May the remembrance of why He came fill our hearts with gratitude and love…as we look for His next appearing in expectation. The hope for 'Peace on Earth’ must begin with this: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” ‘Peace’ is the Prince who has received His Kingdom. 'Wise men seek Him, still.'
People say: "Peace on Earth and goodwill to men." when actually it is: "Peace on Earth to men of goodwill." Which has a completely different connotation? Merry Christmas all.
I loved today's post. I have 2 parrots (or rather, they have me) and a family of ducks (maybe 30) that visit regularly for snacks. I could definitely see a goose walking around inside my house! Good health and Happy Holidays to you all.
Freezing rain. Slippery. Yes. Some time ago, I was cautioned by concerned relatives about similar conditions. I explained that I avoid the hazards of walking on ice by running. The ability to wave our arms sometimes helps us regain our balance. But what is an emu to do?
Happy Christmas Eve. We are having most of the family coming for dinner with dessert being my husband’s chocolate fountain. Then to the gift opening. They always get an emergency prepared item. Then they get something fun. The kids laugh a lot at Grandma. Last year they got emergency 2 man tents and a banned radio, flashlight , solar panel combo. This years it’s those emergency sleeping bags (to go with their tent) and a present from our trip to southern Europe. With over 30 people in our family I have to get creative. Tomorrow we will have most of the rest of the family that couldn’t come Christmas Eve. I do a lot of cooking but the upside is I have awesome leftovers and don’t have to cook the rest of the week.
I love your Gonzo and Gizmo adventures. Keep their stories in a file for a story book for your grand children.
Enjoy the time with your family. There is nothing better than spending time with those you love.
Remember one Christmas day there in OKC we had shirtsleeve weather and it snowed the next day. Living up to what Will Rodgers said about the weather there.
So, being it's the end of the year, I do my general observations of people, and over the last couple days, this is what I've seen:
Wife and I went to a couple different Costco's to buy cookies for a friend of ours who loves their cookies. We never got into any of them, simply because it's insane here, and every Costco parking lot was overflowing / no spaces and people waiting in the rows to catch someone leaving their parking spot. Lots of Horns hooting, people screaming foul things at each other, the NJ middle finger salute being given out, as well. Took 20 minutes to simply exit the parking lot we entered to get into the shopping center.
Yup, Christmas time in the Land of the Toxic Avenger. We were laughing at all the anger around us, which is my typical response to this type of behavior.
Half hour later, we found our cookies at Shoprite Supermarket. No one in there was smiling either, in the long, down the aisle lines, but we made the best of it, by laughing and giggling at those around us sneering and being all mc-nasty. The zombie checkout tellers were no better than the patrons around and behind us, although I could understand why they were that way.
While in line, We met a really nice woman (she was a black woman for all you libtards out there reading) behind us in the checkout line, who saw the same things the way we did, and the conversation with her bloomed into a laugh-fest at all those angry folks we were surrounded by. She couldn't grasp the mood either, and it was nice to find someone who felt as we did.
Later on,
Were traveling down a local road, and got caught up in the miles long traffic jams. There was a young woman, out front of a middle school, with her toddler strolling behind in the parking lot.
Wife says to me " Aah, wouldn't it be great to be that age again? "
I agreed, but with the caveat that it would be with provisions that I was to grow up in the 1950s, and not today. IF you need any understanding as to why, watch this snippet of LA in CA
Today, I woke up at 5am, and went off to the gym. As I approached the door to the facility, a young woman, early 20's opened up the door, and held it open for me. In response, I gave her a huge "Merry Christmas" and smile for being so kind. With that, her face grimaced, as if someone just dropped a huge pile of sourpuss on her, as she spun around, whisked away from my presence, uttering something I couldn't hear. I guess my leprosy I had was showing ??
Back home, spent the beautiful Christmas eve morning, hanging with my pups, giving the kitties their catnip, making breakfast, and enjoying the time with the wife-e-poo, going through some of the day's news headlines, and meme's of Donald Trump making liberals, heads of state, and most of our govt workers cry...
I'm loving every minute of this day, and plan on laughing at more all through the next 36 hours. Always fun to come here and read all of the folks here, recalling fun times, bad times, present times, past times, and especially about crazy emu's and goose stories.
You need to move to a smaller city. We went to Walmart last night not a problem. People were kind the lines weren’t terrible. It was packed with people though. I always try to smile at people and say hello. Not everyone smiles back. Isn’t it fun to laugh. I would much rather laugh than cry. At the swimming pool last week there is a lady who always scowls. She looks like she is in terrible pain. I feel bad for her. I told her Merry Christmas and asked if she was ready for Christmas. She said almost but then she got a big smile on her face and said her grandson was coming for Christmas. That made my day. Have a Merry Christmas Christmas
My thoughts for 20+ years. My better half... Uh, you wanna call her, and straighten her out? θ^{
We own a house, in a small town, near the Canada border (hour south). Mentally, I'm already there. It's the physical that needs to go now.
Chipping away, I'll continue
Glad you enjoy laughing. Its part of a heathy mindset to look at everything, including adversity, with a bit of irony, or comic relief. Makes the difficult times transcend into the next, faster.
I used to empathize with others who cannot seem to give themselves a chance, at even a fraction of a second of joy, but I've come,to realize that most want to be the way they exist, and I've given up at any serious attempts at changing anyone's outlook, other than my own.
Dont get me wrong. I still make the initial inquiry to see what someone is about, but the days of full frontal assaults to engage, and alter other's perceptions, are long over
Merry Christmas to you too. Hope your back issues are all worked out.
I agree one dr said 3 rods 36 screws . 70% chance of complications and no guarantee of helping. One year recovery. No way Jose. This is an out patient surgery. Clean up a bone that is impinging on a nerve and smooth out 2 bone spurs.
I have 3 severe curves in my back 47 , 52, 49. But I have had scoliosis since I was 14 and it hasn’t slowed me down at all. I’m just thankful this Dr found the spot.
I would love the info. Mine is L5 -S1 The bone is impinging on my nerve along with 2 bone spurs. I don’t take medication. My sister was addicted to prescription drugs. It killed her. I have taken Celebrix but honestly I don’t like to take any medication.
I damaged L5 through S1, and multiple impingements.
I sought out, and found a hellish ride forwards. My brother James Goodrich, hooked me up with a friend of his, who reviewed my case, and set me up with stretching exercises, and then actual exercises. No exercises in the conventional sense, nor sweating involved.
Ice packs essential.
I followed religiously.
Process sucked, but because I was dedicated, I'm living somewhat normally again. I owe James and Steve for helping me get through this, no drugs, no surgery.
I'm still tweaking, and learning, and in no way cured, but I'm again, living mostly normal. If dedication isn't there, this won't work d
For that person.
If you want access to this info, pm me, and I can text, email, or print and snail mail it.
Surgery coming. Finally a Dr found this issue. I do t know if it will be a fix all but it should help. I just have to either have it soon or wait until my daughter has her baby so I can be a support for her. My husband is so good to help but I don’t want to be down from surgery if she has her little girl. I’m so excited. Our youngest grandchild is 9 almost ten. I just love babies. I have 2 great grandbabies and they are so fun. But my baby is having a baby. I’m sooo excited. I get to be there during the birth. Such a miracle . Thank you for asking.
Nice little diddy, there Doctor Roberto (domo arigato, former Mr. Roboto)
Enjoyed the bird doo trist.
Just sent a 1 year subscription to this nuthouse to my friend for Christmas. Don't know if she'll appreciate it, or want to kill me, but I guess I'll have to wait and see.
" Gonzo the Goose and Gizmo the Emu are in their usual places outside the back door. Their usual places being the window or door where they can best view us from. Their usual places change as we move from room to room. The imprinting is strong."
Ha! Your birds beat ours! (chickens & Sandhill cranes):
Not much of a merry Xmas for the J6 protestors. Put them in your prayers.
January 6th. The hit song that cuts through government propaganda to reveal the real story of injustice, where the punishment never fit the crime.
My thank you to Jill and Robert that are truly sharing their lives with all who will listen.
Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.
I pray the warmongers disappear and our world becomes healthier.
We need peace on earth and good will towards all.
May the remembrance of why He came fill our hearts with gratitude and love…as we look for His next appearing in expectation. The hope for 'Peace on Earth’ must begin with this: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” ‘Peace’ is the Prince who has received His Kingdom. 'Wise men seek Him, still.'
People say: "Peace on Earth and goodwill to men." when actually it is: "Peace on Earth to men of goodwill." Which has a completely different connotation? Merry Christmas all.
Indeed. I was thinking about this yesterday. We, who are called by Christ, are to be people of Peace, so long as it depends upon us.
Amen, thank you !
And not only at Christmas! Letting go of hate makes room for love...
Another conversation, for another time. Merry Christmas.
Much of what you said about goose could be said about our 2 cats. And Merry Christmas to the Malones and all you commenters
That threshold is so stressful! We had a cat, when I was growing up, that would "leap tall buildings" as she crossed any threshold.
Also, I don't believe we've ever had this the privilege of seeing Gizmo move at such a sauntering pace.
Enjoy the family and Merry Christmas to all!
I loved today's post. I have 2 parrots (or rather, they have me) and a family of ducks (maybe 30) that visit regularly for snacks. I could definitely see a goose walking around inside my house! Good health and Happy Holidays to you all.
Freezing rain. Slippery. Yes. Some time ago, I was cautioned by concerned relatives about similar conditions. I explained that I avoid the hazards of walking on ice by running. The ability to wave our arms sometimes helps us regain our balance. But what is an emu to do?
Merry Christmas Eve!
Happy Christmas Eve. We are having most of the family coming for dinner with dessert being my husband’s chocolate fountain. Then to the gift opening. They always get an emergency prepared item. Then they get something fun. The kids laugh a lot at Grandma. Last year they got emergency 2 man tents and a banned radio, flashlight , solar panel combo. This years it’s those emergency sleeping bags (to go with their tent) and a present from our trip to southern Europe. With over 30 people in our family I have to get creative. Tomorrow we will have most of the rest of the family that couldn’t come Christmas Eve. I do a lot of cooking but the upside is I have awesome leftovers and don’t have to cook the rest of the week.
I love your Gonzo and Gizmo adventures. Keep their stories in a file for a story book for your grand children.
Enjoy the time with your family. There is nothing better than spending time with those you love.
Merry Christmas to the Malones whose stories enhance my days. Thank you for those and for all you do on behalf of all of us.
A Merry Christmas to you and your family, and let me say that any family Christmas will be enhanced when there are animals around and participating!
And a Merry Christmas to all your readers and comment posters - here in Wales it's now dark: time to light the candles and start playing the music.
God bless you all.
MERRY CHRISTMAS from America (and the state of Oklahoma)!
Remember one Christmas day there in OKC we had shirtsleeve weather and it snowed the next day. Living up to what Will Rodgers said about the weather there.
THANK YOU for sharing!
Yes, one of Oklahoma's MANY charms! Like also being in tornado alley! 😜
Ditto for North Texas. Freeze enough to kill any thriving plants, then mid 50's and 60's before freezing February.
Merry Christmas from Oklahoma to our "cousins" (the state of Texas)! 😉
I may be Texan, but I'm forever a SOONER 😉
If you don't like the weather....Just hang around for a'll change.
Oklahoma is ENJOYING one of the pleasantly warmest falls and beginning of winter that I can recall.
Where do you live?
Between San Antonio and Austin
So, being it's the end of the year, I do my general observations of people, and over the last couple days, this is what I've seen:
Wife and I went to a couple different Costco's to buy cookies for a friend of ours who loves their cookies. We never got into any of them, simply because it's insane here, and every Costco parking lot was overflowing / no spaces and people waiting in the rows to catch someone leaving their parking spot. Lots of Horns hooting, people screaming foul things at each other, the NJ middle finger salute being given out, as well. Took 20 minutes to simply exit the parking lot we entered to get into the shopping center.
Yup, Christmas time in the Land of the Toxic Avenger. We were laughing at all the anger around us, which is my typical response to this type of behavior.
Half hour later, we found our cookies at Shoprite Supermarket. No one in there was smiling either, in the long, down the aisle lines, but we made the best of it, by laughing and giggling at those around us sneering and being all mc-nasty. The zombie checkout tellers were no better than the patrons around and behind us, although I could understand why they were that way.
While in line, We met a really nice woman (she was a black woman for all you libtards out there reading) behind us in the checkout line, who saw the same things the way we did, and the conversation with her bloomed into a laugh-fest at all those angry folks we were surrounded by. She couldn't grasp the mood either, and it was nice to find someone who felt as we did.
Later on,
Were traveling down a local road, and got caught up in the miles long traffic jams. There was a young woman, out front of a middle school, with her toddler strolling behind in the parking lot.
Wife says to me " Aah, wouldn't it be great to be that age again? "
I agreed, but with the caveat that it would be with provisions that I was to grow up in the 1950s, and not today. IF you need any understanding as to why, watch this snippet of LA in CA
Today, I woke up at 5am, and went off to the gym. As I approached the door to the facility, a young woman, early 20's opened up the door, and held it open for me. In response, I gave her a huge "Merry Christmas" and smile for being so kind. With that, her face grimaced, as if someone just dropped a huge pile of sourpuss on her, as she spun around, whisked away from my presence, uttering something I couldn't hear. I guess my leprosy I had was showing ??
Back home, spent the beautiful Christmas eve morning, hanging with my pups, giving the kitties their catnip, making breakfast, and enjoying the time with the wife-e-poo, going through some of the day's news headlines, and meme's of Donald Trump making liberals, heads of state, and most of our govt workers cry...
I'm loving every minute of this day, and plan on laughing at more all through the next 36 hours. Always fun to come here and read all of the folks here, recalling fun times, bad times, present times, past times, and especially about crazy emu's and goose stories.
You need to move to a smaller city. We went to Walmart last night not a problem. People were kind the lines weren’t terrible. It was packed with people though. I always try to smile at people and say hello. Not everyone smiles back. Isn’t it fun to laugh. I would much rather laugh than cry. At the swimming pool last week there is a lady who always scowls. She looks like she is in terrible pain. I feel bad for her. I told her Merry Christmas and asked if she was ready for Christmas. She said almost but then she got a big smile on her face and said her grandson was coming for Christmas. That made my day. Have a Merry Christmas Christmas
Melanie: "You need to move..."
Haha, no sugarcane !
My thoughts for 20+ years. My better half... Uh, you wanna call her, and straighten her out? θ^{
We own a house, in a small town, near the Canada border (hour south). Mentally, I'm already there. It's the physical that needs to go now.
Chipping away, I'll continue
Glad you enjoy laughing. Its part of a heathy mindset to look at everything, including adversity, with a bit of irony, or comic relief. Makes the difficult times transcend into the next, faster.
I used to empathize with others who cannot seem to give themselves a chance, at even a fraction of a second of joy, but I've come,to realize that most want to be the way they exist, and I've given up at any serious attempts at changing anyone's outlook, other than my own.
Dont get me wrong. I still make the initial inquiry to see what someone is about, but the days of full frontal assaults to engage, and alter other's perceptions, are long over
Merry Christmas to you too. Hope your back issues are all worked out.
I agree one dr said 3 rods 36 screws . 70% chance of complications and no guarantee of helping. One year recovery. No way Jose. This is an out patient surgery. Clean up a bone that is impinging on a nerve and smooth out 2 bone spurs.
I have 3 severe curves in my back 47 , 52, 49. But I have had scoliosis since I was 14 and it hasn’t slowed me down at all. I’m just thankful this Dr found the spot.
I would love the info. Mine is L5 -S1 The bone is impinging on my nerve along with 2 bone spurs. I don’t take medication. My sister was addicted to prescription drugs. It killed her. I have taken Celebrix but honestly I don’t like to take any medication.
will do.
Doctors and surgeries...
Too much to discuss.
I damaged L5 through S1, and multiple impingements.
I sought out, and found a hellish ride forwards. My brother James Goodrich, hooked me up with a friend of his, who reviewed my case, and set me up with stretching exercises, and then actual exercises. No exercises in the conventional sense, nor sweating involved.
Ice packs essential.
I followed religiously.
Process sucked, but because I was dedicated, I'm living somewhat normally again. I owe James and Steve for helping me get through this, no drugs, no surgery.
I'm still tweaking, and learning, and in no way cured, but I'm again, living mostly normal. If dedication isn't there, this won't work d
For that person.
If you want access to this info, pm me, and I can text, email, or print and snail mail it.
Surgery coming. Finally a Dr found this issue. I do t know if it will be a fix all but it should help. I just have to either have it soon or wait until my daughter has her baby so I can be a support for her. My husband is so good to help but I don’t want to be down from surgery if she has her little girl. I’m so excited. Our youngest grandchild is 9 almost ten. I just love babies. I have 2 great grandbabies and they are so fun. But my baby is having a baby. I’m sooo excited. I get to be there during the birth. Such a miracle . Thank you for asking.
All I can say is be very cautious with this decision.
Watching the emu walk is like watching a runway model (or a man attempting to look/dress/walk like a woman). Each footfall is to center or a bit past.
Nice little diddy, there Doctor Roberto (domo arigato, former Mr. Roboto)
Enjoyed the bird doo trist.
Just sent a 1 year subscription to this nuthouse to my friend for Christmas. Don't know if she'll appreciate it, or want to kill me, but I guess I'll have to wait and see.
Merry Christmas, R. and fam.
Slow Death by Qwerty Board is dignified now.....
" Gonzo the Goose and Gizmo the Emu are in their usual places outside the back door. Their usual places being the window or door where they can best view us from. Their usual places change as we move from room to room. The imprinting is strong."
Ha! Your birds beat ours! (chickens & Sandhill cranes):
Great post ! MERRY CHRISTMAS !
Oh how adorable 😍 ..never before have I known the grand personalities of emus and geese!
I wish you and your family a very very Merry Christmas! And thanks for the laugh out loud moment ( the waiting until Mary's water broke 🤣)
Not much of a merry Xmas for the J6 protestors. Put them in your prayers.
January 6th. The hit song that cuts through government propaganda to reveal the real story of injustice, where the punishment never fit the crime.
I pray this is the last Christmas they will be incarcerated. Jan 20th can’t come soon enough.
Enjoy your farm stories very much!! Thank you for all you do to keep us informed. Merry Christmas!!