Dec 11, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Bhargava, thank you for your courage in speaking up. Gratitude...

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Amen to that.

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Dec 11, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"She currently serves as a Full Professor of Ob/Gyn and Reproductive Sciences at the University of California, San Francisco, and has 62 peer reviewed publications.

Her focused six minutes of testimony in the US Senate, while censored and deleted by YouTube, can be found here-"

Silly doctors spending years for education, research and clinical practice when they could have been playing video games and have the powers of Youtube moderators to instantly Ouija the value of "safe & effective" treatment for all.

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Dec 11, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“Public Health Officials”:

*2 weeks to flatten the… **(society).

*95% efficacious! **(that is why you need a third & forth…shot).

*Fully “Vaxxed” after 2 shots! **(yet: third shot already in 2021).

*Safe & effective **(+/- 25,000 dead within “days” of injection + VAERS injured).

*Herd immunity **(Gone With The Vax).

*This is now a pandemic of the unvaxxed! **(Or; Is this a Pandemic caused by Public Health

Officials/Drs. refusing to allow delivery to Covid patients known safe & effective treatments:

from Zelenko Protocol to Math+ et al).

* Masks do not work; Mask mandate” or your killing grandma! **(I’m sure everything Public Health Officials have said about masks can’t be true).

*We have to protect the “Health Care System...so we are threatening to fire the +/- 15% of our

Public Health Workers who are more afraid of the “shot” than of losing their homes/livelihoods! **(..come to think of it, that is what Public Health Officials said).

…WHO,d believe them?

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Dec 11, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent testimony! Looking forward to watching the longer interviews.

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Dec 11, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Looking past Sars-Covid-II as it (hopefully) disappears into the sea of "just another cold virus" variants, what could the applicability of the various off-patent treatments that have been developed to treat Covid be to diseases like influenza and other still-serious respiratory viruses?

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Dec 11, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you!

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I have sent the link to Dr. Bhargava's testimony to my governor as well as our incoming mayor. It is very important, and shameful that YouTube censored it. I await effective lawsuits against social media that censor public debate.

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I watched the entire podcast and concur with everything you all said. I am not a Doc, etc. I am however very well read. Each time you have written something or were on Fox News or Epoch Times, I watched and listened. What I didn’t know I paused it and looked it up. Each and every time you have spoken you stay true to the facts. Thank you for that!!

I especially liked it when you, Dr. Malone, smiled as Dr Bhargava added additional information to support the Fact and Truth about NOT double triple vaccinating people. Using Crohns Disease and Humira as an excellent comparison. She gave insight to understand that MORE IS NOT BETTER. More jabs gives more antibodies tricking the body to think you are sick = the body then begins to develop more antibodies to attack the antibodies from the jab!!!

I have NOT AND WILL NOT get the liquid skull and cross bones poison Graphene Oxide Spike protein synthetic lipid covered JAB!

I would like to tell you that I contracted the Original Cov SARS 2 infection on September 22, 2019 after being with clients from China for better than 5 hours. Signs and symptoms appeared exactly 7 days later. I went to my Doc on October 10, 2019. She said she didn’t know what was wrong with me. Gave me a Zpack and Benzonite for the cough. Sick for 5 weeks. I had all the symptoms except loss of taste and smell but I had that symptoms with other flus and colds in the past. I have NOT been sick since. I am now 2 years and 2 months with natural immunity. As Dr Bhargava said, upon a blood test I may not show antibodies but my T cells remember and will come out and help me if needed.

Thank you for everything please please continue.

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