The leading Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake announced yesterday that when she becomes governor she will not mandate covid injections for schoolchildren.

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Oct 22, 2022·edited Oct 22, 2022

Current Arizona governor Ducey just signed into law a revised statute that prevents the covid and HPV shots from being required for school.


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Kari Lake would be a great governor. The biggest obstacle she faces is not a fair election, but the cheaters that helped steal the 2020 Presidential election.

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Oct 21, 2022·edited Oct 21, 2022

I am a retired college Math teacher. I have had success teaching Reading and Math to a dozen young children who are being homeschooled. I recommend the Saxon series for math and Phonographix for reading. I have had great success with Phonographix which is available to parents through the book Reading Reflex. As we have all learned in the past couple of years, make connections. You may be lucky and find someone like me who will help your child and not expect or accept payment.

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You are a saint! ❤️

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You're one of the good ones. Thank you.

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You are an angel.

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This ACIP / CDC decision was a very predictable move, and should surprise no-one. Those of us in the vaccine skeptic world before all the plandemonium have already laid plenty of groundwork.

But running and hiding isn't how wars are won. At some point we will have to stand up and fight back.

There is a simple, federal solution to all this: revoke ALL liability shields for ALL vaccine makers. It will be a hell of a fight, but that's the positive legislative action we should look toward.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am a homeschooling mom to 2 of my children in Virginia and even though the superintendent of each county can ask for immunizations, they never do. However, to be on the safe side I have religious exemptions for all of my children. All it is is a form that you grave motorized and submit to the school. By law, they cannot ask any questions. I did this with my son’s secular private school and they responded with “thank you…this is perfect.” So, the religious exemption is very easy to obtain. All you need is a printer and a notary. Hope this helps!

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deletedOct 21, 2022·edited Oct 21, 2022
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Virginia voted red in our election last year despite having had democratic governors for the past 2 terms. The suburban moms tipped the scales. I do believe that if we had voted in a blue governor, we would probably be on the California path as far as vaccine mandates. Additionally, our general assembly has been trying to rid the state of the religious vaccine exemptions for a number of years.

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Agreed. CT libs joyfully canceled REs during the plandemic via Zoom. Next they will pass a bill to not allow grandfathered REs to cover any new "vaxxes" added to the schedule.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I don't have time to read the whole article now, just wanted to offer my guidance for any parent still wrestling with the decision to homeschool, since I did it years ago, when there was very little resources for it, and I was working full-time and a single mom - I developed a simple excel spreadsheet with weekly plans, and then created a notebook with them, for their year end evaluation. You can do it!

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You are amazing. We homeschooled three children K to 12. I am very grateful we did it. All three have a love for learning to this time. They are all adults now living independently and responsibly. I would consider it my best accomplishment.

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Sorry to repost; more on topic here. The information in this essay is crucial for people to protect themselves, and fighting the mandates is essential, but I believe that it's a tactical error on our parts to make that our main focus at this point. I believe that the powers that be see the revolution that's brewing, and would be willing to relent on mandates (temporarily, and at local levels), in return for keeping the immunity to liability. I believe they would be content to have us feel like we won by instructing local leaders NOT to mandate, and maybe even throw a few scapegoats to us to appease us, as long as the vaccines technically stay on the *recommended* schedule for the purpose of immunity to liability. The liability immunity should be at the heart of our protest.

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I had the same thought. We keep working around mandates with defensive routines etc and as a result continue to lose our freedoms, rights and sovereignty. Homeschooling wasn’t a strategy for avoidance but an empowering decision to take up one’s own authority. Your points are well made.

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Feeling the same, Jim. I have asked myself, how many times have you turned out wrong when you did your due diligence on a topic or situation? My answer, never wrong. Since my up close and personal experience with 9/11 I’ve been an Investigative/Heretic.

What I see is that we are at the end game of a complete transformation of the world as we know it. I have taught, coached, consulted with thousands of people and businesses from around the world for 30 years. Our best and smartest remained asleep. I stopped all my former activities in the homogenized world and am studying the new sciences for those who have the will to power to survive on their on terms. My best hope for keeping the light of humanity intact.

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Dr. Malone helped create a new uncensored platform. Open to everyone. A forum covering C•19: it’s history, biology, public policies, treatment options, v-safety, + more. Sign-Up: https://forum.demed.com/COVID/posts You can also find him at https://globalcovidsummit.org/ Please check out his sites and share.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent information. I would also recommend IXL for all grades through 9th. This is an inexpensive online program especially good for kids who struggle or freeze up with timed testing.

I have successfully homeschooled one of my grandsons since middle of 6th grade. He is a senior now and actually he has met his credit requirements, including completing two college courses, but we are zeroing in on adulting skills. finance management etc. including he has a job and started his own business this summer.

Here in Georgia we have a strong, vigilant homeschool alliance, always monitoring things going on at the capital. I truly believe homeschooling is our only hope for saving education. I do fear that once the dust settles and schools have to close for lack of students, somehow, if the demons stay in power, homeschooling will be banned. It has happened in other countries. So, word to the wise - plan c - organize with other parents and build a homeschool community. There are so many qualified teachers who are leaving the corrupt system, they should be organized to teach free lance.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

For all those looking to resist, for their children and themselves, here is a clarion salute from French General Christian Blanchon:

(original: https://images.app.goo.gl/2N28QChPBGR8ikec6

my translation below; I put this on one other substack because it is worth it)

"Tribute to the Unvaccinated"

Message of General Christian Blanchon in tribute to the unvaccinated:

They are there, beside you, they appear normal, but they are superheroes.

Though I am fully vaccinated, I have to admire the unvaccinated for resisting the greatest pressure I have ever seen, be that from their partners, parents, children, friends or doctors.

People who are capable of such character, such courage and such capacity for criticism, no doubt embody but the best of humanity.

We find them everywhere, of all ages, levels of education, countries and opinions.

They are of a particular type: soldiers that any army of light would want in its ranks.

They are the parents every child wishes for, and the children every parent wants to have.

They are beings above the average of their societies. They are the essence of peoples who have built and conquered horizons.

They are there, beside you, they appear normal, but they are super-heroes.

They have done what others could not do. They were the tree that resisted the hurricane of insults, of discrimination and social exclusion.

And they did this because they thought they were alone, and believed they were alone.

Excluded from Christmas meals of their families, they never saw such cruelty. They lost their employment and left their careers in shadow, they had no money, but they did not care. They suffered immeasurable discrimination, condemnation, betrayal and humiliation, but they kept going.

Never before in humanity has there been such a “casting”. We now know there are resistors on planet earth.

The women, the men, the old, the young, the rich, the poor, all races and all faiths, the unvaccinated are the chosen of the invisible ark, the only ones who resisted when it all came crashing down.

It is you. You have passed an unimaginable test that many marines, commandos, green berets, astronauts and toughest geniuses could not overcome.

You are made of the stuff of the greatest that ever lived, heroes born among ordinary men, and who shine in the dark.

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In my opinion, given the complete capture of government by big-money oligarchs, the only way out of this mess is through sustained mass demonstrations of nonviolent civil disobedience. An uprising. Hundreds of thousands in the streets. Never stopping until the oligarchy is overthrown and some semblance of representative democracy is restored (traditional march-and-go-home demonstrations are simply ignored). The powers that be will resist, of course, probably with some measure of violence. The movement will require a relatively small percentage of the participants to put themselves on the front lines and subject themselves to pepper spray, jailing, water cannons, etc. May those folks be inspired by the brave souls described by Mr Blanchon who stood their ground in refusing to get vaccinated!

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The vaccine manufacturers and government agencies are caught in the open. There are too many vaccinated children to hide the future adverse effects and there are too many parents who will not allow their children to be removed from the control group. The intense vaccination push reeks of desperation.

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I personally won't take for me and if I had ANY child based on what I knew going into this, I would NEVER EVER give it. In fact the thought of it nauseates me. The push to get it on the Childhood Schedule is an underhanded way to ensure no liability AND thus, no accountability. In addition, it will open the door to making future mRNA (also dangerous) vaccines that can then be 'forced' on the public - because - Covid jabs happened. In every way in this situation you see the stranglehold of corruption in medical practice and the collusion between Big Harma and those meant to guard *against* Big Harma doing 'wrong'.

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There are trials underway, and maybe even completed by now, for mRNA-based influenza vaccines. The medical field is out of control, in my opinion.

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People in California should know that if this vaccine is added to the California schedule there is a philosophical exemption. In the 2015 law, the terrible battle over SB277, they did get this modification. Last year there was a battle in the legislature to remove the philosophical exemption from the Covid 19 vaccine if mandated. But that legislation failed. There is also a law in California that says only licensed vaccines can be mandated. I think the EUA is for 5-11 year olds. One of the reasons the legislation failed in California was that a covid vaccine would exclude a large percentage of African Americans. So, if they force it they are discriminating based on race. So, if this vaccine is mandated in July of 2023 as it might be, it would have to come through the Health Department which would have to allow for a philosophical exemption. Take it. You don't want to be on the pharmaceutical gravy train getting "vaxxed" for every variant every three or four months.

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When certain people have asked, with critical suspicion, why we started homeschooling our ten children (never mind the questions about why we kept having children in the first place), I usually say, “We weren’t running FROM anything, we were running TOWARD something.” Things like: individualized curriculum to meet each of our children’s unique needs, more opportunities to spend time loving and staying connected with them as they grow, and purposing to pass on our beliefs, values, and traditions.

But times are much different than 15 years ago. There are still so many things to run toward, but there are much bigger things to run AWAY from than there used to be!!

You can do it!!!

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Thank you for these excellent, empowering resources. I shared this post with my substack readers who are reeling and trying to figure out what's next after the ACIP vote. I wrote "Five Steps to What's Next" to remind parents that we have power, and we have choices. We do not co-parent with the government.

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Any information on educators etc who would like to volunteer time for "getting beyond the basics of elementary school education" to help with learning soft skills such as team/collaboration/leadership/emotional learning and other areas which are not adequately addressed in typical public school education? Perhaps we can focus on not only addressing the basics, but rise above general learning topics to advance critical thinking, planning, organizing, accessing unique talents, communication, negotiation, problem-solving etc. There are many of us who not only have the knowledge, skills, practices but also the time, passion, drive and inclination to do so. Most especially now - a call to action. Awesome data base of knowledge/services/access! In gratitude to you Dr Bob, as always!

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I'd be down for it. Teach open mindedness, teach the process of *questioning* - always ask the 'why' and the 'when' and the 'how"... and never trust because someone 'told you'. Do the work, the reading, assess pros and cons. Question, question! Seems like this is much of what is missing in our children. They've been subverted by the spoon fed lpresen of the internet. It has numbed their brains and their critical reasoning. Just look at the Green Movement and the electric car is 'good' beliefs - disconnected from the realities of the fact that we still need our energy intense sources of oil and gas, to make the electricity you want for your electric car, heat, lights, internet etc...

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And the bazillion metals mined from the earth (powered by fossil fuels, of course).

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I thank God that my kids are all out of school and productive adults. If we had it to do again, I suspect that we would have homeschooled our kids. The first graduated High School in 2009, the last in 2017, and, while less obvious than it is today, all were subjected to some degree of social brainwashing.

I do not envy parents dealing with the public school system in this current environment where parents are considered the enemy and worse, a poor influence on their own kids.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Gov of Tn has been relatively spineless in the last two yrs, but has just isssued a statement that they are not going along with CDC mandate for childhood covid inocula. There are probably other good reasons to homeschool here, though, if you are capable of it.

One silver lining type aspect of this is that CDC is so corrupt, so ineffective, and so tyrranical that there may be legislative and whole body politic refusal to aknowledge any of their "recommendations".

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Let’s hope so. Strength in numbers!

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