Feb 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Many years ago the president of Toyota said there are only 3 sources of wealth for a country, Mining, Manufacturing and Farming. I have gone into countless abandoned factory buildings over the past 40 years to convert them to residential, commercial and services uses. Yes the Western economies are in trouble. This has been coming for a long time. In addition the beaurocratic red tape in Canada is strangling construction of new buildings and Environmental laws require enormous amounts of paperwork to permit something as simple as a spray paint line that ultimately they are going to permit. Sad for me to stand witness to the decline of the western civilization. I hope the governments have some hidden plan to avoid the possible impending meltdown of government finances.

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I love your Global News Substack!! It’s always informative, on point and helpful. A great guide through the jungle of wake and woke media news. Thank you for this!

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The drone swarm video gives me a whole new outlook on American capabilities. Awesome video by the way. I’m sure our technologies are even more advanced than shown. This makes me think that China may not want drone swarms reigning down on their navy if they were to attack Taiwan. Makes the dollar a bigger target for them to take America out. As for new mRNA vaccine technologies I think big pharma will have a hard time getting a group of unaware people to take another bite of their poison apple. J.Goodrich

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Feb 23, 2023·edited Feb 23, 2023

James, I love your optimism about the unaware people not biting the poison, but that's not my take. I know too many people who don't have a clue about "trusted news initiative", wear their masks still (I have to bite my tongue when I go to the food co-op. All young people are masked up, still!) They fight for their position on the thousands of people saved by the vaccine, don't have a clue about VAERS and it goes on and on. Just ripe for the next picking...

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They'll give them a cute name like "sea biscuits" and say they were made by Disney. Something like that for sure. "They" want the kids.

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How difficult would it be to turn it on the citizens of the USA? Drone technology is in its infancy for the general public, but not for long. You control a drone. There are so many ways this can go wrong and our current laws don’t address new and evolving technology. We know that police, military and a whole host of alphabet agencies use it now, we just don’t have the nifty features they do.

As far as currency. Given our current economy, our record of international disasters, our have and have nots population, massive infrastructure collapsing around us, if I was another country figuring out where to invest, I would not invest heavily in the USA. I would diversify as much as I could, get my internal reserves up, make sure that food, water, oil reserves were strategically placed and buckle down for a really rough road.

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I felt just the opposite. They will probably get them built in China.

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Depressing... oy. I can tell you that inflation in Uganda is MUCH more than the 10-ish% per that tracker. I have a nonprofit and have worked there since January 2009. Our food budget went from $1000/mo in Jan to $1500 in APRIL last year, and we that's with cutting a lot of fresh foods and more expensive starches like rice. Prices are even higher now. Rents in the slum have gone up at least 50%, sometimes over 100%, because taxes in Kampala have been raised so much to try to pay for things the city wants to pay for. This is devastating for the very many poor in the country.

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'd bite on an apple, but your post contains too many diverse fruits. Might comment after I have lunch, feed the horses, vacuum and ponder how I feel about some or all of it. A day is just a fast blur at my age. An hour no longer exists.

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm so thankful I never received any of the jabs and I've stopped taking the flu shot as well. I can't wait to watch this, thank you so much!

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Google is using Dr. Malone's picture to thumbnail misinformation fact checking on google news. Do they really think I am so dumb as to believe a false story just because they used @rwmalonemd profile photo to lead into it? Not a chance. I just can't believe they would stoop so low. https://twitter.com/angelinehuck/status/1628849549178736641?t=Jm9YbPET3y9fTWVNfrzUpA&s=19

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I listened to an interview of the lead investigator, Tom Jefferson. He sounded firm in his/the study's conclusions. And was critical of Cochrane for it's foot-dragging before finally starting the study.

The write-up your tweet linked to claims the subsidiary studies to the meta-study were of varying quality. It's well outside my area of expertise, but I imagine that's common for meta-studies.

It's impossible to get a straight answer out of these bastards.

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Just watch the movie "Rollover" (from the 80s) for a glimpse at what happens when the dollar is no longer the currency of choice. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rollover_(film)

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Thank you for sharing the 'get prepared' news. Not very heartening to put it mildly. Better to know than be surprised. Thank you for the opportunity to learn more about the vax issues. Have to wonder if problems with human vax may lead to accelerated animal and plant vaccine development.

Frustrating that such bright peoples have yet to come up with a way to get rid of/overcome toxic leadership. Would that we could send the lot on a trip to Mars.....


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Regarding the de-dollarisation story, my advice would be never to trust an article written about fiat currencies on a crypto website. One thing holding back de dollarisation in China is their capital controls and they are never going to give up on those. There are more and more countries adopting bilateral trade deals whereby they agree to trade in each others currencies. This is not going to rush to anybody selling dollars if the trade flows are matched. Furthermore trade flows are swamped by the size of capital market transactions and there’s not much sign of the world being weaned off the dollar for those. If a country wants to issue bonds to international investors it is still likely going to have to use the dollar.

On the CBDC issue, I have not seen any plans they they will do more than partially replace cash. They are not going to replace commercial banks or the private payment systems like Visa or Mastercard. Most individuals will continue to have most of their assets in real estate, stocks, bonds, farmland, commercial bank deposits and mutual funds.

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I would also be wary of articles predicting the devaluation of the dollar written by sellers of gold and silver. This includes from the international trade angle and also the hyperinflation angle. I often see videos sponsored by gold and silver sellers doing the same. Clear conflict of interest.

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One HUGE fly in the ointment of the so-called Five Emerging Economies, i.e., Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa "dumping" their US dollars, is that the paper (fiat) dollar is NO LONGER backed by GOLD and therefore UN REDEEMABLE.

Would Communist China really just kiss off the gazillion dollars they have accrued due to trade SURPLUS $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ with the US since 1975? And rely on WHAT? the Yen? Ruble?

But IF so-called "digital currency" becomes the (global) means of (monetary) salvation, a GLOBAL tyranny and collapse of civilization the likes of which cannot even be imagined will BE "reality".

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I wonder if some countries are worried that the US will suddenly confiscate their dollar reserves for some reason, just like what happened with Russia. It's not like the US leadership hasn't been subject to whims in the past.

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You know, there are anumber of historical precedents to be mindful of concerning swarm technology, however the most accurate & effective can be found within the four gospels.

Jesus commissioned a large number of disciples to heal, cleanse & cast, then baptize as countermeasure to the legions (swarms?) of demonic spirits which had invaded Judea/Canaan way back at Gen 6. Both sides in this conflict were decentralized to the degree of conducting autonomous ops, both demonstrate a sophisticated model for deconfliction with the world around them, utilizing propoganda (truth, lies). The similarities are not accidental

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I can understand people being glad to be old enough to know we will be dead before the big spin is full tilt. The native peoples always said to make decisions knowing what the impact would be 7 generations later. Huh, not for quite some time (if ever) do people plan for the health and well being of the next generations! (except people like you). Since I have experienced the reality of re-incarnation, no one gets out of here without being subject to seeing the effects of their deeds. Small comfort, but non- the- less satisfying. We are held accountable to ourselves and every one we meet and do life with.

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Can you share some of your reincarnation experience? You dropped a tantalizing tidbit there.

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Russ, My first response was a smart-ass one, I am here! My mother was the first one to contact me from the "other side". Both of us had read Edgar Cayce and she was more psychic than some people. She appeared in a dream to both my son (19) and I. She said she had made the 'transition' and all was fine. Since then I have had numerous dream contacts of all sorts, which I have been able to verify. This is just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. This topic and my experience is volumes.

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Interesting. Thanks for replying.

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Morris Berman published "Dark Ages America: The Final Stages of Empire" in 2008

He argues that the American empire will collapse and there is no way to stop it.

He also notes that when an empire is on the way down they choose leaders that hasten the collapse. If you are a democrat, Trump fits the bill. If you are a republican, Biden fits the bill. If you are other, both fit the bill.

I see the Ukraine war hastening the move to a multipolar world. Shooting yourself in the foot.

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Actually, I think choice of leaders these days is heavily manipulated by the globalist billionaire psychopaths, who are the real power brokers on the world stage. I would cite the torpedoing of Bernie Sanders as an example. He couldn't be allowed to win, as the march to empire collapse and worldwide totalitarianism might have been dealt a serious setback.

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Hillary had always been their trustworthy foot soldier while Sanders' communist values were not part of their goal. Some people paid dearly for letting the Trump victory occur. They were set back a little but the DS still had control of the wheel.

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Instead of using democrat and republicans as the camp delineators, you might use idiot and conservative. Js.

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That would be "useful idiot".

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The common denominator in most contemporary analysis seems to be that globalism is here to stay, such that nationalism had fallen out of favor and there is no in-between solution, or compromise going forward. It's not difficult to show in scripture that nationalism is God's plan for mankind, while globalism equates to man's rebellion. It's a bit more challenging to discern how quickly any previous political transitions (in the scripture) may have occurred, BUT the current age (grace) and the age immediately preceding (law) BOTH transitioned over a 40-year period (a single generation). BOTH transitions began when God revealed hidden wisdom to one man, BOTH transitions ended upon the death of one man.

Truth to keep in mind.

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One generation indeed. Isaac's twins, renamed Israel and Edom, divided the Hebrew nation. The Edomites eventually conquered the globe via their banking systems and are now in control. Though the Israelites lost their nation, through David they contributed to the age of Grace. However, the established Church, as foretold, joined with the Edomites with the installation of the Jesuit Bergoglia.

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Herod the Tetrach was an Edomite....

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Yes, indeed. Edomites may profess to be Jews but they are not. Only those descendants of Jacob's son Judah, one of the twelve House of Israel, now known as Judea, are Jews, which was a derivative of Judah.

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Thus the distinction about the "lost sheep of the House of Israel" being the other 11 tribes. My only question concerns Benjamin, since that tribe was fully enveloped by Judah.

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I still have many questions!

Benjamin, Dan, Simeon, and part of Ephraim were geographically within greater Judah. To the extent it outlasted Samaria and Galilee from foreign invasion, Benjamin descendants may have been absorbed.

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I studied this a while ago... Seems that those lists of the12 tribes are very contextual, meaning that certain tribes are substituted (such as Joseph's sons, Ephraim & Methuselah) depending on the event being described. Very helpful in my studies. This "nugget" led me deeper into looking for what's different, rather than similarities.. 2 Tim 2:15.

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In other words, the trend today is to foolishly put all of humanity's eggs in one basket.

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In a secular way of speaking, yes. But one cannot define "humanity", or "human" in anything but secular terms. The etymology is a hybridization of man + god, or rather man achieving deity status. "Hu" is an ancient Egyptian god of sensuality, credited with creation + man, the carnal being.

Just for fun & games, try to eliminate that term "human" from your vocabulary .... substituting "mankind". It's more difficult than you think.

All that said ... We have an option (by design).There are two "baskets available, one sacred & another secular. Read 1 Cor 15:1-4.

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For the “rich” - Dubai’s vision, build it and they will come - temperate weather with ocean. Now, for the ‘wealthy’ realms with life sustaining resources. Bush dynasty - 2005 purchase of 300,000 acres in Chaco, Paraguay. Their land sits on a part of the Guarani Aquifer System. This groundwater reservoir is the largest [renewable freshwater] resource in the world, with an expanse of more than 1.2 million square kilometers and a volume of 40,000 cubic kilometers of water. Next door is Bolivia’s abundant gas reserves. Soros dynasty – 990,000 acres on one of the world’s largest agricultural reserves, the Argentine Pampas. Does Dubai have fresh water, natural gas, oil, and agricultural land?

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I'm impressed with your knowledge on so many topics, Shelley!

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My sons were my reverse osmosis system that filtered my pool of knowledge. Both were always truth seekers and I eventually became a sponge.

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