Dec 19, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The real travesty is the absence of interest by the propaganda media of this national child abuse.

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Dec 19, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

How is what is happening not a crime against humanity??? Will people be held accountable???

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Dec 19, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As a I watched this video. I couldn’t help but think about when it’s all said and done, when THEY finally get a clue, when the illnesses are so horrible and mounting of myocarditis, disabled children and adults, etc. the UNvaccinated are going to be the ones to help the Vaccinated walk, talk, eat, and live.

Please stay the course, Keep going, people are listening. Thank you for letting us know the truth.


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Dec 19, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Best quote: "the truth is we're being lied to."

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I, too, have been intensely focused on the children, withe extra motivation trying to find ways to prevent children, including some of my grandchildren, from getting the shots when parents are submissive to the CDC and the school, so exploring some"top down"approaches. Here are some of my efforts, in gratitude to Substack, having been censored on Medium. Please let me know what you think and share if helpful, especially the Truly Informed Consent Checklist and the concept of "informed collusion."

Fully Informed Consent on Behalf of Children

A Checklist for Pfizer BioNTech Injections for Ages 5 - 11


Dear School Nurse, Covid Shots for Tots are Erring on the Side of Danger

A letter you can send with a Fully Informed Consent Checklist


Expert Psychological Opinion on Harm to Children

Affidavit for Legal Case to Halt Covid Shots for Children


Informed Collusion: Enabling Mass Injections of Children


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Bravo! In a strange twist - I was writing my very *long* comment before I saw yours yet what you are doing is exactly what I am advocating! Cheers a thousand times over for your tremendous input and efforts! I'm convinced now that the way forward will require a massive group effort.

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I appreciate your response very much. It is an amazing experience to find each other, necessary for building that momentum towards a massive group effort. My fantasy was to have the Truly Informed Consent Forms printed and given to parents before injecting their children.

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Dec 19, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great interview!! Very clear on the data. Very clear on facts and 0.0001% speculation on hypothetical questions. I've only seen a push like this to misinform and scare people in documentaries about WWII Nazi Germany. When you control the media you control the narrative as TRUMP 45 found out the hard way.

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It's bad enough that hundreds of thousands of physicians have abdicated their Hippocratic Oath and their ethical responsibilities to their adult patients - but when pediatricians are choosing to participate in an experiment that is tantamount to playing russian roulette with childrens lives - we're entering much darker territory. It's been a few years now since my kids were still under the care of a Pediatrician but she was one of those rabid pro vaxxers who dismissed my vaccine related concerns on more than one occasion. My daughter is among the first generation of girls to be given the HPV vaccine (Gardisil/Merck). I remember how gung ho our pediatrician was about this vax, but - I had questions. As an RN, I'd personally seen the devastation and suffering in patients with HPV relatd throat or cervical cancers so I was cautiously optimistic. But - it was brand new and it was also the time when parents of autistic children were raising concerns about vaccine ingredients as a cause - so I asked her for the relevant risk/benefit, safety & efficacy data before I could give my informed consent. I'll never forget what I got instead - an almost irrational anger directed at me for daring to question or even hesitate to consent to have my daughter injected with this vaccine. I've interacted and worked along side physicians my entire adult life. It is easy to be intimidated by those more assertive MD's. especially as a new nurse but with time comes confidence and I learned to stand up for my patients - and myself. But, there I was - not in my role as a nurse, but in my most important role as a Mom, putting my faith in this physician for guidance in making important health care decisions for my child. Given that the American Academy of Pediatrics are fully onboard with vaccinating most children and adolecents ages 5 and older for Sars Cov2 - it would not surprise me to learn that many pediatricians across the country are following this command like dutiful comrades and coercing or otherwise shaming parents into getting their kids vaccinated. If it's difficult for a parent who is also a medical professional to withstand this kind of pressure - imagine what it's like for those parents with no medical background? We are surrounded by people who have succombed to mass psychosis so the chances that those parents will say no to this vax for their kids - are marginal, at best. At this point, I think it's evident that every single one of us have a responsibility to help shred this narrative - before it's too late. Even if the only thing you could do is talk to one friend or family member who is a parent facing this decision - and convince them to at least listen to folks like Dr. Malone - it's a start. I know that many of us have encountered the difficulties when trying to have a rational conversation with that Covid hysteric (or hysterics) but this is too important to stop trying. What I've been doing lately is responding to every single tweet that my state HHS department puts out promoting vaxxing children - usually I will say something about the risk/benefit; i.e. covid deaths in children vs vax related myocarditits or I will copy links to relevant studies/sites. I also will make a point to comment on any covid porn peddling article that I happen to come across on any of the news/opinion websites that I read each day. I admit - sometimes I am so angry by the propaganda and lies some of the writers continue to peddle - that I can go off on a bit of a tangent but mostly, I try to keep it simple and provide links to those sites I find the most beneficial - such as substack writers (like Dr. Malone), America's Frontline Doctors, Brownstone Institute, Doctors for Covid Ethics, etc, etc - you get the point. I truly believe that the more we all contribute to the heroic effort of the many physicians, scientists, writers - whom we all know and follow - the sooner the insanity ends and children will be spared the potential for devastating consequences. It's unfathomable to many of us how any parent woud even consider allowing their child to get this gene therapy but for so many people, it might be they don't have the emotional bandwidth to even consider the possibility that there is an opposing point of view or if they do consider it - haven't a clue as to where they'd start. If all we do is spread the links to these resources - it could go a long way.

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Thank you for all you are doing to awaken people especially on those social media and other sites. I understand completely how angering it is to read the propaganda and the complete ignorance of people posting. You are right, each of us needs to take every opportunity put before us to speak up and speak out. So few people even have a clue about what is going on and so many are in a mass formation psychosis.

I've already apologized to our 26 year old (only child) about the vaccines he had, including Gardisil. Ugh. I was so ignorant and trusting.

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This is the best yet, Dr Malone. I have tried to listen to every one of your presentations. I am so grateful for your voice in this desperate situation. Because of it, my family is unvaccinated. That includes me (age 73) my children and most importantly my grands. THANK YOU!!!!

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I now have a dilated aorta after the jab, only found because I had a pre jab echo for something else where everything looked normal and now they are telling me its 2mm from intervention at the root. They are telling me on the down low that it's probably related to vax but they are terrified to say anything and wont give me a medical exemption because its not an official side effect. How many of these types of things are happening inside of people undetected? I wonder if something like this is why athletes are dropping dead.

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I appreciate that you are bringing attention to Desmet's work on mass formation. I am a clinical and political psychologist and aspiring "psycho-covidologist" and have watched 4 of Desmet's interviews. He never mentioned the word "psychosis." I agree with Desmet on mass formation and mass hypnosis, as well as mass hysteria, as people freak out if you don't wear a mask or haven't been injected. I do not believe this is a mass psychosis, in my professional opinion, not yet and I hope we turn things around before it gets to that point,

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For me, as important as the information that was given is the plea for compassion and understanding. How else will we ever come together? I hope that people watch it through to the end to hear that.

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Where can I find studies that show patients with natural immunity at greater risk of Side effects from vaccine?

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Is this date correct at the end of the first paragraph? ... beginning January, 2021.

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Thank you for posting this Dr Malone and I have a question that I hope gets your attention:

You say at one point that when you and your wife took these vaccines, at the time, the information available now was not known. Had you known then, what you know now, would you still go ahead and take these vaccines?

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