Dec 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Ferguson's Report 9 was one of the most influential scientific papers in recent memory. Its wildly alarmist predictions led powerful ignoramuses to believe the apocalypse was nigh.

As you point out, Dr. Malone, what makes this inflection point in the pandemic so outrageous is that this guy has long had a reputation for producing models that are almost comically wrong. Ferguson has been so wrong, so often, that his peers refer to him as “The Master of Disaster.”


He would later admit that his Imperial College model, which led people to believe there'd be a 3.4% covid case fatality rate and upwards of 160 million deaths, was based on undocumented, 13-year-old computer code intended for an influenza pandemic—which Ferguson declined to release so other scientists could check his results.

Catastrophic societal harms were imposed due to mass hysteria about a virus with an IFR lower than influenza.

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An IFR lower than the death rate from being 'sat-on-by-a-cow.' An IFR lower than "death by tripping down frozen steps, teeth first." "An IFR lower than drowning in a soup bowl"

Let me see those stat's: I could go on forever.

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The thought that keeps resounding in my head? It was a model. It was a computer rendering. Which means it is 100% dependent on the data input. Keep in mind, this is the method 'they' are currently using to manipulate us on any given subject. Climate? Effects of GMO on our bodies? Etc.

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100% dependent on the assumptions of the modeler and the data they decide to use.

Climate is a great example. These same people can't predict the weather 2 days from now with any accuracy. I've even seen days where their prediction was wrong for 15 minutes from *now.* But, we're supposed to believe that they can model planetary climate 20, 30, 50 years from now? Even though every prediction they've made so far has turned out to be incorrect?

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The weird part is that there were lay people (like me) who knew it was junk science and called it so at the time. I am pretty handy with stats, but still, it's only basic arithmetic. I looked at the #s as they came in from Italy and then saw the #s from the cruise ship that brought it to the US, did some math and calculated the actual IFR was likely between 0.05% and 0.3%. Either way, it looked like a very mild flu to maybe a bad flu season level of risk.

Where were the actual experts? Where were the conservatives and libertarians? Where were the civil rights advocates? Instead of finding allies, people like me were shouted down and called (literally) "grandma killers." For trying to save lives.

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Similar to all the false alarms about climate change.

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They have found it in breast milk. It’s in blood transfusions. But what does it say about intimate contact with jabbed person? Male/female.

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Based on Michael Mann’s Fraudulent Hockey Stick graph. We haven’t seen that in a while have we?

Not after it had been thoroughly discredited. But it served its Fear Porn purpose - like Ferguson’s work.

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I read and saved the very first paper done by Dr. John Ioannidis of Stanford, back in March 2020, based on the modeling that he did from the Diamond Princess Cruise Ship outbreak. In hindsight, he was almost perfect in his IFR predictions but no one listened to him! I shared that article with so many people, including members of the media, and I don't think any of them bothered to read it!

I encourage all of your readers to download and save this article - it is eerie to look back almost three years later and see how accurate he was and to wonder how different our lives might have been if we had listened to him, instead of Fauxi and Scarf Lady!


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They disappeared one of the worlds top researchers, Dr. Ioannidis, if they hadn't the entire operation would have ended right there, with his paper. Machiavelli was right, nice guys get destroyed in politics.

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disappeared? like the health gurus and chiros who have been offed in the last decade disappeared??!

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"Oh, the models fled down the runways

Clad in invisible robes

Mightier than any monument, but meek unto the microbe

Lies fly and ten times circle the globe

While the truth is still waiting in line

A bio-tech cyber-war with a screenwriter’s design

Filling the air with pathological predictions

And imposing a set of draconian restrictions

Tugging at our nightmares with cataclysmic visions

This psy-op is an absolute masterpiece

They dropped the Apocalypse like a movie release

Bombing the flatlands with inscrutable charts

At which doctor doomsayers launched their darts

No one knows what anyone knew

Confusion streaming from the CDC and the WHO

A million here and a billion there

Soon the profits will be everywhere!

Someone unlocked Pandora’s shabby old box

Guarding the henhouse like a ravenous fox"


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Holy cow, I love that! So does my mRNA’d, PEG’d, graphene-hydroxided, spiked friend.

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There's more. The whole thing is pretty epic.

"All bow down before the Saints of Scientism:

Gathered before the dirty windows of the great Pearly Gates

St. Fauci, St. Birx, St. Ferguson, St. Brilliant

Making mayhem of molehill mountain ranges

Blind your eyes as the scenery changes

Immunity? That’s a conspiracy theory…

Freedom? That’s selfish! Back to seclusion!

Where’s your terror? Ivermectin? Unproven!

Hold still for your miracle GMO Frankenjections!

And don’t you dare ask any awkward questions!

How do we know?

Cause So-and-So Said So…

Can I get an Amen and say it again?

There’s a tent revival at the Church of Big Pharma

Trust the Science and parrot the dogma

Did you say “the science”?

I think it’s pronounced, “compliance.”


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LOL I don't wanna heart love it. I hate it but so so accurate. Kudos.

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Dr. Malone, what can you tell me about the truth about mRNA shots shedding to un jabbed people? I REALLY need intelligent information on this subject.

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I appreciate all the likes but would really appreciate if Dr. Malone paid any attention to these comments and actually responded.

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Can you imagine answering everybody, or even a select few, while writing, flying 100’s of thousands of miles around the world. Speaking, debating, overseeing a ranch and farm while being on the hit list for supposed mis information. Give the guy a break. And he does end up sharing lots of information in articles he and other people write.

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This was a very important question. It was not nonsense. We are paying for being on this SUBSTACK. I could find this information other places for free. He is on Gettr & so am I.

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Understood, yet where does it sit in his, not yours, priority list that is obviously too much?

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Other SUBSTACK authors interact with the community of commenters. If you are just going to drop posts don’t charge. He can be found on Epoch TV, Gettr, and other sources. I don’t have to enrich him for having a SUBSTACK.

Dr. Alexander on the other hand really gave up everything & needs the support. As did others. I’m not crying for Dr. Malone.

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There are definite lines Dr. Malone doesn't cross. It's frustrating because one really wants to know. I would really like to know if the lipid nanoparticles/vaccines/mRNA are bioweapons. We can see much of what we've endured the last three years has come out of the DoD and could be said to be psychological programming. So - it's pretty important to know if this genetic technology has been used as a weapon against us. There are reports coming out that it damages or interferes with the immune system antibodies and that they knew. this to be the case. This would mean we are being warred upon - by our own government (?) Dr. Malone probably knows the answer to all these questions, but I don't expect him to answer them. I'm just grateful for the information he DOES give out so freely.

And - the shots DO shed as has been stated by Luigi Warren. The issue is whether that shedding can cause any ill effect. Luigi says almost certainly not. https://www.indiatoday.in/technology/news/story/mrna-technology-pioneer-says-covid-19-vaccinated-people-can-shed-spike-protein-twitter-says-delete-this-1809062-2021-05-31

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I have been reminded that Pfizer has it in its own documentation that shedding is a real possibility & that you should avoid sexual intimacy with your spouse after vaccination, but it doesn’t say for how long.

And yes, we are being warred upon by our own government.

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Perhaps it says that, but no one received informed consent or was told to avoid it. Or maybe someone, like a dozen /million were told.

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Nobody was told. Remember the blank inserts that came with the vials.

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Um yes bioweapons. If you knew GOF was being studied and worked up at UNC Chapel Hill by 2014 and if you knew they moved it from NC to Wuhan in 2017, .. you knew it was a bioweapon. If you knew things Gates and other 3Bs (I call them big boy billionaires) say and want to do, and planned and discuss every year, you know they are bioweapons. There is no other reason why RSV and Swine flu jabs were pulled off market for a few dozen deaths (2009) and these jabs have caused hundreds of thousands of deaths and demise and disability and are still being forcefully pushed and coercion and lawlessness abounded with their rollouts. BIOWEAPONS. Indeed.

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The truth is they didn't study it. I read all of Pfizers "trial". I'm tired of repeating this. The gov's own guidance outlined in 2015 was not followed because they are bought and bribed and cowards. I outline this in my book. I know 3 wives who had very heavy menstrual changes after their hubby got jabbed for his job but the wife did not. Even myself, who has suffered from being around many who are jabbed day after day at work. I do preventive vitamins/rx but not regularly, and have had a few issues so am upping their intake.



https://www.mdpi.com/1467-3045/44/3/73 this last one discusses it found in human tissues and epithelial / skin layer

My book Gasoline, is on amazon books: https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_p_kb_dp&asin=B0BBYQRYF3&tag=kpembed-20&amazonDeviceType=A2CLFWBIMVSE9N&reshareId=H7N0WWRNNX6B6830D88J&reshareChannel=clipboard

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What's amazing about Ferguson, and Fauci in a broader sense, is that they have been wrong about everything, the former for most of the past 20 years and the latter for at least 40 plus years. You show how wrong Ferguson has been but remember Fauci said that a vaccine for AIDS patients was coming and he wouldn't approve for treating them an already tested and proven RX that would prevent them from dying of pneumonia. As a result, at least 17,000 AIDS patients needlessly died because of his arrogance and stupidity. I think we need more term limits, not only for politicians, but for government bureaucrats. If we get a bad one, or an evil one, into a high level and leave them for years, they only get worse.

Danny Huckabee

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Danny, I suspect it was not only arrogance and stupidity. It was also greed. Fauci was planning even then to make bank on a new vaccine, and was hedging his bets by dismissing an already workable repurposed solution just as he did by forcing the prohibition of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquin. The guy is simply a criminal in a lab coat.

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They were all already making bank on remdesivir. The entire mob of med advisers were on the take

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But the greed is just one of the levers to get the world control locomotive clipping along the rails. Always a useful motivator, but just a situationally useful one. Power, beyond mere lucre.

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I'd like to see that lab coat behind bars!

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Dec 30, 2022·edited Dec 30, 2022

Danny, I agree about limits for gov. bureaucrats, where in the system is this possible? Who do we contact that will have any power? These changes seem to be unavailable except for massive revolt.

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True DD,

The administrative state is so deeply rooted in our government at this point, with both political parties subservient, that eliminating the problem is just too big for conventional methods.

I would like to say that we can elect our way out of this, but given recent events, I fear that extraordinary, historically significant means may be the only way to clean up the mess. I dont want to see it to come to that, but we're in real danger of losing our country, if we aren't already past the point of no return.

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I suspect is 'at such a proposal' the bureaucracy will respond, that where issues develop, they will transfer that individual to another position, sometimes another position in a different agency. Worst case, the problem gets a position with nothing meaningful to do and no contacts, to carry on until they resign or retire.

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And they may well spread it to coworkers.

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Ferguson and Fauci "Wrong"... but useful. As if, for them, it was ever about truth.

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The world is being run by non critical thinkers (and this is being kind.)

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The word you’re looking for is “criminals”.

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non critical thinkers = crooks

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What disturbs me aboutthese studies is that the data is so polluted by misclassifying deaths from other causes, often totally unrelated to the virus, as being caused by china flu. And I do not see how there is any way to clean up those numbers. Suffice it to say that the number of folks killed are much, even perhaps astronomically, lower than reported.

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And what about classifying people as unvaccinated until two weeks after being jabbed? If they cared at all about data collection and accurate analysis they should have sprung for an additional category.

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Almost by design right?

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Add to this study the fact that early treatment protocols were actively and aggressively suppressed by govt health agencies, MSM, and social media censorship.

What would the case fatality rate be in the elderly and at-risk patients if they had been treated with Hydroxychloroquine/zinc or Ivermectin/zinc or the other therapies frontline clinicians developed early in 2020?

This suppression helped fuel the hysteria, lockdowns, and the push for and acceptance of the Jab. In my opinion there is no conceivable way that this all happened coincidentally. It had to have been planned.

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Well HeleneB, I for one believe it was planned by a subset of the Davos gang as the starting point for population reduction (elderly first since they are an immense non-productive burden on society) and economic upheaval. However, it was moved up in their timeline to rid the scene of the Trump machine which had already set them back three years. That’s why there were several primers run in 2019, without the virus, to test the systems and vet unknowing accomplices for adherence to their plan. But of course Ferguson was used. If I remember right, there was also a person from a Washington State Science/Health org that also predicted an outrageous number of deaths as backup. ‘Trust the science (scientists)’ has the same ring to it as ‘Epstein killed himself’

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

They're able to get away with these frauds because the media is too corrupt or too incompetent to report it. The media is able to get away with their malpractice because their audience is too complacent or too incompetent to recognize the deception. Ultimately, the problem is us.

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The media including Fox News have all been paid off and given their orders so they can continue to have a revenue stream of our money.

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Everybody operates on their motivations. Media companies rely on customers to attract advertisers, and advertisers to pay their bills. It's their business model. We the people need to motivate both media and advertisers. They can't survive without us. But we don't. Our complacency assures our oppression.

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Watched your “American Thought Leaders” interview. I am not educated in this sort of thing, but am so thankful for the mounds of information you have graciously given to the world! If people would just listen and grow a backbone! I am 74, jab free, and have been (sadly) awakened to the TRUTH that there are people in this world who continue to abuse others FOR PERSONAL GAIN. Thank you so much, Dr Malone, for having the courage to “put yourself out there.” You saved me from being one of the statistics! Until I saw you on DARKHORSE PODCAST, I was ready to dive into the panic stricken line of those

who received the “ vaccine.” I am grateful

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

They listened to him because those predictions paved the way for the greatest power grab and shift of wealth that will ever be recorded. It's what they wanted to hear and believe.

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Everyone make note: computer modeling is a core part of the new NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) being promoted and implemented throughout K-12 education. Even worse - these standards OMIT any mention of The Scientific Method or use of the phrase Critical Thinking. In other words, they are teaching our children to adopt computer modeling as a substitute for actual thinking. Unfortunately, these standards have been already been adopted in 44 states. John Droz wrote an excellent substack about it recently: https://criticallythinking.substack.com/p/the-relentless-attack-on-america

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Ferguson was less wrong in his models for “mad cow” disease (BSE). He predicted anywhere from 50 - 50,000 deaths. There have been 177 to date. I get why it is necessary to give a range, but that’s a full 3 orders of magnitude. How does this guy keep getting “hired” when he has such a poor track record?

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Precisely FOR that reason. He is reliable; if you want someone with academic credentials to scare the world, he's your man.

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Tenure at a well known college? They may still believe that ANY advertising is good advertising.

Maybe they're using him as a global example for explaining the Peter Principle +1 ?

I hate to mention it, but this guy's a product of Oxford.

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We all know how influential this charlatan Neil Ferguson was in influencing the American response to Covid 19. Faucci was called, many times, the Neil Ferguson of America. I distinctly remember Faucci quoting him. The definition of a charlatan is a person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill; a fraud. A self confessed con artist and charlatan. Now how many hundreds of charlatans have taken part in this con, most of them to line their dirty pockets with our money. It hasn’t stopped. Amazingly they are gearing up to go into Africa to poison those poor people as their next fraud. The printers are all full of ink and we are going to start printing the 55 billion so they can skim their cut. I guess the good people of Africa got through the scam with to little lives lost. God help us.


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If one wants to reflect on nefarious reasoning. The last go late this fall, to crown WHO ruler of the World was thwarted by the Africans. So now they will get theirs! And WHO will try again.

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Let’s prey they are again unable to go to the cradle of life on earth Africa, and destroy more peoples lives. Notice the words used, always goes to this, racial inequities. They are obsessed with race and using it to divide and conquer. The devastating fact is people are many times swayed by their fraud and it works.

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Just a note, my best friend, who is a painter, just had one friend take a booster shot, as he and his wife were going to Aruba, he died suddenly of a heart attack. I was working with him yesterday, and another friend called him sick as a dog with Covid said he just had taken a fifth shot. Says now he doesn’t think they work and it’s a bad idea. I prey he survives.

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How does Faucci get royalties off your patent?

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Can Dowd estimate those who died from the injection and the wrong medical treatment (nursing homes and ICU ventilators and IV"s) verses who actual sucuumbs because of age related issues/serious ill health and compromised immune system while under cancer treatment which reduces immune system viability? Did the Covid medical protocol create a negative risk/benefit ratio which Fauci claimed would not happen in 2012 with gain of function?

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Difficult to determine now that remote cancers have resurfaced post jab and are killing ppl. I have a few patients, know 2 outside of work, and I'm only one provider.

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No I doubt it hence the focus on ACM.

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What is ACM?

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All Cause Mortality

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Thanks! We can’t slice and dice?

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