More Fever Swamp
When will they ever learn (to do their research before popping off with conspiracies)?
“Welcome to the fever swamp”
Steve Bannon, in response to my briefing him on recent attacks describing me as controlled opposition.
ad hominem
Related to Ad hominum: Argumentum ad hominem
ad hom·i·nem
(hŏm′ə-nĕm′, -nəm) adj.1. Attacking a person's character or motivations rather than a position or argument: The candidates agreed to focus on the issues rather than making ad hominem attacks against each other.
2. Appealing to the emotions rather than to logic or reason.
Another week gone, another Sunday Strip posted. Still the book editing is not finished. Last Thursday, a two hour broadcast to Vienna talking about the state of the world and COVID, with a specific case study concerning MonkeyPox Fearporn. Friday Jill and I flew out to Las Vegas, departing for Dulles airport at 0500h EST. Up Saturday at 0500h PST to hit another broadcast to the Better Way conference in Vienna, wherein I focused on the fact that we are in the middle of a global, unrestricted media and information war, and provided coaching to the effect that our opponents believe that the end justifies the means, and to not expect them to recognize any legal or ethical boundaries. Then off to the large corporate training meeting which was the purpose of the travel, and spoke with Jeffrey Tucker and Candice Owens on the Administrative State, modern media control, censorship, and all that.
Below is one interesting take on the meeting, which speaks volumes.
“Yesterday I spoke at a convention of 600-plus finance professionals. All their lives were profoundly affected by lockdowns. They seemed very excited to hear my message. I asked the crowd how many had heard of the Great Barrington Declaration. Only 6 hands went up. It's a good reminder to me of how far we have to go. We think we have reached multitudes but the reality is that we are nowhere near that point. 99% of people have no idea that there was another way.”
Two of those six hands were mine and Jill’s.
After the meeting, having been up since 0500h, Jill and I retired to our room and ordered falafels delivered for dinner, as Vegas was jammed this weekend and Jill and I just did not want to deal with crowds. The falafels were truly horrible. Living large! Finally, a full nights sleep, got up, got the Sunday Strip composed and posted. Both of us feeling more calm, rested, relaxed than usual.
And then more fever swamp crazy arrived in the email in-box from Denmark.
From: Martin Wendelboe <m.wendelboe@xxx>
Date: Sun, Sep 18, 2022 at 8:14 AM
Subject: Dr. Judy Mikovits questioning the truthfulness of Dr. Robert Malone
To: <delbigtree@xxx>, <me>
Cc: <>Dear Del Bigtree and Dr. Robert Malone (cc: Dr. Judy Mikovits)
I subscribe to Dr. Judy Mikovits’ newsletter. In her latest there is a link to a video clip with the following notes: QUOTE: "Recently on The Clay Clark Thrive Time Show on September 11, I asked Dr Robert Malone 5 questions, such as how many bioweapons have you been funded to develop?" UNQUOTE
Following the link you get to this video clip with the headline:Dr Peter Breggin & Doctor Judy Mikovits Ask,- Is Doctor Robert Malone Part of NIH ACTIV (Accelerating COVID-19 Therapeutic Interventions and Vaccines)?- Who is Doctor Robert Malone?
And with links to this site: accusing Dr. Malone and Prof. Desmet of being trojan horses.
Can any of you explain what is going on? Why is Judy Mikovits all of a sudden attacking Dr. Malone? I thought you were all on the same page supporting each other in getting the truth out and end this deroute towards The Great Reset and all that nonsense.And I wonder what Mikki Willis has to say about this (I haven't’ got his e-mail)… One day he is making the Plandemic block buster documentaries featuring Dr. Mikovits. The next day he is about to release a new (I guess block buster) featuring Dr. Malone. THIS IS NOT IN ANYBODIES INTERREST AT ALL.
I guess Dr. Mikovits has the phone number to Dr. Malone—so why not just call him instead of participating like that in a talkshow.Now, you could say that these are all questions for Dr. Judy Mikovits. Well, you could be right but I really would appreciate if the two of you could ask her some of these questions directly and then get together, all three og you, live on The High Wire to sort this out. Because NOW I DON’T KNOW WHO TO TRUST !
Most kindly
Martin Wendelboe
Copenhagen, Denmark
So much for spending a peaceful, relaxing morning with my wife before packing up and jumping on another Airbus back home, to arrive late at night on a Sunday. Sound like your idea of a good time? I mean, really. I am developing a new appreciation for Greta Garbo.
Then this further slice of happiness arrives:
From: Dr Judy <>
Date: Sun, Sep 18, 2022 at 10:06 AM
Subject: Re: Dr. Judy Mikovits questioning the truthfulness of Dr. Robert Malone
To: Martin Wendelboe <m.wendelboe@xxx>
Cc: delbigtree@xxx <delbigtree@xxx>, <me>, Mikki Willis <MIKKI.WILLIS@xxx>Dear Dr Martin
I’m not attacking Dr Malone (or anyone else)
I’m asking for transparency and data as I always have)
There are not sick people behind this website.
We are simply attempting to get transparency.
Dr Malone published his CV showing 2011-2016 particopation in grants as a “capture manager” receiving billions of dollars in grants from DARPA and other military organizations for bioweapons programs HIV ZiKa. Ebola etc 2011-2016
As physicians Drs Malone McCullough and Joey should know purinerguc modulators (ivermectin Suramin and dozens of other therapeutics developed since the discovery of purinergic modulation of the immune system brain and lungs work done since Geoffrey Burnstock published in 1972.
I have presented peer reviewed clinicla studies since 2011 when our 2009 science paper showed disease association of xmrvs and exiting solutions.. drugs HCQ,Suramin, ivermectin and many others.. dine I was jailed and my life’s work censored
Perhaps they did not know at the beginning of the Plandemic But they certainly knew in 2020 when millions were denied and murders these lifesaving proven safe drugs for now decades and in the case of Suramin a century!!
My husband and daughter in law were murdered she denied ivermectin for cancerMy husband absolutely immune simply starved and tortured to death for refusing to deny his God given immunity
Now we are all supposed to bow down to these doctors who are being portrayed as heros while being paid millions in 2021/2022 by pharma and the medical industrial complex who created Plandemic/ genocide/mass murder
They knew last August and December as my beloved husband and a beautiful mother of a 4 year and 9 year old we’re murdered Repentance means turning 180 degrees and asking for forgiveness and getting justice for those murdered by either Ignorance or malfeasance at best Not generating a new term mass psychosis while laughing on fol about blaming the victims No evil at NIH
No Plandemic No genocide of millions Really?Just arrest the psychotic like dr Judy who clearly cause this 40 year Plague of corruption!! I’ll never stop telling trutha no d showing the data
Best regards
OK, let’s work through these accusations, for the record, to the extent possible.
I have not received any funding from DARPA, have never written a DARPA proposal, have never assisted a client in obtaining funding from DARPA, have never worked with DARPA.
I have not worked on bioweapons programs. I have worked on development of vaccines for HIV, Ebola, Influenza, VEE, WEE, Tularemia, Smallpox, SARS-CoV-2 and many other agents. I am a vaccine development expert. And a clinical development expert. And a regulatory affairs expert. And a government contracting expert. And a program and project management expert. It is what I used to do. I spent decades developing that expertise. And I threw away my consulting business to speak out about the corruption and failures of the USG to follow well established norms including bioethical norms in the case of the genetic SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. And I have spent quite literally hundreds of hours on podcasts trying to educate people about these issues.
I am sorry that Dr. Judy Mikovits has experienced such tragedy in her life. But, to state the obvious, this is not my fault.
I performed a threat assessment during the first week of January, 2020 concerning what I was able to discover regarding SARS-CoV-2, and determined that there was insufficient time to develop a safe and effective vaccine for the virus (and also noted the horrible history of prior attempts to develop human vaccines for other coronaviruses), and then spun up a highly skilled team (and got them funded) focusing on repurposing existing licensed drugs for treating the disease. My efforts directly lead to the discovery and initial clinical testing of famotidine and the combination of famotidine and celecoxib (together with colleagues), and obtaining funding for and helping manage a variety other clinical trials for these agents as well as ivermectin. I was a very early advocate for ivermectin, and strongly backed the initial ivermectin clinical trial review of Pierre Kory in my role as editor of the special edition of Frontiers in Pharmacology which focused on repurposed drugs.
The term “Mass Psychosis” as well as the term “Mass formation” were well established before I learned of them from Dr. Mattias Desmet. And Dr. Desmet did not invent the terms, despite what Dr. Breggin has been saying. These terms have been used in the literature for many decades. And Dr. Desmet has been subjected to non-stop slander and defamation in the european press for his academic scholarship published in English under the title “Psychological basis of Totalitarianism”. This is a false narrative which Dr. Breggin should know better than to promote, as in theory this is his professional specialty. Unprofessional behavior hardly begins to scratch the surface of what he has been up to lately with his attack tour focused on myself and Dr. Desmet. This “blaming the victims” narrative of Dr. Breggin is also a false accusation, as anyone who has read my writing or listened to me speak can attest.
Then there is this one “Now we are all supposed to bow down to these doctors who are being portrayed as heros while being paid millions in 2021/2022 by pharma and the medical industrial complex who created Plandemic/ genocide/mass murder”. I have no idea what she is referring to here. This is just unhinged raving. I certainly have not received millions in 2021/2022 from pharma and the medical industrial complex. This is a wild, unsupported defamatory accusation.
And then there is this: “They knew last August and December as my beloved husband and a beautiful mother of a 4 year and 9 year old we’re murdered Repentance means turning 180 degrees and asking for forgiveness and getting justice for those murdered by either Ignorance or malfeasance at best”. Not sure from this what I should be asking repentance for?
Finally, the implication that I am unfaithful to my wife, and selling alcohol, because I recorded a spoof video playing on the “Most Interesting Man” beer advertisements as a promo for Mikki Willis’ upcoming Plandemic 3 was just a low blow. And by the way, Jill was there for the filming. She always travels with me. And this accusation really, really upset Jill. For what possible reason would Mikovits do this? Spite?
Once again, here is the video. It is a joke. And an advertisement for Plandemic 3. Get real.
This has been my life since early August when the Breggins, Stew Peters, Jane Ruby, and Judy Mikovits seem to have all agreed among themselves that I am a mass murderer, various flavors of controlled opposition, the devil incarnate, or some random mixture of the above.
Any day now I expect demands from this crew that I prove to the world that I have stopped beating my wife. Because this group just wants transparency, of course. Nothing to do with spinning up controversy so that they can get more clicks, sell more vitamins, air filters and books, etc. So here we go again.
Just for the record, I have not watched (and do not intend to watch) Judy’s interview on “The Clay Clark Thrive Time Show on September 11”, and she has never corresponded with me until today (copied above) after I received this email from “Martin Wendelboe”. I have no idea who Clay Clark is. And I do not need any more poison in my life than I am already dealing with from the left wing corporate press. I have no idea of what Judy said, or what accusations she may have made on that broadcast. I barely have time to take care of my farm and house chores, write or edit the daily substack, tour all over the world speaking, do 5-10 broadcasts per week, and do my laundry. And occasionally pet the dogs and take them for a walk. I do not generally listen to other peoples podcasts, and rarely even listen to my own. I have never listened to the entire infamous Joe Rogan podcast that I recorded. I do know that Judy has been touring with the Breggins, Stew Peters, Jane Ruby and others. I avoided participating in that tour, in large part because I do not want to be associated with conspiracy theorists.
And I do not respond well to people who try to blackmail me to go on their podcasts, as the Breggins did. And I do not do podcasts to “debate” with the crazies. I have enough to do without dealing with all of this additional darkness. I hope I have now made that clear to all concerned. Just because someone attacks me does not mean that I have an obligation to go on their podcast so that they can get lots of clicks and sell more vitamins or air filters or books or whatever. Seems pretty straightforward? Make sense to you? Are we all aligned on this?
I prefer to avoid the fever swamps of conspiracy land, and to stay fact based. Which is why I was late to the party (compared to some) in coming to terms with the WEF and the “Great Reset”. Because it was outside of my core competency, I have never been to the Davos meetings, and this seemed to be yet another conspiracy theory. And when I realized I was wrong about that, I dove in to try to better understand the WEF, documented the young leaders program and its trainees, etc. And I wrote about what I discovered.
However, there does seem to have been something odd happening with those who participated on that particular tour involving Breggin, Mikovits and others, and many involved seem to have developed an obsession with me for some reason. Maybe because I turned down the offer?
I do not understand this logic that I have an obligation to respond to every wild claim or personal attack that someone may wish to make about me. Especially when they involve someone grabbing some fragment off of my CV and then blowing that up into some big conspiracy when they do not even take the time to investigate the topic and context. For example, please see this recent substack, which addresses the most recent fever dreams of Jane Ruby and Stew Peters. Neither of which seem to be able to read and comprehend a US Government web page. Maybe having been a drug rep and a bounty hunter (respectively) before COVID-19 is not sufficient preparation for becoming responsible investigative journalists? Many seem to find them entertaining. But that does not obligate me to have to respond to their every wild accusation. And no, the government is not putting snake venom into the drinking water.
So, now Jill reads this latest email and gets upset that Dr. Judy Mikovits is attacking me. There is a saying that “A happy wife is a happy life”. True enough, but the contrapositive is also true. Why people feel that they need to make wild accusations is beyond me. But I guess concern trolls are going to troll, and conspiracy theorists are going to conspiracy theorize.
And so, to please Jill, I respond to this thread.
Dear Dr. Mikovits
No DARPA grants.
No bioweapons research.
Vaccines research.
Judy - you understand the government. Can't you read a CV?Please stop spreading lies about me. And please, get a grip.
Do you read our substack?
Your comments and those of Dr. Breggin, Stew Peters and Jane Ruby are repeatedly factually wrong. This one addresses the false ACTIV accusations as well as the false mRNA vaccine development accusations.
This one addresses the underlying business models being advanced here
This one addresses Dr. Breggins' misrepresentations regarding Mattias Desmet's work
Is Mattias Desmet an expert in Mass Formation or a Trojan Horse
As does this
The Psychology of Totalitarianism
This addresses the layers of psychological phenomina
Caged animals are safe, but it is not much of a life
And these address the WEF
WEF Graduates in the USA - Elected June, 2022?
Did Justin Trudeau Just Destroy “Social Credit System” Logic?
Eating Bugs: Let’s Dig into It!
Child Sacrifice, WEF/WHO Power Grab
And so many more…
And of course, your comments about the advertisement which Mikki Willis produced for Plandemic 3 being about selling alcohol is a complete distortion of reality.
Please see
Your repeated attacks represent gross misrepresentations of my positions and writing.
Please just stop.
In response to which I receive a clip from Judy from my own CV listing a few of the contracts that I have won for clients or been involved in managing. None of which have anything to do with DARPA. Because I have never been involved in a DARPA contract. What the clip does document is that I have worked on a multi-million dollar BARDA program for development of a cell-based influenza vaccine (not involving genetic vaccination). And played a key role in enabling the advanced development and licensure of the “Merck” Ebola vaccine. Among other projects. Which facts I have discussed in multiple prior podcasts.
Concern trolls are going to troll, conspiracy theorists are going to conspiracy theorize, and haters are going to hate.
I am trying to help the world sort out what has gone on since January 2020, and to think through what we can do to help stop this from happening to us again. But I have neither time nor interest in trying to drain the fever swamps. And it is not my job to address whatever paranoid conspiracy theories various people may spin up in their spare time and then broadcast on some obscure podcast that I have never even heard of before.
So, to those who choose to listen to the crazies, please stop insisting that I have an obligation to do so, and do not write to me about what you imagine to be some sort of obligation that I have to make happy with people who feel the need to spin up crazy ad hominum attacks.
If you believe that it is entertaining to have your hate and fear buttons pushed, that is your business. But leave me out of it. Please, listen. Just leave me (and my partner Jill) alone about these people.
I have done nothing to harm them, and I do not owe them anything. And I especially do not owe them the favor of coming on their podcasts so that they can make money off of insulting me.
Thank you for your understanding.
Over. The plane will be landing soon.
I am sorry that you are tortured by these folks. You have many many who support you and don’t listen to these naysayers
PLEASE keep us minions informed
Without you and Jill I wouldn’t know what the hell is going on
Thank you for taking the time on a Sunday