Aug 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for again reminding us that "fascism" is really "a modern euphemism for corporatism" sold as the wonders of a "public-private partnership", not the far-right bogeyman the antifas of the world would have us believe. Put that in the blender with "the fusion of the federal bureaucracy and the intelligence community" and what's left to say but, "Houston, we have a problem."

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Somehow We've got to sink the Censorship Industrial Complex.

Facebook reaches the most people so if we're going to change some bogus narratives that's the ocean we need to fish in. But as the "Facebook Files" reveal, this is easier said than done.


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Do they still kick anyone of who goes against the agenda Dr. MALONE just described?

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My growing nagging question is, can we find a road out of this or are we destine to go the way of great civilization before us?

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Tony, you make a good point.

It feels like we are riding on a huge unstoppable wheel of fate, one that has operated throughout human history and is not about to stop now.

Civilizations rise and flourish for a while, then they mature into stability and then eventually they disintegrate from internally generated forces that nobody seems to see or understand or stop.

Hint: greed is the source of all evil.

Those who understand where we are in this cycle can make the best choices for themselves but we are not able to change the overarching course the of human history. If we can somehow manage the current crisis effectively another one will be manufactured to keep us in a perpetual state of turmoil and fear.

A parallel to consider: Since the beginning of the 20th century, how many years of peace on earth have there been? More succinctly, how many years in that timeframe has the US military not been engaged in some level of military action somewhere in the world?

Yeah, hmmm.

Including clandestine operations there are few if any years that have gone by in the last 123 years without our military being sent somewhere to accomplish some mission against some enemy that we supposedly have, whether we were aware of them or not. And we just go along for the ride because..., ??? We’ve been trained to not ask questions.

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It is indeed hard to see how we move forward in a way that can defeat what is going on. At this point I refuse to believe that we are helpless to do anything. For the sake of those following behind us we must fight, just as our forefathers fought for us. I am a person of faith and I believe that sometimes more can be accomplished than we ever dreamed was possible. In my view this country itself is testimony to that truth.

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I agree. We must do our part, to contribute what we can. Otherwise we are passively complicit in our own downfall.

At times there are moments of human brilliance and when those times happen we, those who hold fast to hope, are the ones who make it possible. But we must never become delusional enough to believe we have made some permanent difference in human nature. Major social and political movements have always started with high ideals but over time (centuries) these movements become corrupted.

The beginnings of our own nation, the USA, were marked by all manner of high ideals and enlightened thinking to set us on a path of righteous self government without the need for monarchy and the religious institutions that support the royal order. But at the same time our beginnings were also marked by the open acceptance of institutionalized slavery as normal business practice along with the some vague notion that it was OK to expropriate the lands of the native peoples to provide "open lands" for European immigrants.

We need to do our part to make a difference in our lifetime. That is our duty as conscious cognizant responsible citizens, the validation of our existence, our role to play, our mission in life. But we shouldn't extrapolate from that experience that somehow we can permanently change human nature so that corruption can no longer have a hold on our social order. That's unrealistic. We can take pride in doing what is possible for us to do within our lifetimes and leave it at that.

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It is true that human nature does not change across time. We can accept this fact and make allowances for it. I believe there is such a thing as “spiritual enlightenment” where human nature is elevated to a degree that separates us from pure self interest. We should all strive for this.

In spite of all our faults and shortcomings as a nation or a culture, the documents produced by our founding fathers have worked for 250 years. We have been a shining city on a hill. There is a reason 1 out of every 7 people on the planed want to come to the U. S.

Perhaps we can accomplish something in our lifetime that will extend into the future well beyond our lifespan. In my world view I look to the Creator for guidance in this mission, accepting the fact that, as His/Her hands and feet, we must do the work.

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I don't think they'll pull it off, at best reduce the World to one giant failed state/Road Warrior. What our controllers have forgotten in their hubris is that when all the zeroes and ones on the electronic banking system go away, when all the courts of law that say which scrap of paper tells who owns what are gone- our "rulers" have no value. They'll all be liquidated by their security.

Problem is these evil bastards are soul dread and nihilist enough to destroy themselves along with civil society.

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How do we bring this down? De-funding must happen but ultimately I think Dr. Mike Yeadon is right: mass non-compliance. We have them out-numbered a million to one. The government and security forces in the Soviet Union tried to keep the people under control but the people found ways around them and eventually the whole system crumbled. They're going to try and make our lives miserable but we have to be stubborn and go our own way. Set up parallel systems and weather this out. Human beings are inherently creative and brilliant. Think about the French Underground during WW2. We can create a lot of grief for them too!

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Soviet Union like many Empires crumbled because to few to control so many. Russia had taken most of what they wanted. Not enough cash in sustaining it. USA different. We are fairly comfortable, more difficult to arowse the masses. Our young are glued to cell phones. I could believe that game consoles were part of the plan. Highly addictive.

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I agree. It's going to be up to those of us who are older and remember how to do business with cash and without computers and cell phones to lead the charge and show the kids how it's done.

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Agree. Have you witnessed a young person when he cant find his phone charger?

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Been doing that for ten years. Went to jail for 6 days for refusing to pay for registration. Got car towed, impounded three times

When I explain it to young people, they instantly 'get it' and agree that we have to stop complying with this awful California goverment.

California: The formerly idylic gulag.

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If they will listen, in numbers.

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The 'security forces" do not exist in a vacuum. They live with and among us. As do their families. And so, they are very vulnerable. Despite their conceits to the contrary .

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Somehow we have to stand together. “Mass non-compliance””. Being stubborn on our own will not get us very far. There has to be a movement of some kind that millions in the West are willing to support. This is, of course, dangerous stuff. Movements like this have have a way of being usurped by despots. What is our way forward?

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Quietly start building a little group of like-minded individuals in your community, even if it's just to chat over coffee. When the time comes I think all the little groups will link and before you know it, we'll have functioning parallel communities. Socially I don't waste time on those who don't get what's going on. If they can't be "awakened" I move on. Those are the people who will be ensnared but it's not like we didn't warn them. I have accepted that there is a good portion of the community (30%?) that will never acknowledge the situation we are in.

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I think that is good advice. There may be more than 30 percent who never get it. If people have other ideas it would be interesting to hear them. Thank you for your input.

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Aug 5, 2023·edited Aug 5, 2023

The only way I know how to respond to this, is with this declaration: Jesus in my county, my King, my Lord…my friend, my Savior. He is truth, He is justice, He is love, He is mercy, The 'gates of Hell' will not prevail against Him.

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We are the hands and feet of Jesus. 🤔

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We are, if we are His…and we must do as He would. So, pray…

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He was also good at turning over a few tables if they were operating where they shouldn't be. We have that happening for quite some time. It's time to do something about it.

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He calls people differently, according to the gifts He has given you. I am former military, I have to play against type. He’s told me what He has called me to right now and how He’s equipped me for that. Sometimes our path looks nothing like when we were young, but He uses what we learned along the way and corrects the errors in it. Peace.

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Shabbos. A jew cannot touch money. The covenant demands that. Jesus was 13 brought to Jerusalem Synagoge for his BarMitzvah.

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I always say i believe in God for me. Only place to turn when circumstances are this critical to our survival.

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And my president, governor, and mayor.

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Aug 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this! Your entire work is so important - for all of us!!! Here in Austria, the madness knows no end... The fascism, totalitarianism doesn’t end: Our current Health Minister Johannes Rauch (member of the Green Party) acts openly enthusiastic about radical measures at a Great Reset Event. “In Austria, a submission ritual called the "SDG Dialogue Forum" has been completed since 2021. The globalists are submissively demonstrated how far the country has already advanced in fulfilling the Great Reset. A video recording illustrates in which tone they speak to each other there and how the sell-out of Austria is progressing.” (see this recent article, please use Translator: https://report24.news/gruener-minister-rauch-bei-great-reset-event-offen-begeistert-ueber-radikale-massnahmen/?fbclid=IwAR3K20zlqDk_GwF40dCjXDHnVuYfZv-NdV_dhc-nfrIiEVhL7kOJMfb1elg_aem_AaDgJHh6O0Tgk39vcpLRTgQ8JFa0VVQLgQSpd2TZqgTbfG-5Mv72_cB5BvuXqUA9u_k)

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Aug 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In the end--in the beginning!--it's all about wealth and power. When we look at the history of humankind, those are the main drivers of activity.

But the oppression never lasts. Eventually people wise up and resist and, when necessary, revolt.

And then the cycle starts again.

And that's what we need to consider. As the truth about Covid and the vaccines becomes unavoidable, people will demand change. And what kind of change? If we look at what happened in Europe after WWI, we can see the underpinnings of the rise of fascism in the peace agreement. And then the Great Depression happened and people were looking for any alternative to the capitalism that had wrecked their lives. And those alternatives were fascism, socialism, and Russian Communism.

It's essential to get the truth out. But then we need to look ahead to how we're going to rebuild. Rage is extremely dangerous, and since the Democrats are going to be hit the hardest, since they were militant about the vaccines, they're going to demand change. And they're so used to the current despotism that they could well look for another leader to give them the same.

So what are the alternatives? How do we disband the current fascist state without re-creating another one in its place?

And, most importantly, how do we take care of all the people who are going to be suffering from the vax? What do we do about our health care system? How do we take care of our own Americans? And how do the other countries take care of their own?

If we don't want to fall back into another version of what we have now, or into an echo of what happened in the 1930's, then we need to start thinking about what we can do to create something different.

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EXCUSE ME!!!??? "Capitalism - that had wrecked their lives"! TRY the so-called FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM - which suddenly and arbitrarily SQUEEZED the MONEY SUPPLY in conjunction with changes in the way the stock market operated to abruptly END the so-called "Roaring 20s"; and was DIRECTLY the cause of the "Great Depression" and IMPLOSION of living standards for the great masses of Americans for almost a DECADE ( except for the families of the Federal Reserve Bankers).

NOTE: The so-called "Federal Reserve" was foisted upon the American people in 1913 by the DEMOCRAT "president" - Woodrow Wilson - and his Democrat controlled House and Senate; and was SOLD to the American people as the means to NEVER have banking bubbles and bursts as in the past - and to provide (a) SUSTAINABLE economic structure, HAH!

The Federal RESERVE FAILED to do THEN what it was CREATED to do - and even NOW, circa 2023, the "Fed" - with CFR members Janet Yellen (now CFR member (president) Joe Biden's treasury secretary), Jerome Powell, Glenn Hutchins, Richard Clarida (and) Lael Brained heading the Federal Reserve Regional Banks are doing the EXACT same BOOM/BUST scenario of CAUSING inflation and then causing DEFLATION to "fight" INFLATION. WHAT A RACKET!!... And just think, EACH new generation of rank and file Americans (read SUCKERS) are born to be FLEECED once (or more times) AGAIN!

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In the final analysis it is banksters who have engineered each war. It is the Big Money Industrial Complex, the greedy weasels, who've sold us out.

Get your money out of the banksters hands.

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Closing all bank accounts and using cash as much as possible. Barter, for everything, when possible.

I understand that the banksters do have the power and possession of 'cash' as their exclusive domain, but by throwing all the digital payments systems to the curb we will at least slow down the rush to the satanic CBDC system that they are maneuvering us towards.

It is an abyss that will result, immediately, in global disharmony and protest. Then the big guns can come out and they can 'justifiably' start shooting.

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I wish I could do that, but we're too tied into the banking system.

I don't think people will allow themselves to be herded into the CBDC system, though. A lot of folks with different audiences are writing about how evil it is. And--fortunately, for a change--the feds are too incompetent to set it up. Look what happened with Obamacare. Plus right now a lot of the banks, including the massives, are having trouble with their servers and websites. The Chinese have been able to do it because all their banking is controlled by the government. But our system is too widespread.

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I agree with you to a degree.

As regards Obama care, Americans are required to have health insurance (I refuse, but being a veteran it is a moot point) which has caused the exponential cost of health care and health insurance.

How could everyone have been so duped into accepting such an idiotic concept as 'universal health care'? Never has more idiotic a promise been clung-to, that proved to be so demonstrably false. And though it continues to fail and falter, no one seems to be calling for it's end.

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Just to remind you, you are in my prayers/thoughts/talks with God.

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Cannot really be surprised by collusion between c.i.a. and the chicoms. They are an offshoot of the o.s.s. which was orchestrated by f.d.r., at besr a protocommunist whose administration was found to be riddled with over 200 soviet agents. A former agent described the c.i.a. as a club of yale liberals. You cannot hardly expect anything else from an agency with those antecedents. They pretty well showed their colors when they fed chinese assets to the chicom gov.killing machine.

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A friend of mine’s father was OSS and a psychiatrist… somehow his son ended up a Christian.

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See? Miracles happen!

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What it boils down to is there is 7000 Senior Executives in our federal government that run the show! The left and right are jus eye wash for the deep state that decides on our future! We have no place at the table!

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The truly world powerful CIA are still but foot soldiers for the banksters, big money, the central bankers linked around the world who have been pulling the strings of power for centuries and planning the current global coup of civilization since before we were all born. They are the puppet masters who now own everything and program the worldview of the masses walking blind to the slaughter.

just sayin'.....

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I always saw the CIA as the State Dept's foot soldiers that got things done here and aboard. And State is just another adjunct of the UN, which was founded by the financial founding families, including those here on the East Coast.

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Aug 6, 2023·edited Aug 6, 2023

In the 70s the young rose up against Vietnam. They were beaten and imprisoned. However, if it could happen then there is hope. We need bigger numbers, thats all.

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We have been discussing medical misadventures here for some time now and your discussion about the role of the thymus in children reminded me of one that goes to the dangerous mindset physicians have regarding "useless" body parts. Back before we knew about T- cells a gland in the chest aroused interest. No possible function could be found and it disappeared in adults but it was discovered that it could be destroyed by radiation...and some were. That was of course the thymus gland and I have never heard just how much damage was done by that medical meddling.

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Aug 6, 2023·edited Aug 6, 2023

New times. Breasts, uterus and penis can be removed for a cost. Teenage girls no longer stuck with just changing hair colour. "Medical Meddling"!

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I like my T-Cells. I sold Coulter cell counters for a while. They wouldn’t let Me into flow because I did not have a college degree. #2 out of 26. I missed it by 1. Ed

Edit- My Friend, Carlos, that beat me was Joe Coulter’s illegitimate son and came back from Bad. I was very Happy for Him.

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That takes me back. We had one of those counters in the lab I worked in in the AF.

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It was a Priceless experience. We lost power in my section of the hotel…my alarm did not go off. Wallace Coulter, “I’d fire You if Your numbers weren’t so Damn good”. Inventor with Joe, his brother, in a basement, if I remember correctly 1956 (could have been late 40’s). Impedance..Blip… That’s a white cell. See the “Coulter Principle”. 🤣 Ed

Edit - Let’ just say they liked people that worked very hard and enjoyed excessive alcohol consumption afterwards.Then, Repeat. 🏴‍☠️

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I don't want to believe it I HAVE to believe it. These are the MK Ultra boys. Notice how all the school shootings that went on for eight years all stopped when Trump became president.

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I dont think Trump controlled the insane who shoot kids in schools. I would have to Google that. 2020 was a bloody disgrace. I do not blame Trump.Democrats certainly responsible for that.

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It seems like you are adept at looking at history in its long form. It feels like the tension for an explosive, worldwide event is just around the corner. The long corner, but non-the-less, close enough. It doesn't make it any easier to swallow when you have come full circle in your deliberations. This is bitter medicine.

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Aug 5, 2023·edited Aug 5, 2023

Someday this crisis is going to be made into an inaccurate, but somewhat true movie. All the actors are already there and the script is being written to complete the already in progress movement. Shakespeare was so right on about the quote "All the worlds a stage, and the men and women merely players" This is looking like a tragedy of a play in epic proportions!

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Yeah, They also believed the appendix had no value and the tonsils should be removed! Lack of understanding of how the human body works to survive!

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Fortunatly i lived in England after WW11. Not enough Drs so i avoided that trend.

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That attitude, I don't know what it is or what it does - ergo it is irrelevant.

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Thomas A Braun was commenting on the medical proffesion making numerous mistakes. I replied, one of the advantages of being born in a bombed country after WW2 was that my village had one Dr. No time to remove tonsils or appendics that were healthy. Although at age 5 i almost died from.an abcess in my ear. Warm cod liver oil was supposed to cure it.

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See hollyweird. Those are some sick….inappropriate language left out. Ed

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Sickness has become the greatest business of them all! There used to be a time that there were diseases but not medicines for their cure, now there are medicines but no diseases, so they have to create a world market with mandates, military orders, commercials that talk to your subconscious, get into your genes and are under surveillance of the intelligence community. And talking about the Senior Executive Service they are a copy from the Vietnam Phoenix Program in which they imprisoned the whole of Vietnam north and south as the enemy. The CIA then was called the old boys club or the company. The intelligence company to get rid of you for the greater good.

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It is beginning to look like the wholehog vaccination of our populace may be resulting in the outpouring of autoimmune disease that was quite rare not that long ago. And now we have these new jabs that almost certainly will cause incredible amounts of grief for years if not decades to come. Money in the bank for pharma

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Born in UK 1946. We had most childhood illnesses. Survived.

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I was born in 1950 and got the small pox and polio vaccines. That was it. I also caught all the childhood illnesses--chicken pox, measles, German measles, and mumps. All of the kids I grew up with did, none of us got seriously ill, and all of us developed strong immune systems.

Now they're vaxing the kids for everything, which is overwhelming their immune systems. I just searched childhood vaccinations and Virginia requires **eleven** for kids to be allowed in school. Right now that list doesn't include Covid, but I couldn't find a date for the link, so the Covid vax could have been included by now.

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Always said by age 2 kids hate doctors. They are like pin cushions the first 2 years. Its really dificult as a mother to wstch.

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I am rarely beyond speechless….Ed

And Yes, I spent a “Little” time in Medicine (Sarcasm).

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but Pharma’s bank is running on empty too, their customers keep on dying.

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But slowly. Autoimmune disease is a slow horse

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but they even shoot horses don’t they?

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Japanese eat them.

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It was a custom in Western Europe too and I don’t know in how far it’s still sold, I removed years ago.

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Keeps many alive, too. Lets be fair. HIV not a death sentence as it was in the 80s. Lots of elderly would not be alive today if not for the blood thinners etc. Even diabetics live long lives.

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At what cost? Worse than the disease, many survive in a way worse than the disease and not to mention the quality of life that is left for the time being....I know personally in my environment of a kid from a friend of mine taking more than 30 AB sessions for a complicated ear infection, I know of a woman having more than dozens of chemo, they even advised her to stop them, useless. We have come to a point and it’s not exaggerating that the overdose of meds are now the cause of disease, no longer the disease itself. Pharma industry dies not add to the quality and longevity of life, you only suffer longer.....in silence.

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Guido, I agree. Big pharma is not here to help you heal from disease, it is here to help you "manage" disease, a far more profitable venture than providing cures.

Aside: Some time ago I started seeing a new doctor. The first thing she asked was for a list of medications that I was taking. When I told her that I wasn't taking any medications she about fell off her chair. Apparently nobody my age walks into her door who is healthy by means of their own efforts and self education. She was sure I was lying.

I was sure that she was a short term doctor for me until I could find someone who actually practiced honest doctoring for the benefit of the patient.

There's not many of them out there any more.

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I had to sleep over your comment thank you. You use the word manage, management and it goes far deeper than that, taking pills is a way of life, it was the old normal and it will be the new normal in some form. Even more than a way of life, it’s a religion, a cult, a whole culture who you have to identify with, and if not you’re out. Not only a culture but also a commerce, an industry and a whole army of scientists, influencers, protectors and a real army too. I really believe in medical freedom, all kinds of medicine even those I do not agree with, but shouldn’t freedom also include the freedom of not taking pills? Strange logic in my family some have taken 5 C19 vaccines and I have none, in the beginning I told them there were dangers to it and nothing certain was known about these vaccines, now they have averse feelings against me because they don’t feel normal as was promised. As a result I feel like some prisoner of war, not only in my family but the suspicion and the enmity in this pill & vaccine culture is tangible. Why my being in Substack? I have to report on this, knowing that among the younger generation someone might read it and think about pills, the real meaning of getting sick and getting cured, the dependence on pills for a lifetime, and is it normal as a way of life or is the belonging into a human society only a matter of…did you take your pill today? And that it we have come to a point that almost all believe, life comes out of a pill.

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Dr. Malone you spoke of the morality that exist within the intelligence community. Essentially the only morality is service to the cause, to that end anything goes. If I am reading you right as a person, you have a strong sense of morality or ethics. This is why you have taken the course of action you have.

The intelligence community is not the only place where morality has gone off the rails. This is a problem in the general population. We can’t hold these people in places of leadership to high ethical standards because we have lost this ourselves. This is at least in part why I see this as a spiritual crisis. It is not just a matter of alerting people to the problem as you outline it, but facing people with their role in the decline that allowed this to happen.

The churches, synagogues and Mosques should be filling this void but appear at this time not to be up to the task. I don’t see how these problems can be solved unless they are solved together.

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It comes down to each of us being a light on the hill.

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You are absolutely right Doug. I see a lot of professing Christians talking/acting as if this is all in Gods hands. Independence from England was not won by prayer and waiting on God alone, the evils of slavery in the South was not brought to an end by prayer and waiting on God alone. People actually had to step up to the plate and take action. If what is happening in our world today is to be stopped people are going to have to do more than talk and/or pray, they are going to have to step up to the plate, so to speak. I think today it is more difficult to know what that means and the U. S. population less inclined to see there own ethical responsibility.

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Yes yes yes! Just so!

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When leadership is amoral you can expect the serfs to feel free to do what ever pleases their ego!

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Thank you Dr Malone. Praying for your safety and trust you have a good security team. 🙁

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"FLAG" of the "Autonomous" Senior Executive Service"???!!! What the HELL??!! Oh, wait, THAT "service" was created in 1979 by CFR member and US president - Jimmy Carter - who also just happened to be co-founder of the "TRI-LATERAL COMMISSION" with CFR members Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller. These recurring coincidences of CFR members such as citizen of the world - HENRY KISSINGER - and his ilk - operating WITHIN (OUR) federal government MUST be STOPPED; and also have their TAXPAYER funded PENSIONS DE FUNDED.

On the face of it, it would seem that this 7K + autonomous "Senior Executive Service" 'government' WITHIN the federal government EMPLOYEES COULD be DE-FUNDED - IF the US CONGRESS had the guts. So even thought these ROGUE (global) players are cannot by law be FIRED - the END of their PAYCHECKS, BONUS money and (lifetime) RETIREMENT golden parachutes could put and END to this insidious SKULDUGGERY!

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We should do what NY City does with its unionized teachers that they cannot fire while they spend years fighting through the administrative process to finally get rid of the blantant bad actors. They "rubber room" them- stick them in an office with no responisibilities for 8 hours a day while they collect their paychecks, literally an in school paid suspension... You can also bounce the Federal creatures around by changing their postings and assignments until they finally refuse a lawful order and terminate them. So long as their official pay and rank is not affected (regardless of no longer having meaningful responsibilities) you should be able to push them out. Not sure how protected these SEX workers (pun intended) are protected from lawful administrative abuse.

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RIGHT-ON, Bill! The civil service "laws" allow "tenured" non-productive bureaucrat PARASITES to 'live' high on the hog on the BACKS of the productive American workers, and when they finally "retire" get lifetime pay and perks private sector workers could only dream of.

While the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES damn well COULD END this SCAM by DE-FUNDING ALL of the blatantly UN CONSTITUTIONAL agencies, bureaus and departments MANY of which overlap each other - but instead keep adding MORE new bureaucracies and (lifetime) federal EMPLOYEES with ever more fat paychecks, yearly BONUS $$$$$$$$$ - without virtually ANY congressional OVERSIGHT by EITHER political "party" Why do you think they are referred to as "PARTIES"? They have a BALL with OTHER peoples MONEY in typical socialist and communist style.

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