Thanks to you and Jill for giving so much of yourself to this campaign. I wanted to share a note that I wrote this morning on, A Midwestern Doctors Substack. This is for all of you who have given so much of yourselves in this effort: A MidWest Dr - Thank you for your note above. You say, “Fauci and Birk WILLFULLY IGNORED any data that challenged their narrative” and in your paper you cited the following, about the same subject,

‘One of Atlas’s most concerning discoveries was the extreme lack of knowledge on the part of Fauci, Redfield, and Burks. Further, he said they DID NOT APPEAR TO UNDERSTAND that most of the population was at very little risk from a COVID infection’

I am a nice person, and I fully appreciate why Doctor atlas understated the case.... but...... I call ‘Horseshuit’ on that!!! Personally, I will go to my grave, absolutely convinced that it was not ignorance, willful or otherwise! It wasn’t just a little mistake by people who are so smart.... INDEED - I am convinced that in reality it was cold, hard, calculating personal advantage that was driving there coordinated campaign to PUBLICLY CRUCIFY any doctor, statistician or scientist that attempted to speak the truth. And further I would venture to guess that nearly 100% of you out there that know the truth of what we see, would completely agree with me in this regard. Sorry to be so blunt but I for one, will grant no quarter, and give no ‘benefit of the doubt’ on this one. Too many people have died. Too many people have been injured. Too many people have lost their small businesses. Too many middle class property owners have lost their property because of lack of rent while still having to pay the mortgage. I called horse shiut on the belief that they didn’t know what they were doing! And that’s all I have to say about that. 😤

A Midwestern Dr. - don’t get me wrong you’ve done an amazing, absolutely amazing job in laying out what happened and the malfeasance bar that has been met. You as a doctor, blogger, and professional, you are duty-bound to walk a very, very fine and accurate line in your exposition. Me on the other hand, I’m just a kid who grew up in the Midwest and skinned my knees there, when I fell climbing trees there. My only duty is to pointedly, directly, and unabashedly - call a SPADE A SPADE. ☺️

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G’Day Elizabeth (that’s Australian for Hello) lol

I am MOST impressed with your whole comment here today, and you reflect very closely my & Many Many Millions of People (I Believe) throughout the world. I am in the process of publishing something similar to what you have done here, eg, making direct accusations against Fauci et al, again, I have the exact same view. I would like to make some specific accusations about “him” & many others (in USA & globally) & feel we may have some synergy in this regard. If you felt that might be to advantage, I would invite your contact my email is admin@thewillofaustralians.com.au Enjoyed your post, and wholeheartedly agree with your opinion of Dr Malone (& Jill), I worship both.

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I just now read the same article (and others) from @amidwesterndoctor.

More people need to, and are I believe, calling "horse shiut".

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When speaking of horses, it's called manure. When speaking of cows it's called dung. When speaking of cats it's called turds. When speaking of dogs it's called poop. When speaking of people it's called bullshit - all one word.

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No argument.

It all smells and most don't want to step in it.

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Amen Elizabeth! Amen!

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Medical Choice? Alissa Carlson didn't get the memo. Live on TV ... oops.


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Oddly enough ‘calling horseshuit’ has become a noble occupation.

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See my response to Owain... When it comes out of the mouths of people it's Bullshit. Ha.

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Your position is 100% supported by statements that Fauci made in January and February 2020 only to reverse them by early March. He knew what the truth was all along. Something happened in early March 2020 when he completely reversed his recently uttered positions on masks and asymptomatic spread. Asymptomatic spread was critical to the entire basis and reasoning for lockdowns, and he did a 180 on that from January to March. The science didn’t change, Fauci did. It appeared at the time that someone had gotten to him, or gotten him on board. From that point forward he only got worse as time went by, doubling and tripling down on false statements. Now we see him going door to door in Harlem, and I was thrilled to see the local Harlem resident slam dunk Dr. Fauci and his entire narrative from his own front porch. It made my heart soar.

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Fauci knows how to lie without blinking an eye. I am a poet. :)

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🎯💜 Elizabeth Krispin ... my big tell as an ob/ gyn .... the jabs have maimed and killed babies and moms and our college , ACOG has not protested the use of the jab in my field of medicine....there is nefarious intent ... who what where and when ... I wish I knew , but I do know one thing .... follow the money 💰, always .

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Bro - is there any question that satan does indeed exist?

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I agree with you! It seemed so many went along with it and those are exactly the people the bought stock in Pfizer and Moderna and to some degree J & J. They bought stock, knowing that this was a mandated product. Just like auto insurance, people are left with little choice. It makes ill.

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My insurance company offers money as an enticement to get vaccinations and mammograms.

Just some brief info about mammograms. Several years ago a study by Harvard and Massachusetts General Hospital showed that the death rate from breast cancer was the same whether women had mammograms or not. The study also showed a 50% false positive rate, which means that half the women who get mammograms are terrorized until they can get another test or even a biopsy. And even the Cancer Society admits that physical examinations are more effective in finding irregularities than mammograms. Finally there are the studies that show that women who get regular mammograms get more breast cancer than women who don't, as well as at least one study that showed that the squeezing from the mammogram can make the breast cancer spread (metastisize).

And now there are the issues about dense breast tissue.

I'm writing about this not only because of the enticements but also because of the total lack of informed consent when women get mammograms. We need to be informed about the 50% false positive rate, as well as the dangers of the radiation and the greater effectiveness of physical examinations, which we can do ourselves every month.

Thank you Dr. Malone for your never-ending work to make medical treatment do no harm.

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I just realized that I talked about studies without any citations. I read about the Harvard study in an issue of the AARP Bulletin in 2017 or 2018. I learned about the other studies in "The Cancer Industry," by Mark Sloan, a very powerful book. You can also go to duckduckgo. and type in "mammogram dangers" to get started.

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Then there is the reverse. DeSanti’s wife, 30 at the time said “Something didn’t feel right internally. There wasn’t anything I felt in my breast. I didn’t feel a lump, I didn’t feel a bump. But something wasn’t right, so I went to talk to my OBGYN, and I said ‘something didn’t feel right, I can almost explain it as a dull sensation.’… Unfortunately, she did not recommend I get a mammogram. I walked out the doctor’s office. I felt fine for about five minutes – until that nagging, internal feeling would not go away. It was a dull sensation, something that I never experienced before. That sensation stuck with me so much, I said ‘I’ve got to get this checked out.’” She got a mammogram and the cancer was detected then. Six chemo treatments. She is cancer free right now.

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I'm happy for Ms. DeSanti. I think an ultrasound would have shown the same results, but if a mammogram worked for her, that's all that matters.

I'm not completely opposed to mammograms, just the psychologically forced regularity of them.

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Which goes to what 2 DOs told me was drilled into their training--listen to the patient

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Now this is a very old story but about docs who place too much reliance on mammograms. The wife of the director prominent research institute here in Texas detected a lump. They did a mammogram. Negative. She worried them into another. Negative. Finally went to a surgeon who shared her concern, performed surgery and detected carcinoma and a slew of positive lymph nodes. Do not know how but last I heard she made the 5 yr survival that was the gold standard then. They claim mammograms improved but....

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3D mammograms are being used in my area. I hope they are better than the older format.

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The dr had an order an ultra sound after I had a suspicious lump in each breast. The ultra sound showed that they were cysts. Breathed a sigh of relief.

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I also had a cyst that was found when I was 35 but it was gone by the time I hit 60. Once you get through menopause and your hormones settle down, your tissues will too.

And ultrasounds are so much easier--no pain!--and less dangerous than mammograms.

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I have been through menopause. Terrible! Yes the ultra sound was so much better and they can see more detail. I wish they would do that all the time. Definitely better for you than mammograms . No radiation.

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for reference -

"Killing Cancer, Not people" Robert Wright (2019)

Robert Wright Interview w/ timestamps (54 mins)


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Hi again Dr. (Superman) Malone, your capacity for absorbing abuse while energetically being a blessing is enviable. You have my vote for head sausage maker, thanks for helping out in Texas with the proposed legislation. Frankly, I don't know how you manage to do so much, especially when many of your contemporaries cower in ashamed, coerced, silence. I would like you to know, that approximately 148 emails went out to politicians in Ontario Canada about 2:30 A.M., 25 MARCH 2023 advising them, and requesting action from them, regarding the first hearing on March 30th 2023 in the lawsuit against The Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons, prosecuted by Lawyer Rocco Galati, on behalf of the people. The issue is the post Covid seizure of patients personal medical files from physicians without consent. Also, on another front, The Citizens Inquiry has heard testimony in Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada recently, pertaining to the Covid response by government. Dr. Peter McCullough was one of the witnesses. The inquiry will travel west across all of Canada to hear testimonies from those harmed by the "vaccine" and/or government. The leadership of the WEF has recently bragged that about half of the Canadian government's cabinet are aligned with the agenda of the WEF. It is apparent that the agenda of the WEF is not in the best interests of the population, but aligns perfectly with the response by government to the Covid challenge. We are thankful for your leadership in the efforts to right the ship. Thanks again to you and Jill for your continued efforts. We, the people, are grateful. I do pray for your protection and strength, and blessings from God.

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Dr. Malone I have always believed in karma and that people that give their time and money for a cause to help people will get it back two fold. I’m sure in this case you will one day benefit for your generosity if you haven’t already. I wish every state, as Texas is doing, would take the time to self reflect on their response to Covid, and like Texas make changes to better handle and generally better their response to this type of crisis. One issue I have thought about is what has made this country so desirable and lately seems to be getting lost is individualism. Every person is different and have different strengths and weaknesses. In a true free society individualism should be sacred. It seems we have become more in tuned to the thought that the collective is more important than the individual. These CCP type thoughts have brought mass vaccinations with no regard for an individuals health, religious or free will decisions to say no to a vaccine. The idea of collectives could mean the deaths of 125 children may somehow be acceptable for the good of the group. I truly hope that this country will never accept this thought process and always think that every life is precious. God bless you both. J.Goodrich

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I posted something about this before--sorta. What I posted then about how we are being homogenized by cultural factors such as t.v. may well also lead to loss of individuality. And certainly the public schools busting their butts to do same. We did not need to import diversity a few generations ago, we were loaded with it.

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The diversity crowd loves diversity as long as you think the exact way that they do.

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Wow! Making sausage in Texas; thanks Doc! We, our children, our grandchildren and as of now our unconceived great-grandchildren thank you!

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Thanks again for another great Substack and every testimony you give.

Have you yet caught the article from the 22nd by Daniel Horowitz of the Conservative Review?

Via FOIA Requests:

The CDC signed a $9.45M contract with defence contractor General Dynamics in anticipation of up to 1,000 injuries per day(40% being serious) only to have General Dynamics come back stating they couldn't keep up with current levels reaching as high as 4500 reports per day.


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This is infuriating. They are sociopaths and serial killers.

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Texas is an outlier regarding physician dispensing. Most states allow it, and pharmacists do not object. I am able to dispense off label meds to patients in my direct primary care practice.

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Could there be a relationship between almost never getting anything injectable from drs. anymore? Not even the reliable old B1/B12 which I maintain a very good boost for someone beaten down by a bug. And antibiotics? Only rx anymore.

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In my state, system based doctors don’t do anything. They check a bunch of boxes. My dad saw his doc for pneumonia and his doc didn’t even pull out a stethoscope. I would bet that his billing documentation checked a box for “physical exam” though, which is basically fraud. Maybe that’s how we take down these hospital systems. We scrutinize the EOBs & report them for fraud.

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They got the correct person for input!! Dr. Malone

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I knight thee, Citizen’s Warrior, Sir Robert Malone. As a fellow Virginian, I realize I may not have the authority to do so, but so what! Take care, we need you!

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You are a machine! (in a good way) Of course you will hear from the concerned of us about eating healthy as well as limiting coffee intake, blah blah blah. Your dedication is appreciated beyond words.

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This week in Austria: “In a new parliamentary committee of inquiry, all decisions during the pandemic should be processed, the cash flows should be explained, experts and politicians should have testified under the duty of truth. Four parties prevent this.” - The same four parties who voted for the vaccine mandate...

https://exxpress.at/keine-aufarbeitung-der-dunklen-zeit-vier-parteien-verhindern-corona-u-ausschuss/?fbclid=IwAR2vL04lp24-OAFKY-rLB25QIxrjkG2L1fFE5bWgsBRldvUpVU1PVqdK8-0 (You can use translator for English).

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Mar 25, 2023·edited Mar 25, 2023

Thank you so much for doing all of this travel. I honestly don’t know how you do it all! I am so angry at the so-called medical “profession” for persecuting great doctors like Dr. Littell. This is truly a dark, evil time in our country, and the world. Maybe Ron DeSantis could intervene on his behalf, as this happened in his state?

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I pray for you, Jill and your family. And I pray for the day you can return to your quiet life. Thank you.

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As to " I had (not) been able to find time to eat that morning! Fortunately, Rebecca had stocked up on snacks and kindly kept my blood sugar up throughout the day." Respectfully, if you would get off of sugar, grains, and starches and incorporate intermittent or longer fasting into your routine then a day without breakfast (or food for that matter) is no big deal. You'd be amazed at how much energy you have.

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Another approach I used when traveling was to take snack options that were good for me. One can even prepare one's own, if necessary freeze it and put it wrapped in one's brief case. Just a thought. Not sure about possible airline issues.

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very well done!

intuitions are required to protect values

this legislation and your comments hopefully will pass

and can be a educational for other legislators and even the US Congress

This is a bottom up effort to improve institutions, "let doctors be doctors", improve the problem solving ability of doctors and foster better patient outcomes

and a long shot -- build up collective action by health care providers to push back on cookie cutter imposed rules

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Herculean task and the right man for it.

Thanks Doc.

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