By: Matthew Tune
Just over a year ago, I was sitting at Joe Rogan’s studio in Austin with his Chihuahua, Snoop, in my lap watching history in the making as Dr. Robert Malone and Joe Rogan conducted one of the most influential and transformative interviews in the history of podcasting. Dr. Malone had been suspended on Twitter the day before the interview suggesting that “somebody” didn’t want his ideas to be heard. And with the recent revelations from Elon Musk’s Twitter Files and email exchanges released, it’s not too farfetched to think that the Biden Administration and Big Pharma were willing to muzzle any and all dissenting voices that spoke against their “safe and effective” COVID vaccine narrative. With an estimated audience of 11 million listeners, Rogan’s podcast routinely eclipses all the major TV networks’ top news shows and offered Malone a back door to reach millions of people who wanted to hear an alternative point of view.
I was there with Louisa Clary, my Co-Organizer of the Defeat the Mandates: An American Homecoming march in Washington DC, to coach Dr. Malone on the details so that he could help us promote it on Rogan’s podcast. After the interview, Dr. Malone realized that he had forgotten to bring up the march. I appealed to Joe to join us in DC as the headline speaker, but he stopped me in mid-sentence and said, “Dr. Malone, let’s go in the studio and cut that in.” So at the end of the podcast, you hear Joe say that they are back (with Snoop in his lap) and Dr. Malone proceeds to announce the Defeat the Mandates march on January 23, 2022 from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial.
Our mission statement was simple:
“We want to be free. Free to work, free to travel, free to learn, free to question, free to speak, free to pray, free to say no. Stop the mass firings. Stop the segregating by vaccination status. Stop calling Americans unpatriotic for making a personal medical choice. Stop the censorship. Americans of every class and color. Democrats and Republicans. Vaccinated and unvaccinated. United we stand. In peace we march.”
A week prior to our march, the Department of Homeland Security released a statement that the “US is in a state of heightened threat” and warned that law enforcement agencies were worried that large demonstrations against vaccine mandates could attract members of extremist groups. Clearly the ghost of January 6th was hanging over the scheduled rally. In sharp contrast to government projections, an estimated 40,000 people gathered peacefully on January 23rd without one single incident. One attendee, Erin Leigh, remarked on Twitter: “Defeat the Mandates DC is about 40% Trump supporters, 60% hippies in drum circles. I don’t think the establishment will like the idea of us uniting too much.” To the consternation of both DC elite and The Washington Post, prominent “misinformation spreaders” such as Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough, and Dr. Pierre Kory along with many others delivered compelling indictments against vaccine mandates.
Exactly one year later from that cold, blustery day on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, let’s briefly review some of the quotes from our “disinformation-peddlers” at the Defeat the Mandates march. You be the judge whether these doctors’ statements withstand the test of time.
Peter McCullough, MD, MPH
“This country has been wrecked by a virus that’s been here for two years and the doctors who stand in front of you, early on in the pandemic used all their clinical skills and knowledge and compassionately treated each and every high-risk patient to the best of their ability to prevent two bad outcomes: hospitalization and death. And they have demonstrated through the totality of their work. They have demonstrated that the vast majority of hospitalizations and deaths that occurred in this country could have been prevented.”
Richard Urso, MD
“So today we represent 17,000 doctors and scientists and humanity. We have three virtually indisputable recommendations backed by high quality data. And I have one ask for you. Today you are going to hear the truth. And I ask you to have the courage to join us to help our future generations resist this tyranny!”
Heather Gessling, MD
“Healthy children should not be forced to be subjected to vaccinations. They face negligible risk from COVID but face potential permanent and irreversible risk to their health if vaccinated including heart, brain, reproductive and immune system damage.”
Lynn Fynn, MD
“Natural immunity denial has prolonged this pandemic. And it has needlessly restricted the lives of COVID-recovered people. And it has delayed the virus’ transition to endemic status.”
Pierre Kory, MD, MPA
“We are fighting against Big Pharma. They have controlled and captured our health agencies. Every single policy they have issued out of these agencies the entire pandemic was written by the pharmaceutical industry. And that is a war on repurposed drugs. We’ve known now for two years that there are cheap, safe, highly effective and widely available medicines that can treat this disease. That information has been suppressed. We are in a war of information.”
Paul Marik, MD, FCCM, FCCP
“Let doctors be doctors! Hospital administrators, government officials should not tell physicians how to treat their own patients. They are interfering with the basic physician, patient relationship.”
Ryan Cole, MD
“When you wake up in the morning, CNN, did you say to yourself I’m going to cancel and censor doctors so that people can die? We hold you responsible too.”
Aaron Kheriaty, MD
“With vaccine mandates and passports, we are now seeing the emergence of a biosecurity surveillance regime. The welding of digital technologies to public health and police power are leading to unprecedented invasions on our privacy and intrusive methods of control.”
Robert Malone, MD, MS
“Regarding the genetic COVID vaccines, the science is settled. They are not working. They are not completely safe. These vaccines do not prevent Omicron infection, viral replication or spread to others. These vaccines are leaky, they have poor durability, and even if every man, woman and child in the United States were vaccinated, these products cannot achieve herd immunity and stop COVID. They are not completely safe, and the full nature of the risks remain unknown. In contrast, the natural immunity which healthy immune systems develop after infection and recovery from COVID, is long-lasting, broad and highly protective from disease and death caused from this virus. If there is risk, there must be choice. This is the fundamental bedrock truth of modern bio-ethics.”

Never forget - the future is our children.
Live free.
It is difficult to believe that watershed Rogan appearance was only a year ago as it feels like such a distant memory considering all that has occurred since then. We are both further along in the journey toward freedom and awakening than I could have hoped and still painfully far from our destination. We are getting there, though. Dams are bursting every day.
I want to comment on the use of the phrase, “If there is risk, there must be choice.” Leslie Manookian wrote an incredibly important article on why this seemingly innocuous phrase is ultimately so dangerous, and I encourage everyone to read it and be cautious about using such framing:
• “Where There Is Risk There Must Be Choice?” (
As I stated in my comment on that post:
“Thank you for pinpointing the crux of the problem with that statement. Who, after all, is determining risk? The State says the injections are ‘safe and effective, safe and effective, safe and effective!’ So that statement does nothing to defend us against the forced injection of an experimental product they claim has no risks.”
There must be choice PERIOD—regardless of risk or the authorities’ perpetually fluctuating definitions of risk.
🙏 Thank you for re-stating the immortal words spoken by patriots and lovers of humanity.
🙏 Thank you for the reminder of that amazing march to Defeat the Mandates in Washington and the second one in Los Angeles. I watched both online and was stirred by the words, the community, and the bravery of all who stood for freedom -- our freedom, the world's freedom.
🦸♀️ 🦸♂️ The doctors you quoted -- and Joe Rogan -- will be remembered by history as heroes, standing shoulder to shoulder with our greatest American presidents, patriots, and healers. The tyrants also will be remembered by history: As villains, for their cruel, despicable behavior and the egregious harms they caused. Me, I'll be remembered as a grateful friend and beneficiary of the heroes.