For those that wish: please join with me on this Sunday morning journey with some music by John Prine -
Nothing better than some John Prine on a rainy day - or any day.
I went down the rabbit hole of youtube and John Prine and I found the following video called “Summer’s End”. It must have been one of his last.
The humanity of this video just blew me away… it moved me to tears.
If you are still with me and wanting more - here is another of my favorites:
John reminded us all - to take care of each other.
That we are not economic units, but luminous beings and that humanity is much more important than wealth. That we are all fragile and need each other.
Have a great Sunday and please take a moment to remember those who are gone, whose presence graced us with so much wisdom. Our lives are short and we all stand on the shoulders of giants.
Really love the funnies and all the emotions evoked in your post today, Dr. Malone.
If I may add . . . besides not being economic units, we are also not lab specimens.
Dear Dr. Malone - Thank you for starting our day with humor, humanity, and grace. You are one of those whose shoulders we stand upon.