Oct 3, 2023·edited Oct 3, 2023

I stopped thinking the Nobel prize was worth anything when Obama got for doing absolutely nothing except be black and mislead the country that anything would change. It ranks up there with Oscars and Pulitzers. Just elite fame whores in a bubble of corruption that praise each other.

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Look up the wars that Obumer started and ponder why he got a Nobel Peace Prize. Look up why Nobel started the prize in the first place and see why the whole thing is bs on steroids.

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Yes, TNT

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The problem is that the Nobel committee used to stick more closely to the facts when operating in the realm of actual science, as opposed to nonsense such as Peace Prizes. Now it's all leftist politics. Just like the famed "Soviet science" of yore when medicine, psychiatry and most other science was in thrall to the whim of a murderous tyrant.

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I was about to say the same thing. I lost all respect for the Nobel Prize when Obama won it for doing nothing.

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I think Obama received the prize for thinking about doing something nice. Apparently the road to the Nobel Prize is paved with good intentions.

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Politics in science running on the $$$ reigns supreme! Nothing new! Here is a little history lesson and more. https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/validating-rna-injections

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It is an utter shame (and sham) that science and medicine have gone this path.

There is a remedy. It is called Swarm Theory or "Human Swarm Intelligence" or just swarming,

We need decentralized and transparent systems that we design, test, and maintain ourselves. Ones that are separate from their corrupted and centralized ones. We need everyone's help building these new systems.

If you never heard of these before, we have seen swarms used to run systems, explore science, and even resolve conflicts like it did last week in a jiu jitsu tournament with Muslim and Transgender athletes.

Swarm Theory holds the solutions we need to fix all of our systems. It can change everything just like the car, electricity, or the internet did.

Explore it: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/resolved-transgender-and-muslim-athletes


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Even Obama was surprized.

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Agreed! No value.

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Exactly right.

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So the award goes to those who took a very important technology that could have been used for good and turned it into a bioweapon to reduce the population...congratulations, evildoers.

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We need to tread lightly when we decide we can improve on the blueprint of life. The complexity of the human cell speaks to the risk!

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Agreed. They win an Anti-Nobel.

I’d give a special Anti-Nobel award to Pfauci, et al for destroying US Healthcare, our once-stellar worldwide reputation, and Redrum.

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But bioweapons can kill people so much more quickly and efficiently than the explosives that Alfred Nobel invented. It is an achievement truly worthy of the Nobel name.

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The Nobel prize was also awarded to the inventor of the lobotomy.

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This has to be my favorite comment on this article so far. Nothing more needs to be said.

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and ivermectin (for just reasons) which they evidently stood away and allowed to be trashed by our greedy Government minions. I don't recall any support for the many merits of ivermectin by these folks or the majority of others with credentials to support our guys in its use.

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Where is that guy now when so many need one?

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I would have pressed liked but that is too sick.

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This is very ironic to me; I’ve run a construction business for 38 years and have built many buildings none of which have leaky roofs. If the roof were to leak the only thing I would get is a law suit and a judgement against me. I pride myself in respecting peoples properties as if they were my own. I would never put a project together that in any way would harm my customer. Isn’t it ironic a Nobel Prize is given to two doctors that have produced a leaky vaccine and knowingly watched billions of people take an injection that would or could harm their customer. Not safe and not effective is not worthy of awards. One day we all will face real judgement I wish the two doctors lots of luck. J.Goodrich

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So appreciate your work. In my law office stint several years were devoted to shoddy construction. One a tall apartment complex whose outer wall came away from the building due to failure to tie it in. There were other problems too, but that was the worst. In a ritzy location too. And there were others as well, Build on the cheap with IAs doing a lot of the labor.. Lack of experience and inability to communicate?

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Jean, all these years I haven’t been to court once. I’ve seen so many shorty jobs, the most recent a friends large pool house that would have collapsed if I didn’t show the Guatemalan framer how to tie the roof rafters together. Total basic fundamental framing. This guy frames high end houses in neighboring towns. Very scary!!

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Why, on God's green earth, are we lauding those whose products have killed countless thousands - especially for an infection with a 99+% recovery rate, for which we had effective re-purposed drugs to treat it? Just when one thinks that there has been a glimmer of recognition as to the damage that has been wrought by these products by the medical & scientific community, we instead hand out awards for their creation. Unbelievable...

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The real discoveries were the effectiveness of re-purposed drugs to treat Flu. Before we never had a real Rx for Flu.

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Agreed - especially the nasal hygiene with a dilute betadine solution & using products such as XLEAR, which will keep viral & bacterial material from adhering to your mucosal tissues. The way I see things is that you would either have to be living under a rock or willfully ignorant not to make the connection between the mass administration of the covid injections & the fallout from them, due to their multiple mechanisms of harm. This is commonly referred to as a cause-and-effect relationship, which has been purposely ignored or dismissed by those who should have removed them from the market a long time ago. That our federal health officials & agencies, as well as the mainstream media fail to recognize this phenomenon, tells me all I need to know about their hidden agenda.

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Your head under a rock or you only listen to the mainstream media. My daughter doesn't know any of this even though I've told her. She only listens to NPR in her commute to work.

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Doesn't this remind one of the time the Nobel Prize in Medicine went to physician Antonio Egas Moniz, the inventor of the pre-frontal lobotomy. If one wished to discredit the Nobel Prize(s) further this is a great award.

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Let's not forget the comically retarded Paul Krugman being awarded a Nobel Prize in the Dismal "Science." And even in the hard sciences there are more than a few Nobels awarded for "proofs" that turned out to be spectacularly wrong. And then there's the perennial runner up - the demented Swedish teenager Ms. Thunberg.

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Appreciate the work you are doing. Most people don't read beyond a headline and don't understand that in science most times the person who did the initial research isn't the one to get the credit. The credit goes to the person that can turn into something they can monetize. I have read through your early work but honestly I have greater appreciation for what you are doing now. Keep up the good work.

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Oct 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Once the truth about the jabs is finally accepted, I’m sure you will be reconsidered and awarded any blame they can put your way Dr M

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already in progress on that front.

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Oh NO! Damn....

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I've always understood that the technology you invented and patented far pre-dated the use of it for the Covid vaccine; and that the warp-speeded use of it for Covid-19 was a mistake having nothing to do with you. I also believe that the Nobel has been infiltrated, captured, and corrupted by the same entities that have corrupted our once-useful government agencies. In other words, the Nobel has become utterly meaningless, and is even becoming a joke.

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Agreed except for the "once-useful" part. They have never been useful. They all came into being so they could be captured by those they purportedly regulate.

Regulatory capture starts at inception.

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"scientific comedy."

Some jokes are in bad taste.

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Remember when Obama got an undeserved Nobel Peace Prize? Lol It’s all baloney.

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He got it for being the anti-Bush, and then he ended up causing more damage and killing more people.

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Rosamund Franklin was ignored for her DNA work until after she had died.

Truth eventually comes out,but it is a long hard slog against financial interests and politics.

Please know that we know this truth,and are spreading it.

The picture of the two winners in their face nappies accepting an award was grimly hilarious.

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“The picture of the two winners in their face nappies accepting an award was grimly hilarious.”

It puts all of the official proceedings in their proper hypocritical perspective.

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Your closing statement summed it up:

"Pfizer is a major donor to the Karolinska Institute."

Is there anything these people do not fund?

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Bet they also bribe the Lasker committee. They depend on "donations".

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You and Jill have earned a different prize, one that I would describe as the Noble prize. And unlike Karine Jean-Pierre, I intend to say it. "Noble." Thank you for your courage-of-lions, your sharing truth, beauty--and yes, laughter-- with so many of us.

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Such an even, measured, and very generous response. Another substack yesterday pointed out that lobotomies were once awarded the Nobel. Perhaps the Committee will come to regret this very wrong and premature award as well.

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This Nobel selection is just so wrong!

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This selection is like so many other things the woke are doing. The prize is no longer for actual achievement, but for how well the proclamations fit a narrative.

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I recall my parents, after growing up in the depression, saying that your education is something they can never take away. This is so, so close to that. I guess recalling collegiate degrees is next.

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Gotta admire the symmetry: an award for "development " of a stealth toxin funded by the man that brought the world TNT

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