You have given Pfizer such a clubbing, their only hope is to try and convince the world that they are a helpless baby seal.

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OK, I have to admit, that got a chuckle.

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

They say that laughter is the best medicine, so hopefully a chuckle has some therapeutic value. I hope that you and others in the vanguard stay healthy and prosper.

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm using that one!

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A helpless baby seal with a gray dilution cap.

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There is apparently some confusion about of whom I speak of with this Macbeth reference. "this sordid tale, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."

Something for you to ponder in your spare time over AM coffee.

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Ya got me, so many potential idiots to choose from. But the dagger soliloquy could apply as well with Dr. Walker playing the role of dagger pointed at pfizer's black heart.

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Energy-Experts-International.com - or my email if you can read it. IMPORTANT!


Re Shakespeare, let us rather talk about the warriors, “bloodied but unbowed”, who should still save this day:

This story shall the good man teach his son;

And Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by,

From this day to the ending of the world,

But we in it shall be rememberèd—

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;

For he to-day that sheds his blood with me

Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,

This day shall gentle his condition;

And gentlemen in England now a-bed

Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here,

And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks

That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.

- Henry V

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You wrote: “I actually want to challenge the current hypothesis that the jabs alone are what is causing the majority of deaths.”

I say the jabs ARE causing the MAJORITY of deaths, PROBABLY OVER 90%, but there are other causes , as you have ably described.

The unjustified general lockdowns were never justified, and they caused great hardship among the VULNERABLE – overdose deaths doubled or tripled in Alberta and BC as a direct result of the needless lockdowns.

I correctly identified the destructive–and-ineffective Covid-19 lockdown scam in Feb2020 and published in Mar2020 – six months before the identical Great Barrington Declaration by world experts. See CorrectPredictions.ca for proof and links.



Isolate people over sixty-five and those with poor immune systems and return to business-as-usual for people under sixty-five.

This will allow “herd immunity” to develop much sooner and older people will thus be more protected AND THE ECONOMY WON’T CRASH."


"This full-lockdown scenario is especially hurting service sector businesses and their minimum-wage employees – young people are telling me they are “financially under the bus”. The young are being destroyed to protect us over-65’s. A far better solution is to get them back to work and let us oldies keep our distance, and get “herd immunity” established ASAP – in months not years. Then we will all be safe again."

Global society would have been infinitely better-off if our (corrupted) health authorities had taken NO SPECIAL ACTION FOR COVID-19 and let our doctors manage the situation – no crippling Lockdowns and no toxic “Vaccines”. It was obvious by Feb2020 that Covid-19 was only deadly to the very elderly and infirm – NO Lockdowns! It was known for decades that vaccinating with a “leaky vaccine” into a pandemic drives variants (Darwin) – NO “Vaccines”! This typical flu, in terms of mortality, could not have been worse-managed unless there was a deliberate plan to do us great harm.

Delays in medical treatments caused by the lockdowns etc also contributed to some needless deaths and injuries.

Stress caused by the Covid-19 fear porn probably also contributed to loss of life among the vulnerable.

Multiple injections simply made people sicker – the percentage of deaths and serious vaxx-injuries increased with every sequential vaxx, by gradually destroying immune systems. This was huge and still is.

These are huge numbers – Analyst Peter Halligan estimates total deaths caused just by the jabs at 20 million worldwide, and it’s not over. This Winter will be hell. Projecting, maybe we will hit 50 million by year-end if we do not change soon – that would equal all the deaths on all sides in WW2.

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Please see my post here - you are preaching to the choir. Action not words...

Since 20Nov2022 I've been urging my government and leading opponents of the Covid-19 scam to implement corrective medical measures to save the vaxx-injured and bring better treatment for the Covid-19 illness. I've kept it simple, affordable and practical, unlike other much more complicated and expensive treatments.




The only reason I subscribed to this site is to try to enlist Dr Malone in this "Cure" endeavor.

It would be helpful if everyone who supports this "Cure" initiative would post Dr Malone asking him to contact me to support this move, just to get his attention.

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What you are suggesting is a long and time-consuming process. Much of that is already being done by others here in Alberta. Please see this video:


I want to save lives now, especially among the VAX injured. That is what I am good at and that is the immediate priority going into this winter‘s flu season.

Later, it will be highly appropriate to lay the blame and send the guilty to prison for this needless Covid disaster.

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In the midst of this crazy debacle, we received two covid home test packages in the mail today. We did not request these tests. Does anyone want them? I was thinking of offering them to masked people I see in the grocery store.

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now that is a great example of fifth generation warfare thinking! Go to it!

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our sizeable neighborhood Fall bonfire got all our free swabs and face diapers.

They burned like the crap they are.

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👏👏👏👏👏love it!🤣

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One of the covid PCR test swab's chemicals is Sodium Azide. This is very toxic. I had a box I got for free sitting around for a couple of months before I threw it out unopened. Later my wife found out about the Sodium Azide.

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Thanks for the info. I'm done playing the covid game, so I don't need a test. If I get sick, I'll do what I did before, take appropriate medicine or supplements. I will do everything in my power to stay out of the hospitals.

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Germ theory vs terrain theory; stay out of the doctors, medications, hospitals - it does not require any power, rather a lazy inactivity.

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Just to clarify, the sodium azide is in the liquid reagent developer not on the swab itself so in theory the user should not get the sodium azide in their body if the test kit is used properly.

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Thank u for clarifying!

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I was given some of these and I was considering taking some swabs of various fruits while videotaping & seeing which was more likely to transmit coronavirus! 😄Also examine the swabs under my microscope- better just be cotton fibers!

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Oh yeah, test some fruit! It's a science project!

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Offer it to a home education family, who protects their children from our perverted and predatory government education system, as a science project. 🙂

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It's surely better to check under a strong microscopes composition of the fibers

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When I see a masked person in public, I sympathetically say something like: "I noticed your mask and wondered if you were worried about Covid. Would you mind if I give you a card what might help?"

The card is as follows:



Worried About COVID?

* Prevention

* Early Treatment

* Masks & Lockdowns

* Vaccines

You can prevent and beat COVID-19. Turn card over for more details.


Helpful Websites

Prevention/Treatment: flccc.net/treatment-protocols

Medical Providers: flccc.net/providers

Masks/Lockdowns: brownstone.org/?s=masks

Vaccines: openvaers.com & anecdotalsmovie.com


I had a conversation the other day with a man, about my age, who was wearing a mask in the credit union (irony of wearing a mask in a bank?).

He did accept the card but said he loves his mask and even wears it to bed. I mentioned the mask could make breathing more difficult. He said his breathing probably was wrecked in the 60s when he smoked a lot of marijuana. I laughed with him.

But the good news is that he did not throw the card in my face; he took it with him.

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Awesome! I bet it got the attention of the place who made your cards too. Great idea. A rep came into the store I work at and she had a mask and then saw my hearing-impaired name tag. She took her mask off. She said she’s only wearing it because her boyfriend is about to have a bone marrow transplant and has to be extra careful. She said she’s not a believer of them but can’t take any chances and she has to wear it when she’s at the hospital with him, so I understood.

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Very thoughtful comment, Cheryl B. Thank you! I’m not hearing impaired, but I still rely on reading lips to fully understand what people are saying. Masks make that so much more difficult. I can only imagine how frustrated those with hearing impairments must feel during this horrid masked era. My grandmother (WAY before Covid) was hearing impaired and did not speak or understand English well; she was so isolated because she did/could not participate in everyday conversation. Even as a kid, I was sad for her.

The mask query at Brownstone could reassure the rep who came into the store (https://brownstone.org/?s=Masks). I sincerely hope her boyfriend will be OK!

I’ve also been posting the cards on local bulletin boards (2 cards, one with front, one with back showing) in case people want to photograph them with their phones and share them. Most smart phones can automatically visit the links on the cards too (I omitted QR codes intentionally).

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I am hearing impaired and I can tell you it was hard and frustrating. Even today all medical and pharmaceutical personnel continue to wear masks and it is very frustrating because we know they are good for nothing !

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Thank you, I hope so! It takes courage to approach people, so thank you for working at this as well.

We were out and about today (in a relatively conservative state and city) and saw an increased number of masked people. Sadly, our work is not done!

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Great idea

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Great idea

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Love it! I wanna watch!

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If I were to write to Pfizer & tell them what I think of them, their product & their work integrity, the FBI would probably be at my front door shortly.

BTW your snide comment about California & us voting for our horrible governor is not appreciated. Our voting machines are fractionated. 1.30 of a vote goes to the democrat .70 goes to the Republican. This is Unconstitutional. It’s supposed to be one person, one vote. So we didn’t elect him or anyone else in California, they were selected. We are doing everything we can to get rid of the machines & mail in voting.

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Good work, Leslie. I formally exclude you from the target audience for that snarky comment. Don't be shy or coy, you know who I mean.

Now let's go! Heres what I want to know. Are you a victim, or are you a warrior?

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Thank you Dr. Malone. I’m a warrior.

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you go girrll !!

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I really don't think Newsom, Schiff or Pelosi have truly been elected for decades. As it's been said, it's not the votes that count, it's who counts the votes.

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Okay. I clearly need to learn more about this!

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Only an imbecile would vote for these demons.

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This is the first I've heard about fractionated votes, but I didn't vote for him either, or my husband, mother, best friend, etc.

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I’ve never heard of it either so now I’m curious.

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This is a thing. And then there are the "judicated" votes which means some person decides for a bunch of incertain ballots. When the % of these types of ballots is more than 1 or 2 % you've got a problem Houston.

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That’s awful! SO glad I don’t live in CA, but worried our crazy Governor here in AZ could do the same thing.

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Dear Leslie, if you have a moment, could you please explain frationated machine voting? I live in Texas and think I should educate myself on this concept. How does one find out about machines programmed in this fashion? Thanks for your time. I'd use duckduckgo or google but I bet I'll get "conspiracy theory" around the term! I voted for Newson 26+ years back, thinking I liked him for the SF Board of Supervisors (I was young adult and did not understand his connections) and have been very disappointed in many decisions he's made over decades in leadership.

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Here are few videos ACIMstudent. Enjoy : VOTING MACHINES SHOULD BE BANNED :

Proven Voting Fraud! Government Programmer Testifies Voting Machines are Rigged.


US Lab Says Electronic Voting Machines Easy to Hack 3:08 min


America's Voting Machines Are Extremely Vulnerable to Hacking 5:13 min


Why Electronic Voting is a BAD Idea - Computerphile 8:20 min


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Thank you!

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You are welcome Cheryl. The Truth Will Set Us Free!

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Thanks and agreed!

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Thank you, Mario

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You are welcome ACIMstudent. In short, we should never have voting machines. To easy to hack.

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We know about the machines because we are in the process of splitting the state. We have proof. We are creating New California. We are following the Constitution, Article 4, Sec 3 & 4. The W. Virginia model. We have a fully functioning government as New California. We are sending two Representatives to the House of Representatives in the next few weeks to be seated to ask permission from the Congress. Senators will follow. Speaker McCarthy is aware. I don’t want to take up too much of Dr. Malone’s stack on this. But you can go to

www.newcaliforniastate.com. There are I think 7 other states doing this same thing. It’s on the website. There is a phone number on the bottom that you can call to talk to Paul Preston about it if you have questions.

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I see there is a link to The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate on the newcaliforniastate website. I know Matt Trewhella personally. A true warrior! Maybe Dr. Malone can address that concept in one of his upcoming articles.

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I wish you well in this endeavor. The Constitution requires the consent of Congress before this can be successful. Democrats will never permit this.

I have been blogging on Wordpress and on Substack in favor of national level secession. My map for a new America includes inland California: indeed, most of California that is not between the SF Bay Area and LA.

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I see that you didn’t read my reply very well. We are sending Representatives to Congress in the next few weeks. Speaker McCarthy is aware. So is Gov Newsom & every one who needs to know. Don’t count out the Democrats going along with this because to bail out California is financially out of the question. Second, we have NO INTENTION TO SECEDE from the United States. That is a recipe for disaster. Also there are 7 other states doing exactly the same thing as New California. This movement is too big to stop. If Congress doesn’t approve it now they will soon. New California wants to go back to a version of its original constitution, not live by the corporate constitution that is in effect now. California is the economic engine of the United States. Secession is not in the cards. If you go to the website you will see a map of New California. It is 90% of the land, half of the population. Urban v. Rural.

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LOL You didn't read my reply very well, or connect with reality very well. Take a look at the map here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election_in_California

Lotsa luck! Yukyukyuk I won't hold my breath!

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This is completely false. Apparently you missed my comment about the voting machines. California is a red state except for LA SF ALAMEDA county. President Trump won by a massive landslide. We have proof. I personally don’t have the proof but New California does. You don’t know how many supposed elected officials on city council’s & election boards have resigned because of us. You would be quite surprised.

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Proven Voting Fraud! Government Programmer Testifies Voting Machines are Rigged.


US Lab Says Electronic Voting Machines Easy to Hack 3:08 min


America's Voting Machines Are Extremely Vulnerable to Hacking 5:13 min


Why Electronic Voting is a BAD Idea - Computerphile 8:20 min


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Jan 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Pfizer and their Big Pharma competitors have no interest is changing their push to create mRNA injections that reprogram cellular function! It’s full speed ahead and the race to grab the gold ring will not abate! Only an enlightened population that rejects injections will stop this medical crime against humanity!

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

That’s the ticket...an enlightened population.

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We may not have much of an option to reject the shot since it looks like they may aerosolize the vaccine. Maybe those contrail conspiricies will now come true.


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Jan 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am so sick of our government, the world governments, and the damn elites trying to kill us. Just ranting

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And not one "journalist" employed by our "free press" could find that STAT News piece and draw some conclusions? Of course not, because all 6 media companies that control the news were paid by HHS to promote, sell and persuade in behalf of those very safe and very effective (at killing) so-called "vaccines."

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Beats me they don't list death as a side effect. Seems an obvious choice, based on the data.

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It so sickens me to see EUA for babies and children. How could a company knowingly inject this into a 6 month old baby?

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Jan 29, 2023·edited Jan 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I think even Dante couldn’t see this depth of evil satanism or he would have created a 10th circle.

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Corporate Sociopathy

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At least they're admitting side effects now!

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

According to Pfizer CEO Bourda in a TV interview, the only side effects Pfizer has found with their Covid Vaccine are all "minor". In real life of course we know different. Can Bourda be charged with any Crime for spreading "misinformation"?

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Just to clarify, this interview was done this past week which makes it all the more concerning,

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have a 44 double sided document in very small font that lust all the possible side effects (it’s 3 year old so maybe there are more at this point) which I learned about through a substack (Dr Malone was that you?) I have offered the document to many but few wish to see it. Honestly, most couldn’t read it because the font is so small.

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Jessica Rose PhD did this substack on “safe & effective “ listing all the side effects Pfizer noted https://jessicar.substack.com/p/safe-and-effective

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The War Room/Daily Clout Pfizer Document Analysis Volunteers’ Report ebook available at Amazon details the side effects Pfizer tried to hide for 75 years. I have no idea if PfizerMediaRelations@pfizer.com is aware that there is a detailed analysis of the adverse events available to the public now.

I just learned that a lady I knew died in her sleep the day she got the booster.

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"I just learned that a lady I knew died in her sleep the day she got the booster."

Not like.

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I expect the autopsy, if there is one, will not go far enough to determine if the jab was the cause.

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Are those side effects disclosed as part of informed-consent?

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Dr. Malone,

As you suggested, I penned the letter appended below to the address you supply. I've done so without expectation of having any effect or response, but simply to acknowledge that the lives they have taken, disabled, and destroyed in so many different ways... we are out here and rooting for their misfortune and potential demise.


I am a physician, formerly practicing in the United States, who had his DEA License revoked for prescribing Ivermectin & Hydoxychloroquine to friends and family during the early and mid-stages of the SARS CoV-2 adventure in misguided management of a pathogen. It certainly has been acknowledged this pathogen has been developed through the auspices of enhanced "Directed Evolution", and its kissing cousin, "Gain of Function". I am writing under a pseudonym because my position in this world could not withstand further retribution.

As you and your revolving door accomplices at the NIAID, NIH, FDA & CDC know all too well… the EUA for your product hinged on the caveat that there was no "approved" existing treatment for the SARS CoV-2 moiety. Through a despicable campaign of suppression, the data sets and meta-analyses for Ivermectin were ruthlessly maligned and pressed home to the public by a sycophantic press. Your experimental biological agent (deceptively branded as a ‘Vaccine’) was foisted upon the unsuspecting public, who were denied the privilege of ‘informed consent’ any other experimental treatment would have required.

The video released by Project Veritas displays a young physician, Jordan Walker, who lacks any fiber of ethical training, is devoid of any moral fabric, and behaves like a panic stricken child when confronted with his own statements and conduct. He certainly must be the product of ‘WOKE’ affirmative action. He compounds his indiscretions by threatening to call the police and invoking ‘Racial Animus’ by saying he is surrounded by 5 while men and feels unsafe. A company which would hire such a person and promote him to an advance position has certainly lost it’s way, bent it’s knee to ESG pressures and forfeits any expectation of professionalism.

I put in 4 years of Med Schooling, 4 years of residency, 2 years of fellowship training which were instantly obliterated to maintain the fallacy that FDA approved medications, both with more than 30 years safety experience, were “dangerous” and my decisions “unsound” in prescribing them. All to maintain the fiction that your “DANGEROUS AND UNPROVEN” non-vaccine was the only hope for humanity.

My contempt for you is beyond expression. My loathing for your tactics and marketing is monumental. What goes around, comes around. I realize you and your entire board sleep well each night. So, at least, squirm a little for being exposed as the soulless, avaricious ghouls that you are.

--Retired in the Hinterlands of Medicine

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To quote a lame motivational poster, though true it be:

"There are two kinds of people: Givers and takers. Takers eat well, but givers sleep well".

I don't think these pharma sociopaths sleep all that well, without some serious meds. Looking at the looming WEF imposition of itself on the world, and it's insinuation into our lives with these fake scamdemics, chemtrail/HAARP/Nexrad induced warming and droughts, internally induced government 'racism', and the shutting down of the facilities that parasites like Gates et al own, we are looking into an abyss. I bemoan my failure to adhere to biblical principals, ethics that have been loitering in the back of the skull these many years. Suckling too long the teat of consumer delights and temporary pleasures left us all without the perspective of caution.

Time to get right with God, and be deliberate with whatever time we all have left.

I appreciate Dr. Malone and his regular updates from the malarial climes of Virginia, it is quite a sacrifice to live so close to DC... (I'm poking fun here, I loved Virginia when I was living out east 40 years ago! Even if they are governed by a gun grabbing malevolence. That Rob lives there makes it more appealing.)

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I've passed most of my years fancying myself a kind of ethical humanist. The existence of God was an unknowable illusion... so I chose to act Christ-Like as a personal choice of making the society around me minimally better by example.

Over the last 6 years since the 2016 election, I've come to realize that True Evil does exist in the world... that Satan does live in the hearts of a despicable portion of human hearts. And each passing day... my choices and swinging back to The Church, The Community of Faith, and The Existence of a intentional Creator... God. My first Holy Communion in 43 years was a coming home and a rejection of my personal Hubris.


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Jan 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Company is DYING and just doesn't know it, yet. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Thx for the 🤣🎯this week, Doctors. Hope the medical issues are eradicated soon...Know the tachycardia and hypertension can be a bear to deal with. Sounds like you're getting to the end of it all. Best wishes and prayers.

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What is all the talk about “ comirnaty”. That is just a fake bait and switch to deceive the public. They never released anything but the EUA bioin tech thing.

So why even talk about this fake comirnaty thing?

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I believe the original injection approved under EUA was granted full and complete indemnity and immunity from consequences. Comirnaty, which is now FDA approved, is not under the EUA, and thus may, in fact, be open to limited legal civil actions.

So, to protect themselves.... They get the FDA approval to trick people believe the JAB has been approved, but never deliver the Comirnaty to the American people to maintain their legal wall of unwarranted protection.

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That is the point. The vulnerability for them is fraud. Proof of fraud would de legitimize Their claim to immunity.

Seems pretty clear that this reality will emerge shortly.

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Whom ever gets the credit for finding the STATS article - THANK YOU! That’s a gold mine of evidence which I hope several people have downloaded onto their external hard drives! I hope Tucker Carlson will get a copy of it along with this substack & just maybe he will cover it in another show!

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Contact with Pfizer has been made. I stand with you. Thank you for your courage, the information, and your continued efforts on behalf of humanity's health and safety.

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for your humor, Dr. Malone. This all seems like one HUGE, tangled-up, knot of threads. If you try picking at one to detangle... the 'color' changes and throws you off. I don't know how they keep it all straight, even the attorneys have got to be pulling their hair out. I hate this deceptive crap.

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The humor definitely helps when we’re dealing with this madness!!

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

...that and a lot of prayer.

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