Do not understand the need for another amendment. One of the best features of our Constitution is that it does NOT require a law degree to understand it. And the first amendment is pretty easy to understand. The problem we have is lawyers do not like simple language and have made a dogs breakfast of that beautifully crafted document. SCOTUS should never have been created and no better proof of that exists than that last creature put on there.

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SCOTUS is supposed to interpret the law according to what the founders meant.

Somehow that has been changed to what the current leaders want it to mean.

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Sorta my point. The Constitution, as written needs no interpretation. It is as clear as it can be. The obfuscation comes from laws written by lawyers in legalese and then expanded by lawyers in black robes to erode the justice system away from us and into their own private domain. About the only control we have left is jury nullification and that gives the robes (thanks Shelley) nightmares. Hope they are really bad ones.

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I don't have a problem with the existence of a SCOTUS. People have a tendency to want to interpret things in a way that benefits them but may not fit the original intent of the rules. Somebody needs to preside over that problem. I do however have a huge problem with any member of the senate who is so ignorant as to willingly confirm a justice to the SCOTUS with attitudes so obviously in direct conflict with the obvious, stated in simple language, meanings of our Bill of Rights. Watching her confirmation hearing and the attitudes she espoused showed very plainly that she was completely unfit for a position as a justice on our highest court. What person who has taken an oath to defend and protect the Constitution could in good conscience allow this confirmation? This failure to live up to one's oath should be grounds for removal. These people either simply don't understand the Constitution/Bill of Rights OR, they are deliberately trying to undermine them.

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Not a surprise: can’t define a woman, in spite of allegedly being a woman?!? She should be in a residential facility for morons.

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Yet she testified under oath under theoretical pain of punishment for perjury that she didn’t. Would that we could have people suffer the consequences of their lies, as God did for King Nebuchadnezzar when he made him a grass eating lunatic for several years.

Put her in a residential facility and diaper her and alternate between male and female dormitories until she ‘fesses up or gets impregnated in the men’s dorm.

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Quoting Riley Gaines: "I'm not a veterinarian but I know what a dog is."

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Mar 23·edited Mar 23

I think she knew full well how to define a woman. She preferred to be politically correct and thus answered as she did. She didn't want to upset her handlers.

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I agree & get it. Those non-answers show she has no figurative cajones & is bought and paid for just like Pedo Joe who nominated her.

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If she has handlers she shouldn't be there. Our forefathers would roll in their graves if they knew she couldn't define what a woman is.

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Worse than that. It was a huge middle finger to every sane-thinking citizen in or out of Congress. Everything the Left do now is that finger. Utterly unfit to govern.

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And she is precisely why I oppose that court. No way should anything have been created to damage the constitution the way she and many who preceded her have done.

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Mar 23·edited Mar 23

40-50 years ago I would have disagreed with you, Michael. Now I find so very few judges have a moral compass much less the understanding their job is to protect the people from a tyrannical government. The courts condone tyranny. Instead of upholding the constitution as it was written and by the intentions of the framers they’ve twisted it over the years into nothing more than fish wrapping. Constitutional amendments mean nothing, scotus rulings mean nothing to the current tyrant living in our White House when he’s not vacationing at some multi billionaire’s estate or the house China paid for at Rehoboth Beach.

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Safe,safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe, ......to infinity.

Stupid people exist who believe the US govt, of any branch, are benevolent in any way, need to be punched in the face until they wake the F-up

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So, can you suggest a better system? I'm serious, I don't know of one. We absolutely have some losers on the bench, but killing the whole institution is not likely to improve the situation. Some wise person I can't name at the moment said to be careful not to throw the baby out with the bathwater. If we are going to fix this we need to throw out the people that vote for these wrong headed fools, especially considering how long we are gonna' be stuck with them in their lifetime terms.

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If we had kept all legislation as simply written as was the Constitution we would not have this problem. Lawyers are the main cause and have been forever. King Ferdinand forbid them from coming to his new world colonies because of the problems they cause. When you cannot even read and comprehend an insurance policy you know they have gained the upper hand. Have done same in legislative bodies.

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You'll get no argument from me on that. I have been saying for years that all of our new laws should be absolutely single issue, fit on a page or two of paper and be written so an average 6th grader can easily understand the language. They should then be voted on one at a time. This would not only simplify things, it would also keep our congresspeople's time better occupied and so leave them unable to cause as much trouble.

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With the Deliberate Dumbing Down over the last century, I agree with that 6th-grade reading level. If the Prussian and now CCP values weren't indoctrinating them, the DDD wouldn't be so bad.

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And keep them from stuffing laws full of pork, looting the wealth of the citizenry.

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Mar 23·edited Mar 23

I would argue Lawyers are not the problem, people are. Lawyers are just carrying out the will of the people. They would have no work at all if someone didn't bring a lawsuit. But there is a problem with our legal system and that is you can bankrupt anyone by smashing them with frivolous lawsuits (and the lawfare against Trump). This is not the Lawyers fault, but it is the judges fault for not throwing out frivolous lawsuits. We need stronger laws from Congress on frivolous & entirely baseless lawsuits.

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We are ruled by a bunch of immoral people who are voted into office by people who have no clue that we’re a

Republic. It’s been this way for decades. Every once in a blue moon the people have thrown the bums

out, but somehow they crawl out of the swamp back into power. I have no quick fix or pithy answer as to what we can do to get our liberties back, so many of them are hanging by a thread.

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I bet new laws are not required, and that there are existing laws being obfuscated by those very same lawyers

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This is not correct: *They would have no work at all if someone didn't bring a lawsuit.*

They would have no work, or very little if the 1820 SCOTUS of John Jay Marshall had not indemnified a frivolous plaintiff..

John Jay Marshall in a 4 to 3 decision ruled:

"A wrongfully sued defendant has no recourse upon a frivolous plaintiff because to allow such would tend to deny a poor man his day in court."

And there began the end of America.

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This right here should get so many likes it breaks the like counter.

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Yes but all judges start as lawyers then grow up to become judges. (smile)

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If no federal judicial system - I posit if the states had nullification rights, and the feds passed a law that two thirds of the state legislatures nullified in their state, that fed law would be nullified. Would have worked fine if the 17th amendment had not been falsely ratified.

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If you had the time and inclination... look into the Supreme Court of 1820. The John Jay Marshall court that basically wrecked America.

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Agreed: "...shall not be infringed..." is pretty easy to understand, and so is...."shall make no law prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." Well, they sure did during covid, they shut down churches based on "emergency declarations." There should be no such thing.

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But we still need to have a mechanism by which the Constitution is the supreme guidance for legislative and executive behavior. I would keep the Supreme Court and have a prohibition against lawyers being appointed. Plumbers, truck drivers, physicists; might be handy to have an English teacher. Just not lawyers.

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Unfortunately these days it seems the public's interpretation of "expert" requires attendance at Haavaad or one of the other poison ivy league institutions of higher indoctrination. Becoming an expert through experience, hard knocks and common sense is no longer recognized as a path to wisdom. Just ask a lefty, they'll tell you.

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"Just ask the left, and they'll tell you"

Tell me what?

How some flag of different colors represents dicks being placed in incorrect places?

Seems as though the only requirement they have being an expert at anything today, is someone who's sexual organs take precedence over any knowledge they may have acquired over time.

I cant stand looking at them anymore, never mind listening to them.

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Sounds like pretty much the point I was trying to make. Talk to a lefty and tell him something you know to be true from, now several years of experience, like the vax is largely ineffective, or masks don't work and the first words out of his mouth will be: And you went to med school where again?

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Just agreeing with you.

These people are sick in mind, and cannot comprehend any factual evidence outside their programming

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Creature is a perfect adjective Dr. Michael. Truly a twisted mind cultivated in darkness.

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True enough, Michael, the last "creature" - now ensconced for LIFE - (who could not answer the question of what a woman is), apparently has never even READ the US Constitution.

I wonder about the current so-called "Chief Justice" too - as regards having READ that Document.

The real tragedy is the 200 + year of unintelligible "legalese" printed in LAW BOOKS - and used in (all) court proceedings that are purposefully instituted to make the 'law' confusing to the American rank and file - enough so that "hiring a lawyer" is REQUIRED - at HUGE hourly rates - for most anyone aught up in the current US legal system.

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Yes, and just wait until your lawyer throws the case and puts you into the hell of posting a bond or declaring bankruptcy.

The lawyers' joke:

"Some call it robbery and murder, some call it practicing the law. You are being raped. Lay back and enjoy it."

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NO-WAY, Jose! Frederich Bastiat nailed it in his little book - The LAW - about "law" becoming an "instrument of plunder" - now in its (at least) 10th generation in the US.

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Don’t believe Scotus is the issue: most of the problem arose when both legislative houses became public whores. The 17th amendment made senators public whores just as the house, just with longer terms and differing powers. Since they’re both public whores, senate no longer accountable to the states (three stakeholders (public, states, federal) became two: public, federal) the balance the framers set up got broke. Now, with a push to dissolve The Electoral College, we are getting very close to having two branches of our triune government fully public whores, the judiciary being a public whore by proxy.

Your complaint with SCOTUS is with the legislature where term limits and repeal of the 17th would go a long way.

Can you envision any senator from a "red" state approving a nominee unable to define "woman" either by definition or show&tell?

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Appears some already did

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Dr. Nash your always positive also!!!

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You mean that body juris created by our Constitution's Article III? That SCOTUS? Nah. Better we figure some way to legislate out the politicization of that most important Court during Senate confirmation hearings on Presidential selections of new justices. Besides, letting Presidents add complete morons to the Court probably serves to sway people's political affiliations with one or the other of our constrained, two-party system.

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Why our most important court is what bugs me. The Constitution is plainly written and needs no interpretation. If laws were written the same way, again no interpretation needed. But it ha proved to be a path for lawyers to literally highjack our gov

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In order to become one of the justices..the person should be tested on his/her knowledge of the Constitution. In addition, any justice who does not adhere to it..should be removed.

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No office for life huh?

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AMEN, Barbara. There should be mandatory TESTS - on the constitution - before ANYONE can be eligible to seek ANY federal office -or be EMPLOYED by the US federal government.

As it is ANYONE can run for the office of the president without ever having even READ the US Constitution. JOE BIDEN is a prime example - as are his 'cabinet' members - Anthony Blinken, John Kerry (and) Alejandro Mayorkas!

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When people enter office, they must take an Oath to uphold the Constitution. Those who fail to adhere...should be foreed to resign immediately. The Muslim religion states that Muslims can't take any oath,....because their total loyalty belongs to Allah. I noted that there are many in Congress who could be muslims. Obama did not take an Oath on a Bible; I believe it was the Koran. The Koran would indicate that he was Muslim and did not have to adhere to the Constituion???

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You are being RACIST, Barbara, LOL!

Barry Soterio, aka Barrack Hussein Obama ( definitely NOT a Christian name ) - who had the audacity and effrontery to publicly proclaim: "America is no longer a Christian nation" - had a LOT of ("American" ) muslim extremists in his administration - and certainly acts like a he is a practicing Muslim - case in point when OB stated: "The Evening Call to Prayers" was his favorite music.

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If Ms. Jackson--of I don't know what a woman is b/c I am not a biologist fame-believes that the Gov should be protecting children from bad info, why don't I see/hear anything about the gov censoring grooming sites, or mutilation/sterilization sites, or suicide sites?????

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One of the features of the disgusting transgender movement that most bothers me is that the speculation and questions focus on women and their erogenous zones and how males may or may not approximate those, objectifying and scrutinizing women's private parts in public in a way that men's forms never are. So, instead of asking anyone, "What is a woman?" which reminds me so much of the sleazy question, "Does she or doesn't she?," I would ask: "How do you distinguish between men and women in your jurisprudence and when and if do you think it is prudent and necessary to do so?"

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Barack Obama has managed to remain unscathed by this scandalous episode, but all the blame needs to be laid at his doorstep.

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My take on the Great O has been wholly negative since he became a Candidate. The negative has increased over the years. But there has been a legion of complicity. Plenty of funders, enablers and rewardeds. Plenty of shielders to keep his initiatives unseen. It's taken a village.

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"Change you can believe in" should have been "Change you wouldn't believe."

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The classic empty suit. Exactly how I described him when he appeared on the scene from nowhere all those years ago.

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I see him more as the ultimate narcissistic lying despot in a fancy suit.

But, yeah.

Fancy talk is all he's got and you can't believe a word of it.

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Yes, even Biden said he was “storybook”.

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And clean

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Not so empty.Willing and able to further fill suit with all the many evils that have transpired.

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Agree with Ron. He is the stereotypic empty suit, nothing there but what the controllers who shuttled him from one alleged academic institute to another and then the daley machine in illinois are the true culprits. Anything he ever attempted solo always got rated… mediochre.

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Agree. On the other hand, I think he absorbed his grooming, of hatred for our USA, completely. He's gladly taken all inputs for destruction to heart and into action.

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Oh sure and that is what made him so useful to his handlers…a useful idiot.

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You mean when Barry Soterio appeared? The chum smoking hood born and raised on the big island - by his white Socialist mother and white Socialist grand parents; who just happened to me 'mentored' in HI., by Frank Marshall Davis - a black member of the CPUSA - who just happened to be a "community organizer" - same thing 'Barry' grew to be?

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Big Mike gets all hot and heavy when you talk that way

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Hot and heavy?

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It takes a bunch of COMMUNISTS!

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Mar 23·edited Mar 23

Totalitarians? New world orderers?

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Obummer wiped,the smith mundt act, so this could prosper

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Obutthead just might be a black ANTI-CHRIST.

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There was a chef who knew that answer, but somehow he drowned. Hmmm

Big Mike all hot and Hillary

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💯 %

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After all, he did promise to change America!

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Mar 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, I remember about 1 1/2 years ago you may have been frustrated and posted a change in direction to wards free speech. You said this is how you could make more of a difference. This essay shows your undying commitment to protect our, in my opinion, most important freedom. I see this commitment with most all of the subscribers, that have an undying commitment to not get down and stay positive. I remove myself from this group because I have my negative moments, that’s for sure. I hate to pick one person that is relentlessly positive, and I wish I was more like her but Ana Gonzalez is most always a positive pro American voice. Commitment for all of us is obvious. With your leadership Dr. Malone our commitment to all of these causes and issues have become less burdensome. There’s always excuses or reasons to stop fighting but as people become a group and then a movement commitment becomes easier. Thank you for your continued commitment. J.Goodrich

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That is "Sweet Ana" to you, buddy.

Remember that !

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👍I’ll remember that. She has a good heart….

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Mar 23·edited Mar 23

Need a modification:

How Shadowy Forces Control What Science Gets Published | FALLOUT

should be ...

How Shadowy Forces Control What "Science" Gets Published | FALLOUT

When even science is suppressed in the name of science, you can't trust ANYTHING from these people. The level of insanity is off the charts.

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Mar 23·edited Mar 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Outta the ballpark again Dr. Malone and eloquent as ever. Please do let us know how we can rally to make our voices heard. After this week’s congressional decisions we’re likely all reeling with disdain or utterly demoralized. Our leaders continue to betray the American people and the very fabric our constitutional laws were written on. Heartbroken again. No amount of calls or emails seem to matter.

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No, I did not see that about Liz Cheney. I can’t stand her. Where did you see that?

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I am a historical eternal optimist. Observing the level of corruption in my own Democratic Republic Government is challenging that optimism. Just today I read that the FDA has settled, ( agreed to the fact ), on having spread misinformation about repurposed drugs and proffering medical advise for which they have no right or expertise to do so. I repeatedly see and learn that the disinformation criers and self appointed police are the disinformation spreaders. The only arbiter of truth I can now trust is myself. My eternal optimism is now fed by my dream coming true of the whoring major media and and the more truthful alternative media gradually are trading places. The undoing of lying is that greater and more abundant lies must be told to cover for previous lies. Eventually, the amount of energy, ( hard drive space ? ), that it takes to live this CYA / lying existence becomes so overwhelmingly exhaustive that it implodes. I am enjoying the pleasure of watching that major media self destruction unfold.

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We are not a Democratic Republic, we are a Constitutional Republic, there is a BIG difference between the two.

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We WERE a Constitutional Republic...now devolve into a SOCIALIST DEMOCRACY.

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Is that the same as nazism?

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Articulated my heart as well Gary. I sense from today’s comments that we are all crushed by the weeks border images and congress’s outright treasonous betrayal of their use of our tax dollars. I’m only comforted by the affirmation shared here by all. Keep up your positivity. My only solace is in the truth of Gods word. Two thirds of it describes today’s events. Blessing to all.

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More abuse: “The alarming new fraud data, however, raises questions regarding the extent to which CMS’ safeguards are working to prevent fraud,” the letter signed by Senators Scott, Braun, and Vance said after a GAO audit claimed $47 billion in fraud for 2022. Other groups estimate the fraud is about $60 billion. The agency was only able to reclaim about $1.7 billion. Incredibly this is what CMS said “CMS is committed to preventing fraud and protecting people with Medicare from falling victim to fraud." It also spoke of medical equipment fraud totaling 23% of all equipment in 2022. I found $6k of the same fraud on my 4th qtr 2023 documents! I reported to CMS and my insurer.

Both were like ya we know. I asked will I get a revised document? - no, that's not a requirement. If both CMS and the insurance company don't find it, erroneous costs could result in increases insurance costs. I think it has as many checks on fraud as in our Elections

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ONLY salvation WILL be to DE-FUND at least 90% of ALL US federal agencies, bureaus and departments and FIRE ALL the freeloading, obfuscating, incompetent and DEI related federal EMPLOYEEs! And CANCEL their golden parachute retirement packages, too!

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You probably know about this, but I was interested to see it for the first time today...


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THANK YOU FOR SHARING.......................

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A justice sitting on the Supreme Court who openly states that the First Amendment of the Consittution hinders the government from its decision making...shows total ignorance of the intent of this first Amendment. America was esablished for protecting the rights of the people...not a dictatorial government. Right now it appears many in goverment want to change the Constitution to suit their own unsavory purposes.

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What was the first clue? 😂

I’ve watched the tyrannical forces of Marxism extend their tentacles from our universities, now down to kindergarten. I’ve watched our elections become a joke across the world. I’ve watched the family become undesirable and a society that no longer has reverence for life, not just the yet to be born, but for any human being regardless of age. We will eat the bugs, be allowed to access our digital dollars if we behave, own nothing because those in authority decreed themselves to be all powerful and we are just their useful idiots. The first amendment is being eroded, we will have no right to speak our beliefs or practice our religion. We have allowed the dumbing down of the population. This was by design.

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It reminds me of the saying, better to keep your mouth shut and be thought of as a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. Justice Jackson removed all doubt, she is a frightening communist in a powerful place!!

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Appallingly stupid... the remark that she made in trying to describe what a woman was.... Many of these people who are in high positions are not too bright with Affirmative Action being used in universities. Harvard university today can't compare to its standing and level of scholarship... sixty years ago. Who orchestrated getting Justice Jackson this positon? 'an elderly man with no memory' as a lawyer named Hur called Biden, the Imposter-in-Chief.

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The first amendment is apart of our constitution, which should not be tampered with. There is a reason why our Founding Father’s put it first in our Constitution. Without our right to speak , we have lost our right to everything. In the constitution it is straight forward. Not hard to understand. We have that right and must fight for our right to use it.

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Melanie, when Marxists rise to the level they’ve risen in just the past 3 years alone, I want to sound an alarm, scream it from the mountaintops to please wake up, pray for our nation and all nations, but my voice isn’t loud enough. It isn’t valued by those elected who took an oath to uphold our Constitution to protect our nation from those who would do us harm whether inside or outside the confines of our nation. I weep sometimes as I pray for my country and the rest of the world to awaken, be ready to fight the globalist cabal that’s taken over. They have accomplished much of what they intended. But, it’s not finished yet. We can still educate those who are willing to see and hear truth. God willing, we will overcome.

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They may see and hear but will they believe? That is the key.

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I pray to know what I need to do and say to help people wake up. We still have the Constitution. We need to stick to it and not allow the bad guys to change it.

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George Washington: "Without free speech we will be led like lambs to the slaughter."

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They stopped teaching cursive so people cannot read it.

Again, by design

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My kids Charter school taught cursive. Thank heavens

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In my opinion the entire justice system has been compromised. You can imagine how much damaging information the FBI/CIA/NSA have on judges and politicians. The Supreme Court has consistently cast aside cases involving basic constitutional rights, by using legal jargon such as no legal standing or your appeal is to early because you haven't been harmed yet etc, etc.. There are so many unconstitutional acts being committed by government and the courts that are so plain to see and you would think the Supreme Court would be interested in protecting our rights. Unfortunately, they don't care.

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The System is RIGGED, Sam! PURE & SIMPLE.

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Walter Lippman

Manufacture of consent

Look him up

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You've been listening to George Carlin again, huh?

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Geez, it's been a half century since I even thought Carlin.

I actually attended one of his shows in Hollyweird eons ago.

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He was way before his time, and knew what was going on behind the scenes, long ago. He talked about it mostly in interviews, and his comedy routines just sprinkled in

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I’m beginning to believe you are correct.

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Really liked, maybe a better word would be appreciated, the "Fallout" last night. Digging into the weeds of the whys and how we are being manipulated and presenting such in relatively plain, concise language is so very important right now. People need to hear this stuff and there ain't no way the mainstream media is going to reveal any of it.

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There are provisions in the proposed WHO IHR amendments and the Pandemic Agreement/Treaty which state that each party shall counter and address misinformation and disinformation and cooperate in such activities and establish regulations consistent with the aims of the documents.

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I wanted to report and also to ask here if anyone is experiencing this. I have a D.E.A. license for 35 years now. The latest thing is to get you to put all your prescriptions on digital. I've fought digital records and it is now obvious I was right. All the migration of information to digital is about data collection. I am getting pressure from my corporation and from local pharmacies but I'm holding out. This last week I went to possibly go through with my digital prescribing and GUESS WHAT?? DR.S MALONE!!!! They wanted access to my FICO scores and other financial records! They are going to lock us down and turn off all our abilities to resist.

I just wanted Dr. Malone to see this as well as any other prescribers out there who is currently stonewalling. I'm wondering if there are other subscribers out there in the same position who might want to join with me to bring a lawsuit against the D.E.A. prescribing limitations.

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Good luck Deborah.

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The "budget" vote in the House and Senate shows that so called Republicans are not really interested in our rights under the constitution, fiscal responsibility or enforcing laws that are already on the books. They are truly the uni-party that talks and talks and then supports the Democrats.

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The day the budget was passed, congress voted on 99 other things of which they knew nothing.

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Sorry, another topic, but AI has been said can/will be used to help identify vaccine-reluctant persons.

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Scary stuff. https://vigilantnews.com/post/dont-want-a-vaccine-new-ai-tool-will-find-you/

If this happens, it’s gonna get real ugly.

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We need to quit with the vaccine nonsense. Like it's Jenners' roses, cowpox freedom. They are disease agents, often poisons. More deadly on some than others. How did members of Congress get to choose vaccines yes or no, but not the rest of fed employees?

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Judicial system was immune from the jabs at their discretion also.

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