. They are afraid of being arrested. They have been intimidated into silence. This is not how democracies work. This is how authoritarian regimes work.
Pot Calling the Kettle Black
Fascism in Germany again rears its head.
About thirty of the largest German companies have banded together to “meddle” in electoral campaigns. Roland Busch, CEO of Siemens, threatened that “They are jeopardizing what we have built.” The companies are writing threatening letters to their combined 1.7 million employees to let them know how they should vote and even threatening them.
Thirty of the country’s major business consortiums have joined forces to campaign and raise awareness, at least among their 1.7 million employees, against populist movements.
The rise of the far right has led to something previously unimaginable in Germany: that corporate meddling in election campaigns now seems reasonable. The CEOs of Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Bahn (the public railroad company) and Siemens have joined the top executives of other major companies in taking a stand against extremism, populism and racism, and warning of the consequences this could have for Germany as a business destination after witnessing some red lines being crossed such as the term “re-emigration” …
The business alliance includes many firms from the DAX, Germany’s benchmark stock market index, such as Bayer, Volkswagen, Eon, BMW, Allianz, Mercedes, and BASF, among others. The German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) and the Federation of German Industries (BDI) have also joined the initiative, whose purpose is to engage in a dialogue with employees through internal discussion rounds, workshops, video messages, and informative events.
In April, Reinhold Würth, an entrepreneur from the wealthy state of Baden-Württemberg, wrote a personal letter to his employees in which he warned them against voting for populists, explicitly mentioning the AfD.
Between the court battles, the German government's allegations of spying by members of the AFD, and the prolonged harassment and hit pieces in the MSM, the AFD party has fallen in polling results lately.
Germany’s far-right AfD party, plagued by scandals in recent months, is falling behind in the polls and is now neck-and-neck with Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Social Democrats (SPD), with both parties on 16 seats, according to the latest Europe Elects projections of June’s EU election results for Euractiv.
This is bad news for Germany and its people.
This also means that the current membership of European Union may very well have no serious competition during the June, 2024 elections and will continue on with its mission to remake Europe into one nation, under globalist rule.
I feel like a bystander watching a train wreck as more and more "evil" events take place around the globe. I am sure the approach on all fronts is part of the plan but it is overwhelming at times. I guess we need to do what we each can to maintain our freedoms and pray!
Important passages from that interview with: Udo Ulfkotte, German Journalist 2017, Now Dead:
"I was taught to lie, to betray and not to tell the truth to the public.
I ended up publishing articles under my own name written by agents of the CIA and other intelligence services, especially the German secret service.
Most journalists from respected and big media organisations are closely connected to the German Marshall Fund, the Atlantik-Brücke or other so-called transatlantic organisations…once you’re connected, you make friends with selected Americans. You think they are your friends and you start cooperating. They work on your ego, make you feel like you’re important. And one day one of them will ask you, "Will you do me this favor?"
We’re talking about puppets on a string, journalists who write or say whatever their masters tell them to say or write. If you see how the mainstream media is reporting about the Ukraine conflict and if you know what’s really going on, you get the picture. The masters in the background are pushing for war with Russia and western journalists are putting on their helmets.
When I told the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Ulfkotte’s newspaper) that I would publish the book, their lawyers sent me a letter threatening with all legal consequences if I would publish any names or secrets — but I don’t mind. You see, I don’t have children to take care of."
"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."
-Former CIA Director William Colby (Operation Mockingbird)
From the Congressional Record, January 27, 1917:
JP Morgan, Steel, Shipbuilding, and “powder”(gun powder? munitions?) interests hired 12 high-ranking newspaper execs to determine how to “control generally the policy of the daily press” throughout the entire country.
Answer: They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers.
…the policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly SUPERVISE AND EDIT INFORMATION….
This policy also included the suppression of everything in opposition to the WISHES of the interests served.
This is what fake news really looks like:
https://bitchute.com/video/gXE9QONmC9lV [1:36mins]
The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.
In almost every act of our daily lives ... we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons ... who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind. -Edward Bernays, Master of Propaganda
Excerpt from and much more info here: https://tritorch.com/counterfeit