Great article Robert. Thank you for composing this information and for continuing your insightful and enlightening posts.

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Fact Checker: An popular extension of the school yard volunteer that would assist the faculty in overseeing and encouraging general conformity on the playground as much as is possible in relation to the classroom.

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Have you a way around the fake news to even have a chance of hiting something of FACT

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Not so much a bully as a better word comes to mind, namely a crutch.

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Just wish to say how much I enjoyed the 4 men of great integrity on the past Highwire episode.

There is so much insight to absorb. Like being in jr. high science class all over again.

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May 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The fact checkers have just been regurgitating the S2 has been modified not to bind talking point without acknowledging S1 starts to do enzymatic damage as soon as it binds irrespective of what S2 does... This was obvious a long time ago and as your latest blog illustrates even more obvious now. Anyway, FWIW it's worth, here's something I wrote about this on my blog last year: https://beyondspin.wordpress.com/2021/10/29/viral-and-vaccination-s1-spike-rbd/

"Fact" checkers are just narrative re-enforcers.

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Dr. Malone...btw curious have you read Alina Chan and Matt Ridley's book Viral ? I'm about 200 hundred pages in where I'm just coincidentally starting chapter nine about the furin cleavage site that uniquely occurs in only this sarbecovirus but no other sarbecoviruses. If you haven't read this book yet, I think you'll enjoy it.

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I've read several Matt Ridley books. Thank you for the reference.

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May 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent coverage. Would be nice to see a class action suit against all of the "journalists" who push the propaganda. They are directly responsible for the murder (perhaps manslaughter is a better term) of millions due to their careless stupidity

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And they We’re paid by the CDC to do it

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Absolutely maddening. I have a lot more sympathy for the Jacobins in my old age. Let the tumbrels roll!

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Yeah, well....that got out of hand quickly. There has to be a better way.

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And they (CDC) were paid and directed by the CCP.

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Bottom line! Man-made virus which produces spike proteins can only be

Combated by an MRNA injection that produces spike proteins! Oxymoron!

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May 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Fact Checkers are the ones that spread "Disinformation".

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All of these faux journalists and the organizations they are prostituting for should be civilly sued out of existence. There is no hiding behind their lies in a courtroom.

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May 19, 2022·edited May 19, 2022

Dr. Malone, please look into the claims of 'Monkey Pox' outbreaks from Nigeria (spread in the UK, US and possibly Canada) and the suggestion (for now) that everyone take one of their Smallpox 'vaccines'... claiming 85% efficacy. Is this Gates' claim that "the next one (pandemic) will" get our attention. Thank you. They want us dead.

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Monkey pox appears to be a disease between men who have sex with men, bisexuals too. https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/health/1611673/monkey-pox-symptoms-gay-bisexual-or-other-men-who-have-sex-with-men

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I read that, but then why say everyone should get the jab?

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Because they are morally corrupt.

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THAT, sadly, goes without saying...

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Reminds me of the mid 1980's when HIV and AIDS were frightening everyone and Fauci was claiming everyone (heterosexuals) would get it because it would spread through the population the way Herpes had. Remember the herpes scare of the early 1980's before HIV came on the scene?

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However Reagan refused to test the blood in the banks for Aids. Sadly many died, from infected transfusions, including children.

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It takes time to develop these tests. It was a few years from the time AIDS/HIV was identified as a new disease, understanding how it was spread, and then developing a test to detect it in the blood. It is still not that easy to detect early on. I can attest to that.

Three years ago I stuck myself with a contaminated needle. The patient had the right to refuse to be tested for HIV and she did. I immediately went to the company doctor and was tested. It was a baseline test because it can take 6 months for the virus to show up in the blood. Six months later I went back for the follow up blood work. Fortunately it came back negative for HIV and Hepatitis C.

I remember the glee coming from the Left when they learned hemophiliac children were getting HIV/AIDS from the blood transfusions they had to have. Remember Ryan White? He became the poster child to take away the stigma of HIV/AIDS because up to that point it was considered a male homosexual disease.

Please don't blame President Reagan.

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Police officers have the same issue if bitten by a person covered in sores. Can't make the person take a test for aids. I'm sorry you had to go through that.

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Reagan was asked by Gay people to test the blood in the blood banks. He refused. My husband owned a gay bar. We were front line for everything that happened. We lost many young friends. Ryan White was just one of many. Unless Reagan already had althiemers, no excuse. His son confirmed he had it. Said he was in and out on a daily basis. Reason Dems thought running Biden was payback.

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I thought the Monkey Pox epidemic started at a gay pride 10 day celebration in the Canary Islands. The reason gay men were the first to get it. I'm nit worried about Monkey Pox, beyond what politicians may decide to use it as a weapon to bring about changes they desire.

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This is hardly the site for posting yellow-journalist speculation by a right-wing British newspaper.

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We don't have the luxury of time to hold our noses high... wake up.

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Oh, honey, I've been awake a lot longer than you have, and I used my time studying basic immunology and reading studies published in actual science journals, not Rupert Murdoch's birdcage liners.

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Slamming something for being 'Right-Wing'... is unnecessarily pejorative, and brings nothing helpful to the concern.

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Neither does denying reality thinking it's a mic-drop, but here you are.

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Sounds Bibical, then?

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Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Please be kind.

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Eliza - I trust that you consider yourself a christian, as do I, so we are to hold one another accountable. I caution you to read Scripture in a more nuanced way remembering that Christ had the harshest words for the Pharisees who set themselves above everyone with their holiness and adherence to the law.

Please do not paint everyone in the lgbt community with a broad brush - they are not all perverts and many of them are very much opposed to what the activists are doing and are actively fighting to stop it.

Finally, I would be very careful about proclaiming the judgement of God - that is His purview alone. Rather we called to pray for people … love the sinner, hate the sin … we are all works in progress and are trying to walk humbly with our Lord so again please be kind to those that are on a different path and who may not have seen the light just yet.

Have a great day!

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Thank you. I have friends in same sex relationships. Amazing caring people.

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Robert... I thank you from the depths of my soul for the way you are approaching this current fiasco. I am a tetch older than you, being 76 this year. I grew up on a subsistence farm on a small island on BCs West coast, and fished , farmed, and logged my working days (which haven't stopped yet!). A horse logger, I ran my own sawmill and planer-mill for many years. Having grown up on an island boats are like shoes to me...nuffa the intro.

This Planned demolition of world societies to satisfy Schwab and the big bucks cohort must be stopped. Here's a take on how to get people to pay attention:

Seeing as their faces are planted in their cellphone/tracking device anyway, they can go to Settings and tap BlueTooth and enable Pairing. The phone will show all MAC addresses in range, all the phones, fitbits, etc. Unless disabled in filters it will show a running list of Unknown MAC low power BlueTooth transmitters (BLEs). These are the jabbed broadcasting to whatever picks up and forwards their info to I do not know whom yet. For more info if U can stomach it look up Mik Anderson at Corona2Inspect and find something in your preferred language. He describes in great clear detail how the nano-particles work, assemble, transmit and offers some rationales as to why it has been done in 25 minutes.

Being smug as an unjabber is no longer an option (if it ever was). Using a microscope I have seen graphene oxide (GO) crystals in my own blood and some things on the slide I know are building inside me as well. I can prove with pics that GO shedding does occur when in close contact with 3x jabbed people.

It does not have to be an expensive 'scope, a 4x and 10X will do to start. Replace an eyepiece with a digital camera you can afford and you can share...'nuff 4 now

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deep respect for horse logging. We used to breed percheron, and I once won second place at the World Percheron Congress driving a homebred team (carriage class).

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My Grandfather was a horse logger, my Dad tells stories of how they made ice roads for easy dragging and put cleats on horses hooves. The horses would always go home a 5pm no matter what they wanted...

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Yes, I agree with the overall sentiments expressed here. Of course Spike Proteins produced by mRNA substances in billions of people are worrisome. After all mRNA codes for protein synthesis by our cells. Add in an electromagnetic component instilled from the vaccines and an environment of heightened EM energy from without and you have a true bio weapon.

I find comments like this from viewpoints graced with common sense to be helpful. It is quite concerning too when those medically educated position themselves as the solely qualified arbiters of these. There are many more layers present here than are commonly recognized by the usual “experts”.

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I attended the Take Back Our Freedom event in Jacksonville, FL a couple of weeks ago. One of the doctors who presented (forget her name) spoke about the lipid nano particles that were injected in the "vaccines." She described them as microscopic robots that would be activated. Scary science fiction stuff. Your post reinforces what she spoke about and showed slides of.

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Dr Carrie Madej

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Yes. That's who it was. Thank you. Her presentation was positively chilling. I felt as though I had walked into a horrific Sci Fi movie, only it was real. To make matters worse, I got the Pfizer two shot "vaccine." Those micro robots are floating around in my body. The J&J folks aren't quite off the hook either. She showed slides of microscopic silica chips that were in that "vaccine." The slides she presented showed how the lipid micro chips form what looks like neural networks. She suggested they can be activated remotely and turn us into programmable entities.

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Thank God we have you on our side.

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May 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks to Dr Malone for your diligence. I think your steady patient stream of truth is turning the tide against the initial onslaught of disinformation from CCP, Fauci, and the FactCheckers (funded by Facebook).

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May 19, 2022·edited May 19, 2022

Now they need to develop something to get rid of toxin

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Here's another one. My daughter-in-law alerted me to Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche. This is a lengthy interview and it is frightening. He says the virus is not going away and because of the vaccines the virus is going to become more virulent.


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Thanks. That's behind a pay wall but I subscribe to his substack and have read his dark predictions of ongoing alterations to the virus.

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You can get it at an introductory price of $49/year now. This gives you the digital Epoch Times and EpochTV.

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Thanks Naomi. Looks like you got yourself well protected afa supplements and info.

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A subscription to The Epoch Times also gets you EpochTV. It is well worth the subscription.

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I'm cheap. Seriously though, scrolling through this thread to find this I read you've received the vaccine. I haven't but have been "affected" by some drunk and got into an altercation where an hour later I developed a sore throat. This continued for a few weeks then settled into present state. (contact date was last August) I originally thought I got covid but always tested negative, even no antibodies. Reading, I realized he probably got his vaccine recently and shedded on me. I've taken most of the supplements listed including ivermectin. I recently read a post including new supplements to take and started them this week: Serropeptase



So for me it's a nagging swallowing issue that sometimes feels like phlegm can't get down. It's much better now than even weeks ago and I'm closer to 100%.

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Isn’t amazing how Moderna, with Fauci and Gates support, had an mRNA injection ready, even before the virus was even released.

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And yet nary a word about Moderna's vax. Only Pfizer.

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May 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this. We need you, your knowledge, your integrity and your courage.

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Thank you for putting this together!

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