Gonzo (the Goose) and Gizmo (the Emu) have quickly become the comedians of the farm. They like to go on many adventures, which include exploring, bathing in puddles, sampling the local greenery, and nibbling on humans (in the nicest way, of course).
Then lately we have a wild Canadian goose hanging around on the farm. This big drake seems a little lost. We once had a single pair of Canadians that would nest in the quarry pond area, and we have wondered whether this is the male - and somehow his mate has been killed. Geese mate for life, so this would make sense. He seems very lonely. Anyway, at first Gizmo (the Emu) thought - “GOOSE! I love my goose. Geese love me. This goose will love me too”.
Here is a video of Gonzo and Gizmo bathing, while the wild goose watches carefully from a distance.
Soon after this video was made, Gizmo ran up to wild goose in his crazy dance to say hello. Wild goose said “HISSSSS” in his nastiest voice and stretched out his long neck in a most vicious way. Emu said: YIKES! and ran away. Then he tried to make friends again. The Canadian goose was just as nasty as can be. But this single Canadian goose had decided that hanging around our farm is where he wants to be. For weeks, Gizmo and the wild goose have just kind of ignored each other. A Mexican stand-off.
The riding arena is Gizmo’s favorite place in the whole world. This is where the big horse, mom and Gizmo get to run around and around. For Gizmo, running around and around is the best. Then of course, after much running around - naps are in order.

Then the wild goose started hanging out in the arena too. At this point, Gizmo decided that the wild goose was just not ok. That this particular wild goose is not a trustworthy animal and is not a friend! So, just as we had hoped Gizmo would do, he suddenly morphed into being a guard-emu. While Gonzo (our goose) and Olivia (our extraordinary farm manager) watched, Gizmo let the wild goose know he is not invited to the party.
It turns out that emus are not all the same. Whereas Max, our first emu, was the most fearless creature in the world, Gizmo is shy and introverted. He values his tribe above all else. So, this is a very big step in growing up for Gizmo
Gonzo the goose - well, he is another story. When we came home from our travels mid-week, we visited the birds first thing. What a fuss he made over us! Honking, nibbling and grooming were first order! A true extrovert. Gonzo loves to love on Gizmo and preens him pre-bedtime. So much so, that Gizmo has a few bare patches…
These two birds, so different in basic appearance and personality, are truly a pair. What is amazing is that the affection they display for each other knows no bounds. That Gizmo would protect his fellow avian friend speaks to the nature of their deep relationship.
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To say that last week was busy is the understatement of the year! We went from Romania to Palm Springs, California, in a matter of 48 hours. Yesterday, what should have been a straight-forward trip back to Virginia from California turned into an extended stay in Chicago, as our plane broke. But we made it home safe and sound around 1:30 AM this morning.
At both locations, I delivered two new presentations and met with friends and colleagues, diplomats, politicians, scientists, physicians, friends, and so many interesting people from the audiences.
Below is a photo from Romania - hanging out with friends.
Jill and I did have two days at home mid-week, where we managed to pack a week’s worth of farm chores into two days.
This week I hope to concentrate more on my writing. I am in the middle of several investigative articles, and we will be publishing those news pieces here in the days to come.
I am already treasuring the next four weeks - when we get to be on our beloved farm doing what we love. Writing, reading, gardening, and hanging out with the birds, dogs, horses, and Jill. My idea of paradise. I hope you are finding some personal paradise in your life also.
Isn’t it a nice story to see Gizmo, even with his shy quiet keep to himself personality acknowledge the Unfriendly, Ungrateful, Hissing Canadien invader (no offense to Canadiens!!) as a threat great enough to put his fears aside and say this is my country it’s time I stand up and show you who your messing with. There seems to be a parable of sorts here. I went to CVS over the weekend and noticed everything is behind lock and key. It’s right across the street from the Holiday Inn where our piece of shit rep Paul McMurtry allowed 20 busloads of illegals to take up residence. The police and fire are called to these three hotels day and night 24/7. Crime and shoplifting have skyrocketed at the CVS and a very large newer “Mall” called legacy Place here in Dedham Ma. The two ladies at CVS are disgusted. They say the illegals come in fill their cloths, pockets, jackets and bags with merchandise and walk out with it. They call the police every day but they do nothing about it. The lady said the company is thinking of closing the stores in Dedham because of so much lost revenue. I feel like I’m living in a third world crime ridden country. I think it’s about time we shake off our fears like Gizmo, and start standing up to these thieves that Brandon and the rest of our useless government has not only funded but opened up the gates to ruin our communities. FJB…. J.Goodrich
I don't have a farm but there is a 50 acre wasteland behind my yard. This morning caught 2 deer eating the small unedible berries that grow all over the wooded lot. My dog found blackberries, hurry before she eats them all. The first wild plum was ripe. We had a good rain this weekend and all is popping up. The hummingbird is back and could not find its tube flowers, so it knocked on the window where my colored nettles are in full floom... carried them outside and hope to see the little flying jewels again. Taking the endless buzz of insects, biting mosquitoes, horrible ants.. on top. This is GA.