Jan 4, 2022·edited Jan 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for reporting yet more VICTORIES and adding wind beneath the wings of those of us battling for freedom, truth, and justice!

On another note, I wanted to alert you that I just sent the following request to a Substack support person I’ve been working with. I encourage others to join with me in making similar requests to Substack so there is added pressure to appoint you as their next writer-in-residence :-)

Email text below:

I'm sorry I keep bombarding you with questions and requests, but something else just came up in the comments at another Substacker's post, and I am hoping you can help me get this request to the right person.

Appointing a BigPharma propagandist like Eric Topol as writer-in-residence sent up HUGE red flags for a lot of Substackers who are fighting to present peer-reviewed science, expose MSM disinformation campaigns, and fight the increasingly totalitarian measures being implemented around the world. When Substack made that announcement, *thousands* of people registered their complaints in the comments, but the comments were then turned off and those voices censored. Topol did not permit comments on future posts and refused to debate any issues when challenged by credible scientists. This was a huge blow to the credibility of Substack and its commitment to free speech.

To restore some of that credibility and prove its dedication to free speech and open debate, I highly and emphatically recommend Substack appoint Dr. Robert Malone as its writer-in-residence ASAP. It would be a win-win from every conceivable angle. Substack would be restoring some degree of its tarnished reputation while simultaneously riding the tidal wave of traffic flowing in following Dr. Malone's titanic Joe Rogan appearance, which reached 50 million viewers and has been bringing in a flood of new readers. This, combined with a large portion of the half a million Twitter users who came to Substack after Dr. Malone was cancelled means he has been responsible for bringing potentially millions of new users to your platform. Appointing him writer-in-residence not only demonstrates Substack's integrity but also would encourage even more readers to join Substack as his popularity continues to skyrocket.

The tides are turning toward truth as the BigPharma-funded narrative is disintegrating daily, so Substack would be wise to plant its flag on Team Truth/Reality/Freedom before the full range of MSM-propagated lies and the psychopathic criminality of its BigPharma puppeteers become evident to the public, which is imminent in the wake of the one-two punch of Dr. Peter McCullough + Dr. Malone on Joe Rogan combined with RFK Jr.'s #1 bestselling The Real Anthony Fauci (which I highly recommend you read if you aren't already aware of the four decades' worth of irrefutably documented corruption; torture and murder of both orphans and beagles in agonizing medical experiments; and cataclysmic conflicts of interest caused by regulatory capture).

All that to say this is the moment for Substack to stand up for freedom, truth, and humanity, and I can think of no better person to signal that stance than Dr. Robert Malone (who will be the next subject featured in my new Profiles in Courage series, BTW).

Thank you for bearing with my diatribe, and I eagerly await a response regarding this request.

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Thank you!

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I already heard back from my support guy:

“Your feedback is very much appreciated! We're grateful you care enough to write to us with this request. I've passed this along to our community team.”

I thanked him and let him know I just posted my recommendation to your latest post so there may be others following up with similar requests :-)

Now, everyone, join me in recommending Dr. Malone as Substack’s next writer-in-residence by submitting a request through their support form:


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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Appointing a BigPharma propagandist like Eric Topol as writer-in-residence sent up HUGE red flags for a lot of Substacker"

Abso-frigging-lutely right. Substack is an enclave carved out by individuals excluded from voices with big money behind them. It is a fundamental betrayal of the idea of independent voices to favor one riding on Pfizer's coat tails. Stinks like week old fish.

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I encourage you to join me in telling them that and recommending Dr. Malone as their next writer-in-residence!

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Bloody awesome! (Im an Aussie and a real term of endearment 😆). Agree entirely to everything that you have written. Well said! Thank you

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Haha, awww, thanks, SimoneN! (don’t worry, I’ve watched enough Britcoms and Aussie comedies (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/recommendations-roundup-2-down-under-41b) to recognize what you meant by “bloody” ;-)

Now let’s make it so!

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Jan 4, 2022·edited Jan 4, 2022

Margaret, love the link that you sent me to your substack. Are you on Twitter? If so, you must follow (Dr) Geoff Wade who uncovers everything to do with CCP infiltration in Australia. We are talking about the breadth and depth of the CCP tentacles. All Premiers have a CCP United Front minder- there is evidence-i.e Dan Andrews and Marty Mei, Steve Marshall and Jing Lee, Mark McGowan and Simon Yang etc Their is extensive economic and academic penetration. Here is a very basic example -the current Queensland Premier's father https://medium.com/@gtablockchain/gta-foundation-chairman-mr-henry-3bfda91f3d18

And Bill Gates, WHO, Biotech https://www.uq.edu.au/news/article/2020/10/uq-congratulates-vaxxas-30m-partnership

I have also done some of my own research in documenting various CCP strongholds and sent to relevant authorities. Effectively, Australia is the next Hong Kong, Tibet, East Turkestan if we dont act now.

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I am on Twitter … marginally. I don’t follow anyone and, until recently, have only ever posted my articles and then dashed ;-)

I deviated from my standard Twitter protocol to call out the Illinois Holocaust Museum for introducing Nuremberg Laws against the unvaxxed (https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/kitten-corner-immersive-education/).

They blocked comments on the original post about their new Gestapo policy, so I had to post to their New Year’s Eve post (https://twitter.com/ihmec/status/1476934101420716034) and then their New Year’s post (https://twitter.com/ihmec/status/1477293543060230144). We need to keep holding up the mirror until they cease and desist on this discriminatory policy.

Back to your CCP infiltration comments—that concern did come up in a recent exchange with a New Zealander, but I didn’t have much info on that. Thank you for sharing those links—I’ve filed them away for future reference!

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Omg. We need to get a comprehensive and usable app or website with lists by state, of all these institutions, businesses, schools who have discriminated and coerced vaccs on their staff. And a way for those listed to get off the list. Let them know they are ON it, and how to get OFF it.

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This is a BRILLIANT idea, Terri! We need to document it not only to generate social pressure on these entities to drop their discriminatory vaxx mandates, Nuremberg Laws, etc., but also for legal purposes so they can be held accountable when the time comes. It will also help people know which organizations to boycott and hold accountable on social media, etc.

We need a term that captures the discriminatory nature of these policies: vaxxists … vaxxscists … ?

Whatever the term, it could be called The [???] List. Or The Hitler Awards ;-) Something to stigmatize bigotry against the unvaxxed.

If you spearhead this project, I will let my readers know, and we can start crowdsourcing the population of this list.

Could start as simple as a hashtag—look what #metoo (negative repercussions notwithstanding) achieved.

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Fan-FREAK'n-Tabulous writeup/request to Substack support, Miss Margaret!!! HE!! YEAHH I'll join you in recommending Substack appoint Dr. Robert Malone as its writer-in-residence ASAP!!! Made me physically ILL and just ANGRY as all heck when I saw Eric Topol was appointed. That absolutely disgusting, disgraceful, HORRIBLE move, on SO many levels, MUST be corrected ASAP by Substack. Seriously tho... your request was beautiful and as there's no way it could be said anY better, I'm quoting your request and sending to the link you provided. Thank you, ThAnk you!!! : )

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Wow, what a phenomenal response and thank you so much, Naunie4TrthXpsd!!

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I think yoUU are the one deserving of the thanks!! : )

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True, Margaret, Im so impressed with what you do!

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Aww, thanks, you guys 😽🌷🤗

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I am writing to you in hopes you will consider Dr. Malone as the next writer-in-residence, https://rwmalonemd.substack.com. This would be a great asset to us readers, as Dr. Malone is a highly credentialed scientist with excellent writing skills and a good feel as to what type of writing is comprehensible and of value to the layman reader as well as his own fellows.

Thank you for your consideration, truly John A Wing (aka, Mr.x)

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Great job, and thanks for sharing what you submitted!

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More than welcome, thank you for bringing this to our attention. lol, Im new here so excuse me while I learn. :)

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Done. Folks, ya need your substack URL in completing this submission. Click on your pic, it will show there. Otherwise easy to do.

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Margaret, I need your help. Please pray for us.

We are deeply concerned about the isolation camps.

On Jan. 12th at 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM, the WA State Board of Health will discuss applying current infectious disease WAC codes to include Covid-19 for all WA State residents.

• To voice your concerns, register for the live webinar here:


• You can also dial-in using your phone for listen-only mode: Call in: +1 (253) 215-8782 (not toll-free) Webinar ID: 894 7406 4216 Passcode: 957396

• Location: 101 Israel Rd. SE, Tumwater, WA 98501

• Comments must be in by this Friday, Jan. 7th at noon. Don’t wait!


• Allowing local health officers to use law enforcement (WAC 246-100-070) to force an emergency order to involuntarily detain a person or group of persons (families) to be isolated in a quarantine facility (WAC 246-100-045) following refusal to voluntary comply with requests for medical examination, testing, treatment, counseling, vaccination (WAC 246-100-040). These specifics come from WAC 246-100.

• Including the Covid-19 injections as part of school immunization requirements using WAC 246-105.

DETAILS HERE: https://sboh.wa.gov/Meetings/MeetingInformation/2022/January12Online







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OMG, that is terrifying, Dr. Carver! 😲

How do we submit comments? Are they open to people from out of state?

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I don't see a reason that you can't and it's worth a try. Thank you, Margaret! I sincerely appreciate your help.

Here is a link to the meeting agenda- WSBOH-Agenda-2022-01-12-Final.pdf (wa.gov)

Agenda Item #9 has to do with “allows local Health Dept's to set up isolation and quarantine facilities. And, in certain situations, send people to those facilities involuntarily. Against their will.”

Agenda Item #11 “involves a suggested "recommendation"--not a law, and something never considered by the legislature--to require COVID shots for children in order to attend classes at WA public schools.”

DEADLINE for Public Comments - 12:00 Noon, Friday January 7

Public Comment instructions - Provide Public Comments :: Washington State Board of Health

Online Meeting - 9:00 a.m. Wed., January 12 - Webinar Registration - Zoom

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I managed to finish my letter and was able to email it before the deadline, so you don't have to worry about my previous request :-)

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Dr. Carver, if I write a letter to the state board of health and publish it to my blog, can you register to provide testimony (https://fortress.wa.gov/doh/opinio/s?s=7028) under your name and then share my letter? I know the deadline is Friday at noon. I don’t know if I can finish it that quickly, but if you can register to testify in the meantime, I can get the letter published in the next few days and then you can share it at the Zoom meeting. Does that sound okay?

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How do we recommend Dr. Malone writer-in-residence?

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Here’s the link to the support form:


Just write in your own words why you recommend Dr. Malone as the next writer-in-residence (feel free to mention Eric Topol and needing a counterbalance to his viewpoint). I just want them to receive an avalanche of requests they can’t ignore.

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

That Canadian Powerpoint was too compelling and too well put together.

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Good afternoon Dr Malone, apart from the great read, I loved your choice of photos. Particularly, I relished the real seagull on top of a seagull sign, very funny 😆 I also very much enjoyed the photo of your property with the snow. It was lovely ☺️ I left Canada on 30th November to Mexico as I hadn't taken the jab and Trudeau has put a ban on the unvaccinated traveling out of Canada. I had lived in Montreal for 17 years and around snow. So your photo brought back lovely memories. Im a participant of a medical research by Dr Steven Pelech who is testing for antibodies. I received my results and it shows conclusively that I do have antibodies yet there is zero recognition in Canada (and elsewhere) of antibodies. I hate the vaccine passports too, so even if antibodies were recognized, I will never subscribe to a social credit system. The government does not determine what my freedom is, it's not conditional or determined by government mandates/edicts. I spoke to a friend today, two jabs already but will not take the 3rd, due to the lack of efficacy but did not understand that he will lose his passport. Thank you dear Dr Malone and your wife Jill for being so tenacious! I hope that an angel sends you a generator. God bless

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Antibodies are recognized in Switzerland. If you have enough you get a so called Covid Certificate for 100 days which gets you your freedom back... After 100 days same procedure. So natural Immunity defenitely counts in our country!

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100 days 🤔I really will never put up with any vaccine passport!

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

An exceptional article and I really enjoyed the last portion - the bird poised like a silhouette on the no-bird sign? That speaks volumes. "Brave Bird"

Thank you for your dedication Dr. Malone.

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What a wonderful human being you are ! THANK YOU for everything you do ! Thank you for being a light source during these extremely difficult and dark times ... Thank you for fighting for those who have no voice. Wish you and your supporters nothing but the best for 2022 and let Thruth prevail !

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The military are required to follow all lawful orders, even if it leads to their death. The question is whether the mandate orders are lawful. A string of court decisions indicates they're not. This government is increasingly lawless. Only we the people can make it stop.

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Parler, almost one year ago, before it was unjustly deplatformed by Big Tech giants (sound familiar?) was growing very quickly.

Agree re: rights of service members, and hope for the courts to uphold our rights.

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An observation on Mass Formation Psychosis and Dr. Malone’s apt comment on how the intent of the hypnotists to get the subject to focus on a vanishingly small piece of a complex system:

The content of the atmosphere is:

78 % Nitrogen

21 % Oxygen

0.9 % Argon

Notice how were up to 99.9 %?

The trace gases are 0.1 % including the Bubonic Carbon Dioxide - checking in at

0.04%, or 40 people in a 100,000 seat stadium. Every 5 years, another guy takes a seat.

So as the hypnotist drones “You are getting sleepy…” he swings the CO2 watch.

Non-conforming subjects are shamed, de-granted, etc. and in Dr. Malone’s chilling word about non-conforming Docs, “hunted”.

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Another masterpiece from Dr. Malone!

FYI - I will be mailing the transcript of your Joe Rogan appearance (as well as a link to the actual podcast) to the SCOTUS sometime today. I can’t guarantee they will open it before they make a decision for the vax-or-test mandate, but I hope they do! Much like you, I am doing what I can to fight the tyranny!! Thank you again for being such an inspiration!

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Thanks for being a calm but authoritative voice in this storm. BTW, that is a beautiful view!

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GETTR is controlled opposition and is controlled by big money. They'll eventually crack down. Gab is the only real free speech alternative to big money, big tech, and big pharma.

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More info on that that has just been posted: https://twitter.com/JordanSchachtel/status/1478408511411433473?s=20

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I too am concerned about Gettr as there is evidence that Miles Guo is a CCP operative. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1418816304836919301.html

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Please give details and references. Important to know if true.

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We'll keep moving. Thx. Nutting will stop truth. Love you all!

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Jan 4, 2022·edited Jan 4, 2022

Dr. Malone, thank you again for the quick roundup of science/news AND the Monty Python reference! Humor has been so scarce lately;)! Yes to the generator; best investment we made last year. If you would be so inclined, we'd love to see your Lusitanos!

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"Fourth Covid jab: We can’t vaccinate the planet every six months, says JCVI chief"

Fighting words at Pfizer HQ where desk jockeys are spurred to action with memos to its presstitute class mouthpieces and tech colludes to ban that as hate speech. Nothing more sacred in the halls of power than protecting hungry profiteers.

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Informed consent is a primary target of the censorship. I can't cite any studies, but I've experienced it first hand.

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Found on Google - Another rotten hit piece from Forbes that is illogically written (paid by Pfizer? Just saying), that tries to debunk Mass Group psychosis as real - references the Atlantic article to give weight to the argument against Dr Malone's reputation. Disgraceful. Have a look at the bottom of the page to see who this person works for and connect the dots https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2022/01/02/what-is-mass-formation-psychosis-robert-malone-makes-covid-19-vaccine-claims-on-joe-rogan-show/amp/

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These people signed up to protect our freedoms, not to have fear mongers trample on them.

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