Mar 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Bravo. I wish I had you looking over my shoulder when I am reading papers on PubMed.

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Mar 1, 2022·edited Mar 1, 2022

Superb analysis. Not only is it right, it is exceptionally instructive in how to do good analysis. Bravo.

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And yet, he is filleted in main stream media as being the exact opposite. In this Brave New World, you know the people doing a proper level of skeptical thought are the ones viciously and continuously attacked as being "anti-science, ad nauseum.

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I second that!

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Me too!

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Thanks for this, it's interesting to see how someone looks at something and analyses it.

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

That was a very helpful and enlightening exercise for a layman like myself. Thank you.

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Mar 1, 2022·edited Mar 1, 2022

Dr. Malone, look at figure 2. The vaccinated group switches to significantly HIGHER risk of COVID in the final time frame. This suggests the gene therapy shot may compromise the youngest group’s immune system. The authors conveniently overlooked this. (H/T to Alex Berenson for this insight; I am completely confused why he is feuding with you though.)

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Mar 1, 2022·edited Mar 1, 2022

Fantastic! Had a professor of medicine/surgery who properly educated me on how to review and analyze medical/scientific articles before accepting the hypothesis/conclusion as doctrine/gold standard. Blew my mind the conflict of interest involved. Dr Rubin, chief editor of the New England journal of medicine, is a perfect example of big pharm’s influence on medical literature and protocol. In the recent past, he even merged science with politics, a dangerous formula.

A website of true non conflicted scientists breaking down these bias studies would be important. Most individuals, including physicians, have little idea how compromised our medical academic institutions are.

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Great idea! Maybe these studies could be added to the globalcovidsummit.org website for all the MD’s & PhD’s there to comment on!

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The Malone substack should be required reading in every US medical residency. GME would benefit immensely.

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Except for all the cartoons & Friday funny BS. Distractions = weaponizing the truth.

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Sometimes it helps to laugh just a little bit.

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If we can’t laugh we start to lose our humanity

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This is SO good! I love "inside baseball" stuff like this and Dr. Malone absolutely crushes it. It provides amazing insight into the process. Being a "non-pro" I'm often left wondering why a particular study is flawed, or what standards were violated to bring Dr. Malone (or others) to a given conclusion, and this post provides a tremendous roadmap for that process.

I'm thankful that we have some really smart guys like this! Thanks RM!

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Thanks again Dr. Malone for helping us learn how we can navigate through this Covid mess. Priceless.

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IMPORTANT: Contrary to the official narrative, in September of 2020. BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin claimed: "For the Covid-19 candidate vaccine, we chose lipid nanoparticles that promote migration from the muscle cells into the lymph nodes." - https://tinyurl.com/3e6cp2zk

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OMG. Well, it’s been obvious from the many reports of swollen lymph nodes in the armpit on the injected side that the shot contents were migrating, but it’s great to have this quote. Thank you!

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Yeah, the admitted fact that they actually meant these gene therapy constituents to be transported outside of the injection site shows their:

-- ignorance and arrogance. Not knowing(there is NO WAY to know) what the effects could be as these species migrate into blood vessels, brain, ovaries yet they pushed their voodoo experiment on the world of unsuspecting citizens standing in line for the "savior" drug from the horrible virus.

-- high confidence in not being caught or prosecuted; knowledge they would be protected by the heirarchy of world health organizations and the vaccines zero liability government imprimatur.

Let's add this to the list of evidence for the world court.

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How did we get stuck with a Fauci when we could have had a Malone? smdh

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What is the benefit of these shots? We are told that they have benefit in case of severe covid illness possibly providing a shield from delta, if the "vaccine" has done its job. There are so many "ifs" for that to happen that it strains credulity to the breaking point like almost all the other official propaganda in the last two plus years. Coincidence does not prove causality, but neither does the possibility of efficacy offer a reasonable ground for a government blanket mandate. And then you add all the unknowns in these vaccines and there is no way on earth that the shots should be mandated. On the NY news today the broadcasts said the dosage levels were low and that may have been a reason why they weren't "effective" enough.

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for the tutorial on the review process for scientific papers. After viewing the FOI request provided to Alex B. with every word redacted the CDC's braxen disregard for accountability should be a wakeup call to everyone. It's insulting to treat citizens with such brazen disregard for their obligations.

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Thank you!!

I'm an engineer, not a medical professional or researcher, but I have spent the last two years reading research papers, and I have been shocked at what I am seeing, or really, not seeing. I supervise a bunch of young engineers who create reports for me off of templates that have been created based on the reporting type. I have to think the medical research field is the same, so when certain items are missing that should be in the report, and the omissions appear to be intentional, that sure looks like fraud.

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another engineer here: The company I worked for before retiring had a very high bar for reports, and the statistics had to be "right". In order to modify parameters to force changes in an established product(or process) rigorous experimental designs were used by engineers and scientists (or w/ help from statisticians) trained using a regimen of exp. design courses. NO CHANGE was allowed without being approved by a number of technical people and the experimental results REQUIRED statistical significance, the effects had to be "significant". If not, back to the drawing board. No change allowed!

There was no bias due to being financed by an outside firm, another division, or a VP! The very possibility that big Pharma or the CDC is influencing science other than forcing objectivity is beyond the pale. Journalists "reviewing" Health data. Unbelievable.

This was for innocuous-to-the-public "systems" with no potential for effect on public health. An irony and sadness here is the statistical sophistication for public health analysis is about 10 times more advanced than industrial changes yet the bias and outright corruption counterbalances this so completely as to make it a source of intentional evil and deadly to our population. Deadly both in the prevention of early treatment (IVM, HDCQ, etc) and in the application of immunity-suppressing biologics to billions of fellow humans.

I am mad as hell.

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Well laid out, with the steps of reasoning and logic clearly explained. To address why a reporter at The Hill is breaking this--that seems to be Fauci's MO. Hire your bureaucratic hacks to write up a paper you want so that it kind of looks like science. Throw in an author with some gravitas (albeit bureaucratically-manufactured faux gravitas with oodles of conflict of interest), groom up a new author with the carrot on the stick of a nice paycheck and some job security, and get it out to the press long before there is EVER even any semblance of a peer review, so that the non-scientific (conditioned by years--nay, decades--of public school education that has discouraged any sort of independent ability to be analytical) can lap it up and rave about "following the science." Once it is out in the popular press, he has hamstrung anyone with any scientific integrity who goes through it (as you have here) because the public will now take up the cry of "conspiracy" or "misinformation." Fauci has this protocol well perfected for marketing his propaganda.

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Your review process was enlightening and appreciated, but based on recent sub stack and other publications on residual spike protein damage though out our bodies, and it modifying our DNA, I am surprised it was even reviewed....it is a red herring and irrevlevant. It should have rejected for simply proving nothing of value and distorting the truth.

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I find the process of intellectual takedown of a bad argument interesting in and of itself. It reminds me of when I first learned what a logical fallacy was. Light goes on, and I have a new tool in the toolbox. Its a little bit like "mental fencing."

To demonstrate this, Dr Malone needed to find a bad study, show us where the flaws were, and thus teach us to find them ourselves. "Continuing education."

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It is very revealing. Dr. Malone goes to the heart of how the FDA and Big Pharma have been screwing us over for decades using lies and distorted facts In drug peer reviews to steal billions from us and kill millions in the process.

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