The Atlantic Monthly is evil.
I learned this fact in 2021 when a writer/editor from The Atlantic Monthly named Tom Bartlett contacted me, first by email and then in a telephone call, saying with much flattery that he wanted to do a story on the origins of the mRNA vaccines and my role in the invention. His original email to me was:
This was followed by a telephone call, during which he laid out an article he intended to write about the invention of the mRNA vaccines. Then I naively (gosh, was I ever naive about the press) invested a lot of time teaching him about mRNA vaccines, the invention, the origins, how I came up with the idea, and showing him the original discovery and patent documents, etc - all in good faith.
This was just after the Brett Weinstein podcast, so I went through and explained the various issues with the pre-clinical testing - this was before much of the Pfizer clinical trial data had been released via court order. Remember back to early in 2021 - before the vaccine injuries were even known. At a time when I was first realizing that my own cardiac and neurologic injuries were from the vaccine.
Then what was written about those many interviews - I think there were five or six conversations in total- was a total hit job. The cover of that smear piece is still one of the first things that comes up on Google about me. My Wiki page is dominated by references to this article, as are the numerous derivative articles.
Despite my now having a subscription base of 340,000 people and of having a 1.2 million Twitter following - this is the image that follows me around the web.
At the time, it felt like my world had come to an end as a serious scientist, and I guess in many ways it had.
Hit pieces followed the Atlantic Article; in the NYT, WaPo, Business Insider, The Scientist, Rolling Stone, and many others. This was a coordinated attack. It was truly the classic wrap-up smear, as defined by Nancy Pelosi. Who coordinated it? To this day, it is a mystery. Although Congressional reports show that the Department of Homeland Security and their sub-agency, CISA, had a big hand in censoring me, as did members of the GARM agreement, such as the Coca-Cola company and Microsoft. Even now, I am censored and defamed not only by members of the mainstream scientific community but much more broadly, permanently banned from Linked-In (which I formerly used to recruit clients for my consulting business), and shadow-banned on “X” based on my (1.2M follower) account having been inappropriately labeled as a spam account.
Back to my story and the point (yes, there is a point). I spent years writing serious, peer reviewed research papers, and doing serious work in the pandemic response arena - including building evidence for the use of repurposed drugs for use in combatting infectious disease outbreaks. My Google Scholar ranking (iH-index) is 53 - beyond the wildest dreams of most full professors. I have over 15,000 citations of my work.
Then suddenly, despite a fantastic academic track record, it felt like my entire career and reputation were instantly flushed down the sewer in one swoop. I had been canceled. If I hadn’t had a successful marriage and partnership with Jill, I honestly don’t know how I could have handled it. Others weren’t so fortunate; there have been quite a few suicides among those of us cancelled and ridiculed for sharing our scientific and medical expertise and insights during COVID-19.
Turns out that the Atlantic Monthly is owned by none other than the widow of Steve Jobs. Yep - that Steve Jobs. Her name is Laurene Powell Jobs (known in the Harris camp as LPJ) and her best, best friend is Kamala Harris. Rumor has it that LPJ was the person that propelled Kamala into the position of presidential candidate - after Biden’s implosion. That LPJ has been behind the rise of Kamala Harris all along - as their friendship goes back many years to their time in San Francisco together. In 2003, Laurene Powell Jobs first donated to her campaign in SF for district attorney. They have remained best friends ever since.
But here is where it gets interesting: at the bottom of that LPJ’s Atlantic Monthly article attacking me, which was the very core of the wrap-up smear deployed against me, and was aimed to kill me virtually, is the notice that The Chan Zuckerberg Foundation granted money to The Atlantic Monthly to write the smear piece about me.
So, now both the widow of Steve Jobs and Zuckerberg were (are) out to get me virtually. Yikes! When did I become that much of a threat to the establishment that two of the most influential and powerful people on earth decided to gang up and make me a virtual road-kill?
I am getting somewhere with this - other than generalized whining and whingeing.
Basically, what I learned back in 2021 was that The Atlantic Monthly is quite willing to do the bidding of The Blob - the deep state. They are willing to do anything to support the deep state, and that their fearless leader, none of than the widow of what had been the most powerful man on earth was leading this effort. Their editors were willing to lie to my face, write untruths, do what it takes to support the agenda of the globalists, The Blob, and their fearless leader LPJ and her friends, Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg. The global elites who truly believe in a one-world governance system led by the WEF.
From personal experience and reading about the magazine, I know that LPJ is personally involved with the running of The Atlantic Monthly. This is her “baby” - and she makes the decisions as to what gets printed. We know that LPJ has personally propelled Kamala Harris through every step of her career. Harris’ rise to power was no accidental fluke.
Fast forward to 2021, when LPJ had an editor write and publish the article titled “THE GREAT (FAKE) CHILD-SEX-TRAFFICKING EPIDEMIC.” This is an article that purports that child sex trafficking is not an epidemic and really not an issue in America. That the amount of child prostitution and abuse in the USA of children has been greatly blown out of proportion by MAGA adherents.
What is particularly intriguing about this article was that it was published just at the start of Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial in 2021. It asserts that conspiracy theorists have inflated the amount child sex trafficking in the USA for influence, clicks, and follows. This was despite the fact that there is clear and compelling evidence that child prostitution and sexual exploitation is a real and a significant issue. My friend, Eduardo Verástegui's movie, The Sound of Freedom, documents just how prevalent this horrifying crime is in the USA and worldwide. BTW -if you haven’t yet watched this film, please consider doing so.
There has been a longstanding rumor that LPJ’s longtime friendship status with Ghisland Maxwell may have had something to do with the decision to publish this article asserting that issue of child-sex-trafficking is overblown. This bit of gossip is backed up by the photo below.

What the heck?
I do know that Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were child sex traffickers with clients on the Hollywood “A-lists”, big tech superstars, and politicians. A lot of the videotapes secretly filmed by Epstein and Maxwell of their “Johns” having sex with underage minors somehow disappeared while under the watch of the FBI. And even while testifying under oath to Congress, FBI director Christopher Wray refused to talk about that evidence and where it was disappeared to.
But the truth is:
America has a problem grounded in true evil…
Child sex trafficking and pedophilia
Some basic facts about child sex trafficking and pedophilia
The definition of child sex trafficking refers to the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, obtaining, patronizing, or soliciting of a minor (under 18 years old) for a commercial sex act - that commercial transaction may include barter as well as an exchange of money.
At the heart of child sex trafficking, which is NOT uncommon, is the fact that pedophiles abuse children.
Diving deeper into the issue reveals some shocking statistics about child pornography - which is most definitely a form of child-sex-trafficking.
The scale of this evil is enormous and growing.
The title of LPJ’s article conflates child sex trafficking with children abducted for child sex trafficking. Then blames conservative media for inflating the number of children abducted for sexual exploitation.
The term sex trafficking is not about physically trafficking people for sex across physical locations. The term refers to the trafficking of humans, transactions that involve the use of force, fraud, or coercion to exploit people for commercial sex. Another definition of sex trafficking alsos include any third party (for instance, a pimp or porn produce) whether the use of such a third parter is voluntary or not.
An adult prostitute who markets herself and owns her client list is not involved in sex trafficking. This is a small but important distinction. Taking money for sex does not necessarily involve sex trafficking. However, children cannot consent for themselves, just like in a clinical trial. Therefore, children who are sexually exploited for commercial gain are victims of child sex trafficking. End of story.
Back to Ghislaine Maxwell and the widow of Steve Jobs, who authorized an opinion piece to be written that helped smooth and diffuse public opinion about her purported friend, who was on trial for child sex trafficking. Was this the reason this article was written?
But even if this wasn’t the case, why did the Atlantic Monthly and LPJ have such a story written and published? Why did the Atlantic Monthly try to debunk that child sex trafficking is an epidemic?
Was it purely as the article states in the subtitle, because of LPJs hatred of conservatives and the fact that ending child sex trafficking is a conservative cause - so that she was trying to tie to another “conspiracy theory” with Trump. The Atlantic Monthly has produced a series of articles on conspiracy theories and Trump that they label “the shadowland series”. That this was the reason for the article’s inflammatory rhetoric?
Was LPJ’s Atlantic article trying to debunk child sex trafficking as an issue in the USA written at the behest of The Blob? The deep state? The DNC? Is this strategy something that she developed by herself with assistance from the staff at The Atlantic? Was this just another long-time set-up to get Trump prior to the 2024 election?
Enquiring minds want to know.
I can’t get into the head of the owner of the Atlantic Monthly, or the writer of this article. But these are important questions - as the owner of this magazine is one of the most powerful people on this planet. Someone with the power to place a personal friend into the position of being a leading US Presidential candidate.
Nothing written here is whining IMO. Thanks for reporting the truth ! Stay strong Drs. Malone. God Bless you 🙏🏻♥️💯
We all walk this earth and live a battle, a war within ourselves. It’s a battle between the flesh and the spirit. We all have problems with different issues that can take control over our lives. Some people take drugs, some have issues with anger, some have issues with jealousy, some people do corrupt scams or ruin someone’s life FOR MONEY, some have desires for children. It’s up to us to control these dictates of the flesh that try to control our lives.
I never had desires for hard drugs, or scamming money from people and certainly not a desire for children, quite the opposite. I did have a problem with smoking. It took all I had to kick it and it’s inside of me today. Some days are worse than others but every day I battle to not smoke.
A while back I told you of a local well known contractor that picked me up when I was just 14 years old. He had laid out a play girl book with picture of a naked man in plain view on the console of his purple jaguar. Imagine a public person like this in his own neighborhood allowing his desires for children, to pick a local boy up and damn near abduct me, reputation even his own freedom cast to the side. It shows how powerful these desires of the flesh can be.
Being complicit or worse being an accomplice in a crime can many times be proven that you are guilty of that crime. So let’s look at this election. Kamala had the chance to prosecute Catholic priests that had molested children in San Francisco, but she didn’t bring charges against one of those child molesting priests. Parents begged her.
She has allowed all of these felons, criminals, murderers, and yes child molesters unvetted into our country with no regard for the rapes the murders, or the crime. It’s amazing she refuses to take responsibility for her actions that have caused all of these heartbreaks. I truly believe these issues we have today are that so many politicians from both parties have been taken over by the powers of the flesh, the spirit has long departed their lives. They have lost their way.
It’s up to us to stay in spirit and fight these evils and powers of the flesh. Whatever happens, as Bannon said, even if it takes going to jail, we should never give in to these evil people that have given into their desires of the flesh. J.Goodrich