Thank you Dr, Malone. The use of the lipid nanoparticle has been one of my biggest concerns since the release of the shot. I know this is selfish to say, but I am so glad that I followed my gut instincts and did not get the shot. It cost me my career, but my instinct was very strong.

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Not selfish whatsoever. Prudent and wise.

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I felt the same way and now the only one in my family with now jab but not for them all piling on encouraging me to get it. I say always go with your gut ... I hate it when I look back and realize "I knew that" but didn't act on it.

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Before I digest this post, I want to thank you for sharing Juliet Bonnay's substack article. I thought I had already lost all my innocence regarding the corruption and evil of our government and the world in general, but the information she shared was devastating to me. The Lord brought to my mind Psalm 37. Here are the first 3 verses of the psalm.

Do not fret because of those who are evil

or be envious of those who do wrong;

for like the grass they will soon wither,

like green plants they will soon die away.

Trust in the Lord and do good;

dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.

The evil of the last four years is not new. It is, however, more blatant and people are waking up to it. Apart from God's intervention I do not believe it can be stopped. It's looking more and more as though we are in the end times as described in the Bible. We must commit our lives to Jesus, tell others how they can do so, and then do as much good as we can in this world. We must not sit around and watch for Jesus to return, we must work for justice and for reconciliation. Those of us who belong to Jesus can be encouraged. I pray for those who have not yet made that decision to repent and follow Jesus.

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Hi! Would it be possible to post here a link to Ms. Bonnay's substack? I have searched both substack and brave and it doesn't appear for me. Thank you in advance.

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If you really want to see how much is being withheld from you, take a moment to search the web with the following:

Open Brave browser. In the upper right corner click on the 3 horizontal lines. Pick "New private window". Now enter into the search "www.yandex.com"

Now compare the results you get with all the other search engines.

I finally found juliet bonnay using this method. Ms. Bonnay's story has been scrubbed from the Western world.

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YES!! That was a GREAT read!! I too enjoyed and learned from it.

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God bless you Dr. Malone for your never ending truth telling! You are an invaluable resource and so appreciated and loved by many! You were made for such a time as this…..🛐✝️💜

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is off-topic in a way but relevant to the courage shown by Dr. Malone and Juliet Bonnay.

I just finished reading a Maisie Dobbs mystery, "Elegy for Eddie," by Jacqueline Winspear. It takes place in London in the spring of 1933, soon after Hitler became Chancellor of Germany. A powerful newspaper tycoon and businessman, with strong political ties that include Winston Churchill, decides to use subtle propaganda to get Brits to start feeling nationalistic again after the devastation of WWI. And he's also funding the development of new kinds of airplanes. When 2 men find out about the airplane designs he sends thugs to shut them up and they get killed, and this man says he won't hesitate to sacrifice a man or two to save thousands or millions because he knows war is coming and he'll do whatever is necessary to get Great Britain prepared. And, of course, he gets away with everything.

Here are the quotations that appear just before the novel begins:

"For evil to happen, all that is necessary for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke

"Once in a while you will stumble upon the truth but most of us manage to pick ourselves up and hurry along as if nothing had happened." Winston Churchill

What I find most interesting is that there are two kinds of evil and truth in this novel--the killing of two men with no retribution and Hitler's threat to the world, especially Great Britain.

We're facing the same kind of behavior--people who think they're doing what's necessary to protect their way of life, regardless of who they destroy. That's what the elites are doing--and the man in the novel was a high-level elite who is interested in *his* way of life, immense wealth and power in the middle of the Depression. In the novel Churchill was protected from the specifics of this man's behavior, and while in real life he was a great leader during WWII, he refused to even consider independence of the British colonies after the war ended because he wanted to keep the empire.

And that's why the courage of Dr. Malone and Juliet Bonnay and the other truth-tellers is so important. They're standing up for what's right in spite of the personal consequences and they are both national and international treasures.

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Thank you, Dr. Malone. We (I for sure) need to hear highly technical explanations on these things. It was early on in the pandemic that I, a common run-of-the-mill citizen, began to seek scientific lectures in an effort to at least try to understand what was going on and how those two initial Pfizer doses I took in April 2021 would either help or harm my body. So, lecture on! We need to hear these things. Some of it will stick and help us non-scientific ones more than you can know.

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I deeply appreciate you calling out the fear mongering that is propagated by both the pro and anti vaccine sides. It is too easy to be distracted by *super scary* imaginary problems rather than holding the real problems in focus.

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for creating this excellent video. I think the pacing and level of detail were perfect for educating any layperson who's willing to listen carefully and engage with the content. It's amazing that you were able to do this without visual aids, but I think the presentation actually benefited from your delivery. Although I'm not a scientist, I followed and understood your presentation and will encourage every (receptive) person I know to watch it.

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Robert - great explanation. Wish you had been my organic chemistry teacher. You look tan after days on a yacht in Italy. So much ignorance and hysteria out there! All this makes me even more glad I listened to my gut, ( thank God). Early on, I saw clotting disasters seemingly linked to the mRNA Covid vaccines. As health professionals, we were first in line to be offered the vax, and then, some of the most coerced to take it. My concern is also about the mRNA - what shuts off spike production? Do you believe in the efficacy of the OTC spike detox protocol promoted by Mc Cullough?

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Peter is now in the business of selling vitamins and supplements, which is not his core competency.

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Since it is clear the spike is one of if not the causative agent of the damage inflicted by this virus it seems that synthesizing this protein in patients is morally equivalent to poisoning bottles of Tylenol.

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Dr. Malone, you are an absolute treasure. I love how your mind works and your natural inclination to educate.



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So...how do we stop this medical madness when Dr. Martin reports that thousands and thousands of Patents have been filed by drug entities to push this concept of reprogramming the blue print of life? Our patent office and our NIH institutions haven’t got the power or knowledge to stop this travesty against humanity! Round two is upon us and will again create great stress on our minds and body!

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Could one way be to discourage dangerous applications by refusal to use or accept inadequately validated products and/or production processes? For starters. For any informed consent/purchase we are IMO entitled to the data affirmed by our expert sources.

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It's "Dana Loesch."

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fixed, apologies to Dana

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone

You did an EXCELLENT job of making this topic easily understandable! Thanks.

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks Doc this is wonderful stuff! My God the torture of language is appalling.

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Was so happy to see your article posted at Zerohedge, Dr.'s Malone. One of my other favorite daily reads.

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this information. I think I understood a lot of it. I think most people don’t understand what the lipid nano particle is. I bet you were an excellent teacher. I’m so grateful for that Dark Horse podcast which told me that my gut instinct to not get vaxed was correct.

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A pretty thorough near 40 min audio was needed and finally explained on this topic.

We now can reference and fact file a lot about the nature or non-nature of this beast.

Just in time for a second coat of propaganda paint in the theater backdrops of pro-vax actors

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