Jan 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What a historical day, the testimony was solid. I watched it all the way through.

If this does not even cause a semblance of change in the insanity we face, I don't know what will!

But something tells me, this testimony may be the start of great things to come.

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We need to demand that Congress flood NIH leadership with those who spoke at this event.

Don't just ❤ this post, go contact your two US Senators and your US Representative and demand it!

McCullough for Director NIH. Malone for Director NIAID.

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Hey so I drafted a simple letter to email to my NJ Senators and Representatives. I've also been calling their offices as well. I want to share my letter and encourage more people to do the same with their own letters. Hopefully my letter can help. Dr. Malone, can you encourage your readership to take part in this? I will also try to see if Steve Kirsch can do the same if I can get him to see me:

Dear Senator (Blank),

I am a concerned citizen of NJ, I live in the 6th district under Rep. Pallone, (County, Zip Code).

I would like to know if you are currently aware of the Testimony that occurred yesterday Jan 24th, at Washington D.C. The testimony was headed by Sen. Ron Johnson, he live-streamed it to the public calling it "Second Opinion".

The testimony had many credible doctors and witnesses on the pandemic response and expressed their views openly in much needed discussion.

It is evident that we are killing helpless children and dooming others to have future health problems. Not to mention the adults who have already died from the vaccine. If true justice is to be followed there is a strong case of criminality perpetrated onto the victims.

I'm sending this letter to all Senators, Representatives, and some special doctors searching for people who will join Senator Ron Johnson in his attempt to get the truth on the pandemic and vaccines. My goal is to help Senator Johnson gain enough momentum to end the overreach on our rights that have gone on for too long.


Giovanni Fiordaliso

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ThAnk you for this!!

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My two US Senators are two democrats. I'm from NJ so can;t expect much from my side pal. I will check out my representatives at least.

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I would still contact them. Fauci's and now departed Collins' malfeasance should not be a partisan issue any more than early treatment options should be a partisan issue, and you can tell them that.

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I agree, did you see my reply to you? I've drafted a letter, and yes I did send it to Book and Melendez. I even called their offices and spoke with their office representatives.

I did the same for my district representative, Frank Pallone. Email and called office.

I've also went to Steve Kirsch and Dr. Malone's articles to try to convince people to do the same.

Thanks for all the suggestions.

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Who hasn't been wondering the same about the possible futures of all these fantastic leaders? McCullough is looking more presidential every day, knows how to translate the technical arguments into policy and media frames instinctively, and everyday more beloved. Malone for HHS because all the agencies within it need reform and re-establishing of their mission and leadership and he seems to have a passion for getting rid of the regulatory capture. Agency scientists and scholars at the civilian level of service could get their self-respect back.

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Jan 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone your speech yesterday was profound and moving. Thank you to both you and your lovely wife.

And since today would have been my dear friend Warren Zevon’s 75th Birthday, I must quote from one of his more commercial songs: “Send lawyers, guns and money, the shit has hit the fan”

I am extremely grateful to you and your wife for your continued crusade for the protection of the health and humanity of all. ❤️

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Wow, you knew Warren Zevon! One of my heros- saw in in San Francisco live in the late 70's. Taken away from us too soon.

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Yes, very sad. In the 70’s it must have been quite the show!

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Thank you Dr. Malone for all that you have done to bring the truth to light! The 5 hours was very well spent and should be mandatory for any individual in a position to make policy regarding medical treatments for Covid. It should also be a prerequisite for any individual considering taking any of the mRNA products!

You and all your colleagues that spoke deserve the highest awards for your efforts!

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I never thought I'd be so interested in a watching a 5 hour Senate Panel discussion, but here we are! I'll have to pick through this slowly, but surely.

Congratulations on the rally this weekend. It looks like it went off without a hitch!

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I was GLUED to my computer screen for the entire time even though I had previously heard and read what most of them discussed today. I heard it all with new ears as though it was my first time, hoping against hope there were people hearing all of this who had never heard it before! EPIC!!! (And NOT the hospital system kind of Epic!)

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One of my great hopes from the rally was that there would be some great conversations that would come out of so many of the people being in the same place at the same time. This absolutely blows away all expectations!

I am going to do what I can to ensure these voices are heard by those who most likely haven't heard them yet. It's high time this happens, and I think the time may finally be right.

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Jan 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I listened to the whole session this morning. Wow, that was truly amazing and worth every minute. We need more of these. It's so liberating to have a discussion like this in the Senate. You all are my heros.

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Basically what it comes down to is, if your loved one was sick with cold or flu like symptoms that were diagnosed as C19 and the hospital refused to administer IVM or HCQ with zinc and other immune boosting supplements or budesonide for late stage viral pneumonia and your loved one died then the hospital killed your loved one. These medicines and protocols have been used for the past year and a half successfully by honest doctors and have both kept people out of hospitals and rescued people from predatory hospitals. The hospital administrators and their complicit medical personnel that have been doing this, killing people for the past year and a half, need to be punished severely. They are being incentivised by the NIH to the tune of up to $60,000 per dead covid patient for the accumulated billing allowance for each phase of the deadly CDC protocol. Diagnosis $3000, remdesivir $13,000, ventilator $35,000, etc. The combined incentives brings the bonuses up past 60K. That includes a bonus payout for listing the cause of death as covid and the coroner gets a bonus too.

If the hospital killed your loved one by denying proven treatment you need to request all medical records and sue the hospital. There are thousands of doctors that can act as expert witnesses. The hospitals had motive *$$$$$* and the hospital had means *willing medical personnel*. This is ripe for class action.


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Jan 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The damage and the numbers are too great for class action. This is ripe for Nuremberg Trials.

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Not only COVID damage, but think about all of the people neglecting their own health concerns because they don’t want to go near these corrupt hospitals.

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I can so relate to this. I have seen the discrimination first hand recently of unvaccinated patients. I'm not vaccinated(I wait with all new treatments for data!) and I'm honestly afraid of how I will and won't be treated if I go into the hospital for a proceedure.

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Same. I do my own protocol in conjunction with my Naturopathic doc. So far, so good.

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Jan 25, 2022·edited Jan 25, 2022

I’m doing that right now. I feel like the stress is killing me, slowly.

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I hope you can find relief, and maybe even an “off-line” doctor.

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My acupuncturist is wonderful in that regard.

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I hope you can get that procedure done very soon!

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These deceptions promoted by incompetent bureaucrats, delusional media pundits, over educated Ivy League grads and ignorant celebrities can best be described as Treason!

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Oh, that's a given! If there is to be closure there must be public trials with appropriate penalties...if you know what I mean.

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Yep. Nuremberg 2.0 and that code has been blatantly ignored.

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Fab find super link thanks! Jon Rappaport has been tracking these dirtbags for decades now. He's a fantabulous source especially for getting down in the weeds & want someone who knows the players & scripts, from the same old play book, with new loopholes for updated fraud.

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Agree completely. Some excellent reporting on how the hospitals are being paid to kill people. And if you consider the fact that because the hospitals were restricted from taking part in their usual business plan, billing excessive amounts of money to insurance plans, medicare and medicaid for standard care, they had to make up the difference somehow. Enter incentivised covid care. No wonder everyone that came in the doors was put on the covid conveyer belt and pumped with whatever the NIH was paying the most money for. Also why patients were denied ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine...no money in those off patent drugs. Why charge pennies on the dollar for medicine that will actually heal people when they can get $3000 per round of treatment with intravenous remdesivir and start a cascade effect of organ failure that leads to the big money ventilator bonus? It really is disgusting and its all about the money.

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John, If I may comment on your statement. Agree with most except for …As I understood it from the video that IVM has a window of time that it must be administered within 72 hours of onset of symptoms. Once hospitalized at say day 6 or 7, IVM is not an affective drug. Thats why hospitals are able to say they don’t use it or it’s bad etc. Instead they were giving Remdisavir (spelling) which is a kidney killer and has only something like a 25% efficacy rate if I recall correctly. Very bad drug. This is why early intervention of a respiratory illness is critical and CURABLE and the use of therapeutic medicine is a must. Respectfully.

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I don’t believe that is true. HCQ has to be administered in the first few days to be effective, but IVM is effective even much later for seriously ill patients.

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Yes, IVM does have other mechanisms besides replication suppression including a steroidal effect as a cytokine inhibitor and nuetralizing the virus ability to suppress interferon production. As well as preventing Spike protein from binding with ACE2. It is just a great medicine. Hydroxy also has added benefits besides just as a viral replication suppressor. Remdesivir has the least benefit of the three since it does not do a very good job suppressing replication and it is known to shut down the organs. Also, I know that Remdesivir is absolutely useless once the disease moves past replication and enters the viral pneumonia stage. After that the only thing it is good for is shutting down the organs and getting the innocent victim onto a ventilator.

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Interesting, I have not heard about a 72 hour window although I have read clinical reports of IVM and other medicines administered during late stage covid and bringing people out of critical care status and back to good health. Please post a link addressing the 72 hour window. I do know that once the virus moves into the lower respiratory the disease then becomes an immune related cytokine issue that exacerbates viral pneumonia. But IVM has other mechanisms that suppress cytokine driven inflamation, as does budesonide. Here is a good video addressing IVM mechanisms based on numorous clinical studies. Dr. "Bean" does a great job explaining these complex medical issues.


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deletedJan 25, 2022·edited Jan 25, 2022
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What a nightmare! Everyone that has a condition that requires reqular medical attention needs to find a local doctor they trust that has a small practice where they can receive appropriate personalized care. Establish that relationship immediately and do not believe what the television is reporting when it comes to the covid lie. And DO NOT rely on hospital care. They will kill you if they get you in their system. They feel totally justified in doing so.

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Have you looked into something like this:


I have not researched this fully. Just did a quick search so I do not know if it is a reliable option. It may even be some kind of Trojan horse so please do your own research. I am not a part of this healthcare service. But maybe a private healthcare cooperative is a good way to go. Now is the time to figure this out because the hospitals will kill you if given the opportunity. We all know that now. And eventually medicare and medicaid will only cover the same kind of lethal treatments. The plan is to cull the weak, infirmed and elderly from the herd and enslave the remainder, IMHO.

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Wow!! That’s horrible.

I’ve lost all trust and respect for our health care industry, yet they keep digging deeper. Soon there will be nothing but contempt.

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I’m looking forward to watching the Ron Johnson panel when time permits, but I did manage to catch your Defeat the Mandates speech yesterday, Dr. Malone, and I just wanted to congratulate you on your galvanizing call to end tyranny, corruption, and the mass harm and murder caused by these experimental injections. Bravo! 👏

Does anyone know how many people showed up for Defeat the Mandates yesterday? Looked like a sizable swath of freedom-lovers there.

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35,000 to 50,000 were the estimates I heard

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Millions more around the globe were glued to livestream until the stroke of 3:30 when the Parks Department cut the power and chased out the folks with megaphones. Public Safety measures at their finest!

To see the rows of esteemed doctors in white lab coats standing shoulder to shoulder on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial speaking for 17,000 more of courage is an image for the ages. When this history is written my bet is the Freedom March and Senate Second Opinion will be America's moment crossing the Rubicon.

For so many of us who have come to love and trust the truth telling coalition may as well have swept the Olympics with everyone on our team! w00t w00t <3 y'all

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I saw there was a sister rally in Denver, CO. 👍 sadly CO lost its most notable warrior activist who would have surely joined your efforts, Hunter S. Thompson.

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I compared it to a crowd in Brussels that they claimed was 100,000. The Defeat the Mandates crowd looked a bit smaller than that ~70,000ish? The pool though throws off perspective a bit.

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Jan 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow, thank you all for being at the Stop the Mandate march in the cold yesterday and then the next morning at this hearing. You all inspire me to do what I can. I sent Epoch Times Sharyl's video yesterday to my family with one reply back not to send anymore articles like that-so let's see the reaction from this. My entire family, including young nephews and nieces are vaxxed. I am a retired RN with clinical research experience-I could not get past the blatant lack of protection of human subjects to trust enough to take the shot. After all the lies and foolish public display of the government experts these past two years, I am dumbfounded by anyone who could possibly trust them. Guess thats the purpose of the mandates isn't it?

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Jan 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Haha! It only took a tweet from Dr. Simone Gold with a 2 minute video to get the "I didn't watch it" from my husband's brother. His sister was equally offended by the "spam" I sent, but she only knows how to triangulate, not tell me directly. As they've all been jabbed, they will never admit they are uninformed.

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Jan 25, 2022·edited Jan 25, 2022

Imagine how difficult it can be for people to accept the fact that they allowed themselves to be duped—that’s the only way I can have a modicum of compassion for those complicit in taking the jabs.

As for the pharmaceutically, medically, and politically complicit in implementing and giving the jabs, I have no compassion at all.

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Sometimes triangulation is good. Less hard on you. It’s that mass formation but they got the message at least and that was kind of you.

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Not if your husband tells you what she said! He did call her out on it, so that's a big improvement from the past. Yes, his siblings, spouses and adult children are all in a mass formation.

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Keep an Eye on New Hampshire, bill to make IVM OTC being debated.

NH could be the first state to legislate this issue:

New Hampshire Seeks to Make Ivermectin an Alternative COVID Treatment Under Law


New Hampshire Pharmacies Could Soon Begin Dispensing Ivermectin Without Doctor’s Prescription [Video]


The Ivermectin Wars Intensify as States Want Access Over the Counter and a Medical Freedom March Commences This Weekend


Ivermectin could soon be available without a prescription in New Hampshire pharmacies.


Oh, and Great Speech Yesterday!!!

I streamed it and was cheering at the screen.

The whole thing was powerful.


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Actually I think the Nebraska AG approved their doctors to use IVM for Covid.

Look on the FLCCC website and his full 7 page letter is posted. Maybe four months ago?

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I did see that, thank you! It's good news also.

I think what is different about NH is that they are debating making it OTC.

"Over The Counter" --> No prescription needed.

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Such welcome news — go for OTC as the greatest push back imaginable. Wow wow. Thanks for posting.

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Jan 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am no stranger to any of the expert testimony provided today, as I have followed all of you from the very beginning, but again was affixed to my screen as well for 4+ hours. You are speaking on behalf of those of us working shift after shift entrenched in this unbelievable tragedy of mankind who cannot speak out. Please continue to press on and thank you to all who have answered this call to action.

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Saw every minute of that 5 glorious hours of TRUTH. I saved it to my book marks, because I suspect I will need it in my interactions with those who are not critical thinkers. AND MY GOSH!!! I LOVED THE RALLY in DC!!!!!!!!!! EPIC (and we saw your lovely Dr. Wife!! Cool!)

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Senator Johnson's program today and yesterday's defeat the mandates rally are so important!! Let's keep the conversations going and continue to speak out for the sake of our children and our rights and freedoms. Thank you.

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Jan 24, 2022·edited Jan 24, 2022

I was alerted to the panel discussion on Gab and was able to watch and listen for about the last 2.5 hours on Rumble. I have emailed the link out to those whom I am hoping to either wake up or give more tools to those already awake to this malfeasance and epic corruption. I have to say, it made me cry a few times for all the trauma and abuse people have experienced at the hands of those who had a duty to care. Sadly, it has been really hard to get those who thought they could trust their government, pharma and hospitals to listen. Thank you for your part in the continuing battle, Dr. Malone. Peace.

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It certainly has been a most abusive two years.

If you think about it, it’s very difficult for many abused people to accept the fact that the people they trusted the most actually abused them.

Denial and all that.

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Someone once said, "It's easier to fool someone than to convince them they've been fooled." Or something close to that.

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I think you’ve got it correct .

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Thank you, Dr. Malone. The "Second Opinion" hearing was fascinating, heart breaking and provoking. I wished you all could have continued the dialogue another couple hours. I took notes, have been pulling papers since. Calling and writing all the politicians and our state legislature reps. I'll do what I can. You and your wife have been in the wringer. Thank you.

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Jan 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I believe it began in the 1980s with The AIDS Epidemic in California. I was present at an Assembly hearing where Doctors treating AIDS patients were humiliated by Maxine Waters and others for testifying to the Truth that HIV was spreading to the heterosexual community, and that specific communication to the public and other health measures should be taken. The reporter I accompanied to the hearing, and none of those from other stations mentioned what actually transpired. When I challenged that decision, the reporter said that there would be retribution from the Legislators, including lack of access to for him personally and the station.

Two years later, working for a different station I proposed a five part series on the inability of doctors to use standard medical protocols to stop the spread of AIDS which at that time was “the only one of the diseases [ they] were prohibited from quarantining known carriers” spreading AIDS to the broader community, and “the only one of these diseases that is (at that time) 100% fatal.” My news director declined the proposal because, “we don’t want to panic the public.”

Different decade; same players.

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In 1935 Harvard School of Public Health found PCB's were carcinogenic so they met with General Electric and Monsanto to see what could be done about this commercial "critical" lubricant component. Together they decided truth would cause public panic so they lied and covered up and sold PCBs until 1975.

Suppressed and distorted science has been a staple in the civilian agencies for many, many, many decades. Cue the contractor labs for plausible deniability. It ends now! :~)


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Is it common for Senators to hold hearings such as this without ANY of their colleagues present? Obviously Senator Johnson's power is limited since his party is effectively the minority, but why did no other Republican Senators show up?

(That said, he did a great job keeping the meeting on track and getting succinct information from important experts.)

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