Jun 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

After the war, the running joke was that every Frenchman you’d meet would claim to have been an integral part of the Resistance… so that, if all the people who claimed to be in the Resistance had actually been in the Resistance, there would have been nothing to resist!

I have a feeling that we are going to see more and more “lifelong Covid vax skeptics” emerging from the woodwork as these awful, senseless deaths accumulate. Thank you, Doc, for being an actual part of the Resistance when it mattered most!

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Deep/Administrative State doesn’t give a crap about Adverse Reactions. Read Dr. Malone’s book “Lies My Government Told Me”. They want Inverted Totalitarianism no matter the human cost.

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Read Dr. Charles Hoffe's account of actually giving the modRNA shots to his patients and seeing 1 death and 3 severe disabling events out of 100 injections, in the older, largely native American population he serves, or the "V-Safe" data finally obtained by Del Bigtree and ICAN via lawsuit which showed nearly 7% of injectees needing medical attention for their adverse events, or Dr. Aseem Malhotra's very careful work showing cardiac complications in Great Britain at a 1 in 800 ratio.

Your article is designed to make these deplorable toxic products seem safe, imho. They are anything but. And while everyone focuses on the myocarditis etc., in males, they and you completely miss the 65% - 75% ratio of female adverse events in VAERS from the Covid Injections.

And all the hideous reproductive harms our female population is enduring because of individuals pushing a stunningly toxic product into their ovaries!

Your NLP encased modRNA gene therapies bio-accumulate in the ovaries and literally torture women.

Adverse events of 1 in 18,000?

Up to forty percent of women who took them developed problems, that's the conclusion of others much more in touch with women's actual experience.

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I appreciate your concern of that the situation in re pregnancy for woman and the fetus, indeed women generally, should be being addressed. In the US a Dr Thorp has been taking the lead on sounding the alarm. The last info I gathered was the OB-GYN and Pediatric types were comfortable with the CDC advice. If there were any break-through studies, I would expect Dr's Malone would be keeping us in the loop. Perhaps a check with Dr Thorp would be enlightening as the current state of affairs is in that regard.

I'm very grateful Dr's Malone keep us informed, so we can draw our own conclusions and more effectively pursue our outstanding concerns.

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FYI, on podcasts I was telling pregnant women to avoid this product soon after it was rolled out.

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Absolutely right! And on a continuing basis! I was assuming this lady was looking for in print study findings.

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While I too appreciate much of Dr. Malone's efforts to address the medical catastrophe his mod RNA development has been utilized to create, the numbers in this article are highly misleading, imho.

The V- Safe Data, Dr. Malhotra's numbers, Dr. Sucharit Bhakti's exceedingly distressed warnings that these products are genetically altering to everyone who gets a "live" shot and may incorporate into the human genome causing the children of the injected to suffer the consequences or PhD Naomi Wolf's expose of the Pfizer Documents demonstrating intense reproductive harms for women, when you add all this up it does appear that a "GMOing" of the Human Species may have occurred.

And it is not some mistake or error. Those who developed it knew exactly what it would do.

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Dr. Koka: "This data makes it very difficult to understand the rationale for vaccinating young healthy individuals in 2023 who appear to be at vanishingly small risk of severe COVID. "

Pharma/Govts are not ignorant. They might simply see you and your children as lab rat tokens in a giant cash machine. 10% for the Big Guy on a much larger scale.

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Follow the money. This is so very awfully sad and makes me extremely fiercely angry. Ed

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Don't forget to mention the unimaginably disgust that this narrative shytshow has been in a warfare trench continuums for so many months on end. When your own Government blind sides you repeatedly to protect the utter lies and contempt for civil humanity. It "SUCKS".

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Ed, you better get one of the watches that Malone has to monitor his BP.

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Jun 6, 2023·edited Jun 6, 2023

Why did the US not require autopsies on people who died after vaccination.... Right. Or even allow blood work? Dr Ryan Cole, before insurance companies forced him to firesale his lab, had a number of procedures and stains that would have easily, inexpensively, provided diagnostic confirmation.

Left wing media is attempting to smear RFK, Jr with a Brown School of Public Health study that reports the vax could have prevented 318,00 in one year. Any information on the study or its validity?

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They are burying the evidence. This makes them accessories to murder.

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I'm still looking for credible people or papers that can refute the Brown study of 318,000 "saved" by the vax

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Send it along to Steve Kirsch. First get him to bet you $1 million it’s wrong. ;)

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Thank you! The evidence is clearly mounting and confirms the relationship between mNRA 'vaccinations' and myocarditis, particularly in young males. As I recall, the Moderna shots were stronger than Pfizers. That our US guidance fails to reflect the data, the analyses and the advice of experts worldwide is damning!

Certainly, in my mind, expert advice that jabs with the current mNRA vaccines should cease - Is validated. However, from the WHO on down the governments and Pharma seem hell bent to continue to implement and to establish a validation system. It's hard to imagine that they are acting in our (the general citizenry that pay their costs) best interests.

Thanks so much for keeping us timely in the loop and informed of the evidence to support informed positions on these matters!

Bestest n then some!

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yes, the Moderna mRNA dose was about 3x the Pfizer/Biointech dose

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Thank you for finding the important information. I just can’t believe they are still pushing the death vax on our precious children. They have no

Moral compass.

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Oh, they have a compass alright. But it points straight to “S”...Satan.

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I’d like to know the “all-inclusive” percentages for serious adverse events. Not just myocarditis. I know the jury is still out on all long-term effects, but the all-cause mortality numbers are running well above average. The jabs are a likely cause of this. We should have enough data to begin to detail out the overall contributing causes.

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Jun 6, 2023·edited Jun 6, 2023

The answer is cayenne pepper, ginger, garlic, nattokinase, high dose vitamin c (not intravenous - liposomal - no need for doctors) juicing and all the aminos that are good for the heart. Forget the junk medicine.

Read "Left for Dead" by Dick Quinn


"...it seemed preposterous to recommend Red Pepper after what I'd been through. As if that could help. This was too serious for such nonsense. She told of meeting Dr. Christopher recently at a seminar in a midwestern hotel. During a break in the proceedings, a man had a heart attack in the lobby. Chrisopher hurriedly gave the man some water with Cayenne mixed into it and he was up and walking around in a few minutes...."

"...It's just incredible - nothing less. I have controlled my heart disease, staved off a heart attack, felt terrific and enjoyed a wonderful quality of life for years because of a common kitchen spice. Cayenne is my "wonder herb" . I would not be alive today without it...."


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Here we are...so sad people deceived and they are paying for the lies that were told and they believed them. Reminds me of the quote "Its easy to fool a man and nearly impossible for a man to believe he has been fooled" Mark Twain

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Which snowflake will cause a proper avalanche on the House of a Med Tyranny inspired future?

Or which straw will break the Camels wretched Covid ass? And the Laws of non-liable reversed.

I'm an Alpine kind a guy....I vote massive cold hard Avalanche everytime! Bury these folks frozen!

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I know of a place that never freezes. Prehaps...

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No such thing as natural causes these days..

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Define “high rate” and “severe.” We just need the facts, Dr. Malone. Please do not start falling for the Marxist trap. Headlines in Marxist publications are written to evoke fear and divisiveness. You took “the shot.” If I’m not mistaken, you took two shots before your eyes were opened. Eureka.

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I went back to this because I.caught Your sense of humor (which We all must maintain). I’ve got 3 mountain bikes. Let’s see who quits first. I might have to buy You a pint along the way. Very Best, Ed

P.S. - In the midst of bathing 2 - 100lb. Akitas. That will wear You out.

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Very disturbing🤬

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