Mar 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr. Malone. I look forward to your Friday Funnies and Sunday Strip every week. You give us a bright spot in all the darkness. We all need you.

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¨Have we tried throwing a politician into a volcano to appease the virus?" lol

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Sorry, nice thought, but Sacrificial Volcano Protocol specifies the use of a virgin.

Politicians might be compostable, though.

Further testing is strongly recommended, preferably with very large cohorts.


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Hahaha good idea !!!!

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The funny thing about these is they are not funny in that they are completely real. We all kind of laugh at them but they all hit home hard. The first one about watching build back better reminds me of how we were so excited to come to the end of 2020 and then 2021 turned out to be worse. Careful what we wish for! Personally, what has happened to this country (and the entire world) since the Biden administration took office may have brought this country to a state from which it will never recover. Three more years of this will do us in. Even if the republicans totally take over in the next two elections I have almost zero faith they will get us back on track because there are only a few of them I actually trust and quite often some of them show I should never have had faith in them. Sorry to be so political here. Lastly, as we have found out this has been going on for many decades while most of us were sleeping and many are still asleep. “Father, the sleeper has awakened “ was a great line in Dune and the world needs to shout it out.

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The first one reminds me of this meme from 2020:


If only they knew what awaited them in 2021 …

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Love these! Thank you.

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A welcome respite. Thanks Doc - I’ll take two on the weekend and check in on Monday.

At least the dopey Castreau is smart enough to know he is just a spokesmodel for some of the worst ideas in history.

ObaMao is so self-absorbed that he thought he was something more than a spokesmodel and droned incessantly, if never memorably about his shallowness.

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Someone refers to Trudeau as the Ken doll but can't remember who that is.

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FYI -- Last summer Vladimir Putin wrote an article about the historical relationship between Russia and Ukraine.


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The dominant narrative on the war doesn’t add up. It omits aspects of the conflict that our government doesn’t want us to examine. Here are a couple of examples:


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A great batch of funnies! The fog of war eclipsing Vax harm issue was particularly vivid.

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Marvelous humor. We sure need it and must share. JP was most effective with his parody and life jacket AE reports. Thank you for All you do Dr. Malone.

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Robert, what have I told you about stripping on Sunday again? My eyes still hurt from the last time.


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Marvelous. Where do you find them?

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Help me? OH HELL NO! If that's the case, you have a bridge to sell me too,, right? :)

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Thank you, Sir.

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So much truth in "funny" memes. #funnysad

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Lost Opportunity: China should have been on the chess board meme. Speaking of which, Michael Senger’s book ‘Snake Oil: How Xi Jinping Shut Down the World’ is outstanding and offers invaluable insights to any and all of us who are trying to get to grips with the past two years.

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