Jul 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone, over these last three years and three months I have struggled to understand and make sense of what has happened to the world I thought I knew. Your descriptions and analyses have been among the most, if not the most helpful to me. Thank you so much for your courage, humility, and humanity. My spirit has been buoyed by your wise, fair assessment of what is going on. I would love to meet you and your wife one day. Persevere!

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Well said!

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Powerful words!

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Jul 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent post, as always, and I thank you for so very well capturing what so many of us are thinking.

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Jul 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is one of your finest articles- the scales fall off and suddenly we see everything as it really is. Thank you both, and for putting so eloquently into words what so many are experiencing.

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See the movie “ Sound of Freedom “.... additional words can be placed under “Core Values”.....the Ten Commandments come to my mind . The 10 deadly sins seem to be front and center .

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Glenn Beck was showing his audience the movies Tim Ballard had filmed during his earliest operations so we could donate to his organization to keep it going. They just about made you cry when those children were freed. Tim is a heroic man, who gained the trust of law enforcement in so many nations around the world, but taking a huge risk, knowing all too well that many in those countries were taking $$ payoffs to allow it all to happen.

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I'm on vacation and was surprised to see that the movie is playing here in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. I haven't seen it yet, but I plan to.

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I haven't seen the movie yet, just the ones Beck showed us years ago.

So you are not disappointed: WaPo: a box office hit whose star embraces QAnon

The Guardian: the QAnon-adjacent thriller seducing America

Rolling Stone: a Superhero movie for dads with brainworms

jezebel: anti-child trafficking QAnon fantasy

religionunplugged: a preachy action film that will put you to sleep

Enjoy the movie!

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Why would anyone not want the world to know about the selling of innocent children ? The movie was done tastefully without over dramatization. Many friends say “ I can’t watch a movie where children are sexually abused “. And my answer to that is go see the movie, although they show the kidnapping and the disgusting cabal that buys and sells these little ones, they do not show the actual devious deeds. You can surmise what happens. Billion dollar business and no one is talking about it …but this movie will bring it to the forefront.

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when the left criticizes something, you almost always know it is true - and they are guilty of it

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Jul 8, 2023·edited Jul 8, 2023

Just like the crowd-sourced abortion movie I supported years ago about Gosnel, many said I can't watch that. It was only about his trial because none of the media covered it, just like they aren't this movie unless it's negative like those I posted. When my friends get back from vacation we plan to go see it. I'm 50 minutes away from the theater but we went to see Nefarious in May. Her hubby and my son were like what was that all about. We were supposed to go last Wednesday to S of F but the guys wanted to wait, probably hoping it would not be showing.

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It is very commendable that you take the time and make the efforts to be educated about the truth. Many refuse to as they know it will obligate them to do something - and they don't want to do something - so the best way to avoid this is to pretend it doesn't exist. Dante said, "The darkest place in hell is reserved for those who do nothing in times of moral crisis." So, pray for them. They are in grave danger.

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Jul 9, 2023·edited Jul 9, 2023

Begs the question - what are those denigrating a movie exposing the exploitation of children trying to hide?!

I have no idea if qanon exists or whether it’s just a made-up battering ram the media uses to try and eliminate anything that goes against the prevailing narrative — whatever it is, or is not, if it is helping to free children from sexual slavery I’m all in!

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I'm not sure either. I think those on the 'left' appear to think it is a secret group of individuals on the 'right' that talk 'in code' language.

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Jul 8, 2023·edited Jul 8, 2023

Hollywood and the lamestream media don't want people to know because, I believe, they comprise the better part of the the consumers.

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50 minute drive also, but worth every July 4th minute.

It wasn't just Caviezel as Ballard, and seeing what Ballard lived, but the risk working with an ex Cartel guy. The young boy actor was amazing.

What the hello is QAnon, the left is overflowing with various fictions.

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I read an article by General Michael Flynn, the brave leader under Trump who was attacked by the Deep State. He is currently suing the Federal Govenment for 50 million dollars for malicious prosecution. He said when you look closely at QAnon, it bears all the hallmarks of government propaganda. So while people who say they are "QAnon" followers, what they typically mean is they agree with the truth that the Deep State exists. Where things get murky is there are many people that try add their own wacky ideas to the main idea, and the government also adds wacky ideas to the narrative, in order to discredit those who belive the Deep State is real and it exists - same as what the New York Times does when it gaslights everyday to deceive people into believing the covid crisis was real.

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Amen to that, Bro.

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Number 1 of the 7 dead;y sins...pride, does that word sound familiar?

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Going to see it this week. Trying to put a group of my church family together.

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Jul 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Where do values come from? To have values that are outside self one must serve something larger than self. I guess this “larger than self” could come from a variety of sources such as an institution or country.

I really think the values you speak of have to come from a spiritual source. It could be argued that this is a topic to be addressed by the philosopher. Still I think it is better addressed by the theologian.

We live in a world that has largely rejected a Higher Power. The human being is simply another of the mammals living on planet earth. That being the case what gives value to human beings. Why are they not to be treated as the deer population for instance, managing the numbers of deer to fit the habitat. This is the job of the elites.

The West is in the midst of a profound spiritual crisis. Humans have replaced God with themselves. We have become our own god. This is why the values you refer to are missing. The source of these values is the Higher Power.

I do not have the technical knowledge at my finger tips to do a better job of addressing this issue. And I have farm chores that I must attend to. However, I am hoping you will give some thought to how the spiritual crisis in the West may be influencing the awful void of the most basic values this culture has cherished for 200 or more years.

God luck with your presentation. From my point of view you are on to something profoundly important.

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Tony, very astute observations and great comments. In order to claim there is a Moral Law, there must be a Moral Law Giver. Just like when we see a house, we immediately know and understand there is a builder. The Bible is the best selling book of all time. 6 billion copies and counting. No other book ever comes close - no matter what the New York Times best seller list claims. The answer to every question humanity has is in this book. Jesus is the answer to all questions. If a person is legitimately on a quest for truth, a great place to start is a book call The Case for Christ, by Lee Strobel, the award winning journalist. It answers common objections to Jesus made by those who want to chose selfishness instead of love. Evidence That Demands a Verdict by Josh McDowell (a former atheist) is also a great book. :-)

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I could not agree more. In my mind there are three vital theological questions to be answered. 1. Was Jesus born of the Virgin Mary, being both man and God. 2. Did he die upon a Roman cross. 3. Was He raised to life on the third day.

If the answer to these questions is yes then we have something inexplicably important here. I, of course, believe the answer is yes to all three questions and this forms the basis of my spiritual, ethical, values foundation. It is the same foundation on which Western culture was founded upon and its demise is the true cause of the ontological and existential crisis facing Western culture today.

Our real problem is a spiritual crisis resulting in complete loss of identity and confusion about what it means to be a human being made in the image of God.

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Beings with free will have choices. One, seek the truth from the Divine Maker, understand His Laws, fail, repent, and trying again knowing your life is a gift. Two, deny there is a Divine Maker, do as you please while never filling your conscious with wonder and awe at your gift of life because there is no reason for your life.

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Our world largely rejects God.

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I would say that we have made “technology “ our god and forgotten God! But all your points are well said!

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Every person (being) lives in the context of what could be called 8 "dynamics." These include: Self, Sex and Family, Groups, Humanity, Biology, Physicality, Spirit, and Infinity (or Supreme Being). Thus we live in a context where a broader ("external") viewpoint is always possible, or available.

It has also been demonstrated in recent decades that the personality (or "I" that most of us are aware of) survives body death. The past experiences of some persons have been explored by various researchers using unorthodox research tools. They consistently discover a very broad range of experiences spanning millennia of our time. This is another source of broader viewpoints. They could definitely be understood as "larger than self."

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Ten thumbs up yes. The ten comandments can also be seen as "eternal rules of happiness" https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/perspective-values-and-the-covidcrisis/comment/18299567

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Hello Tony,

I have just read Roberts synopsis of the situation we are in at this point in the Covid story and came to the comments section to make a comment to Robert and the community pretty much as you have done. I thank you for your input and your stand for biblical truth regarding the God who created us for His good pleasure, and the consequences of rejecting God as the supreme authority, the giver of morality and ethics.

The answer to our dilemma in America and Australia is given in 2 Chronicles 7:13-15. If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray, turn from their wicked ways and seek my face, then I will hear from heaven and heal their land.

I am aware that there is a growing number of Christians across USA and the west who are doing exactly that, and God is hearing their heart confession and will restore America, because it is His plan for the Nation. Keep speaking truth Tony. Blessings

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Jul 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for your decency, common sense, and wisdom.

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Jul 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Fear the Lord and keep His commandments. All else is like vanity, striving after wind.

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Jul 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I actually found nine "values" on the list which I think have guided (in varying degrees) the official response to Covid: Adventure, authority, boldness, fame, influence, popularity, recognition, success and wealth. And no, none of these, at least in this context, are in alignment with my core values. No surprise there. Bottom line, though, it all boils down to Ethics, as stated in your essay. Not only with regard to Covid, but with all that is going on and all that is being revealed. I think the Kennedy assassination is only the tip of an iceberg, and I fear any ethical basis upon which this country was built may be gone forever. I desperately hope I'm wrong.

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Yes- I had to kind of boil my examples down to just a few - but there have been so many wrong doings.

For the most part, Americans have been kept unaware of just how nefarious the CIA has been around the world. But it is easy to not know, when eyes are closed.

The question is - how aware is Congress and why do they not act, if they do know? The current president - clearly is in the know. But what about past presidents?

Now I must question everything.

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I guess too many in congress are captured or beholden to other powers. The best any of us can do is continue to speak truth to power, and yours is a very powerful voice. The lion will be set free; the question is, will it be soon enough to matter?

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Probably Congress knows they would be suicided.

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My theories about Congress based on what we know about human nature. The first largest group hates America, so they are happy about what the CIA is doing. Second largest group is lazy and foolishly believes they can just go to Congress and get a paycheck and everything will work out fine. Third group (much smaller group) knows what the CIA is capable of and is afraid of getting killed. Fourth (extremely tiny group) is speaking out but the combined forces of the corrupt DOJ, NSA, CIA, FBI and media has prevented them from any meaningful opposition. TRUMP/FLYNN 2024! (ok sorry, I got a little excited there) I AM ANGRY at Trump for his role in the vax - I am hoping that for one time in his life he will admit he made a mistake...but I think it will come out.) He was smart enought to get treatment from Dr Zelenko

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It is not just the vax. He allowed the deep state to hijack the virus event, tell him to declare a health emergency, giving all agencies undue powers, especially the intel people who ran the show which including lockdowns, masks, no school, no therapeutics, poisonous remdesivir, ... the list is long. "Two weeks to slow the curve".

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I have posted this statement few months ago. The only way we can get out of this situation where we are now is if the CIA starts to work for us, ¨We The People¨ and not the Cabal.

I have a message for then. They are been asked to open their hearts and to stop supporting the Cabal. The Cabal is not supported anymore by Negative Aliens. They have been evicted and neutralized from this planet, Moon, planet Mars and every where in this solar system two years ago.

I am not asking them to resign. I am asking them to follow the United States Constitution and been part of the liberation. If it is not in accordance to the Constitution, it is their duty to say NO!

On the meantime, if you know somebody, a friend, a neighbour who works for the CIA, it is time to have a little conversation with them.

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I don’t know what presidents are allowed to know. You’d think everything. But then the hearings on the Trump call with Zelensky show that the “government” thinks the Interagency is king over all foreign relationships. Not the President. That means the Commander in Chief is overruled by this undefined Interagency. And they were blatant in their declarations of this. Completely unConstitutional. Treason would be another way to put it. And yet, crickets?

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Thank you and yes, I thought two very important, essential words were lacking. https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/perspective-values-and-the-covidcrisis/comment/18299567

Although, within proper context I would not exclude "Boldness" as both resistance to the evil in the world, and giving love, require great courage and bravery, perhaps a form of spiritual boldness. Sucess and wealth need to be qualified. And yes, I do not see fame, popularity or recognition as core values.

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Jul 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The ethics of the globalist left is forever evolving. Hard to keep up with. But if you don't keep up, watch out, the pronoun police will be knocking down your door!

On the contrary, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

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Yes. And what do the Law and the Prophets say? Obey God. Keep the Sabbath holy. Do not kill. Tell the truth. Do not be sexually promiscuous. Do not steal. Do not defraud or otherwise injure your neighbour. All these and more are included in the word "Love". Many people think "love" is a beneficent attitude or emotion towards another. In reality love requires much more - never to harm your neighbor, to act justly - the list goes on.

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Yes! Love is a choice. You make it. You commit to it. It informs your behavior. It is not an emotion, although feeling follows in its wake. Love “hopes all things, believes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.”

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He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.

And what does the Lord require of you?

To act justly and to love mercy

And to walk humbly with your God.

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Jul 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Again Dr. Malone...Thank You for being you & being here for us all..

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Jul 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes, Dr. Malone, Who really are the "Puppet Masters"?

That same question was answered by Dr. Stanley Monteith who quit his beloved Orthopedic Practice in Santa Cruz, CA and dedicated his life to this. A truly great man for many reasons.

He wrote a book called, "The Brotherhood of Darkness".

At least 1/3 of the book is references as any scientist would give references. Congressional Testimonies, National Archive data, sworn depositions, and so on. He made many trips to WA DC to obtain the actual documents.

The book is very hard to find as it is a classic, still relevant, and denied a second printing exactly for the truths it contains. Amazon has some used books for sale that are expensive but thanks to the internet there are PDF copies of the book. I kept loaning my copies out until I had no more and the loaned copies disappeared. It is unfortunate that more people don't know about Dr. Monteith and his work.

He was telling us about the actual science of the Neuro-Toxicity of Fluoride long before others and why they actually put it in the water.

I carry a copy of the book on my hard drive.


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Jul 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Doc it has always impressed me just how quickly you got over your initial ontological shock and started getting to the root causes. This looks like a great outline for your second speech.

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Jul 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The basic question is who defines bio ethics and who prevents researchers from crossing the line! When Anthony Fauci’s wife is head of Medical Ethics at the CDC, who monitors her activities to make sure she is preventing researchers from crossing the line.

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Jul 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Robert and Jill - I went down the rabbit hole of 9/11 to add more to my ontological shock.

If you so desire:


Prayers for you always. 🙏

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Five hours long - that is a lot of watching but we will give it a shot.

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Ugh. I know. It’s quite the time commitment. I listened while cleaning my house. It’s not that important that you watch. Just listen. And take it in small doses. Your blood may start to boil. It’s extremely compelling.

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Jul 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Kinda seems like COVID-19 was designed to get to Agenda 21 back on schedule...

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Jul 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As often is the case with these deep questions, there are no absolute answers. Each of us, in our own small or large way must strive to achieve some portion of the qualities listed, and then add to them as we can. This is a sobering and deep venture we are on and I can only have deep gratitude to you and so many others leading the way. Your inner knowing will be strengthened and your commitment fortified by your Shining Self! Blessings to you and yours!

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